The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 12, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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    THURSDAY, DECEMBER is, 1907.
The Morning Asiorian's Short Story,
"Who l the ulrl?" nuked JiriKllty.
KIwoihI lick! out hi Imiu for the al
bum. '
"Hanged If I know!" ho Niistverod an
lie liic(l at tlm .tiotiurn)i, "Tlnif
wni off tho lust film roll I hod. I
iiiiKi( It on tlm train Just n ivo
were )Ullln out, mtty Ditto tiling.
Isn't alio?"
IlrmlUy mxlilod. To him (ho ldur
cd tflrl was mure than protty, Hiiu wan
beautiful, Him limned unlimt (hi aid
of tbo door of the waiting room, evi
dently watching tlm punning of tho
train, And the unconsciousness of ber
ptmo wni 0110 of Km charm.
Klie wn (lroHmil In something while,
tnd ber hat swung from tier hand, tlie
hiilr-llruillcy wat sure that It muat be
(uldimmirilng softly a limit the per
fect oval of tho fnee. From the flint
gin 1100 rtrmilcy had fallim In low, and
It waa Irrltntlug that Ktwoud could not
remember which station It was.
"Surely you muat know aomethlug
bout It," ald Hradley Impatiently.
"Wat It near town or aoiue distance
"Bearcu mo," wa tho Irritating re
ply. "It's ouo of a roll of a doseu
film tbnt I espiwed along tho Hue.
After tbo film was cut up I could nut
tell which -wore which. I Just took
them to use up tbo film,"
"I wish you'd let mo have a print,"
aid Itrndlcy, trying to appear uncon
cerned and longing to throw a book at
Elwood'a grlutilng fnce. Ilia anger
fell when tho other promptly ran a
paper cutter under the edge of tbe
print and banded It over to bla friend.
toi 01 hl or TBI rimmi ntooo BKroma
Bradley put It cnrwfully Into bla pock
tbook and sought to lead the con
versation Into other cbaunela.
But that evening when be reached
home be tucked tbe print Into bla
looking glass and went to alecp to
dream of tbe girl. Ilia own vacation
caino In a few dnya, and he determin
ed to apend the time In locating tlie
atatlon and through that tbo girl. The
L. and V. had threo aota of pinna from
whirl. It tmllt ulntlona. These were
of wood, brick or atone, according to
tho Importance, of tbe place, more
ere nrobablv fifty or ality atatlona
aloug tbe Hue precisely like tbe one
lu the picture. Instead of buying a
ticket to tho flKhlng country, aa he bad
at first Intended, be purchased a mile
age book and atnrted out to find tbe
Jiint above tho door In which the girl
bad been atnndlng he noticed a pecul
iar knot In tho boards, and, giving up
only aulTlclont mileage to carry him
on to tbo next wooden atatlon, be
made bla way down the line. II rode
on tbe anme train until duak prevent
ed blra from cloaely examining tbe
atatlona and then loft tbe train, to the
great relief of the conductor, who had
early In tbe day come to the conclu
elon that bla pneaenger muat be In
aane. Tbe second doy'a search waa no
more aucceaaful, and on the evening
of the third day be bad come to tbe
end of the line without having locat
ed the atatlon be aought
Be bought another mileage book and
turned back over the road, and thli
time be found the place for which he
aought The atatlon had been newly
painted, and the knots had been cov
ered up by tha paint. 1 I
But be found that the atatlon wai
only the flrat step. There etlll remained
the girl. There ' wore half a dosen
placet whore summer boarders were
taken, he teamed from the station
agent. lie picked put one and mad
arrangements to have bla trunk' for
warded, and then he settled down to
prosecute his Inquiry. '
"Seeing the trnlu. come in" was, a
popular occupation with the summer
visitors, nnd Bradley did not let a
single train escapo him. He bung
about the atntion at all hours, but be
yond getting very well acquainted with
the station ngont ho made no progress.
It was nppr.rcnt that the girl he had
sought had gone.
It was nenr the end of the second
week that Bradley summoned up the
courage to show the agent his photo-
tTODh and nnk Information.
"A friend of mine took It the) other
dny from the train," he unld. "I
thought thnt perlwp aha might like
one If I could locale her."
"1 remember her," snld the agent
Bradley's heart giive a bound.
"She's gone out went some whore,"
said the agent vaguely, mid Bradley's
elation waa suddenly checked.
"I suppose thnt some one has her
address," he suggested. "1 might got
It from them and tiuill her a copy."
Tho agent smiled.
"She wuNii't vlNltlug no one," be e
plulnod. "Him Just stopped off here a
couple of days to see the lake. I
think her ma came from hero years
ago, and the wanted to see It."
"What waa hor mime?" Bradley re
flected that perhaps she lived lu a city
where they had a directory.
"Molly something," "old the agent
"1 don't recollect that I know what ber
other nnino waa."
"Perhaps the woman who kept the
boarding house at which she slopped
might know." suggested Bradley, but
again his hopes were daubed with the
newer that the girl had stopped at the
Bradley aearched the register for
two month back, hut there waa no
hint there. The Utile hotel wmm run lu
easy going fashion, and tho register
was ornamental rather than useful.
At Inst be gave up In despair. He
bad run every clew to earth, and he
knew no more than on the day of bla
arrival, Ilia vacation had come to an
end, and, since It was useless to linger,
he guvo up the qiift.
The town had never seemed aa hot
and dusty as It did on his arrival, and
as he camo at Inst to the apartment
bouse lu which ho lived and recalled
the hopes with which ho had started
out bis depression reached the lowoet
point He climbed the stairs. At the
top of the lust flight a girl came out
of the rear flat, ami In his sunwise
Bradley dripjed his stilt case, The
girl of tbe picture stood before him.
At he stood staring Mrs. Ilarrold
came hustling out of her apartment
"Did you have a nice timer she
asked a she greeted him.
'The homecoming was the best of
all," he said, with a smile,
"It usually Is," she agreed, uncon
scious of his bidden meaning. "I'm
glad you're here. My niece, Molly
Joslln, from California, Is spending a
month with me. Fhe came tho day
after you left You escaped two weeks
of escort duty."
"There are two weeks left," he said,
with a smile. "That will be plenty of
"That Is not a very gracloua speech,"
suggested Mrs. Ilarrold, with a laugh.
Bradley blushed.
"I'm afraid It doesn't sound tbe way
I mean It," be stammered. "I can't
very well explain now,"
But he made bla explanation ten
days later, wheu bo showed Molly tho
photograph and told ber of bla quest
"And now that I have found you,
may I keep you?" be asked.
"Findings keepings," suggested Mol
ly demurely. "At least that Is what
we used to aay when I waa quite a lit
tle girl"
Come to Hundreds of Astoria People.
11ii are days of dizziness;
Spells of headache, sidrache, back-
Sometimes rheumatic pains;
(Men urinary disorder.
All tell you plainly the kidneys arc
Bonn's Kidney pills cure all kidney
Here i proof In Astoria,
Mrs. K . llnt'L'liloni. corner Nil, lh and
Harrison streets, Astoria, Oregon, says:
"For ten years I suffered acutely from
kidney trouble which gradually grew
more severe until I was on the verge of
physical breakdown. I was losing flesh
rapidly. My back was so weak and
painful and I suffered from such severe
illwv soclls tfiat I could hardly get
around. At last I was forced to take
to mv bed- and remained there for a
long time. My kidneys were irregular In
action and the secretion so profuse as
to cause me a, great deal of suffering.
At lest I decided to try a good money
remralv. I procured a box of Doans
Kidney Pills and the results that fol
lowed their use, were most satisfactory.
I continued using them and it wa not
long before I was completely cured. To
have used Doan't Kidney rills on some
occasion since, to' keep my kidneys In
good order and can conscientiously say
T have not had any recurrence of the
trouble since Doan't Kidney Pills cured
The "well enough'' that some people
are willing to leave alone JoesnTt have
to be wry good.
PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to cure
anv case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or
Protruding Piles In 6 to H days or
money refunded. 6O0.
" There are plenty of happy people, but
they are unnoticed In the noise the
wretched make. . .
, For Infants and CMMren.
Ttta Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Health Inspector Discovers Anmlalt Liv
ing in Bread Factory.
:IIOAfiO, Dee, 11. An Italian bakery
where a sheep, a horse, ami three dugs
led a happy life, and an Italian meat
market where two children sleep In the
Ice box were among the novelties dis
covered yesterday in a lour of Inspection
by I)r. J, R. Kelso of the City depart
nient of health.
' IT
Public speakers are trequently inter
rupted by people coughing, This would
not happen If Foley's Honey and Tar
were taken, as it cures coughs and cold
and prevents pneumonia and consump
fen. The genuine has no opiates and is la
a yellow package. Sold by T. F.
I-surin Owl Drug Store.
You can meamire any creed by Its
fruito In character.
Danger In Asking Advice.
When you have a cough or cold do
not ak some one what is good for it,
a there U danger In taking some un
known preparation. Foley's Honey and
Tar cures coughs, colds, and prevents
pi eumonia.. The genuine is In a yellow
package. Refuse substitutes, T. F.
Liiurln, Owl Drug Store.
Kncred tiling ore thoeo thing that
erve life in a worthy way.
The dull feeling In the head which is
not quite aa ache, but bad enough to
make one miserable, can be driven away
by Lane's Family Medicine, the best cure
for headache.
The venomous tongue tannot cover lt
(fiillt by calling it candor. '
: Diabetes,
Kidney Diseases,
! Bladder Troubles.
Liver Complaint,
! Indigestion,
i Constipation,
tsnd all other diseases arising front
,i. . 11.. . Lf
money ana oisuaer irouuira an v,
quickly, permanently, and
! Every sufferer from any of these!
Jread diseases should learn at oaceZ
of the greatest cure known to mod-I
Aern science.
Tars endorsed by physicians every-1
Iwhere. They will euro thousasds
i Send 25 cents Today.
Ifor liberal box of these tablets. Ife)
ttbey do not cures you we will refuadt
Zyour money.
J Fill in Coupons and send It to ust
urana Kapias, men.
xQeringtos Medicine Co,
Z Grand Raolds. Mteh.
X I ssttlose 26 cents for wbJca pleaset
wend, postage prepaid, 1 box Hering-T
ion s laoieu.
My Nam ,
lily Address .'. X
jifj Druggist's Name .
I M 1 1 1 M I Ml II 1 1
I J ; '
ii 1 ' sssrisistussliiisii inili H
X II A m.WWH'jfr 1MB
See tbe bargains in
our big
stove department
f- upstairs.
Ifjjour money is in
give us your check.
The Foard & Stokes Hardware Co!
Incorporated . t.
Surcessors te Tokii ft Stokss Ca .
Write us, we're here for that purpose
The Work We Do
: Atfc?ncr in tbe electrical Business. Bell's House Phonest
ilnside wiring and Fixtures installed and kept In repair.
We will be glad to quote you prices. j
C.F.WISE. Prop.
Cboice Wines, Liquors ' Hercaanta Laack froa
and Cigars 11:30 a. bl to 1:30 f M.
Hot Loach at all Hours . Cents
Corner El event n sai Commercial
Astoria Hardware Co.,
113 12tti St.
CHo-Date Saw Mill llseblneijl Prompt attention given to al. repair wore.
18th ami Franklin Ave. TeL Main Ml.
This is the time of Year to place
Your Order for Blani Books
for 1908.
Our Facilities are the best and we
can promptly execute all