THE MORNING ASTORIAN. ' ASTORIA, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 14. io. - THE MOMING ASTORIAN Established 1873. Published Dily Except Monday Tby IBS J. & DELLINGER COMPANY. SUBSCRIPTION SATES. By mall, pr year..... I7J By carrfcr, pr month. JR WEEKLY ASTOKUX. By mail per year, in advance...! uird aa ieoond-claM matvt jmy 30, 19U. at tb poctofflo at Astoria. Ore con, under the acl of Contract ot March I, 1S aarOnWr for tke dvltmUR of TBI Mom Dre&STOKU to eltbr nrideoo oc place or - - - Mr kh n 1 xla hw nnatal fni nr through telcftioi.o. Any lmirularlty in de Utirw ihonld h tumadUtlr noorttd to the oAee ot pubUcaUoa. TELEPHONE. Hill Hi. Official paper of Clatsop County and tie city of Astoria. WEATHER. Western Oregon and Washing- ton Occasional rain. , Eastern Oregon and Washing- ton and Idaho Rain or snow. A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EARNED We pay interest twice a year in our saving department. You receive a passbook on which you can deposit and draw out as is convenient. Scandinavian -American Savings Bank 606-606 Commercial St. little or no thought given to this huge artery of ours, but the national admin istrative sense has been at last aroused to the dangers that confront the whole Pacific Coast, and there is no reason to suppose that ire can be overlooked much longer It ia up to our Senators and Representatives to stand shoulder to shoulder with the California and Wash ington men and see that the Columbia figures conspicuously in the considera tion and benefits given to this immense and radical doctrine of coast defense, and we doubt not they will do it prompt ly and strenuously. PORTLAND'S "BIG STICK." Portland's "big stick", the Port of Co lumbia bill, is being waved with fierce ardor just now, by the Oregonian, as a prelude to its formal introduction to the people of the river district, via the "in rtiative" m June. Every day or so there ia a savage growl from the big daily on the score of the shabby treatment this darling of the metropolitan shippers re ceived at the hands of (6e courts last year and a string of threats as to what will be done with it this year. The fact of the business is, the Port of Columbia bill is not popular in Port land, beyond the radius of a few ship ping offices, and its acceptance there, as -costly and ineffectual expedient for jmere temporary control of the river business, is Very floutyful, The Oregon- SIGN THE PETITION QUICKLY! It becomes the bounden duty of the people of Astoria and Clatsop, in sheer self-defense, to sign the petition now before this public at the instance of Secretary Ed. Rosenberg, of the United Fishermen of the Pacific, and sign it quicklv and to the last man in the county. It tells its story very plainly, in simple, unambiguous language, and there is enough in it to inspire the last shred of interest we have in the salmon industry of the Columbia. There can be no question of the readi ness of our people to prosecute this fight against the niinons policy of the fish -wheel owners of the tipper river and for the preservation of the industry for which we are famous and which means millions a year to the community aside from the work it furnishes to thousands of our people. Read the petition and then sign it and urge similar and in stant action on every friend you've got! ENORMOUS SUM FOR EDUCATION, LEVIED, BUT NOT PAID. Thre is not a citizen in all America who, for one instant, ever believed that the fine pf $2,240,000, levied against the Ol J 1 vM Kef .Tmlna 1 anAXm it. ffosnel f W-risWw in tM. ration 3lauuaIli v" ""P -1 6 to the people who are expected to pay ian is mighty tut it has yet to justify 1 . half a million for a dubious privilege, and then continue paying year by year, imply to fill the pockets of a Baker's floien of conscienceless operators, in com meree that must sooner or later be done from the mouth of the river. It is morally certain that the law will never be accepted by the. people of Clatsop county under any circumstances -whatever; that it will be fought to the last court in the land. The whole prop osition is nothing but a raw tissue of buncombe strung on a thread of lies in volving the tug and pilot service here, that will not stand for a moment in the light of honest inquiry; and the Ore gonian may make up its mind that a "walk-over" for this palpable fraud, next June, is among the most dubious of all that the people will be called upon to vote for and will come out of the elec toral mill in tatters. We had it pretty veil shredded; but that is nothing to what will be done with it this summer. . Wje iwould like to join Multnomah in some decent enterprise for the commercial uplift of the Columbia River basin, but we gag at this infamous graft and are ft unit down here in our willingness to atand in the very fore-front of its impla cable enemies. It is among the worst! things ever submitted to a decent public, and what that public shall not know of its infamy by the dawn of election day will not be chargable to this paper nor this people. , ' o . THE COLUMBIA IN LINE. i It is quite within reason to anticipate, that in the event of any notable move ment in Congress for liver and harbor improvement, this winter, the Columbia river will receive adequate consideration, from the fact of its growing importance as a commercial factor and the huge railway enterprises that are centering in its basin. We need much at the mouth of the river and between this harbor and the mouth of the Willamette, and thence to Portland and shall be glad to eee proper attention paid to that sec tion, and to all points in the upper reaches of the great river; for the car dinal reason that every atom of im provement contributed to the river east of Tongue Point makes for the supreme essential amendment of the conditions here, since all that may be done else where is futile without the fulness of progressive work here and on the barj and aside from the commercial reasons that aTe accumulating steadily in this behalf, there are strategic grounds that will amplify themselves before many moons to such an extent as will give impetus to all that is needed in this locale. We have seen the years go by with Own 510 Buildings and Leaaea 60 More- Occupies 461 Acres. WASHINGTON', Jan. 13.-F1gured 1 dollars and cents the tremendous organ uatiou for public education which Ne York has built up represents the iuvest nicnt of the income from the enormous sum of $2,(MX,OOO,OO0. The entire cost of Fattier Kuickeifbocty'r's schools they stand today is nearly (100,000,000, according to the latest report of the Finance Committee of ho Board of Edu cation, a sum spent for education alone and equal to one-tenth of the annual appropriation of Congress for the var tous needs of the eutire country. thi $100,000,000 about one-quarter, or $25,000,000, has been used for the pur pose of sites, so that the value of the real estate in this city devoted to educa tiou is ou its present valuaton probably greater than that held by any one of th city's money kings. For the erection of school buildings $00,000,000 has been spent, thus making these holdings larg er than those of aiiy owner of skyacrap era It has taken more than $11,000,000 to equip these schools. The Board of Education now own 620 buildings and leases 00 more thus bringing the tot a owned and operated by the city to near !y 000. The total area of the sites oc cupied is 401 acres. If the area were cut up into building lots 25 by 100 feet and placed end to eud it would give a strip 23 feet wide and 132 miles long reaching for example from Xew York to Albany, all of which is devoted to the cause of education iu that citv. The total school attendance each day aggre gates more than the combined popula ion of evaua, South Dakota and Alaska. would be paid. It was a foregone con elusion that the utter limit of legal re sort would be projected into the famous case and that, sooner, or later, the need ed expedient, in contravention of the edict imposing it, would be found and worked. Popular opinion finds justifies tion in the steps already taken by the monster combine, and after a little while some hidden clause in the vast and in' tricate volumne of "law" will be found that will forever bar the collection of the stupendous fine, as well as the Judge who will be quite ready to admit its applicability. But all the same the peo ple are glad to know there has been one jurist who was immune from the spell of the Octopus and who did his duty as no one ever did it before in history. 0 Congressman Walliace of Arkansas gained tremedous applause among his colleagues by reading the first half dozen words in three of his speeches, and asking "leave to extend my re marks in the Record." Such brevity was recongnized on the spot as the soul of wit. Simple Remedy For La Grippe La grippe coughs are dangerous as they frequently develop into pneumonia. Foley'i Honey and Tar not only itops the cough but seal and strengthens the lungs ao that no serious results need be feared. The genuine Foley'i Honey and Tar contains no harmful drugs and is in yellow package. Refuse substitutes. F. N. Clark, president of the Colum bia Trust Co, left on Sunday night for Portland on a business trip. He will be gone about 10 days. Irritation of the throat and hoarseness little swallow of Kemp'a Balsam, the best cough cure. Grip patients should make a note of this. EVER WATCHFUL. Wu Ting-fang, who has been reap pointed Chinese ambassador to the United States, has embarked on the Pacific on the way to Washington. This distinguished Celestial is famousl 0T interviews and says so many bright things that he is chief favorite among the correspondents. ' COFFEE and tea; Schilling's Best,, is sold by about 9000 grocers west of the Rocky Mountains. Your srocer returns your moner If you doo'l like it; we pay him. A Little Care Will Save Many Astoria Readers Future Trouble. Watch the kidney secretions. See that they have the amber hue of health; The discharges not excessive or infre quent; Contain no "brick-dust like" sediment. Doan's Kidney PUIs will do this for you. They watch the kidneys and cure them when they're sick. Mrs. A. M. Hobblaugh, of 328 Grant street, Portland, Oregon, say: "My faith in Doan's Kidney Pills is stronger today than when I gave a statement for publi cation a few years ago in the citv papers. The years that have elapsed since I first used Doan's Kidney Pills (with gratifying results) have only in creased my appreciation of them. I have found the remedy to be thoroughly re liable in every way. I bad suffered from kidney disorder, backache and severe pains in my loins. My chief source of trouble was with my kidneys, which were very irregular in action. Doan's Kidney Pills promptly relieved me of all my tronbles, banished my backache, corrected the action of my kidneys and helped me in every way. I think just as highly of his remedy today, as when I gave a public statement some years ago." Plenty more proof like this from As toria people. Call at Chas. Rogers's 'drug store and ask what his customers re port. For sale by all dealers. Price, 60 cents. Foster-MJlburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sale agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. SATURDAY NIGHT SHOOTING. Fred Inquist Released on Bail No Corn Filed as Yet. Further particulars of the shooting of Jolu Miinliieu were learned yesterday, Inquist was released from jail on Sun day on depositing $260 cash bail. M million i at St. Mary's Hospital get Ungtilong .well, lie does not speak Eng lish and is uncommunicative, so that his story of the shooting was not ob tained, and nothiug could be learned from him. Inquist states that the in jured man came to his place, intoxicated, and asked for $3, which was refused him, Inqiiixt not having the money in his pocket. .Mauiiien insUted that ths W be token from the cash register. Again being refused he created a disturbance and Was ordered from the place. He then attempt to assault Inquist with a grip sack which he carried, and Inquist, having drawn hi revolver from buueath the bar, is not aware as to whether the revolver was discharged by a blow from the grip, or whether he pulled the trig ger in his excitement, He claims that he did not intend to shoot, but to frighten hi assailant. As he ewung the grip at InquU, Manniu attempted to crawl over the bar, whether to aasault the proprietor or to take the money from the cash register is not known. Wliile a charge of assault with a deadly weapon is booked against Inquist in the city prison no formal complaint has been sworn out. The result of the victim's inuries will probably be awaited before a complaint is filed. TO CATARRH SUFFERERS. Good Advice and Liberal Offer From Well Known Astoria Druggist. T. F. Lauriu has been advising all who suffer from any of the symptom of eatarrh, such as offensive breath, dryness of the note, pain across the eyes, stop page of the nose, discharge and drip pings in the throat, coughing spasms and general weakness and debility, to use Ilyomei. He goo so far as to offer to refund the money to any uer of Hyomel who is not perfectly satisfied with the results. tjuk-k relief follows the use of the Ilyomei treatment; the stoppage of the noise is removed, the dropping ceases, the breath becomes pure and sweet, and the catarrhal germs are destroyed and their growth, prevented. Hyomel J t surest, simplest, quick est, easiest and cheapest way to cure catarrh. It does not drug and derange the stomach; it goes right to the seat of the trouble, destroying the catarrhal germs and healing and vitalizing the tissues. Co to T. F. Laurln today and buy a complete Hyomel outfit foi" $1.00 with the understanding that if it does not give satisfaction, your money will be refunded. We are the people, Our demands should be respected. Give us good homes, plenty to eat and comfortable clothes. Give us education, training and good society. Give us good fathers and mothers. Give us Chamberlain's Cough Remedy when we have coughs, colds or whooping cough. We are entitled to the best and should have it. We are to inherit the earth. Prepare us for this great responsibility by giving us what we demand, and we will become honest, industrious, upright citizens, proud of our ancestry and loyal to our country. ALL RIGHT I LET HER GO! PARIS, Jan. 13. The Matin reports that conferences between Premeir Clem enceau and the French representatives at Berlin and Tangir muke it practically certain that there will be no necessity of modifying the French policy in Morocco, Save Some Money French papers are beginning to talk of the Panama Canal as an assured fact, and of the time when a direct voyage can be made from France to its island possessions in the South Seas. The short cut from Europe to the Pacific will be appreciated, and Uncle Sam will be glad to have performed a great service to the commerce of the world. How to Avoid Appendicitis. Most victims of appendicitis are those who are habitually constipated. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup cures chronio con stitpation by stimulating the liver and bowels and restores the natural action of the bowels. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to take. Refuse substitutes. T. It. Lanrin, Owl Drug Store. From now until Febu rary 1st. HOW? Read This The woolen bouse which I represent has notified me that they have made great reductions on 100 patterns of up- to-date suitings In order to make room for their spring stock. Ia order that you may take advantage of these bar gains I will make you ft suit or over coat ti order and save yon -three to seven dollars. Remember, your time is limited, so order now. Carl E. Franseeni ASTORIA'S LEADING TAILOR, ., 179 Eleventh Street. Phone Main 3711 Books and Stationery Wholesale and Retail. X Magazines, Newspapers, Office Fixtures and Sup" X rt1ist T)wi1 An 14 n 1 An ff Vi a- W jY.v?t a wnvuivni0 uovuuniO waaui id) Maps, and Music. Lv Large and Complete Stock of Typewriter Paper and Ribbons. Special Subscription Agency for all the Leading Magazines. E. A. HIGOINS CO., MUSIC HOOKS 8TATIONFBY IMMMIMIMIIMMMMMMOMMmiMtlHIMIIMM THAT DINNER WILL NOT BE COMPLETE WITHOUT SOME OF OUR SELECT TABU WINES A PARTIAL LIST TO CHOOSE FROM. SWEEj. wines Old Port Tawny, rich, light color. Old Sherry Pale, clean, nutty. Angelica Soft, agreeable, full Muscatel Very fruity, sweet. WHITE WINES ' Riesling Medium light table wine. Sauterne Natural mellow, pronounced flavor. Chateau Yqnem Full bodied Crerae o' Sauterne. -1 PHONE iSSi PROMPT DELIVERY " J AMERICAN IMPORTING CO. 589 Commercial Street Sparkling See Dry-Fragrant, eft, and veaoent. RED WINES Zinf andel-Ciean, light table win. ' i Burgundy-Medium bodied, mellow. Sparkling Burgundy Brilliant, pics, ant. Grape Juice, Maraschino cherries, fruit and Cognac Brandies, and a fall line of Cordials. Seattle Fisli Met ' 77 Ninth St., near Bond . 'Fresh and Salted Fish., . Game and Poultry, Groceries, Produce and Fruit Imported and Domestic Goods. P. Bakotitch & Feo, Proprs. Phone Red 183 A Chance for Quick-Steppers , 'We are letting ft merry ollp for shoe sellers to waits to. The quick-step prices we hare put on winter shoes should quicken their going. It should also quicken the steps of everyone who cares for a bargain in fine shoes. OUR SPECIALTY LINE of Loggers shoe guarantee satisfaction to the wearer. None better, but a leader of all. M3 Bond St., opp. Fisher Bros. Co. , S. A. GIMRB JOHN FOX Pres. F. L. BISHOP, See. ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK. Treat. - ' NELSON TROYER, Vioe-Pres. and Supt, ASTORIA IRON WORKS DESIQNER3 AND MANUFACTURERS OF THE LATEST IMPItOVKB .... v o "uvumwj, luoimw juu&iiJtd dUU DUllua wmruria CAaNXBx OUTFITS FUBWTSTfltn. Correspondence Solicited. Feot of Fourth Street