THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTOItlA.r OREGON. SUNDAY, DECEMBER ig, 1907, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. WANTED EMPLOYMENT. OTEXOGRAPHERS AXD TYrE O WRITERS WANTED There it a beady demand every whore ior steno grapher and typewriters. Stenography It many times a short cut to high con fidential positions. We teaeh stenog raphy and typewriting thoroughly and practically by mail in your spare time and at low cost. Write today for "Com snercial Circular." L C. S-, Box 28, Port knd. Or. BOUSE MOVERS. ntEDRICKSOX BROS We make a peelelty of houee moving, carpenters, eontractora, general jobbings prompt at tention to all order. Corner Tenth and Duane, BUSINESS DIRECTORY. RESTAURANTS. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. BOOKKEEPERS .WASTED -THIS is an age of business, and there is accordingly a great call for bookkeepers thoroughly trained in modern methods: we teach too most approved and up-to-date systems, at a low cost, by mall. Write today for Vbmmeroal Circular." t C. 8, Box 88, Portland, Or. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW CHARLES H. ABERCROMBIK ; Attoraejr-at-Law . . . City Attorneq Offices, City Hall SHOW-CARD WRITERS AXD WIX DOW TRIMMERS WASTED - Every retail store in the country uses bow-card writers and winqow mi Biers; tho demand for men skilled in these professions is enormous; we teach both nhow-card writing and window trimming by maiL Write now, stating whether interested in both subjects, or which one. I. C. S, Box 28, Portland. Or. ELECTRICAL WORKERS WAOTED We can fit you for a good, well paid position as an electrician, or elec tric railway, lighting, of dynamo station foreman or superintendent, or telephone manager; we can teach you by mail, in your spare time and at small cost; the only qualification needed is ability to read and write and the determination to succeed; write today stating the subject which interests you. L t &, Box 28, Portland. Or. JOHN C. McCUE, Attorney-At-Law. Deputy District Attorney. Pago Building, Suit 4. HOWARD M. IROWNILL, Attorney-At-Law. Office with Mi. J. A. Satin, at lo. 40 Commercial St Astoria. TOKIO RESTAURANT. 631 Bond Street. Opposite Ross, lltgglna & Co. Coffee with Pie or Cake 10 Cts. . FIRST-CLASS MEALS. Regular Meali 15 Cts. and Up U. S. RESTAURANT. 434 Bond Street Coffee with Pie or Cake 10 Cta, , First Class Meals is Casta OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. ASTORIA RESTAURANT MANO RING, Prep. Thono 1681 Main. SW Bond 81 The Finest 15c Meal Served in Astoria. Came in Season. , Your Patronage Solicited. Courteous Treatment to All DENTISTS. Db. VAlTGHAN, Dh.i nsT Pythian Building, Astoria, Ortgca. DR. W. a LOGAN DENTIST Commercial St ' Shsnahaa Building OSTEOPATHS. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND A LARGE SUM OF MONEY wsa found in the drug store of Chas. Rogers & Son, during Christmas week; owner can have the same by proving property and paying for this add. Owlet Rogers A Son, prescription druggists. 12-28-2fc DS.RHODAC.mCZS OSTEOPATH Offlca Ifanaelf Bid. Phono Black INI 171 Commercial Bt, Astoria. Ore. HOTELS. NORTHERN HOTEL Astoria's Newest and Beat Hotel Eleventh and Duane Streets. Rooms, Single or en Suite, Steam Heated, Baths, Running Water in Every Room. Rates, 60o to $1.50; Special by Week Phone Main SOU. MRS. J. COLLINS, Manager. UNDERTAKERS. FOR SALE. FOR SALE THE STOCK AND Fix tures of a general store located a few mOes from Astoria; very clean stock, and will invoice about $7000. Par ticulars at i WESTERN REALTY CO. J. A. OILBAUG1I & CO., Undertakers and Embaliners. J Experienced Lady Assistant When Desired. ONE HUNDRED-ROOM HOTEL FOR safe; doing a splendid business; good opportunity for a first-class hotel man. WESTERN REALTY CO, FOR SALE ONE-QUARTER OR ONE half interest in a summer resort hotel doing a fine business; over 100 looms and always engaged 'way ahead. WESTERN REALTY CO. IOR SALE THE FURNITURE OF A large lodging house; rooms always fall; low rent Western Realty Co. 475 DsBunercial street FOR RENT. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS to rent; no children wanted. 330 17th at, P. E. Ferchen. 12-15-tf. LAUNDRIES. THOSE PLEATED BOSOM SHIRTS The kind known by ibeesy men in the summer, are difficult articles to launder nicely. Unless yon know just how to io it, the front pleats won't iron down smooth, and the shirt front will look atussy. Our New Press Ironer irons them without rolling or stretching. Try it Troy Laundry, Tenth and Duane, Phone Main 1901. MASSAGING. Massaging OF ALL ITS BRANCHES; WARM baths if necessary; thorough compe tency is assured. MRS. M. HEYN0, 87 W. Bond Street, Astoria. FINNISH MASSEUSE, Victoria Airola tores r.eumatiim, chronic, bowel and Brer disor.ler. Hot vapor baths will be given if the patient's conditions demands inch treatment. I will positively cure the most obstnate coje of rheumatism. V. A. AIROLA, 10-19-tf. 152 Washington St Calls Promptly Attended Day . or Night. Patton Bdg. 12th and DuimeSts ASTORIA, OKE.UON Phone Main 21 11 BOAT-BUTLDING. . FRANK SMITH, BOATBUILDING AND REPAIRING A SPECIALTY Tsy lor avenue. TYLv.' Driscoll HOTEL PORTLAND Finest Hotel in the Northwest PORTLAND, ORE. European Plsa Only. H. C BOWERS, Manager. MEDICAL. Boatbuilding and Repair ing a Specialty. 22 nd t ad Exchange street. TRANSPORTATION. PASSENGERS. FREIGHT. The Line 1 Xoi K ""4.11 X It Steamer - Lurline Night Boat for Portland and Way Landings. Leaves Astoria daily except Snnday at 1 Leaves Portland Daily except Sunday at 7 a. m. HELP WANTED. WANTED A YOUNG LADY FOR COM panion for a sick lady; day time. Ap ply at Imperial Restaurant. HALE HELP WANTED MEN AND .women to learn watchmaking, en graving, jeweler work, optics; easy terms; positions guaranteed; money made learning;. Watchmaking-Engraving School, 1429 Fourth avenue, Seat tle, Wash. Read the Morning Astorian. Quick Service Excellent Meals Good Berths. Landing Astoria Flavel Wharf. Landing Portland Foot Taylor St a B. BLESSING, Agent. Phone Main 3761. PLUMBERS. MONTGOMERY J. PLUMBER Heating Contractor, Tinner AND Sheet Iron Worker ALL WORK GUARANTEED 415 Bond Street Unprecedented Successes of DR. 6-GEE WO TEE GREAT CHINESE DOCTOR Who is known throughout the United States, on account of his wonderful ai:re. Xo poisons or drops used. He gusraa tees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung and throat trouble, rheumatism, nervousness stomach, liver and kidney, female torn- plaints and ail chronic disease. SUCCESSFUL HOME TREATMENT. If you cannot call write for symptom blsnk and circular, inclosing 4 cents b stamps. THE C GEE WO MEDICINE CO. 182 First St, Corner Morrison, PORTLAND, OREGON. Please mention the Astorian. Grand Opera. STUDENT LEARN AT REHEARSAL Laboratory Methods of Studying Grand Opwa American Singeu Will b Given a Chanos to Rise From Minor Parti to Leading Roles. the brief enwmenls that have been played iu h Hub. Ut ilittf a pleasant UU'o turprlae whs sprung those who would rather hear good mimlo t ft moderate price tlinn iniv llvo tlollms for a sent to see a New Scheme of Americanized uiiy r ti jwu of the Four Hundred, An opera eonipsny 01 toUioni . Uohody-exwpt the inuU Ul'ltle -. tut'hii'd to know imit-li, which hud been toorliur In a wearisome eeHoa of hi l.'f stand Munws th continent, turned ii for a ifew hurried performances in lloston ns a wind-up to the teuton. The price of tho t-ats were reasonable. This feature appealed to the frugal New Knylamtar. Hut It wns toon Ulawvered Unit liwaiw the performnmYt wkW re lidively ehw.p they were not hi'frrior. InU'fil nil liirelon inns very soon Hpivnd tluit this oiiipiuy was on, which aimed iutheii to present a flnUhed Bit Wio 'rf(ii ninnce tlmu to dUplay In von-nei-Uon with eaeh op'TA three or four imtih advertised celebrltes, fabled to re cetvt tli(iuaiuls of dollars a night. The iii'velly of the stheme proved at' t Motive and rod sljsed houes glad ileneil the inmianTnient. The ncvid papers I t K 1h known in a general way that this eu'erpi'Ue was lu charge of Henry liuswll, a son of Henry Hmn'll, the eelebrated song writer, who lived in New York for many yesrs, and half brother of William Clark Itusselt, the iwiell known Enylloh novelist. It ppenml that Mr. Ituell had studied the art of nhilng in Italy, had taught with marked success in Loudon, and feeling that honors awaited hint as an lmp..-arln, he hud otyanlned the San Carlo mmpany in lmdon lu llUM. and ylviji the KnlUh espial a taite of itenuH-ratic graml er. Aiiioiik hl (iiners in the fli'M season was Caruso, who has sine trained distinction, not to say notority, in another connection. in liHKl Mr. Ruisell brought Ills company to America. r.veryUiinjr bavliur uniuual iiiciit eonii's here sooner or lattr. The halo idea of the San Carlo opera i-ompaiiy Is to glv (food jjrana opera at prices within everybody's reach. The lirwlor fotmd bimelf erly face to face with thp problem of getting goml Hinder at iiliiiic tlmt did Hot mate rxajjuer- ntnl in lit a neceltv. II had been AMUSEMENTS. PLEASANT HOUR . OF ENTERTAINMENT VAUDEVILLE AT THE LOUVRE And Vaudeville that really Amuses and Interests you. Weekly Changes of Pro gram and Each Change an Improvement SPECIALTIES THIS WEEK LITTLB MISS FRISCO Song and Dance Artist THELMA BECKS Balladlst ALMA PIERCE Swedish Nightingale PRINCESS OMEANA The World's' Wonder Dont Fall to See Her ADMI88ION FREE VIC LINDBECK, Prop. HOTELS WINES, LIQURS AND CIGARS. Eagle Concert Hall ; (820 Astor St) ,- h Rooms for rent by the day, week, nonth. Beat rates' in town. P. A. PETERSO;, Prop. 1WVST0N. lVo. 28.-"Ah. that vocalised just the wny we have been taught, but don't always do. lie is j;o inu to Miiiir airwin. .lut liwtenl lu' he perfectly splendid " , The !!) baxHo once aynin evpnmls hi chi-st beneath the Iwuving fawn-colored wuisttHint, his Immaculate coat tall are lalbly alUittxl, while hit flnjjers clutch under p.'arl jiiey jjlove. and several humlrwl muiie students hold their breath while he emits his. When the prompter suddenly catches tho (ireat One nuppimr, und makes him shi; the linc-t naln. the audience is all but awe struck. This thing happens, of course, to the duller who Is beliur coached for an amateur1 performance, but who-ver expected it in a rvhesral involving oper atic stars with international reputation However, even Homer nod -perhap Mme. Ionise Homer, at tlmes- and the courtly Spanish nobleman who takes lH!ts parts in the San Carlo performance may have now ami then a moment of forget fulm'Ks. One of the advantag- of the laboratory method of study lug rund opera is that lesitles attenditiK fini-licvl M'iforniaiic'S you are In at nil the n'hearsats and see just how every holy in the caste, great and small, is eoached into perfection of form. There are, now new opportunities In this country for pursuing this lulnira orv studv of the most dramatic kind IW classical music. Thee furtherm.ire are going to' be greatly increased in the tear future, say the wise ones, tlrand oHrn is likely before long to b actu ally at home in this country. 1'p to nnvw it has lieen only an exotic that Is. except in New Oleuns. New York, of iinirse, lia seen a multiiiuie or pr.sen- tions of j;rand (ix'ra. under foreign auspices, ev-r since the performance of the "IH'Kcr's Opera bark in 1750. A 'few nthera of the Inrg.-st cities have had ntw an.1 then a few days of the time of the op-ra troupes that spend most of their American seanons In the metropolis, where hib m-iety is will- h,g to Mpiaiider winr of the proceed of high finance iipmi high pried boxes. .bst average Americans, even those who are Interested iii muiie, know errand opera mainly by rcuding alout it. Only N'nw, Oleans which first in trohutsl oiera of the French and Italian school into America in Kill, ha had to its credit a practically unbroken eries of annual performances under local management. Comic opera, of course, ha wen Americanized long lim-e. dust now there is a likelihood that permanent grand opera on a broad democratic and non itcclional ba-iin may lx mniiitaim-d in this country, Iioton rather than New York nerving as head quarters. For the idea of the San Carlo opera company which has just completed tho first engagement of its second weanon in America with three weeks in Boston and ' which has now started on its tour among the leading centres of population, is to abolish the monopoly of grand opera hitherto held by the rich, cutting in two the usiinl prices for seats, as charged by the opera house in New York, and starting a scheme iwihich will appeal to Americans In all eities, with discrimination ngninst none. 1 : Tf Boston is chosen as the centre from which this plan of grand opera for all Americans will work, a distinctly new element will lie introduced into Amer ican music. For the l'uritan capital, al though in some respects, particularly ns regards musical composition and musical education, it has. long been the lending American centre, has always lieen weak in chmicvs to become familiar with grand opera." New York deserves great credit among American cities for having first given encouragement to cnteiriscs of this kind originating abroad. For more than a century Girthnm has patronized successively a long line of famous opera tic lingers to become familiar with Munuel finrcia and his daughter Mme. Miilibran,. Mme. Carradori, ftignorina Borgbos, Senor Marty, to say nothing of "the galairy of song birds" to bor row a favorite phrase of the press agents whom 'Colonel Mapleson, Mr, Orau, and Mr. Conned have introduced in later years to the American nubile. And in all this time Bostonlans, and New Eng land folk generally, have mainly grum bled at the price of grand opera during imi!e. to "eure, even at a sacrifice of some profit, a number rf dtln- uUlicl iniitii iaiis. la-oiiigd by lnt eii.soii r cent Ion in msnv Ameri-an illes und "particularly by that in Bos ton. .Mr. ltuel respieared this year with such well known personages as Mice NVilon, .fane Noria, Flori-nclo ('onstunttitu, Mii.liiine C'laisw-n. $eir- utola, Itluiulinrt. Mme. I)'sar.a, and Vic tor .Miturel. It is intvreliiig that N'orla ami Ncllson, tho tout prims donnas, are (Continued on page 2) Mo Students, No Cocalnt, No Oat, OS II Wo will forfeit 910OO to any char itable Institution for any Dentist who can oompets with us In trows and bridge work, or teeth without plates. Pay no fancy fs until you hare con sulted us. Our continued auoeeoa In our many office la du to tho uni form high grade work dons by yean of experienced operators, The prlost qaoUd below art absolutely tht best opportunity to get your money's worm wnicn nai over Dees ouaretL Wo uat nothing but tho beat aia una a aais taaiisi peat sum ruunia. , aoe PUtlnum FUUngi lM Gold Platinum Alloy FlUlnns, Gold FUllnfi so to ls.00 8. 8. Whit Lay on down .fjoo Gold Crowns, boat oik, utra htavy , , , 15.00 Bridgtwotk, per tooth, boot work,,t Beat Rubber Plato, 8. 8. white tooth I1.0Q Aluminum-lined Plato to i$ 1 binding luarantoo glrtn with all worn ior in years. VEGETABLE VAPOR Used only by us for Palnlssa Extras tioa of Uetb. soo. Read What Mrs. Jtaale Lortl Sayt, I hsd U teeth oitraoted by tho uat of Vegetable Vapor, absolutely pain ls the most pleasing ffeet and highly recommend tho method. Yours wuiy. MRS. JESSIE LEVEL, Ufaystts, Oregon. NERVOUS PEOPLE. And those afflicted with heart weak nest eaa have their teeth estreated tnd Ailed without the Watt pala whsUver. Chicago Dental Parlors Northwest Cor. Commertial and nth. none Main 3901. Tho kmst and best equipped Den tal establishment In the Northwest Seventeen ofne la tho United States. LADY IN ATTENDANCE. 8 that rna are In the right onVe. m I 1 ill Y Good Cough tfedldne for Children. Tho season for coughs ami colds is now at hand and too much cars cannot bo used to protect tht children. A cnllc1 la much more likely to contract diph theria or scarlet fever when ho hat a cold. Tho quicker you cure hit cold the less the risk. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is the sole reliance of many mothers, and few of those who havt tried it are willing to ue any other, Mrt. F. F. Starchor, of Ripley, W. Va, tayt: "I havt never used anything other than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for my children and It hat always given good satisfaction. Thlt remedy eonUlnt no opium or other narcotio and may be given as confidently to a child as to an adult. For sale by Frank nart and lead ing druggists. J TmllMMeIP"w,4ta5!,! scmhwI si tlwlr itrl. accuracy nd .'mplltllr. Merall's M stntTI W'"! ITCr..ul..crllt"'!'" lAlf"' .r. umb.r, H cent. K.rTuMrtws sMcts urn Kr. Sulirfriln to4. I.Sdr Atenu Wnnied. Unn PB,!'"VII S.I Ires. A4d TH McCALL CO K. V-W lSfvlf 1593 IN ONB OR MANY COLORS LARGEST FACILITIES IN THE WEST FOR THE PRODUCTION OF HIGH , OR AD B WORK. iatii at tow at mint mm m m iti fi .1 S ' . :! Rheumatism : Diabetes, i Kidney Diseases ! Bladder Troubles, i Liver Complaint, ! Indigestion, i Constipation, fand all other dlseatea arising front Tlcldney and bladder troubles eaa beZ iiulckly, permanently, and ABSOLUTELY CURED T Erery sufferer from any. of thooex xareta oisetset snoulj learn at of tho greatest euro knows to mod-X ,orq aciencs). HARRIGTON'S TABLETS tre endorsed by physicians every -1 Iwhere. They will euro tbousanda-t fthey will SURELY CURB YOU. X Send 25 cents Today, t for liberal bos of these tablet. If fthey do not cures you wo will rofondl your money. 1 t, T Fill In Couponi and tend it to ml today. e HERINGTOn MIDICIWE Ca X , Grand Rapldt, Mich. Herlngton Medicine Co , X Grand Rapldt, Mich. I enclose 23 eentt for which ploaaeZ send, pott&go prepaid, 1 box Borinf t ion s iSDieva. My Name . , JMy Address . . ....... My Druggistt Nams . i Morning Astorian, SO centa per month a- a i pf-i Coughs.Colds, ' .: CROUP, - This remedy can always bt depended upon mil Is pleasant to take. It contains no opium or other harmful drug and may be sjEven ucoalt dently to a baby as to an adult . t , Price 25 cents, large size SO cents. ; rttl 4 hi