THE MORNING ASTORIAN, r STOMA. OREGON. SUNDAY, JANUARY 190I. A COME TO OUR JauuaryCleaH-np Sale ' And bave Money. ( JALOFPS "The Style Store" F 537 Commercial Street Station Robbed On Thursdav night the station at Clatskanie Junction was broken into and three trunks were broken open. The burglary was committed after the sta tion agent had closed the office for the night and was not discovered until the agent came to open the station on Fri day morning. He lives quite a distance and did not hear any undue noises in dicating that a crime was being com mitted. The following is a list of the missing property: One pearl and dia mond crescent with large diamond in center and pearls in two rows on each Bide about Si inches long; one solid geld cross, very heavy, about 21 inches long with name Lelia Ann Cook on side; one round gold locket with initials L. A. C. on back with flowered design on f studded with diamonds; one solid gold bracelet with design of lion head and diamond in mouth and eyes; one jade bracelet, gold links with jade and baloon oearl setting alternately; one old- fashioned gold bracelet wide; one solid gold necklace with four jade pendants of different shapes; one large cameo pin with gold frame and two faces carved on ivory; one solid gold nugget pin in shane of leaf or fan; one old-fashioned pin with gold bangles; one solid gold watch, plain case, medium sized one, necklace of gold beads; half down silver salad forks, Paul Revere patterns with initial in script letter "C. ; one-nan dozen silver coffee spoons, Paul Revere patterns with initial inscript letter "C." It is reuested by the A. 4 C. R. R. Co. that if any of the property is located notification be sent to their office. You Donl Heed to Send to Portlaia. C. H. OrkwiU, 137 Tenth street, cai cover your umbrellas just as good at n anv Dlace on the northwest I coast THE COUNTY LEVY MADE COUNTY COURT MET YESTERDAY AND TRANSACTED CONSIDER ABLE BUSINESS TOTAL LEVY FOR ALL PURPOSES J MILLS. The county court met in adjourned session yesterday and transacted a large amount of business, a full board being present. It wa ordered by the court that the salary of the physician p nointed bv the county judge, as a mem x ber of the count v board of health, be placed at $100 per year and be paid quarterly. ti, wm authorized to draw a itu v-. ' warrants for salaries, the same being fixed by law, on tne nrst 01 eacn mimm or quarter, as the case may be, and also for allowances made by the court, but not for bills. in.,. .wMiinltntioll 'with COUIltV Atvri otlkert it was decided that hereafter no allowance will be maue lor ovemmc work, but when additional clerks or as aiA r..inirel. iii)on proper ftp . 1 11 . ... ika an tna Will VlA nll.m TmM Tl IHB f'l 1 1 1 1 I . LUG OUIMV n allowed if deemed necessary. In regard to the improvement of road Xo. 81, the parties interested nnvmji pinwi ,1 w uim immediate repairs are siiunu IURV . necessary to make it passable, the sum of $10o'was appropriated, out of the general fund, to do the work and work shall be paid for when accepted by Coin- ..Lainnr WvA. It wa decided to ask for bids or repairing Young's Bay bridge, m.. .,.. instructed to write to liie .ii..v " ., Aug. Jurbs. relating to the rebuilding of Spikanon bridge, tnai iumu ... ...i,.j fmm 4he D. L. Kelly Lum- ber Co., by Jurbs, for the repair of the bridge, and asK mm ur -a ... ,. inmher can be delivered. 10 HO" auuu , The proposition of John Mattson. to furnish ana anv Vim was accepted. The roadmaster was instructed to .. . .1.. ...ncrvluir of road district WTlie 10 uio o"- - . N'o 11 to order lumber necessary to rebuild' two bridges, and M"; struct same at once, and to send in all bills "0. K'd" by himself. A communicaton. witn app.- 1 - - - 33rd Annual Clearance Sale Twenty per Cent. Discount on Each and Every Article in Our Stock: Special sale of Steel Ranges. This range is all blue steel body, drop door feed, full nickel trimmed and asbestos toed. Special $25 Wa are overstocked on Heat ing stoves and as special in ducement we are offering 25 per cent discount on all of ear heating stoves. Our endless stock of Rugs in all sizes and qualities are now offered at reduced prices. Straight Chairs and Rockers. Our full line of delayed holi day stock is now on display at the usual 20 per cent discount. A full line of Couches, up holstered in leathers and veloir are now on display at sacrifices. 1 Napoleon Beds in oak, ma hogany and birdseye maple. Prices range from $17.50 to $75. Thirty-threeYears in Astoria 'V Established in m 1875. OUR Great Annual Sale Still Goes Merrily On. Reductionson Everything Many people are availing them selves of the big bargains offered in our Annual Sale. BIG ACTUAL REDUCTIONS Special: lOO All-wool Suits, $10 to $20 values, now $7.95. 500 Shirts, $t to $1.50 values, now 80c. 15 to 25 per cent off on Suits. 20 per cent off on Hats. 20 per cent off on Overcoats. 10 to 20 per cent off on Furnishings. K The Nobby Clothier for lumber, from road district' No. 11 was laid over. C. S. Dow was unanimously reap pointed fruit inspector, for Clatsop county, for the year 1908. The following bids were received for puncheon for road No. 1)9; Aug. Nut- ward, $1.50 per rod; J. 0. Johnson, $1.30 per rod. No action was taken on the bids. ' The bounties were fixed for scalps of wild animalit, as follows: Bob cats, 50 cents j wild cats, 00 cent; cougar or panthers, $2.50, and beara, Dr. Nellie Vernon 'was appointed by County Juilgo Trcnchard as a member of the county board of health. Geo. Stevens. J. K. Uartoldus and m. Chance were appointed viewers to lay out the road along the Necanicum rivcV, as petitioned for by Jan. Jrwiu and others. The viewers on the road petitioned for bv W. J. lleckard and others report ed to the court and the road was dc-1 clared a public highway. The tax levy was made, and it wo set at 2" mills. The levy made last year was 309 mills. 1 lie levy made yesier dav was proportioned as follows: coun ty, state and county library, 15.9 mills; county school, 5.1 nulls; completing and furnishing new court nouse ana nxing no srounds. 0 mills making tne total oi 27 mills or 12 mills less than last year. The estimated expenses lor tne coming year are $25,000; state taxes, $20,000; ifor roads and bridges, and $413.20 for county library purposes and the per capita school tax. Ibere are ia school children in the county and the lvr reouires that $7 per capita shall be raised for school purposes. Last year it 1ra $0 per capita, The total tax for county, state, coun ty School, city and city schools will be S7 mills while last year it was 50. The county levy is 12 mills less than last year while the city levy is I mum nign er and the city school levy 4 mills greater. Summarized the levies are as follows: County and state, mint; city, 18 mills, and city school ( 12 mills, a total of 57 mills. Objects To Creek The 'following letter has been filed with Auditor Anderson for the coi.sid- eration of the Mayor and Common Council. "Astoria. Oregon. Jan. 4, 1908, "To the Mayor and Common Council of the Citv of Astoria: "Allow me to call your attention to a nniiiml creek where the water runs down 35th stret and across Harrison avenue and has not any outlet and the surplus water is ruining my property. I have to move my house right away and it is so muddy, as it now is, that it is almost impossible to move till this 'water is changed or outlet Is made. The Start 1Q08 Right By purchasing your Groceries from us YOU WILL BE SAVING MONEY High Giade Goods; Prompt Service, Courteous Treatment. Acme Grocery Co. ine up-to-uate urocers. Xjj 531 COMMERCIAL ST. PH0NI (Si street commissioner says if orders are given him from the Council he will at- icnu io it. i am in uiock vi, Adairs, north of Harrison between Thirty fourth and Thirty-fifth streets. Re spectfully submitted. "OU8TAP ANDKIISON.' JUST RECEIVED a fresh shipment of Lowney's Candies Pound Boxes 50c and up. Boxes 15c to $2.50 Tag'g's Parlors 483 Commercial 8t one of the most popular resorts in As toria. Drop in at any time and set th class of people who patronise this popu lar piaos and you win be satisfied that, in entertaining a gentleman friend, you have found the right nlaot. A gams of billiards, a little refreshment, ana a quiet uue Helps to pate a pleasant evening. Now at City Hall City Attorney Charles AbercromUe has removed from hie old quarters at 5M be found at bis office on too second floor of the CSt Halt 11-30-tf. Columbia and Victor uranhAntutnu 1 and latest records at 424 Commercial street. A. R. Cyrus. tf. NEW TO-DAY New Grocery Store. Try our own mixture of coffee the I. P, H. Fresh ifruit and vegetables, liadollct & Co., grocers, Phone Main 1281. The Commercial ' The Commercial, Commercial street, near Eleventh, as everyone knows, Is Oliver typewriters and automatio stenographers at A. It. Cyrus, 434 Commercial street. tf. Palace Restaurant. A successful year has just closed for the Palace Restaurant and a new year opens. This year will, no doubt, be at ' successful for this popular restaurant as the past if not more so. The manner of treating the guests pursued there can not but tend to hold the trade and bring inoie wno nava never neand Palace. 1, Notice. Door Mats, SO cents aachj Umbrelk Vases, 75 oenta each. You need thera in this kind of weather. See HlUebraV k Qor. .