The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 18, 1907, Image 1

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Court of Equity Announces
Buck Stove and Range Company
Wins Temporary Battle
Against Labor,
Decision U of Far-Reachlng Importsnot
to Labor and BuiImm Inter U
QoesUon of Porasnwt Injunction Will
Com Beor Court next Spring.
WASHINOTON, Dec 17.-Of far
reocbtnit importance to labor and bual
dam interest throughout ths country is
th decision announced today by Jus
tic Gould of U.e Equity Court of the
District of Columbia enjoining th
American Federation of Labor, with It
membership of two tuiUlon or mart,
from boycoUinif the Buck Stove &
Rang Company tame in "unfair" and
"We don't patronise" beta, and tba de
oltlon arraign the action of the Fed
ration a an lllwl onplracy. Tomor
row tliere will be an argument before
Judire Gould over a proportion, limit
ins in exprens tenna, it application to
th District of Columbia. Counsel for
the plaintiff will oppose this. Toe in
Junction granted today ia of temporary
obaraoter but in an exhaustive review
of the case the judire severely arraigned
U boycott system and said there was
no room for argument a to tba con
piracy alleged, being established. The
question of permanent Injunction will
come up probably next spring and which
ever side wins the final settlement it h
believed will be appealed to the Supreme
Court of the United States.
Arrives in Boise and ia Spectator at
BOISK, Deo, 17. The prosecution in
tiie retybono cane today traced the
Feabody bomb ifrom the time Orchard
said be and Jack Simpkin throw it in
the creek near Wallace. Corroborative
evidence was introduced in the test!
mony of Orchard and the State proved
that there existed a letter and tele
graphic money order recolved by Or
chord while in San Francisco, tent by
Pettibono. Tho facts were admitted by
the defense. Judge Wood made it) plain
lie would not admit evidence in regard
to the labor troubles in Colorado, which
was admitted in the trial of Haywood
anil then stricken Ifrom the record be
cause it was held by the court that the
defense had failed to establish counter
conspiracy charge. Haywood arrived in
Boise today and eat with the epecta
toni during the afternoon session of
court He will take the stand as a
witness tor the defense.
Committee of Bankers Appointed by
Hughe Recommended.
ALBANY, N. Y Deo. 17.-The eonv
nltltee of bankers Appointed by Hughes
taring the monetary panic, to recom
mend modifications of the New York
banking law, explained to the Governor
today measures which would tend to
prevent the development of such panics.
The report in general expressed the view
that in New York City the state banks
should maintain the same cash' reserve
as national bairks, 25 per cent, and that
trust companies should maintain also
26 per cent reserve, not necessarily all
in cash, in tholr own vault. A strong
presentment is made against the prao
tlce of promoter obtaining control of a
chain of banks to further their own
end. The report say that New York
I the financial and commercial center
audi the country bank reserve should
not lis permitted to become impaired.
Other recommendation were made look
ing to the control of banks,
NEW YORK, Dee. 17-ArebltcU
have already began work on plan which
are to be submitted in competition for
New York's proposed 80 tory office
building to be built upon the ground
recently secured op posit the Brooklyn
bridge entrance.' It is estimated that
the building will hold all th office of
the city's deportments and that It will
cost approximately $8,000,000. It is ex
pected that work on the new building
will begin next year. .
OOLDFIELD, Dec. 17-DUtrlct Attor
ney Swallow received a telegram from
Rawhide, a new mining camp in Esme
ralda county, saying that Mart O'Brien
had shot 'and killed two men and mad
hi escape. O'Brien was an attorney of
OoldfloU several years and bad Just goo
to Rawhide wher be hail been appoint
ed deputy district attorney,.
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec 17.-Tbe 8an
Francisco clearing-house eseociatlon to
day adopted a resolution stating the
special holidays having served their pur
pose it wa the opinion of the banker
composing the association that the holi
day were no longer necessary. The reso
lution yras ordered telegraphed to Gov
ernor Olllett
Senator Newland Would Have
Waterway Committees.'
Improvement of Inland Waterways Chief
Subject in Senate Today Dick Reso-
' lution' Regarding Militia Adopted
Culberson Resolution Laid on Table.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17.-Aslde from
the appointment of committees in the
Senate, the need of the improvement of
Inland waterways of the United States
was the ehlof subject before that body
today. Senator Newland of Nevada
spoke for two hours on his bill provid
ing for an Inland Waterway Commis
sion and for) th development of the
waterway country. The Sorts to adopt
ed the resolution ol Dick extending the
time allowed the militia of the several
state and territories, and the Dis
trict of Columbia to conform 'to the pro
visions of the act of June 21, 1003,
which was, necessary in order that the
militia might take advantage of the
appropriation that have been mode. A
resolution by Culberson directing the
committee on finance to Investigate the
present financial stringency wa allowed
to lie on the table. '
SAN DIEGO, Cat. Dec. 17.-Prlvat
despatches received from Ensenada to
day state that a posse has been for
several days and night after the man
they supposed to be W!m. F. Walker, the
New Britain, Conn., absconding bank
ofilolai and will not be Iback for a day
or two yet. The same informant fur
ther asserts that they are after the
wrong man; that the Walker they seek
to arrest Is not the Connecticut man,
but apparently a working man who left
several week ego. Another report is
that th man Is the desired absconder
and that he got a tip that officers were
close to him ami skipped.
New York Syndicate Ready to Launch the Project
if Astoria Wants it.
Matter Broached Last Night Before a Group of Prominent Astori
ans Upon the Fairest Possible Terms, Which Were
Heartily Endorsed By All Present.
, The Morning Astorlsn is infinitely
glad to herald to the people of this
city and section the new of a splendid
project launched here, but evening,, at
tba Chamber of Commerce rooms, that
dovetails perfectly with the claim al
way maintained by this paper that
the year 1008 was' to be the year of
destiny for Astoria. ,
The meeting wa called, "under the
rose," as it were, at the Chamber of
Commerce, by F. N. Clark, president of
Columbia Trust Company, and was re
sponded to by the following-named gen
tlemen of this cityi Mesrs. Frank J.
Taylor, J. M. Anderson, G. C. Fulton.
J. E. Hipglu, C It Higgins, E. Z. Fergu
son, Frank L. Parker, Samuel Elmore,
John H. Whyte, John H. Smith, F. A.
Fisher, J. T. Roes, Herman Wise, O. I
Ferris, and Frank N. Clark. ( These in
fluential and interested citizens were
summoned to meet Mr. Wm. H. Garland,
of New York City, the representative of
a syndicate recently formed there for
the purpose of establishing s line, or
lines, of steamships from Astoria to
Alaska, and to the Orient as well as to
the Paclflo American ports; and as
soon as the necessary Introductions hod
been mode and Mr. Garland was in
touch with his auditors, he lost no time
in making them acquainted! with the
proposition for which he and his col
league stood.
In plain and Unequivocal term Mr.
Garland unfolded the principal elements
of the project, stating primarily that
it was to be organised and perfected
under the law of the State of Oregon,
and comprehended: the following govern
ing datai ' His people propose to pur-
chase, or build, equip, and maintain.
lines of steamships out of this port, to
Alaska and the Orient; to build and
use docks and elevators on the local
'waterfront (for which options have al
ready been secured), and that he is
asking no lubsidies, no donations nor
other prelimiaary contributions what
ever from the people here; be seeks
only the practical interest and support
of this community by asking them to
take a portion of the issue of 6 per cent
first mortgage bond. The company,
when launched, is to be known as the
headquarters of the business are to be
maintained, perpetually, in thi city,
The aum sought to be underwritten
here will entitle the Astoria people to
five members on the directorate of the
company, approximating one-fifth of
that representation; no money "on the
block" is asked for; the only require
ment being that the citizens here shall
manifest this definite interest in the
program; and the moneys paid in in this
behalf, are to be turned over to the
Firet National Bank, the Astoria Na
tional Bank, the Astoria Savings Bank,
or the (Scandinavian-American Bank, as
trustees for the subscribers, and to be
hold1 intact by them) until the operat
ing company shall have instituted the
business by the actual employment of
the steamships, in the Astoria-Alaska
service. If the people of this city de
sire it, the organization will be effected
during the present month or in Janu
ary next. The plan of operations in
cludes a line of steamers for service
Republicans Accept Report of Commit
tee on Assignment.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17,-The Repub
licans met today and accepted the report
of the committee on the assignment of
Senator to committee. Bourne of
Oregon wa mo.Be chairman of the fisher
ies. Borah of Idaho, chairman oif the
weights and measures. Fulton of Ore
gon, fat on the committee on judiciary.
Borah is made a member) of the com
mutes on claims and education and
labor, expenditures in the navy depart
ment, irrigation and revision of th laws
of the United1 States. Bourn was made
member if the committees on coast
defense, expenditures in the
of justice, postoffiee and post roads,
public health and national quarantine,
and railroad. Piles is chairman of the
committee on coast and insular survey;
Fulton, chairman committee on claim;
Ankeny, irrigation; Heyburn, manu
factures.' ''
(Continued on Page 8.)
From Common Points in Columbia River Basin to Shipping Points."
' . ''. O.R&N. P.&S.Ry.Co.
, f ' Co. "North Bank"
''-.( ' miles miles
Spokane to Seattle...!....... 0OG i 498
( ASTORIA ....... 521 , .431
" , Tacoma., 666 .. 458
" Portland , ...V,... 421 339
Lewiston to i Seattle ....... .............v. 644 627
, " j i ASTORIA . . .....; 459 , 560 .
" . Tacoma.. 504 587
I " Portland. . 359 . 468
Walla Walla to Seattle 430 445
, , ASTORIA 345 352 .
" Tacoma, , ...w 390 405 -
. " Portland V. ...... i j...... 1245 860
Pendleton to Seattle... 415 400
" , ASTORIA . . 330 ; 339
." " , Tacoma . 375 366
" Portland ...i 230 247
Kennewick to Seattle i........ ... , 349
" Y ASTORIA. . . ................... ... 282
..'. ..Tacoma , 309
, " Portland .. ..i.. ' 190
Distances of ASTORIA from the sea. ....... - 15 miles
, " "Portland " " " i 115 "
" i " Seattle " " "...... - .....150 "
" "Tacoma " " " .......180 "
Secretary Cortelyou Denies That Hi
Friends Axe Active.
WASHINGTON, Dec 17.-Cortlyou,
in s signed statement, pronounce un
qualifiedly as false the current rumors
of undue political activity of his friends
in forwarding a movement in his behalf.
The Secretory declares that neither he
nor his friends hare used their influence
in the behalf of any candidate for thi
Presidency and that be has not been a
candidate for anything but the confi
dence of the people. He added that
t&ould he hereafter be a candidate for
any office he would say so frankly.
YOLANDE, Ala., Dec, 17At eight
o'clock tonight 42 bodies had been taken
from the ill-fated Yolonde mine and 19
more bodice were still unrecovered.
Goldfield Mills and Mines
Are Dark.
Federal Troops and All Soldiers
on Streets Called Into
the Camp.
Attempt Made to Hold up North
em Pacific Train.
Torches Are Waved to Flag Train But
Engineer Becomes Suspicious and
Dashes Ahead Bloodhounds Put on
Trail of Robbers.
SPOKANE, Dec. 17. 'A man giving
the name of D. II. Murphy is in jail
here and another is thought to be suf-
iforing from a bullet wound at the hands
of Harry Draper as the result of an
attempt to bold up the Northern Pacific
west-bound passenger early this morn
ing 10. mile east of Spokane. The at
tempt was made to flag the train by
waving torches but the suspicious ap
pearance oi the two men warned the
engineer and' he dashed by at increased
speed. A special train with officers
went to the scene. 'There the officers
stopped a freight Ifrom which three men
jumped One was captured and one
shot. Bloodhounds pursued the robbers
but darkness set in and the chase was
abandoned At the abandoned camp of
the robbers there was found five dyna
mite bombs, a quantity of fuse and
nitro-glyoerine and a syringe used, to
inject explosives into soles.
NEWl YORK. Deo. 17. Although
blind, Lillian Grant Robertson may one
day become a grand opera prima donna.
Miss Robertson has been studying for
opera for a year and is said to possess
a 'marvelous voice. She is being heard
this week for the first time in public at
the Industrial Exposition of the New
York Association for the Blind Miss
Robertson was horn in Scotland but
came to America when! a child. She is
now 21 years old. When she was 13 her
eyes suddenly failed until she became
practically bb'nd. ' .
Break fa Line is Supposed to be Near
Palmetto About Twenty Miles from
Goldfield But Company is Unable to
Find Break or Determine Cants.
GOLDFIELD, Deo. 17- Goldfield was
greatly alarmed tonight over the fact
that the feed wire of the Nevada
California Power Company are down
and that the company is unable to find
the break or determine the cause. Fun
statu will remain in Goldfield indefinite
ly. The mills are dark and armed guards
patrol the grounds around the principal
shafts and mills. General Funston and
Governor Sparks were in consultation
carry this evening and shortly after
Major Reynolds left the camp of the
Federal troops and all the soldiers on
the streets were gathered up and taken
into camp. The break is supposed to be
in the vicinity of Palmetto, a mining
camp 21 miles southwest of Goldfield.
Power is developed at Bishop, CaL, 50
miles away. A telephone line extend'
ing the entire length of the power linC
is ako out of commission. An effort
is being made to have Funston patrol
the city, but the order is not yet issued.
The total number of men at work to
day i about 160 and it is announced by
the operators that 60 more will arrive
tomorrow. The committee sent by.
Roosevelt to investigate the lahoir con
ditions was busy all day gathering information.
NEW YORK, Dec 17. President A.
B. Stickney of the Chicago Great
Western Railway denies that he has
any intention of retiring from his office
as was stated in dispatches from the
west He says the idea bad never even
occurred to him and so far as he knew
there was no criticism of his adminis
tration among either directors or stock
holders of the road. . ;.
SAN FRANCISCO. Deo. 17. A red
hot rivet, falling Ifrom the top of the
Phelan building, already constntcted to
the height of 10 stories, struck A. C.
Robertson, a traveling man from Pales
tine, Texas, on the head yesterday af
ternoon and fractured his skull Robert
son will be operated on by the sur
geons at the Central Emergency Hos
pital ia the hope of saving his life but
bis condition is considered! serious.
CHICAGO, Dec 17. Buffalo porter
house at 50 cents a pounds is to be a
Christmas novelty ia Chicago, . A big
2000-pound buffalo was slaughtered yes
terday at the stockyards. The buffalo
was shipped from a Nebraska ranch
with a train load of cattle.
GEORGETOWN, Ky Dec 17.-Cateb
Powers, completed1 hi direct examina
tion today after nearly eight hours on
the stand. The witness denied practi
cally aQ testimony of a damaging char
acter, also many of the statement made
against him.