The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 10, 1907, Image 1

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' " ojjbw
Posse Then Hunts Down
and Kills Them.
Wash. Until men opened fir, TbrM
shot were exchanged Mm the man In
the bru1i full. Firing then ceased, tid
tl jmrty hurried to tbe acene.
Them ImiHi the Savole wero found
lying side by side. One had bn shot
through the heart and the other vln tho
stomach. It f tliouglii by eonie tht out
of the dead nwn committed suicide, for
single slu.t waa beard in the vicinity
of the two men after (be firing' had
Breweri and ' ProhlbiUonlat Join
Movement to Abolish Divot,
Marshal McFadden of Winlock,
Wash. Shot and Seriously
Two Brothera Bellmd to be Guilty of
. Burglaries Shoot When. Arreated and
Are in Turn Hunted Down by Enraged
WTNLOCK, Wash., Dec. 0.-Awdhi(t
to examination of pbydelane Marshal
McFadden, who waa ahot by yeggmn
thl morning, will recover u ill we blood
poisoning Ma in. Nothing haa been die
oowed to Identify the two men killed
f the posa. They registered at tna
hotel a Albert and George Savole. From
the fart that a kit of burglar'a toola and
other incriminating article being found
it ia believed they were professional
robliere. A third man who waa bellevej
to be a member of the gang cannot be
located. The Savole brothera were taken
to Chehall thia afternoon for burial in
the county cemetery. McFadden former
ly lived at Bolllngham.
WIXLOCK. Wash., Dec. O-NlghtMar-aim)
E. E. McFadden waa ahot thia morn
ing in the attempted arrest of two young
men believed to be guilty of two burg
Uric committed here lt night. Both
the votina men were idiot and killed by
a clthwns' posse within an hour of the
ahontinif of McFadden.
The men killed bad been aeen about
town yemtcrdny aiul were regarded aa
auspicious character. Tliey registered
at "the Kelthly Hotel na Albert and
George Savole. Tliey mere pointed out to
nv Mnr.hal J. P. Caslntor a they
were walking down the track toward
the Capital Mills, oppoalte the corner of
Shannon and Front street. Castator
crossed over to the trnirk and demanded
that they permit him to search the
bundle they carried.
The marshal then deputized William
Baddy and Constable McFadden to hold
the men while he aoarohed there. White
ha wa going through the package they
carried they atartcd to run South toward
Olequa Creek. McFadden sprang after
them, but Rcddy let hie man go.
When the pursued had nearly reached
the binik of the creek one of them turned
and fired twice at McFadden. Both hot
took effect, one pneslng through the
cheat above the heart and the other en
tering the left shoulder and lodgliig in
the back. " '
Aa McFadden tank to the ground A.
N. Cheney, of the Winlock Bank, who
with a number of men;' had ruahed to
the track, opened fire on the fugitlvea.
The man with the gun turned it on
Cheney, firing three eUot. none of which
took eff&t.
The two Savoloa then disappeared In
the brush along the bank of the creek,
The party on the track at once ran to
Sehaefer's hardware store on the corner,
aecured guna and went in pursuit. Their
number were apeedlly augmented by
others who heard the shooting and who
procured guni and Joined the ohaae.
Nearly every available firearm in Win
lock waa borne by hands bent on revenge.
The pursuers apread over the hill back
of the ereek, and while one party beat
down from the crest of the hill another
advanced acroea the ereek. One of the
fugitlvea waa aeen ia the brush near the
creek by George Rhodes, of tin Rochdale
Company, and I H. Carter, of Toledo.
NEW YORK, Dee. B.-AmeHoa'a fore
moat brewer, are prepared to loin with
reasonable temperance reformer, in i
movement to aboliah the dive, the drunk
ard; the ..loon which oatera to women
and children and every aort that doet
not obey the at r let letter of national and
etate legislation."
Thi, In substance, ia the rult of a
conference between rprentative of
tlie great brewing In tercet. In thia city.
No aecret ia made by these Intercut,
that tlw wave of prohibition which, in
local option or other forma, haa swept
over the South and la making deep in
road, in the North, Iniplre. their move
ment. They aver that It will do no per
manent harm to them, but that, on the
contrary, it will give to them an op
portunity that they have long sought,
that of taking their product away from
dive keeper and habitual drunkard.
Coloni'l George W. Goethate, engineer-in-chief
of th Isthmian Canal Commia.ion.
will come to Washington in a week or
ten day. It ia said bo will bring with
him well defined view on the subject of
widening the canal locke; ..,.........
NOW 1 11
California Bank Officials
arc Arrested.
President Walker and Vice Pres-
ident Brown Took Deposit
or's Money.
STOCKHOLM. Dec. . Attended by
the princeaa and hie aulte, King Guatave
V at noon today received the homage of
the troop. It wwe a aplendid and
solemn iectarle. The Kinir addreesed
the troop briefly eaylng in hi Arm con
viction they would alwaye be ready to
follow him when the welfare of the coun
try required them to" do 0. The funeral
of the lute King ia expected to be held
December 10. Dowager Queen Sophia
haa decided to live In retirement In
rnetlo near Utrieksdale.
Revenue Boat McCullougb Will
Be Sent Here.
Senator Fulton Compiiea With Request
of Chamber of Commerce and Treasury
Department Agrees to Send the Cutter
McCullough Soon. ''
.WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. O.-Com-piylng
with a request of the Chamber of
Commerce, Suitor Fulton today re
quested the Treasury Department to
send a revenue cutter to the Columbia
River. Tho 1 MIcCullough, now at San
Francisco, will be aent aa toon as re
pairs arte completed on the Bear, which
will takcthe MeCullough'a place.
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Dec. 0. A man
named Joe Depoa waa arrested today
on suspicion that he was the pcraon who
fired Into the group of workmen from
the porch of a hoarding house which
Depoa nina on Maple avenue. A. W.
Wethern 1 dead and A. B. Hartmon 1
seriously wounded. Depoaa i believed
to be insane.
STOCKTON, Cal., Dp. . Roscoe
Bradley, a ranch hand, tonight ahot and
killed Joe Little, a painter, and Richard
Cousins, a saloonman, because ihe latter
had ejected Bradley from his saloon at
Stanislaus. He was arretted.
Officials of Suspended California Safe
Dcjifit & Trust Company An in the
Tcila ot tbe LawBail Fixed at High
Walker, president of the California Safe
lVpoait A Truat Company, was found
peedlng south on a Southern Pacific
train lat night when lie waa supposed
to be at bit San Mateo home. lie was
tfrmttmt m uxTTiranie
train at Santa Burlwra on instruction
of Aitnt District Attorney Krnei
J, lieney. Shortly after the arrest of
Itonkeni Browiv and Harnett, bwt even
ing, d'tet4irea were hurried to San
Mateo to kep David F. Walker, presi
dent of the bank, under eurveilkince;
but finding he had already left his home,
trailed him down to Santa Barbara,
where be was held by the police authori
tie. .
Though no wucrant had lwen awurn
out ttv Walker, it was thought beet to
keep him iir sight. The detectives on
reaching San Mnteo surrounded the
house where he waa supposed to lie lying
ill, but heard that a man anawering
Walker's description had been seen
boarding a train for the aourh. A hasty
InveMigation proved that their man had
flown i but word was sent dov the
line, and lute biet night the police of
Santa Barbara took him in charge.
Heney telegraphed that Walker be held.
Through the activity of the deposit
ors committee of the defunct California
Safe Deposit and Trust Company the
developments of yesterday were made
possible within a few hours after the
day afternoon to proceed immediately
with an investigation of the affairs of
rhe I'illinore street branch of tbe Call
fornia Safe lpoit k Trust Company,
looking toward the arrest of the officers
for embeulonient. Thereupon Gustave
Chevassus, accountant of tbe Fillmore
street branch, was examined at consider
able length, and hi examination con
tlnued yesterday morning and evening.
Tbe testimony of Teller Gabb of the
4anie branch was taken, and the com
mtttee brought to light a etarting series
of reckless transactions which tbe at
torney brand a misdemeanor embezzle
ments. According to a statement issued in
(he evening by the committee and the
attorneys, the officer of tbe bank took
practically all the money deposited at
the Fillmore street branch and loaned it
to stockholder in large sums, to them
selves and to mytlMcal companies.
It waa Intended to cause the arrest of
the officials for those acta, but later In
the day upon the advice of Franci J.
Heney, the minor charge were dropped
for that of felony embezzlement in con
nection with the misappropriation of
the fund of the Coiton estate.
A a r4it of the committee work, J.
Dalxelt Brown wa arrested teat night, a
warrant waa issued for tbe arrest of
Walter J. Bartnett on a charge of felony
embezzlement, and a Pinkerton detective
was despatched to San Mateo to the
home of David F. Wilker, president of
the bank, with Instructions to stay there
lay and night and to keep him under
4urveillanee until the committee gave
iiim further instructions.
His departure from there led to his
ubequent capture and arrest at Santa
Barbara. W. J. Bartnett wa arrested
at hi home in Marin county last night
and waa held in custody there until to
day. Brown, who was arrested earlier
in the day in this city, waa locked up in
isiL- ..... ,
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 0. Attorney
Oners I TJ. S. Webb late today com
meneed proceeding for the appointment
of a receiver for the auspended Califor
nia Safe Deposit & Trust Co., whose
president, viee-pressdent and general
manager are under arrest for embezzle
mentt Tbe , at)pck1iolders, officers and
director are made defendant in the
suit filed by the Attorney-General.
Judge Frank Dunne reduced the bail of
J, Dalzell Brown, general manager of the
suspended institution from 1200,000 to
75,000. A similar action waa taken in
tlie cae of W. J. Bartnett, the vice
president. The report that the afety
dciNMit boxes were looted caused a run
on that department of the bank today.
President Walker is under arrest at
Sunt a Barbara and will be brought to
this city jtomorrow. Brown claim the
bank is solvent and that reports of tbe
condition of that institution are unfair.
Rnrtuctt secured bonds thia evening, but
Rrown is still In jail. A mass meeting
of the stockholders this afternoon de
cided to fight the appointment of a re
ceiver, it being the impression the bank
could lie rehabilitated if time were grant
Wages are Reduced
' Percent.
Member of the Goldfield
Union Can Work Around
the Mines.
Attempt to Organize a Hew Union Will
be Made and Mine Owners Will Prob
ably Agree to Settle Coat of Living
to be Reduced.
rnl work of criminal prosecution began. led. The resignation of the directors was
The committee determined on Satur-' demanded. i
Lin mju&sju
TwrR Pours
urvn 4TiEr
Vmo ARt
. v ..
"ssri W .11.11 II J!B ! .iS-s-.-.r' v V-.rr m a-, r,m ,i r . j, s a,.-- II I'll
GOLDFIELD, Ner, Dec 9. Late thu
afternoon the Goldfield mineownera as
Mciatio.i beued its ultimatum to the
D'itcrs in Goldfield in the shape of a
set of resolutions adopted at today's
meeting embodying the new scale of
wage, showing a lowering of the acale
of about 20 per cent. The resolutions
a lo provide that no members of the as
0(iation employ in or around his mine
or around his mill any member of the
Goldfield Local Union No. 220 of the
Western Federation of Miner or of any
union connected with or afillicated with
ssid Western Federation, requiring the
miner to sign an agreement not to be
come in any way affiliated or connected
with the Western Federation. It also
provide that the mines resume opera
tkic at 7 a. m., Thursday, 12.
Ii'07. with men who agree to the condi
tions imposed in the- resolutions. The
resolutions also express the sense of the
asxor'ation that the cost of living in the
Goldfield mining district be reduced at
least 20 per cent and threatens that
iuleg it 'is done the mine owners will
construct and operate a general mer
chandise store or stores and a boarding
ho:ise that will guarantee a redifct&n in
the cost of living 20 per cent or more.
The executive committee of the Gold-
field Miners' Union was in session ncsr
!y ell, day but no statement was issued
n answer to the one sent by the mine
ov.ners, the contents of which were an
ticipated by the miners. The miners say
positively no disturbance or violence
will be resorted to Thursday morning
when the mines are re opened. -
Vork postoflloe for last month was $L
200,000 in. excess of the buslnee for the
corresponding month last year. Thi
year's figure are f(J,G31.837, while tb
figure for November 1906, were 15490,
123. There la every indication that tho
Chrlstma business of tits foreign postal
order department of the postoftice will
be much larger tbi year than ever be
fore. .
The distribution of the money ia in
teresting. Italy led all foreign countries
for the week ending November 30, with
fi09,962. For other countries the figure
were: Great Britain 1234,731; Auatria
188,53 .Hungary $153,770, Swedes
1121,488; Germany 72.100; France $25,
627; Switzerland 913,860. In each case
this is an increase over the amount!
sent during the laat week in November
a year ago.
NEW YORK. Dec 9. The Jockey
Club baa decided to continue Hs-crusade
againat pool rooms. The Club's effort
to close np pool rooms have been very
successful and it has been decided not
to give up the fight Every possible pre
caution baa been taken to prevent pool
room from obtaining information re
garding the races and in spite of the
enormity of tbe task it has been success
fully done.
The Russion Dumadf I am radical the Czar will have none of me; if I'm
conservative the revolutionists will blow me up. ;
GOLDFIELD, Dec 9. Conservative
men. not connected with either the
miners or the owners' organization are
:f the- opinion that a settlement may
yet be effected and if so that an attemot
win tie made to organize a new union
to be affiliated with the American Fed
eration of Labor, with which the mine-
owners have already intimated they
would be willing to enter into an agree
ment. The new scale of wagea announced
tct'ay is based on wages paid at Tono-
pah, where the cost of living is conceded
to be 20 per cent cheaper than at Gold-
field. Repqrts alleged intimations and
violations were constantly heard tonight, the union leaders scoff ait the reports
as fakes. ; ' " :
The regular monthly meeting of the
miners' executive committee meet to
morrow1 night at which time the reduc
tion of wages will be taken up. Ii is
reported some of the mines will begin
operations tomorrow.
NEW YORK, Dec. 9. The' battleship
Minnesota, the flagship of tbe third divi
sion of tbe Atlantic fleet, and tho only
one of the battleships ordered to the
Pacific remaining in New York, will tail
today for Hampton Road to join the
rest of Admiral Evans fleet. Thousands
of visitors went aboard the ship yester
day? realizing that it will be many
months before another of the big ships
will be seen in Xew York harbor.
NEW YORK. Dec. 9. Judge Hough,
of the United States court granted an
order restraining the Mutual Reserve
Life from making the proposed amend
ment to the by-laws iwbk-b it ia as
serted would practically be placing a
lien against the policy and abatement
amounts payable under the terms of the
policies. The officers are also enjoined
from voting proxies sent by policy
General Stoessel's Trial Reaches
Final Stage.
Accused of Having Surrendered Fortre
atPort Arthur Before the Resources
of Defense Had Been Exhausted
Russian Penalty ia Death.
Foreigners Buy Mony Orders Amounting
to Many Millions.
NEW YORK, Dee. 9. While the banks
are bringing millions in money into ths
U. S., the foreign born population of the
country is sending millions out. The
oreign postal order businese of the New
final stage of the oourtmartial of Lieu
tenant -General Stoessel will begin in
this city tomorrow. Stoeseel is accused
of having surrendered the fortress at
Port Arthur before he had exhausted
the resources of the defenses. The pun-,
ishment under the Russian code is
death. He will be tried also on the
charge of lack of initiative and with hav
ing exceeded his powers. Generals Fook
and Reiss are co-defendants. General
Siminoff, Stoessel V. most bitter enemy,
will be tried on a minor charge. The
court will be composed of nine generals
under the presidency of Vice-Admiral
Dubassoff and will include Kuropatkin.
Bilderingnn, Myloff and: others. Stoessel
is in a pitiable etate over the trial, and
the doctors are apprenheosivo of the
effect upon the veteran, who has Suf
fered two paralytio strokes since tho
fall of the fortress.
NEW YORK, Dec 9. James Henry
Stoddard, veteran actor, died at his home
at Sewaren, N. J., today. He was born.
in England in 1827. v