The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 12, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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Queen Olives
Tho Large Kind
Sold In Bulk
Th Uadlng Grooers
I IIIB Of nt 1'
Foundation Finland
The com-Me foundation for the new
Weliihnrd HoM w flnl.hed ht W
nn,t the contractor will at one prepare
to remove to Portland where ty have
several similar Jobi on hiind.
Sun to End of Line
Too lft ri ere again running to
the west end of the line, and the Union
town people, who have wweaarlly been
lm-4invKiiiiml (of the pt two months,
are no happy.
Street Clwinltn Progresses
The iimxl -work of the tit--t depart
ment, in cleaning the atrt by flush
Im , enlemled yceterday to Ibmd
.tiwt from Eleventh to I'ourU-cnth nd
ft jjtNkt Job dun na ehown by the Im
proved appearance of the street.
Laid 09 Tuee.Uy-
The drtvltijt of piling at Fort Steven,
was interrupt! on Tuday by stormy
weather. About 18 piles Jr day ar
being driven, on n average, when weath
er permit th men to work and every
advantage l lwlnK takvn of mnihT
i-ori'lit Ion.
Will Relocate Here
Itant Hansen, who was formerly man
ager of the Central Hotel. In thl city.
Knd later In the hotel btralneae in Tort
'land. Im aold Ms lntreta In that city,
ml i bark In Ator1a where he will
Ttilrt Dava More
Chaa. 11. Ilellboro Company will fall
In Una with the popular -wi" w r a
their 20 per omt discount aaie ia con
Mrnait ft nil the blir advantage will be
long to tho Christmae ahoppera aa well
ai to the ordinal buyer.
Funeral of Karpenln Baby
The mortal remain of little Anna AI
vn. Kriiiiln we're laid to rent in Green
wood cemetery yesterday afternoon. Th j
interment waa conducted quicuy
to the nature of the dlseaae of which
the little one died. The mother of the
child. Mr. Ully Karpenl, I a widow
In dUtreed circumstance owing to the
quarantine to which ahe haa len sub
jected for several weeke and the atten
tion of our charitably inclined cltlwn
ia called to the necelty of thla
Worki Both Ways
The furniture houe of Chaa. H. Hell
born A Company Intend to keep pace
with the holiday want of the people
and have extended the benefit of their
one-ftfth-olT aale through the month of
December, In ordor that the real holiday
buyer may have the advantage of the
bargain .
Vault Front Arrived
The vault from for th safe dpolt
department of the Kt-umlinaviun-Ameri'
can Dunk were received and delivered
lit the bunk yetrdny forenoon. It U
iiiu1sc mid strong mid will afford aplen-
ltd piirtcctlon to the patrons of the
bank. It will be phicd In position at
Dr. Rader Will Speak-
l)r. Daniel L. Kader, editor of The Pa
lilt- Christian Advocate, will deliver the
nddre at the .M-thodiit Church to
night. Till will be another excellent
adliv furuUhed by the Methodist con
ferem-e. TIiom who mid the lecture
by Dr. Young lu.t night niied ft great
treat. Ir, lUder'a address tonight will
ho not lc Interesting.
Long Time Reaidenta
' Andrew ThuiuiMon and wife have trana-
feicrd their intere.t In lot 1, eeeUon 32,
lnwnlilii 0 north, ranue fl wet. the
I t
dcl. a lllcd for record. !! to MIIri
V. .Ink one half lnieret. ( It. Ho and W, !. ISrown each one oiiar
tci lntri-t to the land, which I on
Teim Ilnliee Inland, Mr. and Mr
Mi, Tlionipon have resided on the Inml
for 2rt jenr cwiitinuoutly.
"Damon and Pythiaa"
Newton U-r, the character Ir.tpcr
oiiator. entertained the member of
Alitor Lodge Xo. 6, Knight of lyt'jla.
Iat ewnlni: and H wa prK-Ulmed by all
who attended to have be-n an evening of
grt pleure. Mr. ltet-r give an lm
neroonation of 11 character, and h'
not only recite hi ulav from memory
hut alo iKte the trift of being able
to o change hi voice and action a to
enabl him to differentiate the variolic
pernonalitle of each character in the
tory of tit play aa lie proceed.
$50 reward will be paid for the re
covery of the body of Jamea Edward.
by A. Seafeldt. 1212 t
A pel it ion ii(l(ln'M-d to the Mnyor
and Coiiimoj. Council wu filed with
Auditor Andron to lay, bncd by over
lit of Astoria' lumtliiig citizen. Hie
petition hi-it foilli tlie iuforiiuition that
haul time" ciilmiilty howling i no
giMKl reaMiii foi topping trcet improve-
nieut. and I" in full 11- follow:
To tho Hon. Mayor Herman Wi and
Common Council of Aatoria, Oregon.
"Gentlemen il here la a rumor alloat
ttmt a iiiovement i on foot to top all
street Improvement 'In tin city, giving
a a reuon for toiiiin uch work 'the
condition of the money market.'
'To clime down treet imiirovement
now would mean, lts To deprive many
er-aldent biliorlng men of their work, not
only on nld atreet work, but on houe
to lie ere-ted a oon u tret re lm
proved o that material can be hauled)
'"2nd: To too the makinir of pay
roll, the very life of the community.
"3rd i To crecte lillene, poverty afla
o' n'"ceity crime.
"There can lie no cooii reason eiven
for curtailing mtei-et improvement, we
have thn flve-vear plnn of paying 101
it, whiehevcry on who wih can avail
tliemxelve of.
Nfen are easier obtained now than at
any other time of the year for audi
W'e. the tinderiittned citiwn of A
torln, who have faith in our city and It
future hereby lira you to nay no at
tent Ion to the hard-time croaker but a
men who have the welfare of our city
at heart to let all improvement tie car
rie.l out, thereby creating pay-roll and
good nil around.
Notice to the
On ana after Dec
1st, 1907, all charge
accounts will be dis
continued and pur
chases made at this
store will be strictly
on a CASH basis
H. R. Hoefler
Some very fancy Gatsop county
apples on display $ 1 .25 per box
..Call and make your selection...
Also some very good apples at
75 cents per box.
. if u lfl-u 0. GOOD
en 190 Twelfth St.
rta.1181 " - 93,l
For a '
MtisonPtionograpli Co.
Parlor teoond Floor ovr oholfleld
A Mattaon Co,
Securini Righti of Way-
Mr. Savatte, riijht-of-way man oLthe
Gray HarW & Columbia River R. R.,
i In the city. He haa aliout $15,000 yet
to attend, for the aemiittition of rinta-
of-way alon(f the north ahore. ITe ha
a deal on with P. T. McGowan, for a
riuht of way and Mr. McOowan insist
that a contract be made fjuarnnteeing
that the mad 1 built by a certain time
under penalty of the contract beoominjt
void. Mr. Savage agree to thi. o
there i little fear of failure in aeeurinp
the concion. He will" remain here
until hi biiInee i nettled.
Anniveraary Party
Tuoedav tieinir the ninth anniversary
of the wdldiiiff of Mr. and Mr. Victor
CarIon, a numlier of their frlcnda gath
ered at the family reaidence in aocial
Stttlierin on Tuesday nijilit and enjo)-ed
a plendid evening. Carda, game, and
refreshment were the order of the even
ing, and jolly good humor prevailed.
Ainonir the uueta present were: -Mr
and Mr. Otto Lund, Mr. and Mr. Mai
lar. Mr. and Mra. Win. Jacobaon, Mr.
and Mra. Victor Lhtdbeck. Mr. and Mrs.
Wirkknla. Mr. and Mrs. Charlea John-
on. Jfr. and Mrs. Harry Jones, and Mr.
Leander Iliwk,
They Extend the Benefit-
So lonir a tho wople heartily approve
the aale, Chas. II. Hcilborn A Company
will extend the 20 per cent discount aale
of furniture, for the balance of Decem
ber: therefore the buyer of Christmas
things in their line, will meet with the
aluable concession for that period.
Andrew Thompson and wife to
Willard N. Jones, O. B. Hegardt
and W. O. Brown, lot 1, in eeotion
32, T. 0 N.. R. 8 W -fW
Solom Johnson to IL H. ZapT,
lots 7. 8 and 10 and S. W. 1-4
of aection 0, T. 8 NVR- 8 W,. ... .
Wm. Marekala and wife to H.
H. Zapf, lota 2, 3, 4 arid 5, sec. 6,
T. 6 K., R. 8 W. ........
J. E. Iliggins and wife to Chas,
Nicmi and John Harry, lot 7, block
11, McCIure' Astoria v. ...
C. A. Carter to B. F. Allen, block
13, Chelsea, Clatsop County M
The Store for
m 0 Women
HIVE vJuuiuicia
Do Your Christmas Shopping
Nnw f Cltv Hall-
City Attorney Charles Abercrombie
haa removed from his old quarter at oa
Commercial street, and will, henceforth
be found at his office on the second
floor of the City Hall. H-30-tf
CHICAGO, Deo. 11. Tlie twelfth an
mini exhibition 'of tho Society of West
ern Painters opened yesterday at the
Art Institute with a display of 148
paintings, the work of western artists.
Tim exhibition will continue two weeks.
Competition for the fine arts building
prize of $500 promise to be keen.
The Local Newipaper Published a Few Dayi Ago an Editorial Concerning Christmas
Shopping that was so Full of Good Advice and Sound Common Seme that we Think
it Best to Repeal it In Preference to Anything We Could Say on the Same AlHnterest
Ing Subject Just Now. Here It Is
Arc you a prospective holiday shopper? Then remem
ber that procrastination during holiday time is the thief of
comfort. We say this not only on behalf of our clerks and
shop girls, but for the benefit of the public. If you have
Christmas shopping to do, you should go about it at once.
The results will be more 'satisfactory to you as to
the clerks who wait upon you. In this connection a few
"dont's" will not be amiss tor guidance of the shopper :
Don't delay your holiday shopping any longer than you can possibly help.
Don't put off shopping until afternoon when you can shop in the morning.
Don't be impatient with the store employes. . . . -
Don't jostle and push when by waiting patiently you can be as successful.
Don't take your baby into the crowded stores lest in the crush it be injured.
Don't expect the same attention from clerks two days before Christmas
that you can get now. . '
Don't expect to bfe waited upon at once, to the exclusion of other custom
ers, and don't lose your tentper. .
The young men and women who work in the department stores are obliged
to stand on .heir feet from 7:30 o'clock in the morning until 10
o'clock at night, and it is not surprising that their tempers are often
worn threadbare.
The Big Store in the Middled the Blocll,
A published statement concerning tlie
proposed automobile beach road from
Kort Stevens to Seaside, says that the
road will have to be abandoned because
Colonel White has informed the Astoria
Chamber of Commerce that no route
through the Military Reservation cau
!w had because of building operations
j;olng on.
Thi is not as a matter of fact a cor
rect statement concerning this import
ant matter. Chairman F. A. Fisher on
tlw Good Roads Committee of the Cham
tar of Commerce when sect about the
matter yesterday afternoon stated that
the road could be built just the same aa )
originally planned. It was his idea and
the idea of his committee if possible to
build the road through Fort Stevens in
order to accommodate the army officer
who live there also, because the fort ia ,
matter of groat interest in thia section
and would have been one of the Bights
alone this way. But now that the road
can not be built through the reserva
tion but will have to be built around
the outside of it. There will be no par
ticular inconvenience to anybody by the
following out of this plan in the building
of this road excepting to the officers
of Fort "Stevens who very much regret
that the road can not be built so that
they! will be on the important highway
leading to the outer world. Colonel
White however has examined this mat
ten carefully and at the present time
does not see how the road can be built
through the reservation but it may again
be repeated that this does not- preclude
the beach road and the Clatsop County
Court with Judge Trenchard presiding
lrill as usual do all within their power
to assist the Chamber of Commerce in
carryinsr out this proposed good road
and making it an an assured reality for
the coming summer.
James Edwards Lost From the Dredger
W. S. Ladi Near Ft Stevens.
James Edwards, engaged On the dredge
W. S. Ladd aa assistant engineer, lost
hia life yesterday by drowning. Just
how the accident happened is not known,
thoueh it is thought that he fell over
board while engaged in his duties, aboard
the boat. While the vessel was abreast
of Fort Stevens, and the crew at lunch,
Edwards 'went to tiohten some nuts on
the suction pipe on the port side and
was not missed until he waa neeued ai
the pumps, of which he had cnarge,
when he could not be found. A thorough
search of the boat was made but no
sign of bini was evident, and the officers
and crew sorrowfully concluded that he
was lost, and, after drifting around on
an unsuccessful search for the unfor
tunate man the boat headed for port.
Edwards had been employed on the
Ladd for over sis years and was popular
with the officers and members of the
crew as well "as in Astoria. He was
native of Scotland, aged 38 years, 2U
years of which haa been spent in this
A sad feature of the accident is tliat
Mr. Edwards was to have been married,
at Christmas time, to Miss Emma Wag
ner, who is . now at her home in Drain,
Oregon.' He was a member in good
standing of tlie Eagles, his membership
being in the Dalles Aerie, and that
organization will be notified of his sud
den taking off. A reward of $50 is
offered, as advertised elsewhere in this
issue, for the recovery of his body.
Up To Ne w Year's Day
Since the sale seems to be so popular,
Charts H. Heilborn 4 Company intend
to keen their discount schedules going
during December,' in order to make it
feasible for Christmas shoppers to get
the benefit.
Fresh MadeCandy
Made right at nome
in our own factory.
Also Lownes
In any size box.
at :'
483 Commercial St
Low Rates to Europe.
You Can't - Look
Fooli&H in a
WISEISwlt. ?
SAJf FRANCISCO, Dec. ll.-Chozo
Koike, the new Japanese consul general
of San Francisco, yesterday took official
charge of the office here which was sim
ultaneously increased in rank from a
consulate to a consulate general. Koike
has recently been consul general ot JNew
York and was transferred here when it
was decided to make this station & con
sulate general.
MiJIl.hitii i III 11 1 tm .
.hit. 1 ill k n
. ' NAT
Herman Wise
Sole Agent. Astoria, Ore.