The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 12, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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Alii DlinAtv I. I ! f.l w 1
vui 1 lUMwi vuid is iiquiu, lei
It's as Rigid as Steel.
Nslthsr Roek Nor Metal Could Romsln
Thtr In tho eiiti In Which W Got
It on tho'iii-'.lu :. ,va That Throuoh h Earth Crust,
The Idea Unit tho littxi'lur of 1 1 to Klulitt
lit niinpimi'il of Itmvlicj liivn I111 luiirf
Illicit Im'Wi nliuiiiliiiifil, hut tho ilrluru
Hint modern mlciM'it offiTrt (if tho In
side of the fiirili Is hardly le rip
piiltlmr, All Inveslliriithms uulle to
rovc ihut the heat Inrreuse ns wo tie
ctniil deeper In (hit tonvKtrliil crust
l stirh 11 rule Hint fotly m- liny mile
flow n no Milmtniire with which we are
A('iiiiiIiiIihI it.uhl riiiiiiln uumelled, Anil
yet tho sumo aeleiieu tells us thnt tho
ron of llm kIuIm In enormously more
fluid than llm hnrdest mIihI, Thin up
parent I'ontirulktloii I due to thu Ire
tiiiMiitouit pressure Inside the earth, No
roek ami 110 met 11 1 can runmlu there In
the stnte In which woww It on tho nttr
faev, It niolerule uiiiMt lose the ad
liorouee churaciorUtlo uf solid bodlea
in consequence of the heat, hut Kill
, they nru not free (o flow itko an ordi
nary Ihiuld, because of the compression
to which they aw subjected.
The phenomena of eurtbquakea have
glren wonderful Information about the
Internal atato of tho ajlolie. All oh
erratlona ahow thnt the ahocki of
earthiUNk nra confined to a thin up
per shell. Thry orllnato at a depth
of only a few miles at the moat. Itut
the vibration which tboy aat going
re felt all thrown the earth, often ex
tendlntf to the antlpoilea. The great
core, held rigid by the pressure, la ex
tremely elastic, and It respond to a
ahock like a ball of ateel or of glnas.
The density of the earth Increase to
ward the center. It la only In the up
per part of tly crut that local move
ment can take place, causing ahocki
nd change of level at the aurfare.
Deeper down everything In gripped and
tmmoTablo, except, aa already re
marked, that tlie molecule of the rocka
and metaia there are aubject to vlbra
tlon like those of a bell ngaliiNt wblrb
blow la struck.
Rut thla la not all. Whenever a local
relcano from the preaanre ia brought
about by change near the aurface the
potentially liquid but eflrectually solid
core at that point may amhlenly be
come fluid and gush forth through a
volcanic throat or other vent. Itut
auch effect cannot extend to any great
depth. Nothing cornea to mi from the
vat Interior niaa. That remains
perpetual myaiery, far beyond tho
searching hand of aclence. Indirectly
however, we may leant much about It.
Aatronomli'iil consideration throw a
great deal of tight upon the auhject.
we see thut through the planetary ya
tern rotating gloltea are flattened at the
pole. The aame thing In true of the
earth. Its equator bulgca; Its jailnr
reglotia are drawn Inward. Median
leal lawa assure ua that the cause In
to bo found In the fact that tho earth
and the other planet have autumns!
abape under the Influence of tho cen
trifugal force of their rotation. Thu
force la iteceNHiirlly greatest at the
equator. Ileglnnlng aa completed mol'
ten foodies, they have commenced to so
lldlfy at the su-fuce after having ns
umed, an elllflordal form duo to their
rotation. ,
Another very significant fact la that
the ahapoof the earth correspond with
that which n globe rotating with Ita
Telocity would hove If compoNed of
material arranged to their density
that la to any, growlug demur toward
tho center. Tho heaviest materlula
v(miist uo ueep down in mo gionu; me
lighter material havo remained at the
aurface. Thla again correNponda with
the facta of observation. Wo know
tho total "weight" and the average
density of the earth. It "wclgba" alx
sextllllona of tons, ami Ita averuge
density la five nnd a half times that of
water. But the aubHtancea composing
the crust of the earth have an average
density of twice that of water. It
follows thnt tho heaviest things In tho
earth, oo tho average, exist deep with
in Its exterior. Tor all that we enn
toll. Its Inner core may be wholly me
tallic. At the center there Is probably
an enormous aggregation of dense me
tallic substances.
An Indication that tho Inner parts of
the earth consist largely If not mainly
or Iron Is to be found In the mag
netism of tho' globe. The earth Is a
great permanent magnet. If we could
learn the facts It might turn out that
Iron Is the most abundant aubatanco
In the solar system aud perhaps In
the whole universe. The majority of
the meteorites thnt fall upon the earth
consist of solid Iron. Blow tbe earth
to pieces and In the resulting cloud
of fragments the rocks that we are
familiar with would be almost Imper
ceptible. There would be a rain of
iron and other metaia descending upon
the moon and upon any other attract
ing body lo tbe vicinity, v t f
This view. of the Interior of. too
globe disposes of the notion, so pictur
esquely developed In; one of Juloa
Verne's romances, of the existence of
vnuf onvArnniiB onenlnm In the Inte
rior of tbe earth. Such void spaces,
though on no large acale, may exist
In tbe upper part of the crust, but not
at a great depth. Tbe earth Is ef
fectively more solid than a cannon
ball, and the movable rocks compos
ing Its crust are like a film of rust on
the hard raotal.-Professor Garrett P.
Servlss In New York American.
Curloui Institution That
Flurlihed In England.
Financial Prosperity and Its Worrlei
and Perplexities.
Although few people nro probably
now n ware of It, the fact renin Ins thut
there unco flourished In Kiigliuid a reg
ulnr "baby prist," the rates of poatuge
being fixed 011 11 strictly biiNlnesa basis,
according to dlstiiiicc traversed,
The curious Institution camo Into ex
istence In connect lou with the found
Hug hospital In (Jullford street. When
thla charity was first established, It
was understood that lis operation
would be coullued to London and Its
environs, Itut the people of tho coun
try towns and vlllngca heard of It and
showed a decided disposition to share
In Its advantages; hence tho "baby
All over tho country there were men
and women who entered vigorously
Into the business of currying chil
dren to London and depositing them
at tho gate of tho foundling hospital,
The charge was H guineas from distant
localities like York and Monmouth,
down to a guinea from places situated
within thirty to Sfty mile of tbe me
tropolis. The unfortunate Infanta were
borne on horseback In panniers, two to
each pannier, or lu wagons lined with
strsw, for which tho charge was some
what less. ' .;.,
Naturally abuses grew up ln con
nection with the Iralllc. Hut, eren
apart from them, the mortality among
the "posted" halites was terrible. Thus,
out of 14,0.14 received at the hospital
In four years, only 4,400 lived to tie
"apprenticed out," being a mortality of
more than 70 pe, cent.
Eventually parliament passed a
measure abolishing the practice, aud
tbe "baby post" eeased.--London An
ewers. .
Mill Helen Could Pretenti Them to the
SKW YORK, Dee, ll.-Seorei of the
iuilora on tbe battleship which are
about to nail foe the I'arlllo will carry
with them on the erulie Bible, the per
onal Kift of Misi Helen Gould, on the
y leaf of which U her nlgnnture and a
Scripture text wrtten by ber. Tbe gUtt
weie made by Mis Cuuld to the tailor
who have taken special Intercit in the
religion meeting at the Naval Ilraoch
of the Young Men's Christian Aocla
tion. The lack of chaplain in the navy
ha been discovered, force the fleet to
e with only four naval minister
aboard. They are th battteahlp Con
neeticut, Virginia, Georgia and RhoJe
Cut Off With a Shilling.
"Ilere," wild n lawyer, taking down a
calf bound book, "la the will from
which originated the famous phrase,
Vut off with a Hhllllng.'
"It Is the will of Stephen Godfrey.
He died In Ijimls'tli In 17! HI. Now, I'll
rend you tho paragraph In Godfrey'e
will that gave the world the phrase.
A nasty paragraph It la too:
"'Whereas, It was my misfortune to
bo made very uneasy by Elizabeth God
frey, my wife, for many yeara, from
our marriage, by ber turbulent beha
vior, for alio waa not content with de
spising my admonitions, but she con
trived every method to make me un
happy; she was so perverse In her na
ture that ahe would not be reclaimed,
but aeemed only to be born to be a
plague to mo. The strength of Samaon,
the knowledge of Homer, the prudence
of Auguatus, the cunning of Pyrrnus,
tho patience of Job, tbe subtlety of
Hannibal and tbe watchfulness of
Homogcnes could not have been auffl
clent to subdue ber, for no skill or
force In tbe world could make ber
good, and aa we have lived separate
and apart from each other eight years,
and she having perverted her son to
leave and totally abandon methere
fore I give ber one shilling only.' "
Tbe former convict, proud and elat
ed, was narrating bla jail experiences
to a bosom pal.
"Say, reto," asked the pal, "how'd
y' git out so soon? Any pull wld de
big sticks?"
"Well, I pursume y' might put It In
dot kind 0' talk," replied Pete, the for
mer convict, "but do main reason was
mo perlltcness. Ever since I left me
homo," he continued confidentially.
"I've alius follered de adwlce 0' me
mudder ter be perllte."
"Y don't aay!" rejoined the pal, sun
prlsod. "How'd dat git y out two
years early? Good behavior?"
"No, not egzactly," explained Pete.
It was dls way; Do gov'nor was look
In' over de pen one day,' an' when he
passed me in de corridor I stepped on
bis foot accidentally. Course I bowed
very low an' says slowly, 'Pray, pardon
me, gov'nor,' an'," he continued, In
flating bla chest nnd assuming a con
tented air, "de gov'nor pardoned me."
"Oh!" said bis pal In a terrible whis
per. . ....
And then tbe next vaudeville team
was announced. Harper's Weekly, i
Not In His Line.
"Who discovered steam?" naked the
man who la always looking for Infor
mation. ' ' " '
"Don't know," answered the man
who is abnormally chilly, "but I am,
willing to bet It was not the janitor In
our apartment house." 'Wauhlagton
Once upon u time a 'young man and
a girl loved each other fondly. He
was pisir, but bright, energetic and
persevering. Hho was pretty, cheerful
nnd amiable, They married. Their
friends thought they might have wait
ed until their prospects were better.
but they laughed prudence to scorn.
Two jenis after the marriage th
wife met one of her friends.
"How ure you getting along?" asked
the friend.
"Very iilcely,"sald tho wife, beaming,
"My husband Is so good, aud I ban
sucb a lovely baby. And, just think,
we have lu the bank, and we
don't owe a cent to anybody!"
Five years tutor the friend met ber
"I hear you are doing very well,"
she said. "Home one told me your
husband hud $10,000 Invested in real
"Wby, yes." said the wife, "but It's
sucb a worry. There are repairs and
taxes aud Interest on mortgages, and
one of the tcrmiit bus just moved out
owlug us a whole month's rent Isn't
it a shame?"
rive year more elapsed, and again
the friend met ber.
"They tell me you're growing rich,"
she aald.
"Ye-, but I'm anxious about tbe
stock market. My husband bas $50,000
Id stocks, and be thinks they're going
op, but I'm not so sure about it. In
deed, I didn't alecp a wink last night
Five years Inter another meeting.
"From what I bear your husband
will soon be a millionaire."
"Oh, I don't know," said the wife.
"He hasn't moro tlinu half a million
yet. And It 1 so tied up In all sorts
of Investments-one uever knows bow
they will turn out. I just wish we
had enough to put tbe money in gov
rnment bonds so that we wouldn't
have to worry. But of course tbe In
come from half a million In govern
ment bonds wouldn't be enough to
mske both ends meet And yet, do
yon know, some people have sucb
absurd notions about tbe amouut of
money we have! One crank has even
sent a letter to my husband threaten
ing to snoot bim just because be 1
rich. I declare, sometimes I'm so wor
rled I don't know what to do."
It would be pleasant to give this
story a happy ending, but that lan't
the kind It bad. This lady's wealth
continued to Increase as long as she
lived, and she never ceased to be un
easy except In tlioo brief Intervals
when she forgot all about It. Bohemian.
South Dakota, with Us rich silver
wine, bonanza farms, wide range and
itrange natural formation!, ii a verit
able woiulurland. At Mound City, In the
home of Mr. K, D. Clapp, a wonderful
case of healing hi lately occurred. Her
son itemed near death with lung and
throat trouble. "Exhausting coughing
polli occurred every five minutei,"
writes Mr. Clapp, "when I began
giving Dr. King New Discovery, th?
great medicine, that saved hi life and
completely cured him." Guaranteed for
cough and cold, throat and lung trou
ble, by Ch&. Roger druggist. 50c. anj
$1.00. Trial bottle free.
The steamship Persia which passed up
the river yesterday morning, is consid
ered by many to be one of the finest
steamers entering the Columbia River.
She is four-masted w""l square rigging
on the foremast and is of 2744 net tons
roMcr. Klie will load flour for Japan.
1 r
II f ; ll IV7I iff U Is I
The Kind You Ilavo Always Bought, and which ban been
in use for over CO yean, hna borne tbe signature of
and iian been mode under Iiist per-
onal supervision since its Infancy.
iJZtcAlii Allow no one to derive vou In thin.
All Counterfeits, Imitations find " Just-as-good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants aud Children Experience against Experiment.
Caatoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
gorl. Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotlc
substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fererisbness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The KM You Hare Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
School Shoes
The Billy Buster Steel Bot
torn Shoes
The Shoe
with a Sole
that Don't
Wear Out
December Tide Table
High Water. A. M. P. M. law Water. A. M. P. M.
Date; h.m. tt. h.m. ft Date. h.m. ft h.m. ft
SUNDAY 1 9:29 8.8110:10 6.8 SUNDAY 1 7:05 2.0 4:10 l.t
Monday 2 10.18 8.8 11.07 7.1 Monday 2 4:01 2.2 5:01 0.4
Tuesday 8 11:00 9.3 Tuesday S 4:62 2.3 6:49-0.4
Wednesday ., .. 4 0:00 7.3 Wednesday .. .. 4 5:40 2.4 6:36-1.1
Wednesday .. .. 4jU:42 9.7 Thursday 5 :28 2.6 7:22-1.6
Thursday 6 0:60 7.6 12:25 10:0 Friday 6 7:15 2.6 8:08-1.7
Friday 6 1:40 7.5 1:10 10.0 Saturday 7 8:04 2.8 8:57-1.6
Saturday 7 2:30 7.6 1:65 (.8 SUNDAY 8 8:68 3.0 9:47-1.2
SUNDAY 8 3:20 7.5 2:45 9.4 Monday 9 9:58 3.110:40-0.7
Monday 9 4:15 7.5 3:38 8.8 Tuesday 10 11:02 3.1 11:36 -0.1
Tueaday 10 6:11 7.6 4:40 8.1 Wednesday.. ..11 12:17 2.9
Wednesday .. ..11 6:09 7.7 6:60 7.4 Thursday 12 0:35 0.6 1:31 2.5
Thursday 12 7:08 7.9 7:09 6.9 Friday 13 1:37 1.1 2:40 1.9
Friday 13 8:06 8.1 8:30 6.7 Saturday 14 2:37 1.6 3:47 1.3
Saturday .. ...14 9.00 8.3 9:41 6.8 SUNDAY 15 1:40 2.0 4:45 9.1
SUNDAY 15 9:49 8.5 10:43 6.9 Monday 16 4:34 2.3 6:35 0.1
Monday. 16 10:35 8.8 11:38 6.9 Tuesday .17 5:23 2.6 6:20 -0.3
Tuesday .17 ll:17i 8.9 Wednesday .. ..18 6:07 3.9 6:68-0.6
Wednesday .. ..18 0: 25) 7.0 Thursday 19 6:46 S.l 7:33-0.7.
Wednesday.. ..18 11:66 9.0 Friday 20 7:20 3.4 8:06-0.6
Thursday .. ...19 1:08 6.9 12:28 9.0 Saturday 21 7:54 3.5 8:36-0.4
Friday 20 1:46 6.8 1:02 8.8 Saturday .. ...21 7:54 1.5 8:36 -0.4
Saturday 21 2:19 6.8 1:31 8.7 SUNDAY 22 8:25 1.6 9:05-0.1
SUNDAY .. ...22 2:52 6.8 2:03 8.4 Monday 23 9:00 8.7 9:34 9.2
Monday 23 3:26 6.8 2:38 8.1 Tuesday 24 9:40 3.610:05 0.6
Tuesday 24 4:00 6.9 3.16 7.7 Wednesday.. ..2510:27 3.5 10:41 0.8
Wednesday .. ..25 4:35 7.1 4:00 7.2 Thursday 26 11:15 8.3 11:20 1.2
Thursday 26 6:16 7.3 4:63 6.7 Friday 27 ...12:12 3.0
Friday .. 27 6:03 7.6 6:55 6.3 Saturday 28 0:10 1.7 1:20 2.6
Saturday 28 6.62 7.7 7:13 6.1 SUNDAY 29 1:08 2.2 2:31 1.9
SUNDAY 29 7:45 8.0 8:32 6.0 Monday SO 1:10 2.51 8:39 1.1
Monday 30 8:44 8.41 9:45 6.2 Tuesday 31 3:14 2.8 4:39 0.1
S. A. G1T1RE
J43 Bond St, opposite Fisher Bret.
i "Mm
ABB i.
. r
.-4 Timbe Mama
k. . Designs
' Antom sendlnr ft gksu-fe so4 eescrtpUos mit
DftitrntAMe. Comraantcs
seat in, didwt smncr lor wearing pataou.
Patents taken through Mann k Co. nest
m.niM Hl K.UI t ril.M 111 t Ka
y 1 . rmmvmi -t w
qalcklT stosnaln onr op
inientton Is probably pal
Uont trtJ conodentlal.
Scientific flrarlcax
ealatloa of any aaentUo Journal. Terms, IS
rear : lour monuu, ai. emu oj au newiutaMars,
I'llvM 9 Pn nk Until Tnrb
Branch omce. tflrw, weiMttott. u. v.
teiqnoji jappejg put Aeupm
0. S. Woolever, one of the best known
merchant of Le Rayville, N Y, ay:
"If you are ever troubled with piles, ap
ply Bueklen'a Arnioa Salve. It cured
me of them for good 20 year ago.'
Guaranteed for sores, wounds, burns or
abrasion. 23. at Rogers drug store.
CHICAGO, Deo. ll.The question of
President Roosevelt' desire about be
inj; nominated for a third term will be
settled ornee for all one way or another
on December 21, when attorney, general
llomi parte addresses a banquet of the
nw Illinois Athletic Club in Chicago.
The president' political view and hi
third term ideas will be fully told by Mt.
Bonaparte, who is regarded as being the
president's official spokesman for the oc
Notice to Out Customer
We are pleased to announce that
Foley's Honey and Tap for coughs, colds
an Jung trouble i not affected by the
National Pure Food and Drug law aa i-
contain no opiate or other harmful
drugs, and we recommend it a a safe
remedy for children and adult. Sold
by T. F. Laurin. Owl Drug Store.
Viola Allen is to appear thla season in
"Aa You Like It," with special perfor
mances of "The School For Scandal."'
Morning Aatorian, 60 cent per month, cure,
No medicine ha ever done more to
wards warding off grip and pneumonia
and relieving the distressing grip cough,
than Kemp' Balsam, the best cough
n Our Insurance Department
the name and address of
the man who asserts that a
Standard Equitable Policy
would be" of : no value to
That is the man who
needs to Jbe seen by an
enlfgfitemng E Q 11 i LE
Agent V
.... ..
iTy '!;