SUNDAY, DECEMBER so, 1907. TUB MOUSING ASTOMAN, r STOMA, OREGON. I bog Cabin Flour -and- Log Cabin Maple Syrup- Are loth high-grade good. Tha only quality take pleauro in selling and cott tin coiiiiimer no mot tlian ordinary kinds. ROSS, HIOOINS & CO. Ths Loading Qroooro Marriage License A marriage ln-enns was yesterday granled to John PaIiI and Beats Vest gourd, both of Atorla, Doctaration Filed llwy INmrnv r netlv of Finland. yes terday, filed til intention to become a trftUen. ' lumber Yard Repaired The Astoria Umber Co., at Union town, bav repaired tli portion of tlulr yah), which collapsed some time ago, and are u.lng it for the storage ' lumber. Inspecting Government Work Uolonel IUeler, Unltwl Mate engi neer In charge of thia district, waa in specting the work at the J4ty at Fort rjtsvena, yesterday, lis loft for Portland )( night. Beautiful Sample Caw- , The Astoria Hardware Co. have Just received a beautiful MinpUj oasewhlch la on exhibition In their ehow window, filled wtLIt a fine assortment of machin ist's took It a caw that would be a credit In auy city and l worth seeing. Inatatlatioa of Officers lbo recently elected officers of Beaver JMlge Xo. 35, 1. 0. 0. F., twill be Installed 011 Thursday night next, January 2nd. The member of Gateway Rebecca. Lodgi are Invited to b present. Case Postponed When the cas of Dr. Knleely waa call ed yestanlay morning in Judge Good man' court It w found that it would be very Incouvcuicnt for the principal witnesses to be preent and to aocommo date all parties concerned the case. ws continued until Monday. ... "", ' - -f .Vflffo Tax Levies The county clerk h received notice of the following tax levieat School die- tricte No. 33, Clifton, 3 mill Xo. H Jewell. 1 mill; road districts, No. 4. 1 Melville, 8 mill, and No. 8. Wallu-kl, 10 mill. Will Soon Bo Home ' ' Dr. August Kinney will be with u (Kin agulii. He an Mm. Kinney are at present in New York and will toon be en route home. The Police Court Judge Anderson had one drunk and disorderly before htm yesterday and the testimony of Officer Houghton evidenced the fact that the defendant bad thought himself the Jap army atromlng a Rus lun fort and proceeded to clean out a downtown Saloon. Five dollar or two Jay wa the package handed him. An oilier drunk appeared by document an) added 18 to the city' wealth. An Enjoyable Evening A very enjoyable toclal we given by the W. C. T. U. at the Seamen's Insti tute last night, which wa greatly ap preciated by the seamen. The crew of the Itajure and other who filled the room found that Aitorla wa not a whit b-hlnd Portland in looking alter the In tTta of the ea- faring people, lie following Indies helped to make the evening a uai .Uf Violet Fatla- lieiul, Marie KllWwn, Bertha Nelson. Fanny Gregory, Bertha and Mildred SftevnuMin, Fay Hall, and Prof. Koenig and Mr. Zlgler. Thank U extended to those who o generouoly supplied the I intitule with cake. , File Remonstrance P. Jordan and W. E Joplin have filed a petition with Auditor Anderson,, ad driwd to the Mayor and Council, Milium! rating agsint the iiuprovenieii f Thirteenth street. They rlaim the utrrrt i only Ave feet wide at Exchange tre,-t and lea at Franklin avenue; that H Itniirovril it must be on the established grade, and to make the street to grade a deck would have to to built .10 feet lMve ground which would bo dng rou 1 hat they have paid to the city for r.imilr of year for the Improvement of Kxchange Ueet and rrankim avenue and that to improve (aid atreet would work a hardship upon the pctitionora. Boat Repaired Victor Hloech, tha owner of the gao line boat, on which th.-re wa an ex plolon reiwutlj,-, baa repaired the boat and he will leav here on Monday for Qulncy, from which point the boat will tow tome telephone pole to thl city. Enjoying Himaelf l)ll IL Knrle, formerly in charge of the quarantine elation here, write to the Aatorian tlwt h. wa In Beaufort, South Carolina, where be would remain for a few day. He la enjoying himaelf hugely and bia many friend here will be plcaacd to know that be la in fine health. ' Don't forget the Maaquerade Ball to be given at Logan'e Hall, New Year1 Eve. Special Sale- Oil range, heating atovee, and rug. at L II. Henuingten, S04-304 Bond atreet next door to exprea office. Sweets Confectionery and Ice Cream Parlors. is the best and most reliable place to buy your Christmas Novelties and Candies. Good Groceries 1 Quick Delivery If you want good freah grocerlea and want them qujek, phone or caH on n. We fcv our own, delivery; wagona and prompt and careful delivery ia 'aaaurad, ,. . v. , FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES THE BEST OF PRODUCE v . Scholfield Malison & Co. ?oooD, 112 and J20 Twelfth St. Phone 1181 n 1 Phone 931. r';. ' For a : ' . VICTOR OR AN EDISON PHONOGRAPH goto Johnson Phonograph Co, Parlor Second Floor over Soholfleld A Mattaon Co, LIGHTNING STRIKES STATION THE WIRELESS STATION AT NORTH HEAD NEARLY DESTROYED BY ELECTRIC BOLT FRIDAY AFTER NOON. An electric etorin experienced at the North Head wlrcle elation, Friday ftf tenioon, canned much annoyance and oina dunuige. At 4:30 p. in. a bolt of lightning, the atrongmt yet experienced on the rai-llltr Court, etruck the mat of the elation and palng down from the acrlul wire, run into the ground partly through tlie lightning arrextor. I'art of the current palng through the wiilc couiHiny'( wires burned tbcm out a H alwt did the toh-phone and Weetern I'nion wire. It aloo attacked the weather bureau wire and -burned out one, utarting a mall Are under the in wtrumcut tatilc, but the blare wa ex tinguiitlied by the active uttacht of the tntlon. 7 lie wirele operatop report that the lightning bolt iwa tcrriAo and that the report made by It, when It rtruck, rcnibld the detonation of 12 1Mb gun, on board of a battleship m hun beard from a point close behind It. W hile much of the current wa grounje through the,, mire there wa wflkicnt remaining to burn large win of the iliamcUT of en ordinary lead pencil, into a iniall heap of copper, Xo tuch lightning ha ever been known on tlii count, and it 1 fortunate tnat no further damage wa don and, that no livee were lout. Yerterday afternoon communication wa reatored over the Weetcrn t'nlou wire but it wlll be aav erl before the balance of the yt trm i in complete operation. Rivera Clotcd to Fishing The Columbia River Pecker' Awocia- tion hat r.t-cived from the Bureau of Hniicrw of the Department of torn mert-e nnd tabor, ofllclal notice of the cloning of h Wood and Kubagak river to eommeixial finhing. The letter In full i a follow: - "Columbia River Packer' Aanociation "AMorin, Oregon. ; "Gentlemen: Your attention !a In vited to the Homing order: ; "Washington, Dec. 10, 1907. "To Whom It Jlay Concern: "A hcarin-)'t!jMbfl: been- given at th Depart itm crco and loor lK-giiim (, 1907, at which all pt (in the cloning or non-( JF and Nuuhagak nverafa . y jmtg purposes were fully hearJLw" notice of which wa given acconling to bw, br virtue of th authority vested in ine by section 6 o 'An Art for the protection and reguht tion of the fisheries of Alaska,' approve! June 20, 1 1)0(1. it la hereby ordered that until further uotice Wood River, a tribu tiiry of Xualmgak l(ay, in tha' District of Alaska, and the region within 500 yard of the mouth of said Wood river be clooed to all commercial fishing, and that all commercial fishing be prohibited In Niuhligak river proper. "This order b comes effective January 1, 1908. V "(Signed), OSCAR S. STRAUS, "Secretary "It is requeued that you acquaint all your employee with the terms of this order. Respectfully. , "GEO. IL VERS, "Commissioner.'' Had the Honey Ready- In rejwrtmg the adjustment of the case of Willinm Joplin vs. John Adams, in yesterday' issue of tho Astorian, the defendant claims that the fact that he hud ample money In the house to pay Mr. Joplin' just claim for rent, but that it was In Portland clearing houso cer tificates, and that Mr. Joplin refused, point blank, to accept them, and thrust the suit at law upon him, had not been duly noted; and the Astorian, desiring that no Injustice shall be done anyone in its columns, here and now make these things manifest, to Mr. Adam's credit. No Special Levy At a meeting of Road District No. 17 (John Days) the question of levying a special tax waa brought up. The meet ing, was attended by fiowell Lewis, Perry Titus, A. L. Johnson, A. L. Parker, John Larson, L. B. Woods and Peter Golickson. There waa an objection made to a tax being levied, it being claimed that although a levy waa made last year no improvements followed. When the question waa put to tho meeting the specinl tax levy failed by a vote of 5 to 2. , ' p" Lost An Emblem , Charles Humphreys, manager of the Postal. Telegraph Co., had the misfor tune, iwhen returning Friday night. Somewhere, betwen the depot and his residence - on Seventeuth street and Irving a.venue he lost a Moaonic keystone emblem on the back of which was en graved his name and lodge. He will greatly appreciate its return by the finder. Notice To Fishermen. J. H. Duncan has received another of the famous 0 horvsopower Make & Break Llppcrt gasoline engines which was got- en up for the fishermen. Any one de siring an engine of this type should call on Mr. Duncan at onoe. - i AGOOD HOTEL STORY How the Imperial Figures in the Tourist Mind. HIGH STANDARDS OBSERVED Review of One of Oregon's Commercial Landmark and Its Near Relation to the World Traveling; Public High Class Service, The traveling Orcgouian, espeuiallyif he hails from the metropolis, is a trained and discriminating expert in hotels, and 'when he ha occasion to revert to the hostelrie of hi native city, invariably, and conscientiously, refers the Oregon bound tourist to the chief caravansary in that city, the Imperial Hotfl, never giving -cond thought, much lesa expres sion, to the claims of other excellent houses, simply on the hypothesis, that huving named the best house, his duty has ended both to the stranger and the city of his habitat. 'The tourist socking comfort at the Portland-end of hi journey, acting on the suggestion of the "man who knowa. goet direct to the Imperial and promptly varille the recommendation given him; and which he is, forthwith, heard re (Mating to other travelers, wheresoever he may find them. And thus the name and fame of a good bouse become a tradition of the great commercial high way and a legitimate, living fact of the home-city itself. There is nothing to wonder at in the achievement, of such a distinction in favor of the Imperial. For years Phil .UeUchan and the late, lamented Charles Knowlos, conspired, with ail the wealth of their genial natures and broad exper ience, in the founding of the present regime of the Imperial, and on the death One Piano Number FREE with eaeh $5.00 Purchase. ; - Oh, yes, the versciis fumy, And the drawing too is nice, But what is much more. clever Is our class of goods and price., s twxi uua. la J of Mr. Knonvles, tha fortune of the house 'fell to his partner and that partner son, bright, capable, hearty replicas of their celebrated 'pater, under the firm style of Phil Metsoban & Sons, and the accession, of the younger element has but .enhanced the ranee and regard in which the house has always been held. Tlie Imperial Hotci is absolutely mod ern in all its appointments and suffers nothing by comparison with its boasted competitors all over the Northwest coun try, in point of structure, equipment. exquisite cleanliness, perfect service and annexed establishments contributory to human comfort and convenience. Its hundreds of rooms are large, airy, solid ly and handsomely furnished, each with its own telephone service for local and long-distance use; with baths, elevators, and scores of other accessories indispen sable in a well-appointed resort for the experienced and cxnting traveler, and corps of sen-ants skilled to adept, prouipt, and thorough service. To keep the b'g establishment up to the highest standards, which are always advancing iu dua ratio iwith the ac cepted inventions of the day, the firm has spent approximately $25,000 in im provement and will spend more in the coming year; despite which , tha rates remain at the popular figures of $1.00, $1.60 and $2.00 per day. And the always appreciated advantage of in variably finding one's friends registered there is another compensating quality that must be counted in its favor. "Watson's," the famous, and, standard, restaurant of the Oregon metropolis, is part ana parcel of too imperial menage and this, with all that has been said, and all that might still be said, is ample to justify the formation of what is known all over the Pacific slope, as the "Im perial habit," as applied to one's sojourn in the city of Portland, the "Rose City' of America. : An Unusual Thing. When we talk to you on newspaper space, we try to talk interestingly enough to induce you to come to our store We speak of the high standard of our stock, of the variety offered, and we tell you of our prices which are brought as low as may be for goods of quality. Then when you come to see us it remains for us to prove all that we have said and promised. If we fail, the penalty is loss of your parronage. Our list of customers steadily increases. Be cause our newspaper announcements are backed by the deeda of our store. Herman Wise Reliable Clothier and Hatter CARNEGIE LIBRARY FOR ASTORIA CARNEGIE LIBRAST FUND IS NEGO GOTATIONS WITH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SOME PHILANTHRO PIST KINDLY DONATE A SITE. If a aite for a new library can be se cured, it is reasonably certain that a Carnegie library can now be had for Astoria; provided of course, that the people should want it. Negotiations looking towards this end have been opened with the Carnegie Library fund authorities by the Cham ber of Commerce and the matter has been placed before the library board of thia city. The lady members of ' the board have in turn asked that the Cham ber of Commerce do what it can towards securing a free site to be used of course only in case a building is put up the coat of which will be about $17,000, The lad members of the board will in the meanwhile also do all they can to secure a site. If one is to be had in a suitable location for a library it would mean one more splendid building for Astoria besides the benefits that mould accrue from a larger and more suitable library, , ' . r It any pub'ic spirited citizen can find it in his heart to present the city with a library site for a new year's gift, if he will make known this fact either to tlie Chamber1 of Commerce or to the library board, he will be the means of securing another splendid building for this city and it might be, add to the value of the remainder of his property. JUST RECEIVED a fresh shipment of Lowney!s Candies Pound Boxes 50c and up. v Boxes 15c tol$2,50 Tag'g's Parlors 483 Commercial Rt. PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. A. Montgomery is in Portland oa a business visit. Martin Foard returned last night after an absence of several days. . Will P. Fisher, of Seattle, is a visitor to Asi:oi'ia. - - J. F. It Webber, of San Francisco, ia in Astoria. ,:! Chester'Williams, of Seaside, is spend ing the holidays with his mother ia Astoria. ' IL J. Schuffer, of Seattle, is in tho city and registered at the Occident. P. C. Warren and wife and daughter; Mrs. C. F. Lester, of Warrenton. left last evening for Southern California ta sjiend the winter. - 1 G. R. Overmere and wife of Graai Bend, Kan., are registered at the Occi dent. ' . . Yon Don't Need to Send to Portias!. O. H. Orkwita, 137 Tenth street, can cover your umbrellas just aa good a they can any place on the northwest coast. In tha west window of his big clothes shop, Herman Wise displays five differ ent models, of young men's suits, for next spring. The euits are being manu factured and will be here early in the spring, but Mr. Wise wanted to show his customers the new styles ahead of anybody in Oregon, so he secured five of the most popular styles of suits; you can see a difference in each coat, either in the style of pockets, style of cuffs or in style of lapel. MA Wise also shows number of patterns which will be popular next spring or summer. - That's enterprise, Fisher Brothers Company SOLE AGENTS . Barbour and Finlayoon Salmon Twine and Netting McCormiek Harvesting Machines - Oliver Chilled Ploughs . . . ; Malthold Roofing ' Thorples Cream Separators Raeoolith Flooring " Storrett'a Tools Hardware, Groceries, Ship Chandlery . , Tan Bark, Blue Stone, Muriatic Acid, Welch Coal, Tar, . Ash Oars, Oak lumber, Pips and Fittings, Brass e Goods, Paints, Oils and Glass Fishermen's Pure Manilla Rope, Cotton Twine and Seine Web . We Wont Your Trade FISHER BROS. Bond Street. 1 Ki