t SUNDAY, DECEMBER u, 1907, OlIE MORNING ASTOR1AN, ASTORIA OREGOIX. 8 . .' h 1 'v 1 -, . .. . s 1 ., ,., , , ... assss: , , isaa 1500 WORTH OF LADIES' HIGH. : CtASS sons, COATS, skirts, even. INO COSTUMES, OPERA COATS, WAISTS, PETTICOATS, MILLINERY AND MUSLIN UNDERWEAR TO BE TURNED INTO CASH WITHIN THE NEXT FEW DAYS, REGARDLESS OF 'former COST OF VALUE. WE MUST RAISE MONEY. " GR EAT Money Baising Sale! THESE - HIGH-GRADE GARMENTS WERE , MANUFACTURED t FOR THE, LEADING ' RETAILERS OF, THIS COUNTRY, BUT OWING h TO THE ' MONEY MARKET, WE CAME INTO POSSESSION OF THEM AT PRICES NOT AVERAGING 33 PER CENT AND OFFER SAME TO THE PUBLIC AT ONLY ONE-THIRD OF THEIR WORTH. NO NOT OVERLOOK THIS CHANCE OR CHANCES TO SAVE, THUS AS SISTING US IN RAISING (THE MONEY. Greatest Sacrifice Ever Offered in Ladies' FgH 01 ass Fashionable Attire Now in Progress At by Economi- JA LOETFS ST TD) is Not to Be Overboiled mJSLf ca cal Shoppers. A PRONOUNCED SUCCESS The throngs of customers who purchased yesterday will endorse our statement that such values were never before offered in Astoria or in any other town. Remember these garments are of the highest character relative to style, snap, quality, patterns' and workmanship. The stocks. consist of Ladies' Suits, Coats. Evening Suits, Opera Coats, Cravenettes, Skirts, Millinery, Silk Petticoats, Waists, Neckwear and Children's Dresses, Every garment is new, fresh and stylish. The people of Astoria and vicinity are well aware of the fact that when TaloffV Store announces a sale it means extraordinary values at ridiculously low prices; n6t merely the working off of undesirable garments. The Jaloff Store is'growing with the growth of Astoria and its future depends upon the reputation it enjoys among the people of Astoria. This fact is an insurance against misrepresentation. We back every statement we make. Now is the time to act. Take advantage of the rarest opportunity offered you during the Great Money Raising Sale and supply your wardrobe with three garments for the price of one. PAST RECORDS BROKEN We propose to make this Sale the Greatest Sale in our history. Every dollar's worth of Surplus stock has been marked at prices to close it out in a week; cost, former value and loss will not be considered: we are bound to sell the goods. We mean just what we say and want you to regard every word as a cold fact. . We consider it a wise loss, and take it cheerfully, This Sale Will Last Just a FEW MORE DAYS and It Is a Buying Opportunity That None Should Miss. 537 Commercial Street, Astoria, Oregon FREE TARE With every purchase of fc!0 and over, wt will pay the faro both ways to purchaers from Chinook, Oethlamet, Skamokawa, Hwaco, Seaside and surroundings. r THE WEEK IN ASTORIA SOCIETY ' HMHMtMMMHMHiMMMMMMMHHMMt items of toclal or personal nature will pleas b tent to Miss Alert, c Astorlan office, rhone Main 601. No communication will ba received later i 10 o'clock Saturday morning, oxcopt In case of an event occurring .r than that time. A concert will be given In the First ssbyterian Church on the evening of nhsry 14lh by Prof. Emll Enna for b benefit of the Seamen'a Institute, of. Eima will be assisted by the Nor glan male ohorut and Mn. C. If. ererombi wwill sing the aolo part of 9 Norwegian antbem composed by Mr. elg, "Den Store Hvide Flok vi Scr. he Great White Heavenly .Throng wo e," 'which has , become exceedingly pillar both In Europe and America. ITof. Eima has made for liiHiseir an viable record In thii country in this intry a a musical geniue and thU iertainment will prove a rare treat to ittiu lover and the general publio and, II alio give the people 0 Aatoria wi portunity to help in a worthy cause ) Senuicns Institute. There U no Hit but that a lnrvo attendance at entertainment will, testify the ap relation of the people of Astoria for a commendable work. , , , rhe memberi of the .Epworth League the Metbodlit Cliuroh gave a Sham k Social In the church parlon on eaday night." There wa a good at dance and.thj evening waa delight ly ipent. Irish melodies and recita ls were given by the different mem- and each number Of he program 1 a treat for the hearers. Mrs. Stella mpson read a "paper on the history Ireland, dealing (with the eharaoterls- I and triumphs v of the ' people II Jennie Jeffers gave two recitations the Irish dialect and Miss Whldby 1 an interesting article, others sang h tongs and the entire assemblage d in singing "The Harp That Once pugh Tara's Hall . lie success of the social was largely to the able efforts of Miss Twidwell had the entertainment In charge.- On Monday afternoon, December 10th, In the parlors of the Manse of the First Prenbyterian Church, the Rev. Win. S, Gilbert united In marriage Miss Gertrudu V. Walte of Ft. Stevens and Mr. Charles A. Hill, of Vancouver,' Wash. Mr. Hill belongs to the Fourteenth Infantry, at present stationed at Vancouver Bar racks. Mrs. Hill will accompany hor husband to the Philippine Islands the It of January, when the Fourteenth Infantry sails. , : .jv .r Miss Winnie Higgins line arrived home from Palo Alto, Cal, where she is at tending the Stanford University to spend the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J, E. Higgine. Harvey Allen is home from the Stan ford University at Palo Alto, Cal.' to spend the holidays with relatives. The Junior Class of the high school have issued invitations for a dancing party, to be' given , in Lognn'e Hall on the evening of Thursday, December SO. The patronesses for this party are Mes dames nigglns, C Reames, Troyer ami Lounsberry. ; ?., vv. A swell dancing party will be given on New Veal's night in Logan's Hall by the Owl Club.' This elub has a member ship of about a vloten young men, who have proven their ability to entertain. The patronesses for this even are Mrs. H. F. Prael, Mrs. Nelson Troyer, Mrs. G. W. Sanborn and Mrs. A. A. Finch. 1 Miss Gayie Robert returned a few days ago from Palo Alto to spend Christ mas at home. ' , Alvin Mattson, who has been attend ing the Oregon Agricultural College at Corvallls, 'arrived home last night lo pend the Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mattson. Mr. James McDonough and Philip MuDonough, of Bear Cliff, Wash, were in town on Friday, doing Christmas shopping. Mr. Ed. Joseph, of Altoona, Wash. superintendent of the Klevenhausen Cold Storage plant at that place was a passenger this week en route to Ger many, where he will confer with the owners of the plant on business mat ters. 1 Mr. Victor Brant, of Portland, who is connected with the Christ immigration service of that city, made a business trip to Astoria, on "Wednesday. In the parlors of the Methodist par sonage on Saturday afternoon, Decern' ber Hth, occurred the marriage' of Mis3 Mbdge Strtiit and Mr. Percy Coffmnn, both of Seaside. The Rev. 0. a Rarick, pastor of that church, officiating. At her pretty Uppertown home Miss F,va Holmes entertained the D. M. C. D. Club In most charming , manner on Thursday of this week. The Clover Club was entertained this week by Mrs. Emil , Palmberg at the home of her mother, Mrs. Beck, on Ir v.- ing avenue. . parsonage, the Rev. Theo. Neste united in marriage, Mr. Christian Storset and Miss Anna Iindset The bride waa at tended by Miss Maret Settem of Astoria and the groom by his brother, Mr. Hal vard Nelson of Chinook, Wash. After the ceremony, refreshments were served to the few immediate friends 'who Were in attendance and a very en joyable time was spent. The happy couple will make their future home in Chinook where they have many friends. Miss Wade, who attends school at St. Helens 'Hall, has arrived in Astoria to spend Christmas with ber mother, Mrs. Katherine Wade. - Miss Pearl Eetes has arrived down from Portland for the holidays. Miss - Anna Schisted entertained ' a number of young lady friends on Friday afternoon at a thimble party. The .Swedish-Finnish Society of Up pertown held their Christmas festival and exercises last night in Edun Hall. Captain and Mrs. Tatton are enter taining Mr. and Mrs. William MoWhin ney and daughter of Butte, Mont. Mr. Whlnney it a nephew of Captain Tatton. On last Saturday evening, December Hth, in the parlors of the Lutheran Miss Laura Fastabend haa arrived home from Salem where she has been attending the . Willamette University. Miss Fastabend was accompanied by Miss Hart, of. Bonner Ferry, Idaho, who will visit during the Christmas vacation with her friend. Miss Dow, who is also a pupil at the "university, is home fof the holidays which she will spend with her parents, Fruit Inspector and Mrs Dow. ' . , Mrs. Frederick Prael and Mr. and Mrs. R. 0." Prael and children left yesterday inurning icr roruami to epena const- mas with relatives. ' ... rr Mr. and Mrs. nans' Peterson, of Al toona, Wash., spent Saturday in Astoria. Harry Parker, who is taking a course in electrical engineering at ,the State Agricultural College at "Ccirvallis, Ore- is home Ir the holidays. Tlie iueuiberr ol 'the Wbmen'a Christ- ian Temperance Union held their mm lar weekly meeting on Thursday after noon in the parlors of the Seamen'a In stitute. After the business meeting the ladies "tied" two comfortablej for the use of the Institute, and Mra. Ellefson served coffee. Msdames R. M. Gaston, Gearheart and Jeffers were the commit tee that had this work in charge, Logan's Hall. Excellent music was furnished by the Pacific orchestra. There was a good attendance. This week haa been a quiet one in the social circles of' the city for the reason that everyone is busily engaged in prep arations for Christmas. The young people who have been attending school and col lege in different towns have been srriv ing home the last few days with visions of dainty gifts and happy preparations for the holidays before them. There has been several beautiful sunshiny, days this week and the street and stores were filled with enthusiastic shoppers all bent on purchasing dainty or subtantial re membrances aa the ease may be. Several swell events are booked for the coming holiday season that will be attended by a crowd of elegantly gowned women and attentive escorts. Preparations for sev eral weddings which will take place in the near future are also in progress, and the'happy'events are looked forward to with great pleasure by the invited good satisfaction." This remedy contains no opium or other narcotic and may be given aa confidently to a child as to an adult For sale by Frank Hart and lead ing druggists. The Astorian, 60 cents monthly. The children of the Presbyterian Sun day Behoof will 8ive charming Christ ina entertainment on Monday night in the auditorium of vthe church. After the Uterory program; Q .children will be given a' substantial treat. The Thursday Afternoon Club waa en tertained this week by Mrs. Earl Fisher at her beautiful home on Franklin ave nue. Six-handed euchre waa played, Mrs. Fisher and Mrs. George Colwell were the lucky priae winners. , Mrs. F. A. Fisher is in Portland for several daye stay. The Liberty, Bell Social'Club cave a successful dancing party last night in x Miss Wiarren entertained the ladies missionary aociety of the Presbyterian church on Tuesday afternoon in the church parlars.J, Interesting papers per taining to the work of the society in different country were read and th study hour was a profitable one. Dainty refreshments iwere served during the af ternoon and. the ladies attending spent a very pleasant time. Good Cough Medicine for Children. The season for cooghs and colds is now at hand and too much, care cannot be used to protect the children. A child i much more likely to contract diph theria or scarlet fever when he has a cold. The quicker yon cure his cold the less . weriMc. Chamhariadn's Cough Remedy is the aolo reliance of many mothers, and, few of those who have tried It are willing to use any other. Mrs. F. F. S tardier, of Ripley, W. Va, says: 1 have never used anything other than Chamberlain' Cough Remedy for my children and it haa always given No Student No Cocaine, No Gat.. It W k II We will forfeit f 1000 to any char itable institution for any Dentist who can compete with us In erowa and bridge work, or, teeth without plates. fay no fancy fees nntfl you havo eon suited us. Our continued success in our many offices la due to the uni form hiffh-ffraila mmrV Ann Kv mra of experienced operators. The prices fmn uciuw bi ausoiurciy we oeei opportunity to get your money's worth ; which has ever been offered. Wo use nothing bat the best ma terials. a.-.V . . m Beat Silver Fillings............. 50c Platinum Fillings im Gold & Platinum Alloy Filllnga.t1.s3 Gold Fillings........... tao to I5.00 S. S. White Layon Crown. ..... ,1540 Gold Crowns, best aak, extra , heavy . ...'..rt......,...;.5o Bridgework, pet tooth, heat work.. Best Rubber Plate, S. S. white . teeth . ...tso Aluminum-lined Plate tio to ti$ A binding vuarantea o4mn with .11 1 iran iw iv yean. -3 , .. VEGETABLE VAPOR Used only by us for Painless Kxtrae tiOn Of tMlth an. . fc. , Read What Mra. Jessie Level Says. 1 naa iz loein nrtraxtiui Of Veaetabl Vannr. .fcuiln.l. vt'VT m08t Pling effect and "8"V n!wuunena in meuoa. Xours truly. T MRS. JESSEE LEVEL. Lafayette, Oregon. And thoaa afftisti wifk iiMit new eon have their teeth extracted ana BiMd without the least pain whatever. Chicago Dental Parlors North west Cor.Conunercialaad nth. Phone Main 3901. The laivMl nA luwtnnfnMj IW. Seventeen offices in the United State, LADY Df ATTENDANCE. See that yon are In tho right office.