The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 07, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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    TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1908.
If all the sacrifice sales made in this city for the past two years ,were roDed into one they would not show half as many
Astoria's Greatest
Cor. Commercial
and 11th Sts.
Bold, Fearless Sacrifice of Over $5,080 Off the Begalar Price of $14,200
worth of Men's and Boys' Reliable and Fine Clothing, Hats and Furnishings. ,
The great double circumstance of New York wholesalers offering big discounts for advance payments of bills combined with
Danziger's tremendous cuts, make this the one grand money - savinfe opportunity of this century. Read the price reductions and
remember that they are gold bond facts of positive price cutting. That's the way we have always done business and always will.
Men's Finest Suits
The variety ' is so vast and complete that if
you want black, you gel it; we don't ask you to look
at blue. We have the stock. You get what we
promise here.
$4.85 for $10 Suits
fcC QC hand-tailored suits tfjC C,,:fc
$O.OD lOr uptoandincluding...Pl3 Ullb
$11.85 for SSu.yJT.r- $20 Suits
Some Steio-Bloch Suits in this lot.
$14.85 for L $25 Suits
This lot of S.-B. & Co.'s and other high quality
suits will more than come up to the expectations
of the most critical buyers.
$18.85 for VZ $30 Suits
Full custom-made suits. A most elegant line
Tbe best that $30 buys anywhere in the U. S.
Hats will surely do their share in this sale of sales.
$1.35 for Danziger's $2 soft hats all styles.
$1.85 for soft and stiff up to $3 hats.
$245 for Hawcs Hats. Never cut before, but the
time has come and they go under the ban of bargains
Yon know what Hawes hats sell at? Always $3.00.
Trunks, Suit Cases, Telescopes, Blankets, Com
forters and one thousand and one other articles are on
the sacrifice block at prices that talk.
Overcoats and Cravenettes furnishing goods
$4.85 for up to $10.00 Cravenettes
$8.85 for ...up to $15.00 Overcoats and Cravenettes
$12.85 for up to $18 Overcoats and Cravenettes
$16.85 for up to $22.50 Overcoats and Cravenettes
2,000 Pairs Pants
Read the price-cutting. You know they are
DANZIGER qualities.
$1.15 for up to $2.00 Pants
$1.85 for up to $3.00 Pants
12 35 for up to $4.00 Pants
$3.35 for up to $5.00 Pants
$4.35 for up to $0.50 Pants
This superb pants display will have the size,
color and style you wish.
BOYS' suits
Mothers, this department will feel the price knife
most keenly. You know the character of our clothes
for boys. Clothing that is made to satisfy no cheap
stuff. Note the price reductions.
$1.85 for incomplete lines to $3.00 Suits
$2.35 for incomplete lines to $4,00 Suits
$3.85 for incomplete lines to ..$0.00 Suits
Overcoats and Reefers
$1.85 for up to $3.00 Reefers
$2.85 for up to $4.50 Overcoats
$4.33 for up to $6.00 Overcoats
Knee Pants Just Half Price,
25c for broken lots 50c Pants
50c for broken lots $1 Pants
70c for Boys' $1 and $1.25 Wool Sweaters
5c for Men's tan. 10c Sox
8c, 3 for 25c black 12c Sox
15c for Men's fancy silk heel and toe ........... 25c Sox
18c for black casimere fast color, best.. ;...25c Sox
35c for full wool, heavy worsted heel and toe 50c Sox
More than 3,000 Shirts of all kinds, some away
less than one-half price.
35 for Negligee and washing, black and dark colored
.Shirts, best 50c and some better.
65c for regular Golf and Negligee $1.00 select Shirts
85c for Golf and Negligee silk stripe Shirts.' Bril
liant etc.
$1.35 for Swell $2.00 Shirts. French materials,
silk mixture, etc.
40c for special best white dress and stiff bosom
Shirts in neat patterns, cut fron $1.00. Broken sizes.
This immense stock of very choice garments will be
the center of attraction for all wearers of good under
wear. 40c for mottled sanitary fleece cut to 75c.
70c for flat face wool, several styles, cut from $1.
95c for two kinds best quality $1.50 wool and worsted
$1.15 for worsted long yarn, rib, slide needle knit,
special strong, $1.50 value.
1 5c for all 25c Suspenders.
35c for President Suspenders, up to 75c values.
(Continued Frm I "an 2)
Third: Said franchise to oblige tn
Company in furnish a good quality of
ga at rates no higher t linn i paid la
nl tier I'ilic of similar aire.
Fourth :i Requiring the company1 t0
pay to the City an annual license, tint
same a I being ail by t!i-r public
nrvl,. fnrimrution. hero ami elsew here.
Fifth: Incorporating provision for
five gas in the City hall and in the fire
engine houses now built or hereafter to
1(0 l.uill liy the City. '
Thce requirements, 1 nlunit, are not
unreasonable. If the receipts from gas
lights arc not a large a formerly, It Is
IxH-aime It ivpf much pooler quality, and
primp used principally an a fender to
keep i-omietitlon olf the traek. And
that i 'north something, is it not?
In I'oiiidnniciii I ak vour imrdon for
i a lenirtiiv message mu mi nw wm
n evcnttul years a year mni nn seem-
- I l. .
ed to me an age. o one who nss
ver tasted the bitterness of the alrug-
t 1.1 ...!..... I. .1.1 .1 111.... ..MM
in,, oeuwrn rin'iinnmii it,m
nuit realize the feeling: still, if, on a
result of the intense controversy, hut
one poop woman has a happier home if
but one child haa gained a pair of shoes
If but one boy or girl haa la-en kept
from going wrong our work has not
been in vaml
Let mo hope that the present year
may bring to you, to me, iuid to every
one, within the confines of this City
more health, mora Illumine, and that
calm feeling of satisfaction which ia
tho Fruit of Duty well pcrtoinneu.
Respect fu II v submitted,
,, Mayor
' At tho conclusion of the reading of the
message, the memliers and spectators
joined in a hearty applause. The council
then adopted a resolution fixing the first
and third Mondays of every month a
the regular time for the sessions of the Adjournment waa then lawn.
The council met In regular boshIoii last
evening for the firat time In the new
.war all of the members being present
and at tlie conclusion of U roll call the
minute of tho previous meeting, the
special session of December 10th and the
special session of me morning were read
nn,l nnnrovwl. : .. t
The. report of the committee on ways
and means waa then proceeded with aa
follows! ,,
Petition from O. F. Morton and othera
In regard to cancelling certain llena in
the city lien docket aa pertains w prop
erty owned bv MVra C. Heed. Moved and
seconded that matter bo continued to
next regular meeting.
1 Petitiona ifroin E. Z. Ferguson In re
card to a certain street assessment ask
ing that said assessment be cancelled on
the docket of oity liens, wcouimeno, pe
tillim w granted. Report adopted.
Ili'inonstranro agnlnt the acceptance
f Hond street from n jKiint W feet
et of the went lino of M.'lure' to
the ni'nl end of lloild olvtvt as exteinled
by Sanlmrn Ciiltiug I'ackiiig Co. and oth
er. plan'J on (He.
I'etitiou from K. A. Cerding for jer
mixaion to lay rails on Irving avenue to
facilitate improvement of street. Read
and moved that said petition be granted.
IVtition from liuataf Anderaon eon-
(Truing ovt'illowed strxt on 35th and
llurrixoii and asking relief. Head and
referred to atreets and public way.
KMUontraiicfl from 1. Jordan and .
K. Joplin against Improvtmient of Thir
teenth atreet. Head and referred to
xtrveU and public way.
Hemontraiiea from John Niemi
against aemMit agaimtt his projwrty
Head and tiled.
IVfinmiinication from IWnjamin Young
and others asking council to take steps
in llinman tract for ctrect improvement,
to enforce the law against allowing ani
mals to roam tho streets and becoming a
publio nuisance. Rend and referred to
committee on health and police.
The following claim waa allowed by
tho committees Astoria Dudget, pub
lishing, $1.H0,
The report of the committee on health
and police was ,llicn read as follow:
Petitions for liquor lu-enses from the
following mimed eraona were reported
Favorably! S. K. Harris, J. W. Johnston,
Hond &, Carlson, Stephenson & John-
son. The following claims were allow
ed : If. Ifiimbel, $42.20; Alex. Johmxm,
$15) Thos. H, Loughcry, $85.
! ' The reK)i"t of Hie committee on streets
and public ways was aa follows:
Certificate of approval for the 1m
provement of the north half of Jerome
avenue from the west lino of Fourteenth
street to the wt'st line of Shively'a.
IVtition from A. Nylander and others
asking that Grand avenue from Eigh
teenth to Twenty -ninth street be Im
proved. Adopted.
Petition from Q. A. Marsch In regard
to the sower on 31st street askliig that
tame be raised
Petition from Western Union Tele
graph Co. asking to be permitted to at
tach a metal pipe to the stringers under
the street on Twelfth street, iwscom
mend erantlng petition.
I Petition from J. E. Iligcins and 40
others asking that all street improve
ments contemplated be carried out and
that no attention be paid, to hard time
croakers. Adopted. .
Rills allowed by tbe committee were:
. O. II. Mooors, $30; City Lumber and
Ilox Co., $24.30; pay roll city surveyor,
$53; pay roll' city , superintendent of
streets, $213.20.
The committee on lire and water re-1 How to Avoid Appendicitis.
tutrl.l ffii'nmltlv ii Him fiillou'infr rluims! "
Schollleld Si Mattson Co., $0(13.11; A. U.j
Um.g $.VI2. ;
(oiiimiUco im public proiei tv reiiorted I
favorably on the following bills: C. G.
ralmberg, 1U1.); O. K. St . Co., $o.
and water ,
ftoiitago reMHled as follows: Petition.
from Win lkx'k and other in regard to
landings foe small loats in the city of
Astoria. Placvd on file.
Report of city physician read and
phurd oU tile.
Quarterly report of tho city treasurer
shows a balauce iu the treasury of $18,-029.29.
Quoi-U'rly report of the chief of police
shows that he has paid to the city treas
urer the sum of $10(11.50 lor fines col
Weted. Communication from C. E. Foster
alaiut installing battery. Referred to
committee on fire and water.
Hesieuation of citv Physician Mohn
read and committee move adoption of!
report accepting resignation.
Ordinance introduced by Councilman
Stengland appixj)riatiiig the sum of
$1111.80 out of the general fund for the
benefit of Palmlierg & lleblnch. Read
third time and passed.
Ordinance introduced by Councilman
Kulioth appropriating tho Bum of
$11(15.11 out of the general fund for the
benefit of Schollleld & Mattson. Read
third time and passed.
Ordinance introduced by Councilman
Kabotb appropriating the sum of $542
out of the general fund fop the benefit
of A. d. liong. Head third time and
Ordinance introduced by Councilman
Logan appropriating $050 out of the
special fund for the benefit of L. A.
Carter for constructing a sewer on Ninth
street. Read tliird time and laid over.
Ordinance introduced by Councilman
Logan providing for tho time and man
ner of improving Exchange street fram
Tenth to Eleventh and Eleventh street
from Exchange streot to Duane. Read
third time and laid over.
Under the head of new business the
following petitions for liquor licenses
were referred to the committee on health
and police, J. K. Davis, J.-O. Tiberg.
Petition from A. C. Miller and othera
for a street are light on corner of
Eleventh and Madison avenue. Read and
referred to committee on streets and
publio ways, i i . , .
Petition ifrom Seaborg & Lundholm for
permission to build a stable on Taylor
avenue at No. 204. Read and referred to
committee on . streets and public ways.
Certificate of approval for construction
of the sidewalk in front of lot 1, block
(Continued on page 7)
Most victims of appendicitis are those
who are habitually constipated. Orino
Laxative Fruit Syrup cures chronic con
stitpation by stimulating tbe liver and
bowels and restores the natural action
of the bowels. Orino Laxative Fruit
Syrup does not nauseate or gripe and
is mild and pleasant to take. Refuse
T. R. Laurin, Owl Drug
Vienna has decided to surround itself
with a wide belt of trees at a cost of
$11,000,000. Hindsight forestry is ex
pensive, j '
W. A. Burleigh, the genial steward
of the Lurline, left up on tbe 0:10 train
last sight.
Special Announcement KevVrding the
National Pure Food and Drof Law
We are pleased to announce that
Foley's Honey and Tar for cougbs. colds
and lung troubles is not affected by the
National Pure Food and Drug law as it
contains no opiates or other harmful
drugs, and we recommend it as a safe
remedy for children and adults. T. F.
Laurin, Owl Drug Store.
In Our Insurance Department
the name and address of
the man who asserts that a
Standard Equitable Policy
would be of no value to
him. .
That is the man who
needs to be seen by an
enlightening EQUITABLE
JJ' U;. :tts:
r; .an-, o r