The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 07, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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Jauuary CleaH-up Sale
And bave Money.
"The Style Store"
Commercial Street
A Very Funny Skit
Barely have 12 clever people ever suc
ceeded go completely in the rather easy
task of amusing the Astoria public, as
did Frank Damsel's "Are You Crazv!"
troup on Sunday night last at the As
toria Theatre. The skit has no particu
lap depth to it, but it serves admirably
as a vehicle for the cleanest lot of rol
licking fun presented here for a long
while. It is one continuous laugh while
the curtain is up, and of jolly gossip
anent toe snow, when it is down. Every
body on the yon side of the footlights
seems possessed to make the most of
part and line assigned them, and there
were no failures noted here. The sing
ing was excellently chosen and splendid
ly rendered and the dancing of Miss
Frances Fair and Miss Florrie Allen
(especially, the former) was of the
highest order and was the star feature
of the evening's work. The company
made friends by the score and will be
welcomed heartily when they shall "bill
the town" again. Without specifying
any particular people it may be said the
whole troupe is thoroughly equipped,
and deivers the "money's wort,
cent for cent and dollar for dollar.
You Dont Need to Send to Portlani
C. H. Orkwits. 137 Tenth street, cat
cover your umbrellas just a good a
they can any place on the northwest
No Teachers' Meeting-
Superintendent Clark announces that
owina to the holidays interferine with
the erode meetings, there will be no
teachers' meeting tomorrow afternoon.
When the doctor is called he asks:
"How are the bowels!" They are gen
erally wrong. His visit might hare
been saved by a timely dose of Lane's
Family Medicine.
G. P. Brown, of San Francisco, arrived
in Astoria vesterdav.
The count v court met airain vesier
dav niul, as 11 1 the previous session, tran
sacted considerable important business.
Hie following road supervisor wore ap
pointed: J. J. MelVrmott, Astoria: I'
K. Clinton, district, Xo, lj A. f". Dim
ran. No. 2; .lame Irwin, Xo. 3j .1. W ,
Johnson, No, 4; P. A. Larson, Xo. 5;
Christ Winters, Xo, tl; taster Louii-
bcrry, Xo. 7s A- 11, McMillan. Xo. 8:
Cornelius Hunt. No. I); Carl llagluml.
Xo. 10: Dan McLean. Xo. 11: John Nel
son ,Xo. 12: Ous Ground, Xo. 13; Henry
Hill, Xo. U; .lame Jameson, Xo. 15;
John Takola. Xo. HI; lVter Gulliekson,
Xo. 17: Aug. Jurbs, Xo. 18; and John
, Welch, city of Astoria.
It was ordered that the election pre
cincts be as laid out by the county court
at the last election.
In regard to the unpaid balance due
road district Xo. 1, from T. Oman, it
was ordered that he district proceed at
once to collect the amount due, and re
port to the court as soon as possible.
The clerk was instructed to write to
those receiving aid from the county, in
provisions, or otherwise, that they make
a showing to the court ut the February
term, that the court may determine
whether such aid shall continue.
The clerk was also intmcted to ascer
tain the cost of furnishing :t(K) road poll
tax receipts and report to the court.
It was decided that bids lie received
for publishing the county court proceed
ing. Hie court will meet again today.
Is Recovering
Clarence Tyler, who has been suffering
from mi attack of la i?riune. for the oust
week, has so far rescovered to be able
to be out on the streets.
(Continued from Pag 1)
lUggin had declined the. nomination that
was cordially tendered him ut the in
stance of Mr. DuiiUr.
This completed the elective work of
the hour, and cxPieiddent Welch ap
pointed Messrs. John Gralke and A, X.
Smith a committee of honor to escort
the new pieshleiit to the chair, where he
was greeted most kiudly by the retiring
chief ami inducted to the olllce with
many friendly expression of good will, j
President Nhollk'ld, 1 uu licief, sen
sible and manly speech thanked the
Chamber lor the honor done him and
pledged his faith and earnest denliv to
accomplish all that was cectod of him.
His address was most happily received,
and at its conclusion, adjournment was
taken. '
Immcdiatelv uiion the falling of the
gavel ex -President Welch invited the;
whole house to join hint in ait impromptu
huiiuuct he hud devised lor the occasion.
iu an adjoining room, aud hi summons
was one ot (he tilings to winch pertcvt
unanimity was accorded; and lor an
other hour the hoot and his frieud iu-
dillgcd ill coffee and sandwiches to tiieir
Ik-arts' coutcut. Speeches weiv made of
the happiest and wittiest sort, and many
good thitigs were said on alt sides, all
having to do with the past and future
work of the Astoria Chamber of Com
merce; aud chief of those pleasant
iiitiiuutions, was that made by Mr.
Welch, when he frankly committed him
self to the personal donation of a suit
able site for the lu-otioscd Carneirie li
brary for Astoria, the verv uift. and
sole requisite, needed to complete the
Patronize HOME Industry
aud buy a box of choice
Clatsop County Apples
We have Fifty Boxes, selling from
75c. to $1.25 the box
Good Cooking Butter 60c the Roll.
Acme Grocery Co.
lac Up-to-Datc Grocers.
sai COMMERCIAL ST. tmvt Ml
fartuthan, John Chltwood, A. A. Finch, become the aetaal terminus of a Irani.
continental road. Whll Astoria ),
Mis. G. C. Fulton, HelllKiru X Co., II
lloelter, Imperial Restaurant, H. M.
Leather. Win. MadUou, Isaac Bergman,
W. V. Pnlmherg. Scholtleld Mallon Jt
Co,, J. II. and A. M Smith. Ir, Jay
Tut tie, F. L, Warivn, U. It. Iliggln.
Those who contributed M..V-1iicair
lientul Co,. 'IWiisend Creamery Co . lint
Sehoeitliaehlcr, J. W, llabbidge. Dr. II.
L. Henderson, W. C. A, Pohl. A. J.
Taylor. 0 V, Urowii, J, A, Kakin, Hit
debrand. Mi. J. K. Gratke, $1.00.
Clatsop county for year, lK.
W made a nartiul exhibit of the
ikniimm now uu iwoi ior dial pumn 'wJlMt attracted tiuicU attention, and fa
1 1 . . - . .
Would you give twenty-five centa to
stoD your couch? Then set a bottle
of Kemp' Balsam and you will have
enough for the whole family. It cost
druggists 25c.
B. L. Braddock, of Fort Stevens, was
in Astoria yesterday.
33rd Annual Clearance Sale
Twenty per Cent. Discount on Each and
Every Article in Our Stock.
Special sale of Steel Range.
TMa range is all blue steel
body, drop door feed, full
nickel trimmed and asbestos
Special $25
We are overstocked on Heat
ing stoves and as special in
ducement we are offering 25
per cent discount on all of snr
beating stoves.
Our endless stock of Bugs
in all sizes and qualities are
now offered at reduced prices.
Straight Chairs and Bockers.
Our full line of delayed holi
day stock is now on display
at the usual 20 per cent discount.
i 1 Htrsj'ti,'L-i.yv,u-ir.:iii
5 teMMkmM&m
A full line of Couches, up
bolstered in leathers and
veloir are now on display at
Napoleon Beds in oak, ma
hogany and birdseye maple.
Prices range from
$17.50 to $75.
in Astoria
Established in
Taken all in all, there haa not been a
better nor liwlicr eion of the Aturia
Chaiutier (i( Coimnerce iu long month
and the impreioii is warrants! tluit
there in a broader and deeper spirit of
progress iu the memlienliip than ban
Iwn known in yearn. It wan a prime
itiieocsi! fnim nil view point. And the
Astorian only regrets that ireiure for I
pace forbids an ampler exposition of all
that wan mu,1 niul done at the lirt an-
lllllll KCKHioil of 1 111 IS.
Annual ivport of Jaun-n W. Welch,
prei.ident of the ChainU'r of Commerce,
for the year l!H)7.
To tlie emlMr of tli Chamber of Com
merce of Astoria, Oregon,
(ientlemen: The itevehth vear of till.
century tind the thirty-fifth year of the
exUtcme of thi Chamlx-r o( Commerce
has in my opinion been a very notable
one, nnd you may well (eel proud of the
work mat nu Ih-cii accompiiMutl by tin
iirganizatiou in advamilig the intcreU
of Astoria, Clatou count v. the State
f Oregon and the whole Columbia ltaxin
during the vear 1!H7.
I ithall attempt no loiijr reimrt a our
cHieient ollii-er, the awretarv and treai-
urer, will show in detail the financial con
dition of the Chamber to lie sound and
no waste of money has been permitted.
We have had liberal contributions of
funds by a few of our mot liberal
minded and progressive citizen, which
have been used under the nupervUion of
your promotion committee who have
siuveedcd in placing thi historical spot
on the map to Hlay.
Our membcTiliip nhoul.l include eveiy
person in our district, but also many of
our citizen are slow to appreciate the
good and benefit of a Chnuilier of Com
merce to the community. Our member
ship conii-U of one hundred and sixty
seven liroure-nlvc citizens, a train of
twenty in the hint year. Thu imnilier
hould be five liuiidivd contributing one
Jollar per month for their own bencllt,
and I recommend that the committee on
membership make an earnest canvass of
the district with that end in view.
While there has been much done in
the past nine months and the results
have been phenomenal, having received
over K'ven thousand letters in the last
five months, and while we are receiving
an averat'e of fifty lettcm of fmiuirv
per day all of, which are promptly an
swered giving complete and correct in
formation in relation to Astoria and its
possibilities, there have been ninetv mil
lion publications in different papers and
magazines and we have also published
and distributed about fifty thousand
pamphlets. In my judgment this work
should be continued. Please note the
names of the liberal and enterprising
persons who by their contributions
have made this work possible;
those who contributed $25 Astoria
Electric Co., Astoria National Bank,
Fisher Bros. Co., North Pacific Brewing
Co., Ross Higgins 4 Co., Herman Wise,
v. a. lirown, Astoria 1 itle St Trust Co.,
City Lumber Co., O C. Flav'cl, Peninsu
lar L. & T. Co., WVinhard Brewery,
Hammond Lumber Co.
Those who contributed friOOnrmi
Those who contributed $15Clco. W.
Sanborn, M. S. Copeland, Astoria Iron
Works, F. L. Parker.
Those who contributed $10 8. D.
Adair, Carlson Bros., Columbia Trust
Co., A. Dunbar Co., Foard & Stokes Co.,
I . A. Stokes, Van Dusen Investment Co..
O. C. Brownsville W. It. Store. c.
lender Navigation Co., Aug. Daniclson,
Damsigcr & Co., Prael-Kiirncr A, Co-
Sherman Transfer Co., Kendall Can Co
das. W. Welch.
voiahle comment. 1 would recommend
that this lie continued with a lull aud
complete exhibit of everything grown or
iiiatiiiiactnivd tu our county.
Astoria Harbor Improvement.
The Chamber huuld lnaUt on the gov
etiimet.t ettublinhing au improvement
and harbor district of our own. This Im
portant subject should always lie kept
iu miud, aa it is the uuly way that we
can imfclv guard alt intercrt for the bet
terment of commerce both local and
Harbor Lines.
The matter of curvature have been
dicucd to some extent. This U an
important matter and hould be settled
tor all lime at the very earliest date
Upper Harbor.
I In fair nhtipe and seem to be equal
to the commerce of that part of our
rity, but I think we should auk the gov
ernment for iln appropriation milHririit
to remove what is known a the (iilman
and Silva dn OranMV ledge So as to
accommodate a laruer clas of hln.
Lower Harbor,
Ha been Hhoaling for tome year
caused by tho dumping of debris by tlie
IjuI.I in the mUldle of the chan
nel. Wo alo callrd the attention of
Major S, W. ltotler to thi. nhouliiig
aud he kiudly replied by saying that he
would have the Ladd dredge at thi
point, 'which has been pnrtlv done, but
needs much nun work to place it in it
old condition.
I am pleased to reisirt Dial the eon
lit ion on the bar lire improv ing everv
y ear, and we believe with tl unpletion
of the iettv and the aid of a icmhI mod
ern dredge, that niilUcicnt depth of water
will If obtained to itccotiiitUMlnta ami
admit any ship that Hunts to the only
Iresli water harbor within 13 miles of
the ocean in the I'nited State. Thi
i hould nt tract commerce.
Thi chamber at all time should keen
id runes iroui lie sea. team f. iu
and Tauim it, ami with everything H
fail to aee why A. tor la ilmuld n.,i L.
, 11
come i ne one great ratort of a terrl
iry urni can and will In the near fultn
ups.rt a imputation of thirty mituj
I al tit rl.,1.. II.. II ,1 . . .
can never I a place either slt-litlv or
I-.-..IK..1 ....111 ... ,,. " . V W
.-"M...UI mh.'i ). na punt a rcuinia
wall and IIIW In her mud tdat i
giving ,-ouildeiu to would-be cittiena.
i. nouiiiig iu in way of the con.
summation of this great improvement
but the lack of energy and procre.,!
ne on our own part.
Our railroad are in nood ,ji,u.
and well managed. The North lu,,k
Hill road wilt ( flnihed bv il. rtr.i
Aiigii.1. the l.jile itoaa fa under aHuaI
construction, and iirellmlnarv -utU t-.
gnn on the led road. 1 would suiwmI
that oil roads lw JlUratlv treii
enwmaged a wo need tbem In our
Pilot Service.
There i. a well cuiulnoed ullnt Inn Lrl
on the Columbia Jtiver bar with 10 of
the mo.i widely enepricn,.! nieri on ti
coan a rilot l charge who g,- ,,,,1
diUli and no dlxuirr or delay art
caud escept by rondition of the bar
and element,
Quarantine Station.
U in gmid and ellU Ui;t rrvi.t a f,r
It g and is carefully managed, but
the building and grounds are not equal
Ui the growth of our commerce, Tils
organisation should make a cartful In
vestigation of thi important adjunct to
commerce and health and puH tl r.
quest we have already made through our
delegate in Outgrew (or an appropria-
(Continue, on Paga I)
Nw Grocery Stow.
Try our own mixturn f rr.,ii,
J. P. B. Freah r,,H ...i -.i.i.i
Hadollet Co., grocers, phone MoJn
Th CommerriaL
The Commercial, Commercial street,
near Kteventh, at everyoo knows. Is
one of the most popular rtsortt In As
trla. l)rp n at any time and see th
class of people who patronize this popu
ar place and you will be satisfied that,
in entertaining a gentleman friend, you
and a quiet talk help to pass a pleas p
evening. r 7
can or will exUt without good road into
the country and should eneouraue the
county in the liuilding and maintenance
Of road and 1 ugget that you keep a
walclirul eye on them. Iu my judgment
nothing will advertise your county at
much as a road from Portland to Senside
by the way of Clatsop beach.
Public Buildings.
We can point with pride to our new
court house and city hall. They are
equal to any in the state. ,
Mills and Factories.
This should be made the greatest linn
ber manufacturing center of the Coliun
bia river. We have more timls-r in our
county and adjawnt to Astoria than any
city on the cooat. We have quite a
number of mills with capacity of about
1,000,000 feet per dav but there is room
for more and I would recommend liberal
encouragement to all mill men nnd fac
Fishing Industry,
The salmon industry should be fos
tered by adequate laws to stoo th do
sirucuon or all fish that enter oun
waters. This industry is worth about
iHJ,utKJ,(HHj per year to our city and state.
I urge early action on tho tmrt of the
Chamber as soon as possible.
Common Point.
Astoria as a commercial city is en
titled to a common point on wheat nnd
other produce with Seattle nnd Tacoma.
I tie Columbia Hiver is the natural out
let for the commerce of the Columbia
Basin. Tho distance ifroin the wheat
center, Pendleton, to Tacoma is about
d.)0 milosj to Seattle about 361, in both
Instances over
.Now at City Hall
City Attorney Claries Abercromble
has removed from his old quarters at COs
be found at hit ofllce on th second
floor of the City Hall Il-30-tf.
Columbia and Victor graphopbonea
and latest record, at 424 Commercial
trcct. A. It Cyrus. Wi
Oliver typewriters and automati
stenographers at A p n ...
Commercial atreet. if
Plo Restaurant,
A successful vear . .. .ij .
the Palace Restaurant and a ntw year
opens. Tills yean will. ilo,,U hi .a
successful for this popular restaurant as
the past if not mora so. The. manner of
treating the arueata nurana.1
not but tend to hold the trade and bring
those who hare never beard of th
mountains nnd h
grades) to Astoria about 314 miles on a
Those who contributed 5-A. V. Al- wbore vo . JnZ, m if 8
n, Astoria cruahed Hoek ct T.f L!.. n.1,aul.three timc BS m!
whu one engine as you can to
Seattle, or Tacoma. Freight from Pen-
len, Astoria Crushed Rock Co., Theo
Bracker, Central Ijjuir Co.. A. H. Cvrns.
Jus. Finlayson, J. A. Fulton, Edwin Hob
son, Hop Gold Saloon. T. F. Laurln. W
0. Logan, Victor Miller. V. Boellinc.
H. F. Prael. A. S. fieh
ris Staples, B. L. Ward, Brick Hauke,
Allen Wall Paper Co., T. L. Ball, G. W,
a fresh shipment of
Lowncs Candies
Pound Boxes 50c
and up.
Boxes 15c to $2.50
dlcton to Seattle or Tacoma is almt
$3.00 per ton; to Astoria about $4.00
ler ton. Astoria should have tho Same
rate ns Scuttle or Tacoma which I am
of the opinion he will get on the com
pletion of the North Bank road when we
483 Commercial It