SATURDAY, DECEMBER si, 1907. 'THE MORNING ASTOIUAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. Hi. 1 AM . x Vk AiH BOX RESOLUTE UNIVERSAL COLD WEATHER IS COMING See the bargains in our big stove department upstairs. Ifiyour money is in the bank (give us your'check. I The Foard & Stokes Hardware Co! : Incorporated Sueceators U FdaM Stoka Ce. Continued from page 6) executive office, Mr, Hayes wknowlf IC cil that the Prealdcnt lmd indicated liU (iiHii(lloii, lint declared that In plt of Mr, Jlooneveit'a dlupbrntntro lit would prox tli 1lll to tlio beat of ill ability, lie tulit III measure wiik in accordance with the ni'iitlmi'iit In (,'ulifornia, which ha Iwniiiii tiiilvcmiilly opposed, to Jap rtiii'H Immliriitlou. Th daring of the California Itcpreaeulutlve may caune the Congiwaipmil ltiniiiat('r at tlx Wnlte Hume to bring public view again tlm "IHg SH k," iitnl doiiii! heads may be cracked. cucoona wlUi the lnt removed to make pound of llk, but at this coun try iia 60 atlllc cloth mill which t compelled to pay $7iS,OOO,00O annually for ikw and reeled silk grown In other (iounlrie tlie financial success of the enterprise i not in doubt, Mr, Coombs la In Washington gathering data at the Agricultural Department which may be of advantage to the allk worm culture. Probably it la your stomach and not your heart that causes pain in neighbor hood of the h-art. If it la, Lane's Medi cine will give relief". WHEN YOU WANT PRICES THAT ARE RIGHT Write us, we're here for that purpose The Work We Do Anything in the electrical Business. Bell's House Phones Inside wiring and Fixtures installed and kept In repair. vv c win uc Kiu iu vjuuic jruu ywvta. OUR PRICES WILL DO THE REST STEEL & EWART 2I Deed Street Pbona Main 3M1 DECORATE! Your Tree with an up-to-date Electric Tree Outfit. Endorsed by Insurance underwriters. See one at the Astoria Hardware Co., 113 12th St. SCOff BAY IRON & BRASS IRKS r ASTORIA, OllEOON IROH AND BRASS FOUNDERS LAND AND MARINE ENGINEERS Uito-!)aU Haw Mill Mactilnarjl Prompt attention iivtn lo al. repair work 1ih and 'r.nkllB Av. Tt Main MM . Q. A. BOWLBY, Prwidant. a t PETERSON. Vke-Proeldent rtUSS PATTON, Oaaalar. J. W. GARNER, Aitnt Ckaalai. Astoria Savings Bank Capital raid in 1100 fftt, Bnrpina and Ondlrtded Proflta S90,000 Transacts a Oaoeral Banking Bnalneaa. Intoreal Paid on Time bepoaltt TOUR PER CENT FEB AKNOl Eleventh and Dnane .twet. ASTORIA. 0REC01I First National Bank of Astoria, Ore ESTABLISHED 18HU. Capital $100,000 That Xmas Dinner WILL HOT BE COMPLETE WITHOUT SOME OP OUR SELECT TABLE WINES A PARTIAL LIST TO CHOOSE FROM. SWZEi WINES Sparkling Sec Dry Fragrant, offer- OM PurtTawnv. rich, llaht tad veeoent color. ; : I Old Sherry Pale, eleao. witty. Aielica Soft, agreeable, full Muscatel Very fruky, sweet white wonts RlesllngMedlum light tabid wine, RED WEISS Zinfandel Clean, light tabid win. Burgundy Medium bodied, mellow. Sparkling Burgundy Brilliant, plea aat Grape Juice, Maraeotdno cherries, fruit Sauteroe Natural mellow, proooonedd and Cognao Brandlea, and 4 fall fUTOT. une w wuw. Chateau You em Pull bodied Oramd , o Sauterned. PHONE 1M1 PROMPT DELIVERY AMERICAN IMPORTING CO. 589 Commercial Street According to Wilbur K, Wakeman, trfHHiiriT aud nl'",'r"l avcri'tary of the AiiH'rli'iii rrotecllve Iaue, a man who mho t'lulma to be of undoubted r!Nioiiiiil)ilty told Mm that the threat of "dlwilinlimtlng" fne trade with tlie rhilliitii' Iih iiH'rutcil aa a bmke on the V'-Kiptimnt of Urn beet growing ln duatry and tlmt if Conjjreea would leave tliin Imliixlry alone, more than $30,000, (HW would Its put liifo tho erection of new beet augar factorlca. Tlila Philip uine tarilT (incition la agitating the mem ber of Congntm from the Middle Wcat, wImto u(tr beet iaiiiig and beet augar manufacturing have attained ' their fficafct iriowth. Ilie delegation from Colorado, Ki'braika, Wyoming, Kana, and a niniilx'r of other atatr in that nectlon are keeping clone watch of thl question, and if any auth bill la intro duced at the prexent aeaalon it will be a algnnl for an inUretlng fight. It 1 charged that tho augar truat really 1 behind tlie movement to let down the bar to Philippine augar. The trout, it i miid, can handle the Philippine eompe tit Ion, while It practically is lielplcn in h face of the compettlon offered by beat augnr ruining and manufacture in tlila country. e . 1 1 Senator Curli of Kanaa, who with Senator Teller and LaFollctte had juat completed an inveatlgation into alleged fraud agalnat the Kkkapoo Indiana, reported to tlie Prewident thla week that eonditiou were almost Indescribable. The three Senatora, who were appointed aa a aub-eommittee on Inveatigationa. joli:eI in urging on the President the apiHilntmcnt of a apecial alatant attor ney general to handle the proaecution that will be recommended by the full Senate Committee on Indian Ar fair. A a reault of theae pro poaol protecutlona, it i very likely that certain prominent citizen in the Indian Territory and elaewliere may find tbem elvee aatcly inlde penitentiary walla before many month ane over Senator Curti, Teller and LaFollette found in cxlatence the nroat remarkable atate of fraud, perjury and forgery against the Kickapoon, whoao valuable landa in the Indian Territory near Shawnee have patned into the hand of a combination of men. The report declare that deed were recorded from people who have been long dead, wblle many Indian were Induced to aign away five or aix tract of land under the impression that they were conveying only one tract io the purchaser. President Roosevelt is said to be thoroughly aroused over the revelations and will give instructions for a most vigorous prosecution of the guilty men, as well as or the inititutioi of court proceeding to set aside the fraudulent transactions. The Agricultural Department this week learned of the sueoess 0' a new Industry of which it ha heard little in the past several month. Sylvester N. Coomb of San Francisco ha arrived with the clad report that the raising of allk worm in Southern California ia a complete success. According to Mr. Coombs, within the next three months a Urge plant will foe. running in Los Angele to handle the cucoon now being produced. Already the State of Cali fornia ia offering special inducement to the farmers to grow silk in the southern counties, ifor it is in thla kind of coun ties that the silk produced is said to be of an exceptionally fine quality. One ounce of eggs, coating about ? will hatch as many worms a 40,000 pound of young mulberry, until the worms go into chrysalides. It requires about 1200 -THE G E M C. F. WISE. Prop. ' ' Cholea Win, Llaaora Merchantd Lch From and Cigar 11:30 a, m. to 1:30 f J. Hot tad at n Hotri nCnta Comet Eltrenth and Commercial laamtvTA i 0REG0R Muscular Pain Cured. "During the eutnmer- of 1903 I wat troubled with mmtcular pain in tha in atep of my foot," say Mr. S. Pedlar, of Toronto, Ont. "At times it waa so pain ful I could hardly walk. Chamberlain's Pain Balm waa recommended to me, so I tried It and was completely cured by on email bottle. I hard ainco recora mended it to aeveral of my Mende, all of whom apeak highly of It." For sale by jfrank Hart and leading druggist. J. Kamm, of Portland, went up on the ateamer Lurline last night. PILES CURED IH fl TO 14 DATS. PAZO OINTMENT la guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Pile in 6 to Id dare' or money refunded. 60c. ff ix Do Not Read This Without Making up your mind to be come one of my pleased customer. Good work always please. Curl E. Franscen, The Astoria Tailor, 179 nth St. Phone Main 37x1. Suits made to order. Hundreds of patterns to select from. Every one up to'date. School Shoes FOR BOYS The Billy Buster Steel Bot torn Shoes The Shoe with a Sole that Don't Wear Out S. A. G1MRE 543 Bond St oppoalto Fisher Bros. 431 COMMERCIAL. 1 . . f Pier. n more 11 ef 't 1 1 I'll 1 1 emu M In VnUr4 itMra Ih.n of any utti. r nt Le ol i.i-n'. lltaio kccctunt ol iheir !, ncenracy :ia iwil.,.l?y. 5!eCiiir !lntrnirlnfTlieOTMf V-h!on)kM moreliilmrihw. Ihm u v .; Iirt luiirt'Mnc '. n number, .1 CPU. KvrvubtilwrsuMcCl' Ke urn Free. bu .cri' e tu!y, I.Httr t""t Wmnled. lUndwrne prp wiomi !ftM.rl ch c.mtni.!. n. rr.ri Cti.lote . pi t o a. Iin) I'rcini'.m CUlnu' ihowiim 4 pitm.unn) rot I. AJ.Ire' i"iw .'r'!!. CO., Kew York TRANSPORTATION. PASSENGERS. FREIGHT The K"Ltae Steamer - Lurline Night Eoatfor Portland and Way Landings. Learn Astoria daily except Sunday at ' 7p.m. . To Heat a Cold Corner Don't sit in the cold touch oi a match a tleady flow oi genial warmth and in tine cor ner that's hard to neat youll have real solid comlort with a PERFECTION Oil neater (Equipped with Saoktkss Device) Just what you need lo help out in a cold snap or between seasons. Na mnlf tin imeJl no bother it's tlie smokeless device thai does it As easy lo aa 1 nffilll operate and clean as a lamp. Dress torn now 4 quart gives intense beat lor 9 hours. Finished in nickel and japan every beater warranted. &LampLl Equipped 'with latest improved central draft burner. Made oi brasa throughout, nickel plated. Just the light to read byoright and steady. Every lamp warranted. If your dealer doesirt carry the Perfection Oil Heater and Rayo Lamp, write our nearest agency lor descriptive circular. 1 K 111 91AHUAKU U1L, bUOU-Ani . MM IWL Uaftd) ' fJA 44MIIIM40MM0MMMII4IIIIIIIMM THE TRENTON 1 First-Class Liquors and Cigars 60s Cumnwidal Street t Corner Commercial and 14th. ASTORIA, 0REG09 , V HI MIMIHHMIMIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIHM IIMOt We Want Your Patronage Wc may not be the cheapest decorators in the city, but we do , ckim that we do good workv and do it promptly. It Will Pax You to See Us About Painting And Paperhanging ; Allen Wall Paper & Paint Co. Eleventh and Bond Sta. Sherman Transter Co. HENRY SUES MAN, Manager r ' Facka, Carriage Baggaga Cheeked and Transferred Tmcia and farailsad . Wagons Pianoa Mored. Boxed and Gripped. Commercial Street Kail Pkotai sai The Morning Astorian, Delivered to Your Home, 60c per Monthi WORI JOHN FOX Pre. P. L. BISHOP, See. ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK, NELSON TROYER, Tiee-Frea. and Supt , ASTORIA IRON DESIGNERS ANO MANUFACTURERS OF THE LAIXST IMPROVES .... Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilrs COUPLETS CANNES'! 0UTHTS FTJRNISHEDr r' Carrespondenc Solicited. Foot of Fourth Stre Leaves Portland Bally except Snaday at 7 a. m. Quick Service Excellent Meals Good Bertha. Landing Astoria Flarel Wharf. s, Landing Portland Foot Taylor St G. B. BLESSING, Agent Phone Mala 87O1. ' H. B. PARKER,-3 Proprietor. Managlr. PARieiqu First Class in Every Respectl GVwnlm!rA1iRlTloor for CoinmerciaT lien Aatorla Ongeai