The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 23, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1908.
Involving Over $28,000,000 In
Texas Timber, Is Finally
Lumber Company Had Contractid
For Eight Billion Fset of Yellow
Pint Form Huaton Oil Co. Latter
Could Not Malta Good.
HOUSTON', Texan, Jan .-Settlement
wai effected yesterday be
tween the Kirby Lumber Company,
I lho Houston Oil Company and the
VMaryland Trust Company, partiea to
I a litigation in the United States court
1 for the Southern district of Texas in
which receivers were appointed on
February 1, 1W4. for both corpora
tions Tint named.
The litigation arose out of a lum
ber .contract entered into in 1901 be
tween the Houston Oil Company and
Six Wayi In Which It May be Vastly
Improved. 4
Tboro are alt way lu which the ai
rage dairy barn can be vastly Im
proved. .
Iq the Drat place, moNt of the etabk'
need hotter ventilation and light, limy
teed more and bvttw kopt window stir
fares and facilities tor changing the alt
without exposing the cows to drafts.
In tho second plnco, there should be
celling between the floor of the mow
nd tho cows. Iu bit run where hey fs
stored over the cows It Is dangerous to
leave the defective floor without some
sort of celling. Tim chance of flro is
much greater, and n snnltary condition
of the stable Is nlimwt Impossible If the
dust and liny ore allowed to fall
through upoti the cov.s.
Tblrd.-Tho stables should have good
floor. Cracks In the floor are breeding
place for bacteria, and they catch aud
bold an flccuuiitliitlon of 011b that Alls
the stables wltli bad odors.
Tying the Cows.
Fourth-Tying the cow onn be
greatly Improved upon, 'lie old fash
toned rigid stanchion In neither com
fortable nor convenient. The cows
should bar a mint II decree of freedom
at least. This can bo provided by the
newer makes nf stanchions or by n
chain or baiter. The great objection tu
the last two Is the difficulty of keeping
the cow clean, and right here Is the
llfth way In which the stable can be
th Kirbv Lumber Comoanv in which Improved. Fix the gutters so that they
the former, sold and the latter i1" kfP ,,p " f
i . uinu- t--i f .ii, aame time eava all the wauure. I have
bought eight billion feet of yellow; Jn Ufu m
pine lumber in Texas and Louisiana. ; M Aort mt when the cow would lie
The consideration, $28,20,000, to be! down aba could not keep out of the
paid in 40 semi annual installments ' gutter, I have been in other stables
ranging from $625,000 to $1,250,000. J where the gutter waa almply a couple
The lumber company paid the first , fS by ' placed upon the stable floor,
four inMallmcnts The Houston Oil S'rnrjtaT
Company did not possess ana coma w, accon)lll(M!ate ,
cows and give
not acquire as much as the stipulated ,mple rom fr yig down coin
quantity of eight billion feet The fortutily. Have the gutter about four
lumber company therefore refused to Inches deep and built water tight This
make further payments unless the , all the liquid mauure, keepa the
semi-annual installments were reduo jn nuA mk It much easier
td in proportion to the amount of o cWor the a.u bhia and the stoc k,
timber furnished by the oil company. , "ndl . Manure,
c i j -.i. . i i The alxtn Hut which come to my
Suit followed with receivership. j m0(, t U- Um h art mvtmi mwln.
On January 6, all the parties con- -4 . lumdiim, ,u manure. Throwlac
cerned met in New York to take tes-: it out of the wludow l lnanltary and
timony in the case. Negotiations for often Ineouveuleiit, The manure pile
compromise settlement were taken up aalnt the barn Injuring the paint
i.p and it is now announced that the at the same time losing much of
. .. , , , , . 1. , Its value as a fertiliser. The other
negotiations have culminated in j plnn of (bovell lUllt0 wtlMflunrr0Wll
ucnime agcrcmem. ,n(i wb.HllnK It out and dunmlna-It In
the points of difference. The conten
tion of the Kirby Lumber Company
is recounted and the . lumber is
awarded to that company in pay
ments, semi-annually of five-eights of
the amounts specified in the original
The Kirby Lumber Company is
capitalized at $10,000,000 and owns 14
mills and many miles of tram roads
in Texas.
Abientmlndod Prize.
Tee met '.ho moHt absentmtuded
man at Inst" said 4ho man who Is al
ways looking for freaks. "I thought
I'd found ltfm (n tbo college profestior
who wheu he went upstairs to dress
for dinner would abwntinlndedly go to
bed Instead. Hut Hint fellow waa dis
placed by a young writer who would
ut his loot up In n clmlr to tie bis
hoe and then, forgetting what ho did
It for, would put the other foot up In
the ctinlr and stand up In It .Thou I
met a woman who confessed to look
ing nWntmlmU'll,v In the back of her
hairbrush lusteml of her hnud mirror
Wheu she wanted to see the back of
nor head, and I thought she had gone
the writer 0110 better. But I've met
tbo king of the sbseutinlndcd world
now. Ho In a young mlnUter, and ev
ery onto In nwhllo. he wnltt patiently
half an hour for n cur In n street on
which no cars run. Hit hiu confessed
It but eve'ry once lu so often he does
tbo trick right over Again."
, . ' ' Irish Wit. ,
Pat O'lloojlgnu gave a dinner to
some of his friends. Ills wife lind pre
pared one chicken, which Put proceed
ed to carve to serve bin guests. Turn
ing to the ludy Healed nearest him, he
asked very politely:
"VVbat port will yea hev, Missis Mur
phy? ' ' "Ol'll take the leg, If yea plaza, solr,"
be anld. ' .
. rat next turned to a little Murphy.
fAnd what part iv the bird will yea
hev, young man?"
"ONI take a leg, if It plaze ye, aolr,"
replied the little Murphy.
Then Pat addressed Mr. Murphy.
"What's yer chotoe lv the bird? Will
ye bev the white meat?" "i i Ha '
,"0,111 take another leg, aolr, an much
oblcged fer , the .queetlon," said Mr.
Murphy,' who alway followed , hla
wife' example.
' Begorra," exclaimed Pat, "phwat do
yea think I'm carvln'-a spider?"-
Washington Post ,
BftM Announcement Regarding th
WsHniui Pure Food and Drus Law
' We I are pleased ; to announce that
1 Foley' Honey and Tar for coughs, oolds
; and lunar trouble 1 not affected by th
t.j.i..i 7v.. v.X TVnin law u It
the yard Is little better. Ue some kind
of a carrier, an overhead one preferred,
and unload the nmuuio right iuto th
spreader. The currier Is alwuye out of
the way, there nro 110 unNluntly plunk
sod trestles which ai u wcexnry If you
use a whecll)!trrav. the I'jaxir pile Is
avoided, nml all the tnnnure In unvod
The Story of an Arab Boy Who De
nounced Mohammedanism.
According to' history, there waa born
about the year 1530 an Arab boy
named Qeronlma lie waa captured In
Infancy, by the Spanish garrison at
Oran, and when about eight year old
be escaped from hla captor and went
back to hi family, living aa a Moham
mcdan until the age of twenty-five,
lie then volutarlly returned to Oran
and resumed the Christian life which
he had adopted previously when In
the bands of the Spanish authorities,
A few years later be went on a coast
ing raid with a party of Spaniards,
but the raiders were themselves icap
tured by a . Moorish corsair ' and
brought to Algiers. Hero the attempt
was made to convert him to Moham
medanlsm, .but ho peratateutly refused
to embrace that faith, bo that be was
tried and condemned to die. Ills hands
were tied behind hla back, and be was
east alive, face downward, Into a block
of concrete then being prepared for
the Fort dca Vlnijt Quatre Iloures.
then building. Careful note was taken
of the spot by Ualdo, a Spanish Bene
dictine missionary to Algiers, who
prayed the time might come when the
Lord would pave the way for bis ex
humatlon and Christian burial. In
1853 the French found It necessary to
destroy the fort and the data left by
Iloldo were found to be correct for the
designated block of concrete on being
cut open disclosed the bonea of Qeron-
Irao and tho cavity ion by hla body,
Tho bonea were removed Dec. 27, 18153,
and given Christian burial, and they
now rest In a massive stone sarcopha
gus' in the cathedral. A plaster coat
was made of the cavity and afterward
photographod.-Cement Age. '
And Mliayor Schmitz will be with
us soon again. Inasmuch as gafting
is declared to be no crime in Califor
nia, many a man in Sing Sing will re
gret that he did not go west when a
boy. ' .,
No medieln haa. ever done more to
ward warding off grip and pneumonia
and relieving the distressing grip cough,
than Kemp' Balsam,, the best 00 ugh
remedy for children mii adult, v. v.
. . . . 1 1
contain, no opiate, or other harmful; - r. a.0 eiyou 1 aec.ares ne nas no
, if .. . . even, thought of resigning. Admiral
OrUg, KH m wu.u. - - -1 ,, ... rm . a. . .
Valuable Suggestion For the Ladies
To reduce your flesh Increa your
To develop a bust got on the wrong
sldo of tho market ,
Kali which do not yield readily to
tho manicure may be driven In with
bammor. .
Brflflnnry may be Imparted to the
complexion by powdering with dia
mond dust,
To remove freckle pry them gently
out with a nut pick. Should this fall
try blasting.
The drooping lash, so much affected
by aome, may be encouraged by sitting
up late o nlgbt. -
Falling balr may be avoided by tap
ping;, nimbly aside whenever you so It
touting your way.
Ilnlr on the Hps may sometime be
voided by requiring the young man to
have before calling. ,
When crow's feet will not yield to
massage, fill them suddenly with ce
ment and amootb quickly with
trowel. Bohemian Magazine.
"GUnger of Wett Peint
The man wbo graduuted at the foot
of the class that year (1800) bad been
lx year at the Point aud had Just
aqueezed through at last-Harold S.
Borland, commonly known aa Ginger
on account of bla balr being the exact
color of ground ginger. Borland had
distinguished himself while reciting to
Captain Beuton in ordnance by a re
markable answer to the question, "Mr.
Borland, how many piece will a
twelve inch shell burst Into?" the av
erage number having been determined
well by experiment Ginger threw bis
yes, unexprosslve, but very blue, on
the floor and deliberated awhile. Then
alowly lifting them to a point near the
celling over Captain Bcntoo'a head,
till deeply reflecting, be Anally re
sponded, "Not less than two." Gen
era! Morris Bcbaff In Atlantic.
Brownson will have to flock by him
self for a while.
Largstt Crab.
In the American Museum of Natural
History In New York is a wonder of
marine life. It Is a gigantic Japanese
crab, measuring twelve feet across,
making It the largest In the world.
The specimen Is a type of the spider
crab, which inhabits tbo waters of the
group of bituuds forming the empire of
Japan. The body portion of the crab la
thov alxe of a half bushol measure,
while Its great arms could easily en
circle the figure of a man. Its legs re
semble poles and are' extremely elastic,
and If strung Into oue line they would
reach to the top of fonr story apart
moot bnlldliur. New York Herald.
This woman says that sick
women should not fall to try
Lydta 12. l'lnkhain'M Vegetable
(Jompouiid as she did.
Mrs. A. Uregorv, of 2:H55 Lawrence
St, Denver, CoL, Writes to Mrs.
l'liikliam: ,
"I was practically an invalid for lx
years, on account of female troubles.
I underwent an operation by the
doctor's advice, but in a few months I
was worm: than before." A friend ad-,
vled Lydla E. I'inkbam's Vejji'tabk
Compound and It reNtorcd me to perfect
health, auvh a I have not enjoyed In
many years. Any woman suffering as
I did with backache, bearing-down
pains, and periodic paIn,!l,ould not full
to UM! Lydla E. I'fnkham's Vegetable
Compound." - ;
For thirty yearn Lydia K. rink
ham's Vegetable Compound, nuvle
from roots and herlm, lias lieen the
standard remedy for female ilia,
and has positively cured thousands of
women who have len troubled with
dixplacementrt, inflammation, ulcera
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic painn, backache, that bear-ing-down
feeling, flatulency, Indiges
tion, dizziness or nervous prostration.
Why don't you try it 1
Mrs. Plnkhnin Invites all sick
women tu write her for advice.
She has guided thousands to
health. Address, Lynn, Mass.
The immunity bath seems to be as
effective in land-fraud cases as it is
with scabby sheep. T
Don't take cold, but if you do, don't
fail to take Kemp' Balsam to prevent
serious consequence. Nothing ele i o
valuable in treating eoagha and colds.
West Virginia joins the .demand for
national mining bureau; such a de
partment will come, sooner or later.
Indigestion, Rheumatism,
, Diabetes, Kidney Diseases,
Bladder Troubles, Liver - complaints.
Have you healthy kidney t If not, yon will toon be attacked with that
terrible Diabetes, Bright' Disease, Gravel, Dropsy or Bbeumatisu, and jour
health and happiness ruined. We have the only treatment that i a mm jure
for the dreaded Brlght'a Disease, Diabete, and ail ether forms of Kidney sad
Bladder Trouble. If your kidneys are not healthy. If the bladder Is inflamed
nd weakened, rine highly colored or cloudy, smarting in passing, palm hi
back, nervous, languid, depressed, weakened la bCj and bind, bowels eooati
pated and digestion bad, write for a box of Herington's Tablets sad be enroi.
RHEUMATISM is caused by aa excess of nrie add In the blood, isk say
reputable phyaiciaa, ask your family doctor, and he will tH yon thai the
Urie Add must be dissolved and drawn front the system before the disease
What Causes Rheumatism
Now w ay that th only medicine known that mfS actually dlssoho
this Urie Acid sad carry it out of the body is Eerinfton's Tablets. Local ap
plication such as liniments, electricity, massaging, eta, will afford temporary
relief only, sad is time wasted to the injury of the patient, unless eoostita
tional treatment I carried on at the same time. Whyt Because the malady
is a disease of the blood, and the blood must, be freed of the cause or no esre
can follow. :.
WftlTl TODAY Fill in th coupon printed below and Mad ft to ss
with 25 cent. We will immediately null to yon a liberal sued box of Esriaf
ton's Tablet. If they fall to CUBE yon w will return your ssoaey aa will
ingly as we took it Our guarantee It, NO CUM, HO FAT.
Our remedy will put yon on the r?d to health and happiness.
(imd Folds'.
Herrington Medicine Co Grand Eapids, Michigan, 1
I enclose 25 cents, for which please send, postage prepaid, 1 box Bering
ton' Tablets.
My Name Hy Address.
My Druggist's Nam
Lame Shoulder Cured.
Lame shoulder is usually caused by
rheumatism of the muscles and quickly
yields to a few applications of Chamber
lain's Fain Balm. Mrs, F. K.McMwec,
of Boistown, New Brunswick, writes:
"Having been troubled for some tune
with a pain in my left shoulder, I de
cided to give Chamberlain's Pain Balm a
trial, with the result that I got prompt
relief.' For sale by Frank Hurt and lead
ing drufrglsta. ; .
In connection with the prohibition
moveWnt, it is important to note
i f
that Mrs Carrie Nation has volun
tarily announced" she will herself let
rum alone.
Pains in the back, and aide may come
from the kidneya or liver. Lane" Family
Medicine, the tonic-laxative, and a great
kidney and Hver remedy, will give relief.
lank Books
Up to the Highest Standards,
After Strictly Modern Methods,
1 t-...-;-i--:V.
of Every Description
Our Facilities are the best and we
execute all
can pro
. " ..... , ' ..;....!..