2 THE MORNING ASTOWAN, ASTORIA, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY i, 190!. THE MORNING ASTORIAN Established 1873. PiiblUW DaJlj Expt Monday bj IEE J. S. DELLINGEH COMPAHY. SUBSCRIPTION SATES. By wmO, pr jx...... By etnfer, per monuu. .fT.00 WEEKLY ASTOSIAS. Fy mafl, per yewr, In aivaao..-- tnterwl M iecon-las ' n 190. at the poslofliw Aftar a. ore- th. of Contra ol Alrob , WOrdsfS tor Dm drUwni ol TBI Bowl ixsTiToiuiH to elthw rwMeo.t or ptacj of . . 1 . lM.titpLtv in d. Unry should b tmn.3itelr rejit4to th aMootpvblioMtoa. - :, TELEPHOKk. EU2S M OAekl mow of CkuoT Oouaty at th. (Sty of Astoria. Scandinavian -American Savings BanK 500-508 Commercial St. Organiied under the State Laws. .WEATHER. ' ' : Western Oregon Partly cloudy with probable occasional light rain along coast and in Northern portion. Western Washington Partly cloudy with possibly occasional 4 light rain. ASTORIA'S NEW YEAR. LOCAL CAPITAL COURTEOUS TREATMENT EXPERIENCED MANAGEMENT CONSERVATIVE METHODS IN THE PORTLAND "POND." Along with every loyal Astorian and Clatsopian, we are hoping that 1908 is to prove the greatest of all our century of existence. But we want to say right here, in the very dawn of the day that Wl1 fho nossible UD-Hft. that the year 1908 will be just what the citizens j of this city and county make of it, and no more. We believe in no dream-stuff and deprecate all attempts to work spells; concrete results are not coined from "ho1 air" nor from filmy. webs of gossamer promise; the sooner this people get down to bedrock conviction that they j themselves have got to move for their own salvation, the better and quicker and mor positive those results will be. And what is more to the point, As toria has got to go into the market of the world and bid for business. Among the businesses she is best adapted for is that of shipping. She has simply no road open just now but the commercial line, and she must put on a ship or biro, and make a beginning; and those ves sels must have the last limit of local good-will and patronage to the utter exclusion of everything in competition with them. It is going to take money and business sense and close application, all of which ia here in abundance, if it will but loosen up and apply itself to the point of ownership and real direc tion. What is done must be done by Astoria, fop Astoria, and in Astoria. One small steamer in ocastwise trade between this port and San Diego, touch ing at Port Los Angeles, San Francisco, Eureka, Coos and Tillamook Bays; and J another, running northward to Juneau1 with intermediate calls, would, in a 1 couple of years' time, resolve themselves into a fleet that would be a credit and a certain advantage. But they must be long here, aud take their orders here; load and discharge here, and be regis tered out of this port. Trans-shipment, hence, can be easily arranged with the railway out of here, and by the aame agency, from the interior markets to the docks of this port, Of course, it cannot be done, if we are quite unified in such a negative; and it will never be done, nor even attempt ed, so long as we sit still and wait for someone else to saunter in here and dic tate impossible terms, hedged in with hypothetical assurances. There is no chance of our gaining a thing that we do not go after; and the doing of it, by ourselves, for ourselves, will make it ours; a status at once prolific of en couragement and all the energizing in fluences of ownership and control. This city has built a fine railway. Sli can float a steamer line just aa well, reserv ing the cardinal element of entire pos session and direction to herself, Instead of "passing it up" to the outsider. We should like 'to see the attempt made, at any rate! "Let the dead past bury its dead." and remember we have a brand new record to make for 1908! , Another steamer out in two and a fine ship more or less Injured by the collis ion, through the vain attempt of the former to navigate- safely the meagre limits of Portland' pond like "harbor.1 There are at least 30 ships docked aud anchored there now, and the congestion reacts on the current of the Willamette until It Is almost inmallo fop the local steamers; hence, such tunv a this or the loss of the Annie dimming. Of com, the "harbor" is, at best, but the wider reaches of an inland river p preaching Its mouth, fairly dredged to barely adequate depths, and does decent servloc so lot as too ninny vessels are not towed la there at any one time. If the commerce of Portland grows to any thing more than Its present abnormal sco(c, we cannot we, for the life of us, where she is going to dispose of the out tide fleet, unless her home boats tie up and cease moving about the long, nar ,' row, pond like estuary, ! , We would be glad to relieve the pro , sure now, or at any time in the future, j WW have world's of room down here, and i Portland could easily ship her cargo- stuff down the river by rail, steamer or barges, and thus avoid the continuous line of accidents occurring by reason of her lack of room. For a small fleet she Is adequately prepared, and usually dis poses of It very successfully, but she 1 certainly not in shape to take car of more than two score ship of any size; while we can handle an even thousand without congestion, save for dockttge, and that of course, would come In time, if Portland took the notion to use this port, whit h', by the way, belong to her quite as much as to any place In the State, and even more so, since she J the commanding commercial center for the basin of the Columbia. " ' 0 ' ENTITLED TO NONE OF IT. One of th absurdest things iu the cur rent record of the day, was the refusal of the Pennsylvania clergyman to accept five twenty-dollar gold pieces, tendered him along with liO more in other phases of currency, on the ground that the new coins did not bear the custom ary inscription "In God W Trust," a type of expression he has been taught to reverence by his mother in his boy hood days, etc., etc. If this man was a poor man, a, un happily, most country clergymen are (and fc!20 purses are not often tendered to rich preachers), he was a llrslelasa chump for deellulng coin of the "realm" when he, and hi family nun thin he, needed every dollar of the gwrmi gift. If h was well-to-do, then his declination was no 1 asultilne, sine It wis, not only extremely bad manners, and a. lap In th face to hi donors, but a raw. And groundless, discrimination against th money of the land; done wholly for effect, a cheap and chlMUh bid for no toriety, lie Is the laughing stock of the country mid mill not hear the last of It until It has palled upon the Inven tive humor of the American pnragtapher. .- ; 1 0 ... v... . VINDICATES HIS HONOR. ' It strikes us that William M. l.uild. of Portland, ha done a very honorable thing In assuming the liulebtetlne of th Title, Trust H Cuaraiitee Cumpuiiy to Its depositor. That hi name, a a one time olllovr of th defunct Institu tion, diould have 1ml many a man and woman to trust their savings with Its hank, goe without saying) and that that name should have been retained on the stationery of the house after he had severed all connection with It, and still indirectly lured the rontldvnce of many people, I quit a palpable a th dis honest subterfuge involved In It, and employed by the religion humbug that guided it erstwhile dcstlnle. (Mr. Ladd' assumption of this phase of the big Indebtedness, on this particu lar score, counts very strongly for hi sense of moral obligation and docs him distiiii-t credit In these time of "plpng" elusiveues and general repudiation of far honcster debts than this. We con- (rratulat the Portland community on the possession of a man with inch pro i.ounced idea of personal honor and the higher quality than put them Into prac tical expression. 0 1' ' Domt Tike the Risk. When you have a bad cough or cold do not l-t it drag along until it becomes chronic bronchitis or develops into, an attack of pneumonia, but give H the attention it deserves and get rid of It, Take Chamberlain's Cough ltemcdy and ymi are sure of prompt relief. From a small beginning the sale and use of this preparation has extruded to all parts of the Called Mate and to many foreign countries. It many remarkable cure of coughs and cold have won for It this wide reputation and extensive uset Sold by Frank Hart ami leading druggist. 11UIT man Chart last tilgl WOOD PULP TARIFF, H 'LAND, Me.. Dee. 31.-Wres,.l K, J.ltlWMd In . snse.lf it on "Forest and tho tariff dJ wood, pulp," took Issue with Prldtrsv ' Roosevelt ou the president' effort reduce the tariff ou wood pulp, clalmlir that inch action would tend to lnoreaS rather than diminish the tlralu 011 Ameri can forest. Itu nrutied (lint the Canal Ian 1 tiovwimeiit would uiwly Impoit an export duty aa agitation to that nJI already Imd been started. The American mamifii.tiircr of paper, he deolaid- would theq be forced to eek their pulp wholly in American forests on a.wntfl "i mo mgiier pric me Canadian pnxinot would command. Regarding the pc tectlve tariff ia general. Ciiirreman LlttlefU-ld said p,rt i ( "rher will Ink a general revision of tl tariff lit the war future, but Ui.ro wife I nor is there any nclty of a ml slim f ny particular schedule at Hi time. 1 hat ai. of the country In wlilck you and 1 now exarcis a dti-rmlui'ii iiuim-iice 111 um revision, The augjeats ion which will come from the oommit'i-t of way and menus will be submitted to a caucus of the Id-publlcan member (( the House and Senate. In that oueu those state west of Pennsylvania will hav a majority of 00 over those tat east of Pennsylvania. When you reallm what that majority of 90 mean yoi will realise that Lhera noviir will z other tariff schedule that will treat th Industries of New Kngland with th consideration thai they now enjoy, PILES CURED IN TO 14 DAYS. PAZO.OINTMENT Is inarauUed to curr any cast of Itching, Wind, Hireling orl rrolruding Pile in 0 to 14 day or money refunded. 60c. JUST RECEIVED a fresh shipment of Lowncy's Candies Pound Boxes 50c' and up. Boxes 15c to,'$2.50 Tags Parlors 41 Commercial iC jEvery thing 1-4 ff I Everything DBQBPTffSrVB IfDQ V PR (flllM PlR! s r ' : SEC KIP ; ; i ffl f M ft f ft ii H IP? f 1 1 i ,J . ' r. : ,.., .",: "' " ' . .. . i ., . ..... ,. ,.!... ...... i.. ... ' . . Thursday Morning Every Department in Our Entire Stock Reduced a Sensaticmal Ja article in this store at 25 to 50 per cent, less than regular value. Your unrestricted choice from the cleanest and best selected stock of its size td be fblihd anywhere. The shrewd buyers have been eagarly awaiting this annual event and recognize at a glance the superi ority of our assortment and standard qualities in every department. Whatever your needs may be they nnn hfi purchased here at the very lowest price that will be quoted anywhere. We have nlanned for thfi greatest selling ; event this store has ever attempted. Arrange to be here early on the mornin'of THUR SDAY, N UAR 2nd 1.: (ii'C .:V4.;H;, k'K f.wrr 't if , if V!'"' I .. .!(.- ' a d Supply. Yor Wonts for MottiHs to Come;- , .. Mall Orders Filled Same Day as Received Dress Goods, Trimmings. Silks, Linings,' Muslin Underwear, V Laces, Embroideries, Knit Goods, Notions, Table Linens, Napkins, Towels; ; , ; Bed Spreads,' .,' , . Caipet Wraps, Hosiery, Knit Underwear, Muslin, Sheets, ! Pillow, Cases, . Outing Flannel, Flannelettes, Women's Coats, ; Woman's Suits, Misses' Coats, Women's Furs, " Lace Curtains, Comforters, Pillows, . Women's Waists, ' Silk anc Sateen Petticoats, Heatherloom Petticoats, Neckwear, Corsets. 1 iTI. ",t ,, (h.'ftfi'JO' Ribbons, Gloves, Umbrellas'"! Children's Bear Skin Coats,: . I !j bilk Raincoats,' (' ! Walking Skirts, ' ' Lhijidren's White 'Dresses.- ',T!;."tfT'T. I 1 ft".. ,. i wmv! .. ri ft mi