THE M011NING ASTOUIAN. ASTORIA, OREGON. TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 190!. f THE MORNING ASTORIAN Established 1873. published Dally Except Monday by I EE J. S. DELUKGES COMPANY. SUBSCRIPTION BATES. By mall, per year By earner, per monuu. .MO WEEKLY ASTORIA3. By mail, per yer. In adrane. SO, 1908. at tbe poetofliee at AstttejOre- 1S - - kA iwtrv if Tbi Mors weAnvUA to eiUMW i-estdmce cr place or barium mar """do r"L through telephone. Any irr-frolarlty .to de- U TP. J WIVWU w ' cmoa ot puoucauun. TELEPHONE MAIS Mu Official paper of CUteoy County tad the City of Astoria. Scandinavian -American Savings Bank 500-508 Commercial St. Organiied under the State law. LOCAL CAPITAL COURTEOUS TREATMENT EXPERIENCED MANAGEMENT CONSERVATIVE METHODS WEATHER. 4 Western Oregon and Washing- ton Occasional Bain. e I of tern Oregon and Washing- ton, Idaho Rain or snow. OREGON'S LABOR REPRESENTATION One hundred delegates from the Ore gon State branch of the National Fed eration of Labor (the mightiest organi zation of its kind in the world, and the most effective, because the cleanest), are in annual session in this city, in the in terests of the world's work and work ers, as these figure and pperate in this division of the Northwest. They are, officially, of course, the guests of the local Federation group and are being thoroughly well taken care of. These earnest, clever men are engaged in the superlative task of up-lifting labor and advancing the standards of progress all along the line of diversified industry throughout the state they rep resent. The mission is among the noblest on earth and compassed with difficulties -whose range is as great as the profound interest that is given them so ungrudg ingly. Every atom of success is a triumph, and every triumph a land-mark in history; since, of the two master forces of civilization, capital and labor, the latter holds cardinal and . undis" turbable primacy in the world of human activity and progress. The doctrine of exchange giving it an imperishable pre cedenee. Labor and the fruits of labor may be made of universal current use to man, while mere money, unbacked by the impulse of labor is valueless, abor tive and non-essential. This, of course, in the abstract sense. Under (so-called) civilized conditions, as they exist today, capital is juf-t as profound a quality in the adjustment of human affairs as labor, since neither can operate with any freedom or success without the otheT; the one uneseapable lesson to be learn ed by both, 1 the. discovery, and esiao lishment, of that parallel upon which both may reach an ultimate of achieve ment. The search for this line of merg- ance and correlated action has been go ina on for untold centuries:, and we with all mankind, shall be infinitely glad of its unfolding, and would not feel the less happy, if the hidden principle shall emanate from some such assemblage as this. I At all events, we wish the Federation a pleasant and successful issue from the meeting and a year full of genuine suc cesses along the largest and best of its ambitions. 0 THE MAYOR'S MESSAGE. the opening of Commercial street to Smith's Point, are beyond all adverse argument, and his presentment of the gas franchise issue, is indisputable. The message is entitled to close scrutiny by every citizen since the major tone of the document touches the civic pride and property interest of all hands aud is a fair exposition of the present real status of the municipality. OUR REPUTATION. The annual levies for public revenue in the civic divisions for which Clatsop stands, are not so burdensome as they might have been, considering the fact that the reputation of the City of As toria has not been marketed this year. The cuttins of the county levy 12 mills and the advance of the municipal levy 11 mills, leaving us a null to the good over I'M)", and a "conscience void of offense" on the score of the usual nasty dicker 'with the dives. It is a long and n wholesome step and worth paying for. and sine we are paying less than usual. the appreciation of the change, to nor mal regulation, should be genuine, and universal, and it no doubt is. Astoria, with the next lowest burden of taxation of all cities in the Northwest is well prepared to meet her civic obliga tions fairly and fully, and face the world in 1908 minus the pestiferous pres. tige of being the only "wide-open' town in the state. This is a condition for which the Morn- in Astorian has fought for years and it, with all its patronage, and the general local public, realizes the efficacy of the attitude, 'whatever the source that wrought it. -o Disturbed the Congregation The person who disturbed the congre gation last Sunday by continually coughing is requested to buy a bottle of Foley' Honey and Tar. T. F. Laurin, Owl Drug Store. CATARRH YIELDS. MESSAGE IS PRESENTED (Continued from page 1) in v Innil l.nt mlh.-r with norrow: I inveigh not against men but against the svsleiil. it donee cs itmn nnu ihh " hut i-cnculcd the ordinance to license niekle Iti-the slot machines. SnA ordi nance was against the Oregon Statutes, contrary to the requirement of our city charter, imd wrong in principle. Street Improvements. Tlie system of street Improvements planned Vv tills Council is of paramount importance. Among the as improve- ( incut there are two to which I must rc fer cspeeinllv; j ir1rl-Tlie Improvement of Irving Avenue from Ninth to Fortieth Street. SecondThe extension of Commercial .tied to Cniontowu. ) With the living Avenue Improvement, e a.lvl another connecting link Mween Knst and West Astoria. So longer will we lie in danger of being Isolated in easu the roadway to the east end of the city, burns down, ami, besides, the opening of a through street up on the hill makes the residence section more accessible, and offers nil inducement for the estab-j lihhnient of an iiiterurban line; foe, by, being able to run cars from Fort Stevens, aud Warienton to the eastern limits ol our c tv. with .branches down town, gaged in it, then White Jt Black would j tmif ,.ouideriibl revenue In The system made easy tort tines possiuie and it was thought that one set of men might as well make them as another. It took more courage for those, men to conduct such enterprises in the face of a hostile public sentiment and against the laws of Nature and of the State, than for us, the rest of the ieople, to take revenue from them and then scoin them and villify the officers of the law for doing their sworn duty. I am conscious of the fact that it hurts some while a change is being enforced in the e-titb-lished habits of a community. A cancer cannot be removed without causing pain but is it better to let the cancer grow until relief is impossible! Something had to le done! It hn been done, mid now let us from this day on forget it aud turn one attention to other things Fire Deoartment. The Fire Department has lieen en-j ...-.-.. t... i,;:.... ... ..n.t liiimt com-l Uigni u i..t- u.m..i ... - m puny tint my reeomnieiiuauuii muun in-i sight to induce prospective investor to timid. 1 weiieve t nut tnc uine is noi mr dUtant when Irving Avenue will lie ex tended from Young's Itav to Calhlamet Hay, a project as desirable as it i feas ible. That the extension of Commercial sttwt is also necessary was proven hut fall wlwn llond street -mb being re paired: the people o (the west end were seoarnted from the rest of the city for weeks, bereft of lire protection and put! to many inconveniences. As every ar tery brings more blood into tlie human body, so must each connecting link bring more life into the body politic. 1 While upon the subject of street Im provements, I wiisider it but just to say that the honorable im-tnbcri of the street committee truly deserve the e-, pecial commendation of the public; few people have any idea how much time labor and tKitience is given by this com- littce. and no other commute receives . maiiv kicks, uio-tly unjust censure,, Going Out of Business Our entire stock consisting of Diamonds, Jewelry, Watches, Bllw wars, Clocks, Cutlery, Musical Goods, Ouns, Pistols and. Suit Cass mutt U sold within the next 30 days below actual cost. ' We have bargains too numerous to mention. HERE ARE A FEW $125 ...90c $6.75 $2.50 $6.50 110.00 solid leather Suit Cases. Sate price All musical case at, each $12.00 Columbia Guitars. Sale price Fine toned Mandolins. Sals price Stradlvarlus model violin, perfict tone, Sals prlea 18 sle Elgin & Waltbam Watches In dust and waterproof cases. Sale price $3.60 18.00 Uonor double red 8 bs Awordlan, Bale price. $8.75 High Power Field Glasses, Sale prlea $3,00 Dollar Clocks and Watches. Kale price QflQ Exceptional bargains in all un called for pledges. SAFE AMD FIXTURES FOR 8ALE, Astoria Loan Office 094 Commercial St BALL BUILDIlfO ft t-t Astoria, 0r year ami the year previous w.uemimg - . , ttiUllllt inytil the repair of the -two steam tire engines! 1 liv th .-iiv have evidently car ried no weight. The two engines still in- n u much iunk. I nrav that a inn- era! eonllsgrution may never visit As toria and wipe out the earnings 01 man) vears. but if ever the lire (lend docs come and, burning the wooden streets causes tho water mains to uivaK, (as tney urn iu San Francisco, a couple ot steam en gines would pump, watee out of the bay which in such an emergency would seem ike oolden showers. 1 therefore again Supplies, Ijist veur I suL'uesled the advisability of making an estimate and advertising for bids for such supplies as the city uses in large quantities; I therefore renew- the suggestion. The pnqwr time to buy hay and oats and coal is not when prices arc at the soaring point. Street Excavations. Oidinam-e No. 3112. regulating exea vtin. in iiulilie thro uuh fa res, approved ......... ... , r. ... 1. 1...- X IlUt ..r.'t.l.i Hint iMtftirH and inot respect fu y urge the coin-j eortwratioa may proceed to m l nn Kile mi. I Wilier to reeiorc ok ,. , , ... .i. ... ii... ,.,,. itrt engines to usefulness. Vnt End Fire Company The increase in the numlier of resi dences and manufacturing plants in ,ii.r in the streets thev must linrt swure a permit thcivfor. and. after a reasonable length of time, put the street in a sitlstanory con-niioii, as pre- io'i aencve uuu ,,. ,,. ..., , - - rii,nun,v. I fie said oruinaneo West Astoria, makes the, fw vu.; of a tire company tliere nniH-rative; siicht l f thp onV;nsknr t ti.refore ask a company would also lie a great help to Sl,1M,rtnttMl,ant of the street the whole city in times of stress. . business to tile complaint Waterfront Improvement. , wh() fM , t rillit r fFirst impressions may not a ways be . Ht,vU the liest and strangers do not always: LiceI,5jng Hot Air Peddlers. j remain long enough to have that mi- Ile of tl(, wor!lt frins of indling in pression obliterated. Wlmt is the first, wmiminitv U the sale of mining impression a visitor receive as he comes ' , th(, .-World's into tins city uy ran or oy l I Work B from competent authority, is Mayor Wise has clearly stated the pregnant facts of finance and adminis trative necessities confronting the city for the year 1908. There is much to be done, and less than usual, in the way of resource, wherewith to do it. He takes high ground in the matter of the abatement of the "blood-money" revenue, and every re SDectable citizen here, and abroad, will commend his conclusions as fast as they are read. The municipal levy leaves the city second from the lowest in the whole state as to the per capita imposition for tTi -pear, despite the claring fact that an extraordinary deficit lias had to be met from the safer and cleaner reliance unon direct taxation. His recommendations are few and to the point,, so far as expediency and good government are concerned, nor do they , involve any great expenditure of public money, This is closely in line witn ine nrevailins sentiment for economy. His demand for the improvement of the waterfront is entirely apropos and should be heeded the, urgency in con nection with the thorough and early completion of , the Irving avenue im- To Healing Air of Hyomei Sold Under Guarantee by T. F. Laurin. Catarrh is the most prevalent disease known to humanity. Probably 1)0 per cent of the people in this country suilcr at one time or another with this com mon disease. It is a irerm disease and hence can be cured only by some method that will reach and destroy the germs. This is best found in Hyomei, wnicn may be called the direct method of treat ing" catarrh, as its medication, taken in with the air you breathe, goes directly to every air cell in the nose, throat and lungs; kills all catarrhal germs; heals the irritated mucous membrane and vitalizes the tissues so as to render catarrh no longer possible. The unique -way in wnicn nyomei is sold should dispel all doubt as to its curative properties, for T. F. Laurin gives his absolute guarantee to refund the price to any catarrh suUerer that Hvoniei fails to benefit. You do not risk a cent in testing its healing powers. What offer could be more iair to you than this, where a leading druggist takes all the risk of Hyomei giving satisfac tion, and leaves you to be the judge. Lane's Family Medicine will give you a digestion that will permit you to eat eood things Instead of "health foods" of various sort thai are as palatable as hay. Mrs. R. M. Watson, and child, of Sea side, are in the city for a, few days, and are dom ciled at the Curtis. Mrs. wai- son is the wife of the well-known editor of the Signal, at the s great resort-city by the sea. 'Emanuel Mever, better known as "Mannv." 'who is known from one end of Oregon to the other, is a business visit to Astoria, from Portland. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY fake LAXATIVE BEOMO Quinine Tab lets. DruEBist efund money If it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature is tn each box. 26c - COFFEE Why doesn't your gro cer moneyback everything?, Can't get the goods or the money. Your grocer returns your money If T aes't like Schilling's Beet; we py hua th lnli.ment. that less than one per cent of all mining stocks put on the open market will ever return one per cent of tlie principal invested let alone bringing dividends. In one single day eighteen new mining docks appeared on the curb, and the purported value of such stocks was nine nunureu onmim city's water front, and it seems to me that if the council can order a street Im proved when it becomes dangerous it may also find a way to remove danger mi mnerinl nlont? the water-front. In its present condition life and property easily stumble over into the water, ana- ,, .... . thftt nre W()rt, fires originate midst the piles of rotted llnvtIi nr ))y millionaire who tinnier and iiii.-k--i..iiii-.. ." , . . ,ni0(t.toiiimel solicitors the water front. Let the t ouncii pass a tj vi ftml fr(JI hMm resolution declaring its intention of im- Wn wll j,, t,mt proving the water front by clearing, and , w(ll)e is mA in the usual manner, pass an orunm...- .-. Uie Ktmn,i w,u,. advertising lor tuns u.r sum ....i...,-. jr fm t x1(,r.llrl! aM,i in nient. srive the work to the lowest and ' ' . f , , , in ' best bidder, and assess the cost to the f()rll(,( t1t nl,mmr of Astoria's Knsy! adjacent proerty, aft is done, in all other ( fl r,,H1tv victimized by i eases. In this way the Council '", jU(t njr lllinin artists, i would recoin endear itself to the vast majority of the, nd t)mt or,iinanec be passed pro-, people and bring about the lest improve- . . ))f hwmle within; I 5oB iiTOm New York via O. R. & N. And connecting lines, the Oregon Short Uns and Unloa Paclflc, through Omaha or Kansas City and Chicago. Commencing December 1st, 1907, liETI.t.AND cMrcnron'0 daily jo days. This rata will n title passengers to tourist aocommodatloos only. Berth In tourist sleeper from Portland 10 "J QQ THROUGH TOURIST SLEEPERS Lears Portland dally for Chicago without change via the Oregon 8hort Line, Union Padfle and Chicago and Northwestern. Accom modations equal to the best. The shortest and quickest route be tween Portland and the East. Through tickets to and from all points in Europe. 0. W. ROBERTS, Agent, .vvfiTPV 0. R. oY N. Dock. inent it has made in years. City Park. Tl. PnnW Pommission this year com pleted a fine driveway around the Band Stand Knoll; they have also caused said knoll to be cleared of dead timber, and upon the brow thereof rows of shade iiovn l.e.n i.lanted. which trees have been donated by Florist Erickson; the good ladies ot the woman v.u.. have erected a beautiful drinking foun ..I. .1,0 irn nf tin. i, ink. and the ItllU B.I. VV . , , , . honorable Water Commission furnished free water. I hereby on behail oi me people publicly extend thankn to the Woman's Club, and to Mr. Krickson and to the Water Commission for their Kinu vt,l,i tiint unnw wealthy person wit), tl.o nrnner nublie Hliilit. mii;ht See their way clear to emulate the example set by people in otner cmcs aim one- 0,,i.u.rir.tinn nr endowment to tlie park; there is much to be done and little to do it with. No city anywhere has a more beautiful park site. Naur Riiildinira. WhiiA not strictly within the bounds of municipal improvement I can not forego the pleasure of expending a cer tain degree of pride in the starting of a modem hotel; no city can mane progress unless it nas an auode wnere man wit.'h means, who eniov the com forts of life they are accustomed to, ..... . i , II. 4A ! r-n WOUld llKe to Stay long enuugu ..o(i,iriir nf AKtoria'a advantaues. I also take pride in acquainting the world with the fact mat Astoria naa jusi. cu. pleted the most modern and most lieauti ful county court nouse in uicguu. T.innnr Lioemaes. t ai.Lmif fnn the consideration of your Honorable Body the advisability of pass- ina an ordinance which 'will either limit the number 01 liquor license, oi co limit the territory where saloons may ,a outoKikhwl! safety lie between the two extremes unlimited licenses on the one han.l, total prohibition on tne uie. TIME CARD Astoria & Columbia River R. R. Co ' . .. . ...:n. .1... tins city; or, it mat conincs i , . o-.m- Oregon statutes. I would suggest the. SDeairt, monuay, acpiemuw .-..wu.. i ,,.! r mi on iniince iirovioiiiL' i. a license fee of about one hundred doK so lars per day lor tnese ongus roprwi.wi- 8 85 Tin 8.4S S.4 nnd coal barons, who wisli.a.m to try their bunds at the old and time; worn trick of enriching people by the process of ho air. Gas Franchise. Now conies another one of those duties that cover an up-to-date Mayor's chair with tacks. IU. mnm, w.ftnln I'OIIUlllI IllCll tO IIIC alwut the Gas Service In Astoria and have asked whether the City is impotent in the matter, that l ien n uKumw on me to look over the gas franchise and see if the City had reserved any Tights at all in the premises, and to my amazement 1 nnd xuai me oj w for a franchise on record is Ordinance 493, approved December 1(1, 1882; said ordinance merely gives the Astoria Gas Light Company the right to build gas works and lay gas pipes in the public streets. Tn hui .lavs, nublie franchises were considered of little value and were not properly safe-guarded; since xnat lime however, it has been universally recog ;,,i that .iien nrivileffcs were the peo ple's birth-right and to be leased to . f , 1 Lt.MH A .,..1,,, whomsoever oonsiuerr.u uwiu . u.ur under certain restrictions only, and upon the payment of an annual license fee, for the benefit of the tax payer. For ifully twenty-five years the Astoria f!a Liirht Comuany enjoyed all the privileges witjhout any rttttriction j whatsoever and wiuioui. puywg a iw.kio tha citv: on the contrary, the city has paid to the company, during this quarter ot a century, peniapw u tween $7000.00 and $10,000.00 for using gas in the city hall and fire eng'ne houses. I have naught but the kindliest feci toward the (las Coinnanv. but I la.rn 25 fib H - H SIR H.MI 9.4AI 9.18 10.18 .!10.2A S.8010D0 a.m. 1a.m. t.M 10 "OI S 10 t.m t.w est p.m. S.uu 6.0A 8 18 t.M t.M t.V "515 7 11 T.M 7.36 p.m. -a a.m.1 son .. t ,7 10.0S io in 10. 1W 10 61 11.46 1.1.0& Miles' 0. IHU 46.S 66.0 6.a S'i.l 71. J 78,7 W.8 W.8 J06.7 ioST 1IW.6 I0i If. Ar. '.'.An POflTI.AMl . I,y UOKI.Kt KAINlKitl WAVdMt OU1NCV .. CLATBKaNIK JUNCTION!.. .WKHTPOHT-. CLIFTON Ar A8TORUJ :L l,V AHTMKM Ar Ar WABKKNTON Lt IU06I 18 81 12.40 111.40 vjn. ToiT 116.7 118.1 110.1 It WaR ftklilrnSt....,.Ar 1IAWMOM) Ar FT. HTEVKNH Lv LT FT. BTKVKN8 Ar HAMMOND Ar WAHKKNTON I.t Ly WAftRtiNloU "Ar ........ OKAHIIA R 1, ..srii'rt... At HOLLAUAY Lt Mile. 110.1 7H.7 7a.s IIS.3 6S.8 WIS 47 0 40.4 its 10.8 18 4 17.8 18 18 4 18.4 8 4 10 0.0 'ii'iTS r'.m.'p.i 10 M 10 40 10.16 10 06 62 ,al t lh 8 16 T.M TAi 7.46 7.411 T.41 7.88 T.W 00 8,401 7.60 7,60 7.J 7. id 7.04 e.ioi .w 6.86 a.m.- j Tit S 67 60 t.iti la.m s oo U.! T6i 8 OH 600 4,66 Ip.m. 19.10 11.00 10.40 46 4 ifti 10.21 10.08 iuaiiio.2' Mill 10.88 in 46 10.86 a.m I u. 0-.80 Nos. 20 and 8 run from Astoria to Clatsop Beaoh yla Ft. 8terinii. , No. U runs from Portland to Astoria and Clatsop Beach direct, No. 4 mat fross Portland to Astoria only. No. SO runs from Astoria to (Sataop Beaeh dlrsot. Nos. 1, M and 20 run yla Ft. Steysns, , No. 23 runs from Clatsop Beach to Astoria and Portland direct. Additional train will be run from Astoria to It Stevens and return on Bundays, taring Astoria lliSO a. nu, arriya Ft 8trM 12i8 p. m. Beturnlng leare Ft. Steysns 8i00 p. m., arriyea Astoria Iii8 p. sv Trains marked run dally; f Telegraph stations, i CONNECTION At Portland, with aU transcontinental lines. At Gobi, with Northern pacifle Railway Co. At Astoria with steamer for San Frsnclsot and Tillamook and Dwaco-Railway ft Navigation Co.'s boat and railway. Through tickets sold to and from all point In ti Beat and Europ. For further particular apply to, R. H. JENKINS, Gen. Ft t Passngr. Agt, ASTORIA, 0RB00N. iTivfiiim rwiui iui i vv iiiuiuii An additional P .ater allegiance to the whole ritzis xsi Vfore 1 have the honop XrS'- TJat the Ordinance No. 403 irnLW-S. irrenSis!ihat ta H Un 4 share in to Scffi. Zt7ll Privileges tor a limited number of years. Nickle-Ipr The Slot Machines : ' You are tTlie congratulated for hay' (Continued on page 3) HtWtHttMtWtIMtMtMHM T ..,-,.,-., m m ''- m First-Class Liquors and Cigars ; ; 601 Commercial Street t Corner Commercial and 14th. ASTORIA, OREGON