THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. mi day, nrcnamwt so, 1007, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. WANTED EMPLOYMENT. 'TPviinmiM!S AX1 TYPE 1 Uiwvuvi" - O WRii'ritS VANTE1-There it a steady demand fwjr where Jor steno grapher and typewriter. Stenography U many times ft short out to high con fidential positions. We tench stenog raphy and typewriting thoroughly and practically by mail in your spare time and at low cost, Write today for "Com mercial Circular." I. C S., Box 28, Port land, Or. BOOKKEEPERS WASTED THIS is an age ot business, and Uicre is accordingly a great call for bookkeepers thoroughly trained in modern nwtkodaj we teach the most approved and up-to- date systems, at a low cost, by mail. Write today for "Commercial Circular." 1 0. 8, Box 28. Portland. Or. PROFESSIONAL CARD. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW CHARLES H. ABERCKOMBIS Attorney-t-Law City.Attorneq Office, City Ball BUSINESS DIRECTORY. JOHN C McCUE, Attorney-At-law. Deputy District Attorney. rg Building. Suit 4, O HOW-CARD WRITERS AND WIN l) DOW TRIMMERS WANTED Every retail store in the country uses show-card writers and window mm ); the demand for men skilled in theae professions is enormous ; we teach both show-card writing and window trimming by mail. Write now, stating -whether interested in both subject, or irhlca one, I. C S Box 28, Portland, Or. Tp LECTRICAL WORKERS WASTED j We can fit you for a good, well said position as an electrician, or elec tric railway, lighting, of dynamo station foreman or superintendent, or telephone manager; we can teach you by mail, in your spare time and at small cost; the only qualification needed is ability to lead and write and the determination to succeed ; write today stating the subject which interest you. I. C. S., Box 28, Portland. Or LOST AND FOUND. lOUSD A HAND EMBROIDERED design, partly worked; owner can have aam by calling at this office and prov ing property and paying for this ad. 12-20-St HOWARD M. MOWNILL, Attornty-At-Law. Offica with Mr. J. A. latin, at Ne. 40 Commercial St, Astoria. RESTAURANTS. TOKIO RESTAURANT. S31 Bond Street. Opposite Rosa, Illggtna & Co. Coffee with Pie or Cake to Cta, , FIRST-CLASS MEALS. Regular Metli 13 cta. and Up. DENTISTS. DR. VAUGHAN, DENTIST Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon. DR. W. C LOGAN DENTIST Commercial St. Shanahaa BuiUiaj U. S. RESTAURANT. 434 Bond Street Coffee with Pie or Cake 10 Cta, Fint Class Meals 13 Cents. WAGES COME DOWN Railroad President Says Gompers Mistakes. That OPES DAY AND NIGHT. ASTORIA RESTAURANT MANO BING. Prop. Tboa 1681 Main. ' 399 Bond St The Finest ajc Meal Served la Astoria. Game in Season.- Your Patronage Solicited. Courteous Treatment to All. OSTEOPATHS. DR. RHODA C HICKS 06TE0PATB Office Manse!.' Bid. pnon Black INI ITS Commercial 8L. Astoria, Ore. AMUSEMENTS. PLEASANT HOUR OF ENTERTAINMENT FOR SALE. IOR SALE THE STOCK AND Fu tures of a general store located a few smile from Astoria; very clean stock, had will invoke about (7000. Par ticulars at WESTERN REALTY CO. ONE HUNDRED-ROOM HOTEL FOR sale; doing a splendid business; good apportunity for a first-class hotel man. WESTERN REALTY CO. VAUDEVILLE AT THE LOUVRE And Vaudeville that really Amuses and Interests you. Weekly Changes of Pro gram and Each Change an Improvement JOH SALE ONE-QUARTER OR ONE kalf interest in a summer resort Ijatel doing a fine business; over 100 noma and always engaged 'way ahead. WESTERN REALTY CO. JOB SALE THE FURNITURE OF A hrg lodging bouse; rooms always all; low rent Western Realty Co. 478 Commercial street FOR RENT. FOR RENT NINE-ROOM FLAT; COR ner Ninth and Commercial. Inquire 386 Commercial. 12-15-7t FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED - flat with Diana eas. bath, electric lights, etc.; central and reasonable. En quire 77 Third street 12-18-7t. SPECIALTIES THIS WEEK LITTLB MISS FRISCO Song and Danes Artist THELMA BECKS BaUadist ALMA PTERCB Swedish Nightingale PRINCESS OMEANA The World's Wonder Dent Fall to ADMISSION FREE VIC LINDBECK, Prop. HOTELS HOTELS. NORTHERN HOTEL Astoria's Newest and Best Hotel Eleventh and Duan Street. Rooms, Single or en Suite, Steam Heated, Baths, Running Water in Every Room. Rates, Wo to $1-60; Sped by Week. Phone Main 3911. MRS. J. COLLINS. Manager. HOTEL PORTLAND Finest Hotel in the Northwest PORTLAND, ORE. European Plan Only. H. C. BOWERS, Manager. LABOR HAS BEEN AT PREMIUM Inexorable Law Of Supply and Demand, Which is Basis of Political Economy Will Make Itself Felt in Case of Organised Labor. ltlRTLANl). Ore, 1. 10. Looked u Kin (few year sgo as one of the frontier counties of K.tern Oregon. -here nothing grew except a large num ber of Coyotes and a lew cattle and sheep, Morrow County's inrm production this year is considered n.srvelous even in a e-tate where rapid development It the rule. . With not more than one sixth of It 1,. .100,000 acre under cultivation, this oounty has produce.! this year 1750,000 iHitthel of wheat Beside this, Morrow marketed 2.000,000 pound of wool, 7.500 head hones and cattle, with enough hog to raise the net tvttirn on all agricultural product to 2,0H),K0 or 400 for every ma, woman and child in the county FOR CERTAIN RELIEF OF COUGHS AND COLDS The formula a printed here iwas given out by a prominent doctor who ha, made a n tlonal reputation fur hi won- dewful nkill'lu the cur of throat and lung disease. For this pur- Iro urn almost Mohwlvely it ho new form of pine product known to pliylolan ud drug- glU Concentrated oil of pine, The formula It as follow t Half ounce of Corn-en Uu ted oil of pine, two ounce of glycerine, half pint of good whisky; mix these by shaking ithem thor- wigbly and ue in det of a teaapoonful to a tableapoonful evwy four hours, shaking the bottle well each time. The only cans nevMsarv U to bo ur to get the Concentrated oil of pin beoauso recently there have lo numerous patent medicine Imitation put out Theae, on account of not being .koluhhs are dangerous, beside .producing uausea, The real 'Concentrated'' oil of pine can be obtniued of any sood proeerlptkui druggist and come put up for medical use only in half-ounce vial securely sealed in tin tvrewtop air-tight ces, whk-h protect it from light, and tvUIn all the oriuliint nun iisi. ttannttanoaunttnntjatj bothered with my throat and lungs. Someona told ute of Chamberlain's Oough Remedy. I began using U and it re. Ileved in at once. Now my throat and lung ar sound and well," For sals by Frank Hart and bailing druggist. Muscular Pains Cured. in summer of IW3 I was troubled with muscular pain in the In Land there that never knek plow orgraln "P or WJ f001. says Mr. S. Tedlar, of drill until last year, has grown thia 1 Toronto Ont. "At time it was to pain year 00 impels of wheat to the acres I could hardly walk. Chamberlain1 several COO acre farm showing an aver- Tain Balm was recommended to m. so age or mow 'hau 40 busncts per acre the I tried It' and was completely cured br ciiwio iiniu. iv iwui tn wmn crop 01 iOtia Small bottla. T hv , I - m . w vm,v t V V VIH BOAT-BUILDING. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS to rent: no children wanted. 330 17th st, P. E. Ferchpn. 12-15-tf HOUSE MOVERS. IFREDRICKSON BROS We make a specialty of bouse moving, carpenters, aontrsctors, general jobbing: prompt at tention to all orders. Corner Tenth and Duane. HELP WANTED. WANTED LrlRLS WANTED TO learn telephone operating. For par ticulars inquire at the telephone office, 560 Commercial street. ,12-17-3t, .WANTED WOMAN TO MAKE CHIL- dren's dresses at home; all material furnished. Address "L. O.," Astorian. LAUNDRIES. 1H0SE PLEATED BOSOM SHIRTS 7' The kind known by dressy men in the summer, are difficult articles to launder nicely. Unless you know just how to Ho it, the front pleat won't iron down smooth, and the shirt front will look snussy. Our New Press Ironer iron them without rolling or stretching. Try ft Troy Laundry, Tenth and Duane, Phone Main 1901. MISCELLANEOUS. FINNISH MASSEUSE, Victoria Mrola fores rheumatism, chronic, bowel and Bver disorders. Hot vapor baths will be given if the patient's conditions demand soch treatment I will positively cure the most obstnate cose of rheumatism. V. A. AmOLA, W-19-tf. 152 Washington St MASSAGING. Massaging MS ALL ITS BRANCHES; WARM baths if necessary; thorough compe tency is assured. MRS. M. HEYN0, 87 W. Bond Street, Astoria. FRANK SMITH, BOATBUILDING AND REPAIRING A SPECIALTY Taylor avenue. T, U Driscoll Boatbuilding and Repar ing a Specialty. 22 nd i nd Exchange street. UNDERTAKERS. J. A. GILBAUGII & CO., Undertakers and Embalmers. .Experienced Lady Assistant When Desired. Calls Promptly Attended Day or Night. Patton Bdg. 12th and DutjneSts f ASTOitIA, ORE.GON Phone Main 2111 PLUMBERS. .1. PLUMBER Heating Contractor, Tinner J AND Sheet Iron Worker ALL WORK GUARANTEED 435 Bond Street. MEDICAL. Unprecedented Successes ot DIUH TEE GREAT CHINESE DOCTOR r-jfvWJr u kBOW1' thronghont the United St!S5 "count oi Mr'M kl wonderful etrre. No poison or drug used. Hs guaran tees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung and throat trouble, rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, liver and kidney, female 10m plaints and all chronic disease. SUCCESSFUL HOME TREATMENT. If yon cannot call write for symptom blank and circular, inclosing 4' cents in stamps. THE a GEE WO MEDICINE CO. 1821 First St, Corner Morrison, PORTLAND, OREGON. Please mention the Astorian. WINES, LIQURS AND CIGARS, Eagle Concert Hall (320 Astor St) this one county the Oregon ltuilroad and Navigation Campany must irovlde enough cur to make a train 20 miles in length. Thousands of acres of land in this ter ritory aw ned only a stock range. Uiough known to be o,unl to any wheat land in the country. The land is In large trncta but there is a constant tendency to divide it into the smaller farms bought by settler of limited capital. Special Reduction ON Japanese Goods AT Room for rent by the da, week,' 01 month. Best rates in town. P. A PETERSO..', Prop. MISCELLANEOUS. ' O SPICES, rfl COFFEE JEA, BAKING POWDER. FLaCCHiriCi EXTRACTS Abolurt Purity, finest Flavor, Ortaresr Stretch, Beajor&l!( fVio?i CLOSSETaDEVIRS - PODTLstNn.ADPItrial Seattle Fish Marke 77 Ninth St., near Bond . 'Fresh and Salted Fish. Game and Poultry, Groceries, Produce and Fruit Imported and Domestic Goods. P. Bakotitch & Feo, Proprs. Phone Red 2183 Yokohama Bazar All kinds Of Japanese goods, including China ware, baskets, silk handkerchiefs, brsss wares, fans, toys, bamboo furni tures, etc etc. Some goods at half price. 626 Commercial Street' mended it to several of my friend, all of whom apeak highly of it.N For tale by Frank Hart and leading drugglts. .. Be war of Frequent Colds. A succession of colds or a protracted cold Is almost certain to end In chronb catarrh, from which few persons vr wholly recover. Give every cold th at tention it aVscrvc and you may avoid thl disagreeable disease. How can you cure a coldt Why not try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy! It I highly recom mended. Mr. M. White, of Butler, Teun, says; "Several year ago I was (Mi li No Student No Cocaln. No Gas. 8 Ws will forfeit $1000 to any ehar ttabl Institution for any Dentist who can couipet with us In erowa and bridgt work, or (pth without plaUt. ray no fancy feet until you hsv eon suited us. Our continued success la our many offices It Uu to th nnl form high-grade work don by yean of experienced operator. Th prices etoUd below are absolutely tha best opportunity to get your money's worth whiiB us tr been offered. Wo us nothing but th best ma tsrlala. Best Slim Filllngi sot Platinum Fillings im Gold Platinum Alloy Filling. fuj Gold Fillings Ism to Ij.oo 8. 8. Whit Ltyon Crown m Gold Crowns, best stL, tztra heavy , ..Ism Bridgework, per tooth, best work..!) nest Kuooer ruts, a. a. wuts teeth Aluminum-iinea rute io to f is A binding guarantee given wltk ail work for 10 years. ' VEGETABLE VAPOR Used only by ns for Ptlnlsss Eatrao Uon of teeth, toe. Read What Mrs. Jessie Lml Says. I had 13 teeth extracted by the use of Vegetable Vapor, absolutely pain less th most pleasing effect and highly recommend the method. Yours truly. MRS. JESSIE LEVEL LafsyttU, Oregon. NERVOUS PEOPLE. And those afflicted with heart weak ness can have their teeth extracted and filled without th least pain wbatmr. ' Chicago Dental Parlors Northwest Cor. Commercial and nth. Phone Mala 3901. The largest and best-oqulppod Dat tal establishment in th Northwest. Seventeen offices In th Unltod State. LADY IN ATTENDANCE. S that you are In the right office. MIMMIIMIMIH HHIMMIMMMMMMMHMMMMW 1 A few suggestlont a to miJiat to buy for a Xmas present 1 MANICURE SETS, SMOKING SETS, COMB AND BRUSH skis, MILITARY BRUSHES, WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN f PEN, BOOKS, GAMES, MUSIC ROLLS. E. A. HIGGIINS CO., WC8IO 1IOOKS STATION FRY fwtl MIIMmt Star Theater PROGRAM FOR WEEK OF DECEMBER 16, 1907. Overture Ida Durling McINTIRE & BENNETT In a comedy sketch entitled: "Down to Itiley't." (Change Thursday) Illustrated Song by DICK BUTCHINS Singing; "The Moon Ha Hit Eye on You." Change Thursday, "I Am Trying to Hard to Forget You." BOYLE, DAVID & COMPANY In a Tragedy Travesty Skit. JOHNNY MACK The Mark Twain Kid, Monologist. BOBBY B0YLE& COMPANY. In a one-act farce comedy; "The Bis r - ci . Mogul." . Jlotion Picture by the THE STAR0SC0PE Presenting "A Dramatic Rehearsal" (Change Thursday) ADMISSION MATINEES o and so cent 10 cents Kidney and Bladdar Troubles URINARY DISCHARGES BELIEVED IN 24 Hours EachjCap. : ule besrsfMIDY): the naimjf ; BrwareofccmnterfrlU' AtADUroaiBTJ ; HERINGTON'S TABLETS ABSOLUTELY CURE Indigestion Rheumatism, Diabetes, Kidney Diseases, Bladder Troubles, Liver complaints. A SURE KIDNEY AND LIVER CURE Hav you healthy kldnsyst If not, you will soon be attacked with that terrible Diabetes, Bright' Disease, Gravel, Dropsy or Rheumatism, and your health and happiness ruined. We have th only treatment that It a sure mrt for the dreaded Brlght't Disease, Diabetes, and all other forms of Kidney and Bladder Troubles. If your kidneys are not healthy, if the bladder is Inflamed and weakened, urine highly colored or cloudy, smarting In passing, pains In back, nervous, languid, depressed, weakened in boty and bind, bowels consti pated and digestion bad, write for a box of Eerington'a Tablett and be cured. RHEUMATISM i caused by an excess of urlo acid in the blood. Ask any reputable physician, ask your family doctor, and he will tell you that th Urlo Add must be dissolved snd drswn from the system before th disease yield. What Causes Rheumatism Now wt say that the only medicine known that will actually dissolve this Urlo Acid and carry it out of the body la Herlngton'e Tablets. Loon ap plications such as liniments,, electricity, massaging, eta, Will afford temporaiy relief only, and i tlm wasted to th Injury of the patient, unlet, constitu tional treatment 1 carried oh st the tame time. Why! Because th malady Is a disease of the blood, and the blood must be freed of ths cause or no our can follow. WRiTE TODAY Fill In th oonnon nrinted fcW u.i u 1. with 25 cents. W will immediately mall to you a liberal sized box of Hsring ton'a Tablets. If thev fall to CURB ton m will - - - 0 - --- swwi j via auvutjJT mm fill' Ingly fts we took it Our guarantee Is, NO CURE, NO PAY. Our remedy will put yon on too road to health and happin. HER1NGT0N MEDICINE C0 Gracd Ratids Mich. Harrington Msdldn Co4 Grand Rapids, Michigan, ' I enclose u cents, lor wnloh please send, oostace nrmald. 1 W rr-.. ton's Tablet My Name My Druggist's Nam. My Address. t0