The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 20, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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    Morrow County's Farm Produc
tion Considered Marvelous.
Land a Fw Years Ago Tht Wii Con
sidered Only Fit for Coyotes to Roam
Ovr it Now Developed Into Thriving
" VlUlIt taw HI Predarbdc n
Underwood, president of the Erie Rail
road, declared yesterday that (Samuel
tkmipers, hand of tho American Federa
linn of UUr, wu reckoning without
hi ht m-Jipii ho anhl, m oumed, that
Ilia U'dLfi f (inniiilutil Inbon "would not
liavo to com down along with th prices
of raw material In the ipmtent general
' business and financial depression,"
L "The Inexorable w at supply am) it
inand, which U the UU of political
vtimmiy," laid Mr. Underwood, "will
' uuka lUnlf fell lu the ease of oroanlzcd
labor aa well aa All other branches of
business, Mr, (Jumper notwithstanding.
In on! an attempt is made to hold up
Cha present abnormally hljfh price of
lubur, when tho earning of rallroada
and in-luntrml eorporsuone do not war
rant Id the alternative will be to ahut
"tabor ha been at a premium for
the la it four vaam. an,f It hu iMMit lit a
efttolent than ever before, All classes of
employes have pointed to Uio hoary
oarnlnua mul In ountfrnuitu have ra.
oalved tbrlr aharo in the ahapa of higher
wage, ow a change has ooma, hern
Intra are falllnir off ami amnlovca will
a 0 I
receive lower wge. This they should
do without protest aa they neve tna pre
cedent (bat warn earnings wore improv
it tiiplh wniiea were advanced."
Mr. Uuderwood added t hat th drop Jn
tin coat of living gives ths wage earner
under ft reduced scale or wages Uie am
purchasing power ha had in tha past.
Amerlaan Nmmi.
If we bare some growing sense of
dealre to touch with poetry the terml-
Oology Of our American Inom n
Lave succeeded ao far only In securing
Slllflltlj lllclllc srove atninanliAraaiwh
aa la given off by Lake wood or ttlver.
aitio. une.i'kiU sentiments lm at the
real estate donlor baa dona wiint it
could, considering tbe hurry be I in.
If we have now manufacturing sub
urb, tbe chances are we aboil be too
laxity and flatly patriotic, call It Lin.
coin and lie done with It, or too crude
ly romantic, In which rnae tbe secrt
try of the company will report to the
directors that be baa bad the place
Incorporated aa Ivnuboo, Witb tbo
allgbleat daab of pootry In bia aoul be
mlgbt keep true to tbe strenuous char
acter of the place, wltb all lis prospec
tive labor aifltntlons. and at the aame
time arlve a tlnse of ix-nnt n h ait.
nation forever by calling It Fretloy, or
If it Is a place whore hammers are to
ring from morning to niirht whv not
Call it Htroke lnatenrl of namfnir It I
Smltbville after tbe present chief
aiocKooiaor in the concern ?-Atlantlc.
The Peer B.rvle..
Mrs. Itnv Hliorsliar hail rafiirn!
from a Visit to the foreign eruiaitr that
lay at anchor In tbe barbor of tbe
great American city, ?
"We bad a fine time," she said.
"Tboy showed us all over the ahln and
paid ua every attention. We didn't
know they hud arrangod an elegant
luncheon for u. and wo were agree
ably urnrlsod. of courae. 'whsn the
captain Invited tin Into the dining
saloon oml acnted ns nt n long table
spread with evervthlnir that ntuM
tempt the appetite. I twll you, Mrs.
Upaome. we cujuyed that Itinclioon. Wa
man t have to hurry throuuh It either,
ana we wore wuitea on with tbe ot
Bioat iKilltPiiesa and cordiality." ,
The servlre wna flrat claaa, waa Hr
inierrupu-a Mrs. UjMioine.
"Tbo scnirer nl1 Mm. nn.nhn.
shay, lowering her voice. "No; that
was nearly all Imltntlon. I rive vnn
my word there waa hardly a thing
wonn carrjing owny aa a aouvenlr.
All I grabbed woa thla little pickle
fork, and I do believe It'a nn'hira hat
piaieq wnrer-CMengo Tribune.
Do not delay, attend tbe
sale at once, You can not
afford to m'M the aavinga
It offer. Everything at
deep cut-prloei and marked
down to still lets.
Money - Eaising Sale
Attend the aale in tbe
mornrng to avoid the after
noon rnah. Yeatetday bun
dreds of cmtomera coald
not U waited en.
hai proven an event of unprecedented m'erchandiilng. . Hundreds of prospective buyers could not h. k..
on. We were not properly equipped or the emeren?v. We were short of help Now, we have vSmk SSm
pREAT SALE will mark an event of merciless sacrificing of
Ladies' Highest Class Wearing Apparel
Although this Sale will last ONLY TEN DAYS, yet it will lontf h. remem
bered by all who have and will Indulge In the JSj,
foldom except nt national political
convention, have so many aectlon of tb
country bcn repretrnted in a great meet
ing aa waa the cane la toe (ourtn annual
convention of the National luvera and
Harbors Coiigreoa which haa jut ended,
imegntea were preaent from California
to Maiua, and from Minnetota to Texas.
The Middle WVit, tbe noeky Mountain
atatei, and the atatci of Uie Iaclfle coaat
were epeclally well repreaented. Wah
Inston. Oreiron and California aent Jala
gate, more than thirty being preaent
from tlie last named atata. Tbe Calif
ornia delegation waa headed by former
Governor Pardee, and awept into the na
tional capital in a special ear, bringing
with It auOlclent gold coin to pay its an
nual dues for the enmilng year to the
treasurer of tbe organization, Captain
J. F. Ellison of Cineinnattl, Ohio. The
convention adopted resolutions reaffirm
Ins ita contention that an appropriation
LIU of 150.000,000 or more should lie pas
aed each year by the government and tula
amount laid out in waterway improve
ment!. Cuplea of the resolution weiv
presented to PreIlent Itooaevelt, Vice
iTcsitlent lairbanks and Kpeaker Con
jW Both Mr. Falrbiinka amt the Sneak
er will refer them to the ohnlrmnn of the
Senate Committee and the House Com
inlttce on IUvera and Harbor. While
the convention was the greatest in its
biatory, tho National Rivera and Harbors
Congress doea not propoae to relax its
efrort to Include a a member of its
orimntz&tlmi everv ilielievnr in water
ways development in the United States.
Waihington Correspondents.
Awarding to Edward 8. Spencer o(
Oklaboma aty, tbe new atate of Okla
bouift appears to be ia ft fins tangle so
fsr as the collection of school tsxes is
concerned, Mr, Spencer, who Is here in
connection with public binds In bia state,
can ae no solution of tbe preent mix-up
until the legislature meets. The trouble
seems to lis In the fact that a number of
new countries were crested by beini
earved from the old established ones, and
as a result of this country division,
townblp and schools districts were di
vldej endwise and lengtbwise. In a num
ber of cases country lines out school dis
tricts In two, and there Is much confu
sion. This confusion is especially noti
ceable, saya Mr. Spencer, in new Woods,
Alfalfa and Major countries. Tbe tax
payer whose properties, throush the
division of the old Woods county, lie in
two of the new ones, decline to pay part
of their taxes in one and tbe remainder
in another. Neither taking all of it, so
things aro at ft stsnd stilL
II l Jv&V'vd
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Ill 3W.- r V SfA f X
Ill w ms Xr'in x
i i -v-io t'j j" mi I liv, reiie
I sm a is. v M m mj a a, ,
LADIES' TAILORED SUITS-Values up to 125, cut to io.
SOS U J1 to ' KmTY SUITS-wt blo. Tame. Dp to
; , ....
LADIES' COATS-Full length, drculsr and semi lltting, value, np
to clo cut to.
ingly low prices, bterally t one-fourth their teal wth.
SKIRTS, values up to $5,00, now fl.75; values no to 115 now a
SATEEN UNDERSKIRTS Full size; tuck Iaoe
emnrowery trimming; dust ruffle worth
f2J0 cut to
MUSLIN GOWNS Excellent quality;
high neck and slip over style out to........
LADIES' APRONS-Indi linen lawnj
and without bibs; cut full, with tudca;
cut to .
COc wHa
BELTS Immense variety to choose from; 10c to
bargain ever offered at.. ............... .QaJ.yJ)
nuLWUta-s DKESSES A wide range -a.
materials; styles and patterns; kt to...... QC
MILLINERY Beautiful $7.50 bats cut
COLLARS, CBOTON-Daiatily trimmed
and embroidered; cut to....... .,
mixtures and solid colors; worth np to
cut to
in fancy
FREE FARE With svery purchase of 20 and over, we will pay tbe fare both
ways to purchasers from Chinook. Oatbiamet, SUmokawa, Ilwaco, Seaside and
surroundings. . .
537 Commercial St., Astoria, Ore.
To all knowing sufferers of rheuma
tism, whether muscular or of the joints,
sciatica, lumbngoa, backache, pains in
the kidneys or neuralgia pains, to write
to her for ft home treatment which has
repeatedly cured all of these tortures.
6hs feels it ker duty to send It to all
fT.- T-TJ TTTT ' V mu ha 1 1 -l
home as thousand ' will testify no
charge of climate being necessary. This
simple discovery banishes urlo acid from
the blood loosens the stiffened joints,
purifies tbs blood, and brightens tbs,
eyes, giving elasticity and tone to tbs
whole system If the above Interests
you, for proof addreaa Mra. M. Summers,
Good Couih Medicine for Children.
The season for coughs ani colds is
now at band and too much care cannot
ba used to protect tbe children. A child
Is mucb mors likely to contract diph
theria or scarlet fever when be baa a
cold, The quicker you cure bia cold Uie
less the risk. ' Chsmberlain's Cough
Remedy la the sole reliance of many
motbsra, and few of those who have
tried it are willing to use any other.
Mrs. F. F. Starcher. of Ripley. W. Va-
saysi "I bave never used anrthlns other
than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for
my children and it baa always given
good aatlafaction." Thia remedy contains
no opium or other narcotic and may be
given as confidently to ft child aa to an
adult. Fop aale by Frank ITart and lead
ing drugglate.
law prohibit them on and after May 1
from transportin any article or com
modity other than timber, manufactured
or produced by them. The interpreta
tion given tbe laws by the attorneys for
theyLnion Pacific is that the company
msJYwiiium and transnort i!a rt It'll AAttt
for its own use In transportation or
omerwise but shall not aell such coal
(from ita owtt mines) before or after it
has been transported. In accordance
with thia interpretation of the law it
is planned by the Union Puifm
ite.coal mines ifor its own exclusive use.
They will be operated sulfficientlir In
supply the Union Pacific avatem wW
ever the coal f ibe mines can be de
livered cheaper than from other sections,
but consumers even in th MmnoV,
district, will be compelled to buy their
supplies elsewhere, iica means, the di
rectors believ, that the Union Pacific
will recieve a, large and mrofitAbU hanl
on new traffic.
The Union Pacific Coal Company Is
owned almost exclusively hr tlw TTninn
Pacific Railroad Company. Ite entire
capital stock of 5,000,000 is so owned.
The Next 4 Days
Will Be Busy Ones At
Railroad Companies Forbidden to Sell
coat from Their Mines,
NEW YORK. Deo 19.-The Journal of
Commerce bia morning says:
It was learned yesterday that the Un-
ion racifip directors have, in common
with dirootors of other roads ownuur and
operatinff eoal mines been discussing the
question of the segregation of the coal
oni( transportation departments in ac
cordance with the provisions of the rate
law of last year. The provisions of this
S?iJ! V"yA !?Ptani that 70U come ,at once' THIS MORNING if possible.
Saturday and the two days of next week we will not be able to wait oi more
than one-half the people. .
Holiday Greeting!
Tha happy CHRISTMAS time !i fsst approaching and I take
great pleasure In Inviting you to inspect my new and well selected
line of Diamonds,' Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Solid Silver and plated'
ware, Out blue, Umbrellas, end Gold and Silver novelties. I bavs
ths largest and finest stock this year to select from that I have
aver shown In' Astoria. PRICES are RIGHT; QUALITY UNSUR
PAPSED. Come early and make your selections. I will lay them
way ufltil you want themi ? ' " ' "
rbe Store of Qnnlty. .e tfii Commercial St, Astoria, Or.
Any Child Coming Into Our Store
Men's 50c fine fancy 1 suspenders
Men's 65c yam gloves . u , . ,
Children's lOecnt sets of dishes.,
10-cent solid rubber balls....,,.,.,
15-oent whistle balls V...i..'...
$1.00 dolls, nicely dressed
Nice little China dolls
' 3c
Ladies' susJ children's 75-cent kid mittens, with ifur tops. ......
10-cent fancy pictures
-...J o 1
..''',,'v , i ' .. 1 ,. ' ". . j ,. , i i , . ;
HALFPR0ICEheSeh 5 n f HrIment i e Candies ia Astoria less than
tl rl T 6 f 6 0nly a .few of the &ood for tose who trade in the Fori
noon, but if you cannot, remember our regular pricsV the lowest prices in Astoria.
Successors to the Morse Department Store.