THE MORNING ASTORIAN, .STOMA, OREGON. THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1908. t COME TO OUR Jauuary CleaH-up sale And bave Money. v JALOFPS "The Style Store" Commercial' Street V Joint Installation Cithing Post, Xo, 14. i. A. R and dishing Women's lioliof Corps, No, 8, !' Kl a joint installation Inst evening ami a wry enjoyable time was sent by the veteran and their ladies. Music, refreshment and a social time wore in dulged in ami the following otllccrs were installed for the tnmunjj year: Cushhig lwt, Xo. U: Commander, 0. K. Morton; senior vice eommaiuler, H, C. Welch; junior viee-eomniander, 11, Willson; Q, M A. Sehorooekau; ehnplain, C. ,S. Wright; atljutant, W. C. Shaw; sur- geon, A. D. Craig; officer of the dav, P. L Taylor; officer's guard, K, R. Brown guard. ,1. V. Welch; (J. M., Sargt.. Thos. IValey; sergeant-major, dossman Timmons. Women's Relief Corps, No. 3; I're-i .lent, KliniMh Rich; S. V. 1'., Grace Lealhi; .1, V. 1'., Jane .lelfers; treasurer, Uowene Springer; secretary, Moltic (!il hniigh; chaplain, Kiln Hamlin; eoiidue tor, Sophia Hall; guard, Pauline Zeiglcr; P. I., Charlotte Kkstroiu; musician, Irene Johnson; color liearers Mollie Staples, Sarah FastahcnJ, Kredreka Matt huh. Lucy lngall. Streets Are Closed City Superintendent of Strwts Kear ney yesterday closed Eleventh street from Franklin to Duane and Exchange street from Tenth to Twelfth. These streets have been declared unsafe and will be closed until the ordinance relat ing to the improvement of the aforesaid streets can be acted upon. A remon strance was filed against the permanent improvement of these thoroughfares and 11 is up to tne council to take some action in the matter as soon as pos Bible. DONE BY DEEDS. Walter C Smith and wife to A. E. Philleo, lot 3, block 30, Plaza $225 Frank Patton et al to Mrs. Char lotte Effler, lots 9 and 10, block 2, Hill's addition to Ocean Grove 05 Fannie Griffiths to Charlotte Effler lot 1, block 14, Bradbury's second addition to Ocean Grove 60 Foresters Install Court Astoria, Xo. 8, Foresters of America held its annual installation of officers last evening and the following members of the order wilfTldmimster its affairs of the coming year. Chief ranged, O. Gearliart; sub chief ranger, E. 1?. Winter; financial secretary, tt. C. Fos ter; recording secretary. Geo. Dyer; senior woodarj, Chas. J. Olsen; junior woodard, Lloyd Minard; senior beadle, Geo. Olsen; junior beadle, G. A. Minard; trustee, F. J. Frederick; lecturer, II. M. Brownell; treasurer, F. P. Leinenweber. A social time was enjoyed by the For esters present and music, interspersed with social converse helped to pass the time. A delicious repast was partaken of and the new officers congratulated on their new honors. J. C. T. Althouse, of Portland, was a visitor to Astoria yesterday. Is Convalescing Rapidly Captain Wicklund, of the Point Adams live-Saving station, is rapidly recover ing from some painful injuries received about three weeks ago in a runaway tiecidei.t at Fort Stevens, lie was thrown from a buggy in which he and one of his tfien were traveling to the look-out station at the foit, and the wheel of the vehicle struck him heavily leaving severe bruises from his right knee to shouMer, and housing him up for more time than he likes to think nltuut. He is still on crutches, but will soon dis ense with them, a conclusion he, and his friends, will be glad to acknowledge. State Federation of Labor The Federation of UxUtp met in ses sion, yesterday forenoon, and took up matters of interested to organized labor. The morning session was taken up in discussing the matters presented and a clear understanding was had by all the delegates present. Several reso lutions were presented and the afternoon was devoted to discussion on these reso lutions. The convention will meet again today. WATERFRONT ITEMS Little Doing on the Bar Going or Coming Yesterday. THE SHIP RAJORE DOCKED The St. Helens Arrives Down With large Load of Lumber Breakwater Due to Leave Tomorrow The Annie Campbell Arrives From up Rivet. On the liar esterday the conditions were not as would be desired. A I 4 o'clock the wind was from the east was blowing at a late of 3U mile an hour, while the weather was rainy and loggy. At noon the wind wa from the east, 15 miles an hour. The weather twin cloudy and the bar rough. Several vessels are due down the river and they will cros out us condition will permit. Annie M. Campbell ar ! p. m. yesterday. She Mrs. Sarah Ross will leave on the loth for a visit to California, and will be gone for about six weeks. 33rd Annual Clearance Sale Twenty per Cent. Discount on Each and Every Article in Our Stock. i' Wy 1 Special sale of Steel Ranges. This range is all blue steel body, drop door feed, full nickel trimmed and asbestos iked. Special $25 We are overstocked on Heat ing stoves and as special In ducement we are offering 25 per cent discount on all of cur beating stoves. Our endless stock of Rugs in all sizes and qualities are , now offered at reduced prices. , . 'v.wij"'cmri;i Straight Chairs and Rockers. Our full line of delayed holi day stock is now on display at the usual 20 per cent discount A full line of Couches, up holstered in leathers and veloir are now on display at sacrifices. i Napoleon Beds in oak, ma hogany and birdseye maple. Prices range from $17.50 to $75. Thirty-threeYears in Astoria Established in 1875. The schooner ived down at is lumber laden and will leave lor San Fraucin'o as soon a condition will allow. The lileuaivon arrived dou venter- lay, and will leave out as ouu a .she can. The Crelliou, iu tow of the Okluhama, nine down )eslcrday and i ready to go to sea. The following bulletin was posted last night, at the Western I'nion otlioe: Southwest storm winning ti p. m.j Port Crescent, west; Port Angeles, Belling- ham. Port Towiwiul, Everett, Seattle, Tacoma, Anacortes, Aberdeen North Head. AstoN.i, Marshlidd. A storm of decided character is approaching Van couver Island and will cause southeast erly winds tonight and Thursday. The British ship Kajorc. which has Iwen lying iu the stream, was docked yesterday and the balance of her cargo is being discharged. When the full ex tent of the damage is determined she will la' reloaded and proceed on her way. The Lurliuc did not arrie down last night until nearly 0 o'clock. She brought la shipment of hogs, for local consignees, and left up on time, with a good pas senger list and a fair load of freight. Ed Donnelly, at the I.tiHine dock is disconsolate. Ed had two cats, who were ratters, ami they were fed ami pamKred by their master until they knew the name of "HI" as well as any of his children. One niylit during the present week a man apicarcd at the dock, with two hounds iu leash, nnd asked that he lie allowed to leave them over night as he proposed to ship them to Deep Ilivcr the following morning. I'M, with his customary civility, nnd good nature, permitted the dogs to be tied up in the wareliou-c and the next morning it was discovered that one of the dogs had slipped his collar, and there was a disembowelled feline on the w harf. When Donnelly discovered the condi tion of affairs, the next morning, tears rolled in his eyes, and looking at the cold distillled eorp-e of his pet, he ex claimed, between his Holm: " the that asks me to let a dog tay in this warehouse again. I wouldn't lose Hermodius for all the dogs in this country wow." Ed has only one cat now. Patronize HOME Industry and buy ft box of choice Clatsop County Apples We have Fifty Boxes, selling from 75c. to $1.25 the Good Cooking Butter 50c the Roll. Acme Grocery Co. The Up-to-Date Grocers. jn COMMERCIAL ST. PHONE Mi Mandamus Proceeding Vesterday morning Max (!. Cohen, the young attorney of Portland, arrived in this city armed with a writ of mamlamu directed to the olllccis of the Oregon State Federation of Uihor, now In uu nmil convention hew, and to its com mittee on credentials, summoning them to appear before the horoiiahlc- circuit court for the Fifth Judicial District for Oregon at 1 o'clock next Saturday after noon. The suit Is broiiL-ht at the In stance of E. 11 Hadding, a delegate from the IVilliind local No, 10, of the Painters, I'aperhangers Jt lVcorators' t'lilon, whose credentials were turned down in that convention on Monday last. for certain alleged causes; and for his restitution to proer standing and recog nition and for the annulment for the proceeding of the convention. The pa hts were nerved yesterday forenoon, and In obedience thereto, President ('has. (iriun; serctary, T, M, t.calo, and Messrs. J. L, 1-e.lridge. I. McDonald, L. Jamison, Arthur Moffatt and C. H. Thompson, committer on credentials, will apear and make due answer as prescribed. The matter i eculiarly pertinent to the councils of latwr and involves the personal standing of the complainant and the ri)jht of the Federa tion or of its committees to dispossess a duly accredited delegate of hi seat and voice in the convention. Official and Fraternal (irsnd Chancellor John M. Wall, of IlillslMiro, and timnd Chief Keeper of ltecords and Seals I,rtnis H. Stiuson, of Salem, leading olluers of the great Pythian order, for the State of Oregon, arrived iu the city yesterday to oll'tciall)' visit ami inspect A-tor bulge, No. t). Knights of Pythias, mid to meet the brethren thereof in friendly spirit. They were in the capable and fraternal hands of Mayor Herman Wise when hist wen, mid it is safe to assume that they wen able to take this morning's express to Portland, from whence they will con tinue their 2 M m j miles of fraternal cir cuit lieforc liiiisliiug the work they have cut out. Special honors were paid them last evening at Astor Lodge and a genuine go.xl time was hail by all who had the pleasure of lieiiig present. ASTORIA'S PROSPERITY. The strain schooner St. Helens ar rived down, yesterday morning, and cleared at the custom house. She carries 1,300,000 feet of lumber, 175,000 of which was loaded at Rainier. Oil barge Ko. 3 is due down the river today. The Breakwater, for Coos Bay, is due to leave out tomorrow. ' The schooner Luzon left San Pedro for this port yesterday. The German steamer Tiberius, from this port, arrived at Muoran, yesterday. The German steamer Alesin, from Portland, arrived at that port on Tucs Tuesday. The schooner Luzon left San Pedro yesterday, for the Columbia river and will load lumber for California. The German ship Gertrude which was chartered to load flour and grain, at Portland, arrived at hat port on Tues day night. Lively Days in Retail Business. Anybody that thinks the people of this community is poverty-stricken, on account of tin- money flurrv, is badly mistaken, and a visit to the big sale now noil)" oh is proof positive of all we have said. As a matter of fact the ix'ople are more liberal to buy the neces sities of life now than a month ago, as the supposed money panic is now on Its lat legs, nnd everything looks bright for the most successful times by spring that Astorians ever saw. I his vear will be a record-breaker in almost every line of trade. Danziger & Co. found it impossible to wait on the big crowds of last Saturday at certain hours of the day. Mir. KHer of the firm said you give the Astoriana a big bargain and they will soon produce the cash to buy it with. This year's sacrifice is the greatest we, as any other reliable house ever announced, and fine goods and the receipts are more than double for the corresponding time of last year. BUSINESS PRESSURE, Causes Delay in Reply Embassy. to Japanese Lane's Family Medicine cannot save all doctor bills, but can save a good share of them. One two-shilling pack age has kept a whole family in good health for a $ear. TOKIO, Jan. 8. In connection with the successor to Viscount Aoki as Jap anese ambassador at 'Washington, the Associated Press has been informed that the Japanese embassy at Washington was instructed a week ago to formally notify the state department of the selec tion of Baron Tnkahira, at present Jap anese ambassador to Italy, and to ask if he would lie acceptable. No reply has yet been received. The foreign office at tributes the delay to the pressure of business at Washington. It docs not believe there will be the slightest hesi tation on the part of the American gov ernment In accepting Baron Takahira. NEW TO-DAY New Grocery Store. Try our own inlxturs of coffee the J. I. I). Fresh fruit and vegetal.. nouoHct t0 grocers. jTons Main 1281. The Commercial. The Commercial, Commercial (trvet, near Eleventh, as everyone knows, is one of the most popular resorts In As toria. Drop in at any time and see the class of people who patronise this popu lar place and yon will be satlsfltd that. In entertaining a gentleman friend, you have found the right place. A pleasant game of billlarJs. a little refreshment, and a quirt talk helps to pass a pleasant evening. Now at City Hall City Attorney Charles AhercrouiMe has removed from his old quarters atti be found at his office on the second floor of the City Hall. II 30 tf. Columbia and Victor graphopbones and latest record, at 424 Commercial street. A. It. Cyrus. tf. Oliver typewriters stenographers at A. Commercial street. and automatic U. Cyrus, 494 U. Palace Restaurant. A successful ytr has Just closed for the Palace Restaurant and a new year opens. This year will, to doubt, be a successful for this popular restaurant as the past If not more so. The manner of treating the guests pursued there can not but tend to hold the trade and bring those who hare never heard of the Palace. 0 REMEDY otrasa CoughColds, GROUP, , WhoopgCoiigh This remtity can always be depended upon and It pieunnl to fakt, II conulrj no opium ar other harmful drua and may be lven ai ceefl dently to a b.ihy at to an adolL Prlre 25 cents, large Hit SO cents. IIIMN llUtU If Ml IV tllfl 3IHOM HaVHB'HOlH dO NOUSnaOHd SHX HOd 18 3 M am NI saixniovj xeaonvi h BH0103 ANVH H)'HNO NI 4 m mm ' KJ4