SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1907, THE MORNING ASTOItlAN. ASTORIA. OREGON. ASTORIA SOCIETY (Continued from Pag 6,) Jmmllwrk of M). Thurnauiir and duii(flitor, Ml Lilly, Biitl brought (ivm Kurcmlif rf i jjlft fur Mr. JtiTunmn. Mr, TliunmiHT nnlil that In tlio nmklriy, iirtolf iiul daughter tnw many bright and happy tliuughU Into th , clulh will; plan for th present vUll ' iu liw aunt, TI10 day wa an oxtionwly liappy one for Mr, and Mr. Jlvrgman ml tholr tititny ginwU. Thty wore In formed on lifting that Mr, and Mr. Mufiheynwr of Noattla and Mr, and lr, lloiimimn nd daughter, Ml MargDiy lluuittian, of lortlutnl, all nar latlv, would arrive on tint 11:30 train and tha vtMH'raliln mple war weorted to tha parlor to Die wilctnn atraln of itio wadding maruh. All the delightful arrangement of the day wer In tha Capable lianda of Mr. Thurnauer. At o'clock th family party eomponeil Iff. and Mr. Bergman, Mr. and Mr Thurnauer and M3 Lilly Thurnauer, if Nuremberg, Ilavnrlaj Mr, aud Mr Mwnheymer, of tfeattlei Mr, and Mr. iouutan and Ml Margery )Iounmn nd Mr. Waterman, of Portland, aa down to a umpluou dinner. Telegram Of vongratulatliiii and good wUhc were received from Now York, Ban Vramdaro, Seattle, and Portland, and a moat unique one from Mayor- WUo, an original poem in which tha initial letter were the given name of Mr. and Mr. Bergman, tlf to telegram were nd during the Miner and created much nierriment. The wedding euka wa brought from l'urt land a were many of the beautiful Bower. Air. and Mr, lieruinan were the recipient of many liamlsom memen toe of the happy creation. Later In the day Mr. 8trau and Mr. Joeph Straw, and Mr. WUe and the MUm Kuttie, Birdie aud Loul Wlae railed to extend felicitation and to partake of the ho pilallty extended. Mr. and Mr. Tburnauor and Mi Lilly Thurnauer leave today for Bai Francisco after apendlng two week Attori the gueat of Mr. and Mr. Ikirg man, Attr a hort ty In California they will atari on their long trip to their home In Bavaria. Mr. and Mm. Thurnauer are delighted with their American experience. K Irlally are they pleased with Atorla nd tha people here. Every hospitality nd kiudneta haa been extended to them during their atay and they will carry way with them many happy reoolleo. tioua of their vUlt her. Their Intention it to return in Ave year to help Mr. nd Mr. Dergman celebrate their golden wedding. The Women' Chritlan Temperance Union held it 'regular weekly meeting on Thursday afternoon In the parlor of the tfcamen'a Institute. Only routine bualneM wa transacted by the member attending. Under the auplc of Beaver Lodge, No. 35, I. 0. 0. F. Mr. Newton Beer, gifted impersonator, will appear in dra matlo characteriaaUon of "David and Jonathan" on next Tburaday night, December 12th In I. 0. 0. F. Hall. Mr. Beer come highly recommended a an impersonator and the entertain ment promUea treat to which everyone i cordially Invited. , Mre. Howard I. Knight entertained tho member o'the I), M. C. D. Club on yTuetday evening. Dainty refrtahment were aorved and a pieaaant evening pent by thoae attending, with their needle work and iu conversation , and entertaining nmslo. The recent recital at St. Helena Hall, Tortland, waa the scone of triumph for Ifi Maude Van Duaon of thl city. The young lada rendition of the beau i tiful "Concert Etude" by Relnhold. waa received! (with much pplauae, Thl 1 not the first time that laurel bar been given to Mlaa Van Duaen and lover of classical mualo, who have beard! her perform, predict a bright future In muai cat circle. For that Dull Feeling After Eating. I have uwd ChamDerl&ln'a Stomach nd Liver Tablet for aome time, and can testify that they have done me more good than any tablet I have ever used. My trouble waa a heavy dull feeling after eating. David Freeman, Kempt, Nova Scotia. Theie tablet atrengthe.i the itomach and improve the dtgeatlon. They alio regulate the liver and bowl, They are far auperlor to pill but cost no more. Get a free! (ample at Frank Hart the Leading Druggist., and tee what a aplendld medicine it ia. CUNARD LINER GROUNDED. NEW YORK, Deo. 7. The Cunard liner Carmanla, which groundod today twhlle leaving thl port for Europe wa floated at high tide tonight apparently uninjured' and will proceed .late tonight. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BItOMO Quinine Tab let. Druggist refund money if it fail to cure. E, W, GROVE'S signature i on each box. 2So. . . SUNDAY AT TBS CHURCHES, ! Christian Science. , j Service at 0U4 (Irand avenue at 10 a, m., aubjeet, "Ood tha Trerver of Man.1 All ara invited. Sunday aohool, llilfl. PreibyterJao. Morning worehlp, 11 a.m., "The Part ing of i the Way Ituth end Orpah." Sunday (chool, 12:1S Y. P. S. 0. E Oi), "Th Pearl." All are invited. Wm. &,Gllbert, palor. . ' Grace. ' Wervltv at 11 a. m, and 7:3U p. in. Sunday obool, 12i30, At Holy Inno cent' chapel a celebration of tha holy communion at 10 a. m. Evening prayer, 7 i.IO) Sunday tchool, 11:30 a, in. . Norweglan-Daniah M. E. Preaching tervlce at 11 a. m, and 7i30 p. ni. Sunday achool at 10 a. in., Mr. Albert Ourlten, auperintendent. The Scandinavian Temperance Society will meet In the church at 3 p. m. A good program will be rendered, 0. T. Field, pator, ' ' Flrat M. E. , Sermon themeti Mwrnlng, "The Ma try of Environment'! evening, "The Story of Ephreim." Cla meeting at 10:13) Sunday tchool at 12:18; Kpworth league at 6:30. Mid-week aervice Wed ueday at 7:30. A cordial welcome await you at II the icrvtce. The eate ar all free. C C. Rarlok, pator. ' Firat Lutheran. Mffrnlng ewvlce, hi AS, Uieme, "A Morning Dwn" evening ervlce, alway in Knglith, at 7:30, "ClnUtlun Unity.1 Sunday tchool, both at the church in I'ppvrtown aud at the German Lutheran t 0:30 a. m Ml Alema Nyland and Mm, A. Young, uperititcnlrnt. The nou ly organlted Knglith Lutheran Iulle Aid Society wa entertained lat Thurt- lr afternoon by Mr. Atinu Brix at lu-r homa on (irand avenue. Itefrcth ment were nerved. Cuataf E, Rydqulst pattor. V Jl t J I - Iff 11 The IOud You Ilaro Always BougLl, and which lias bcea In uhq for over 30 years, has borne the Klirnatura at aul baa bocn made under his per- tonal supervision since Its Infancy. All Counterfeits, Imitations opnd"JuKt-aH-good,,are but Esperlments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience agalmt Experiment. What is CASTORiA Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Cantor OIL Pare gorli. Drops and Soothlntr Syrups. It Is IMcaaant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It deatroys Worm and allays FeveriHhneKH. It cures Diarrhoea and W ind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Btomaf h and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's rauacca The Mother's Frieud. ' Good Cough Kedldne for Children. The teuton for cough ami cold I now at hand and too much care cannot I) ued to protect the children. A colli' much more likely to contract diph thcrla or aeariet fever when be ha 1 cold. The quicker you cure hi cold the lea the rik. Chamberlain' Cough Remedy ia the aole reliance of many mother, and few of thoae who have tried it are wilting to we any other. Mr. F. F. filarcher, of Ripley, V. Va, tayai "I nav never uted anything otne. than Chamberlain' Cough Remedy for my children and it haa alwaya given good at!iaetion. Thl remedy contain no opium or other narcotic and may be given aa confidently to child a to an adult. For aale by Frank Hart and lead ing drugglita. , CURTAIL OUTPUT. Hm YORK, Dec. 7.-The director of the Amalgamated Copper Company to day voted to continue the curtailing of the output of copper from their mine on a panty tai or conmimpuon a nearly a poible. MRS. TAFT DEAD. MILLBUItX, . hhM., IKc. 8.-Mr. Louisa Taft, mother of the Secretary of War, died at 1:20 this (Sunday) morning. Morning Aatorlan, 80 cent per month delivered by carrier. CeNOIME CASTOR I A alWay Bears the Signature of HEIUNGTON'S TABLETS ABSOLUTELY CURE! The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Seal Fish Market 77 Ninth St., tear Bond Fresh and Salted Fish. Game and Poultry, Groceries, Produce and Fruit Imported and Domestic Goods. P. Bakotitch & Feo, Proprs. Fhone Red n6t Indigestion, Rheumatism, Diabetes, Kidney Diseases, Bladder Troubles, Liver complaints. A SURE KIDNEY AND LIVER CURE Hare yoo healthy kidney I If not, yon will toon be attacked with that terrible Diabetee, Bright'! Dieeaae, Gravel, Dropay or Rheumatiaw, and yonr health and happinea ruined. We hart th ooly treatment that i a aura jwt or the dreaded Bright' Piaeaae, Diabete. and all other iorm of Kidney and Bladder Trouble. If your kidneys art not healthy, If tha bladder ia Mw"d and weakened, urln highly colored or cloud, amarting fat paaaing, palna is back, nervous, languid, depreaaed, weakened in body and bind, bowel eosati pated and digextion bad, write for a box of Herlngton'a Tablet nod b eared. RHEUMATISM 1 cauaed by an nceu of uric add la tha blood. . Ak any reputable phyiidan, ak your family doctor, and U will teli yon ihat th Drie Add mut be dlaaolvtd and drawn from th sytem before th die y,eMi-, : ' i : ha -V'' :':$t'J: ,X What Causes; Rheumatism Now ear that th only medicine known that will actually dlaaotv thl TJrtc Aei'd and carry It out of th body i Herington'i Tablet. LoeaJ f plication such aa liniment, electricity, maaagis, etc, will afford Uraponry relief only, and k tlm waatad to tha injury of the patient, unlet confuta tion! treatment is carried on at th wm time. Why ! Because th maiady ia a diaeaae of th blood, and th blood muat be freed of th ecus or no ear can follow. ' - WSiTK TODAY Fill in th coupon printed below and Mod it to sis with U cent. W will immediately mail to yon a liberal aiaed box of Barlnf ton's Tablet. If they fall to CUE! yon we will return yonr money a will ingly a w took it Our guarante ia, HO CUSS, HO PAT. rax nr this coupoh today Our remedy will put 70a on th road to health and happin. HER1KCT0N MEDICE CC, Crard Piilds. Wich. Herrington Medidn Co4 Grand Kapida, Michigan, I encloae 25 cent, for which pie esJ, pottage prepaid 1 box Baring ton'a Tablat. My Kant... My Druggltt'i Kama.. My Addraa. ti : r ; .TIME;,; CARD r 1 Astoria & Columbia River R. R. Co. Effective, Monday, September e 1907 Pacific Time. A'' -' num. School Shoes FOR The Billy Buster Steel Bot torn Shoes The Shoe with a Sole that Don't Wear Out S. A. G1MRE S43 Bond StM oppoait Fiaher 43d COMMERCIAL Bros 1 ,jSK'; ASH BOX 'RESOLUTE UNIVERSAL COLD WEATHER IS COMING See the bargains in our big stove department upstairs. Ift'your money is in the bank give us your check. The Foard & Stokes Hardware Co Incorporated Succeiaor t Foard ft fitoka C. O SPICES, a oc 0FFEEJEA4 DAIflr.OPOVDER nirCn.iGEXTiUCTS! JUaMftdtlHiffy, flwtflvnr. h&iisrShtK.fiCaSoraUtfTicc9J CLOSSET&DBrlSS POITlXAr1,IEGON. 8851 10 a O a s 09 t.m .u m kS St p.m. e.toi 8,48 (. a. 8 .: t.iOL. I 101. 1.30 8.0 l.u! t.Ml a t.UUI .WI 7.W 6" 10 .vA o.m .W 10.61 f.toi nil (80 6 S5 M .29 .M 11 N 11.461 9. 89.1 464 66.9 10.091 (J n.a 78.7 9.g 94 U.Oal 106.7 1.7 n. 10.i .66 9.18 9J a.m. 10.18 10.2H lOW a.m. .4UI..... 7.11 ..... . 7.26 Pn U 061 IU&.7 It 81 H2-40 116.7 118.1 PJn.) hr. At. PORTLAKDt LT GOBLEf Arr KAJ.MERi ; JMAYGtK OUINCY CLA.T8KAME JCNCTIOKJ.. ...,WR8TPORX CLIFTON Ar ASTORIA! 4Lt Lt. AMI OKI Ar Ar. WABKENTOS Lt .v W KK.NTO..... Ar HAMMOND Ar. .....FT. ,...,.Xt L FT. 8TEVEKS Ar HAMMOND...... Ar WAHRENTON .Lt Lt WAKhkfi'JON Af GBAkHART 91:ABlIt Ar....... HOLLADAY Lt MUea 111 79.T 78.1 as.t 6.8 M.8 47.9 40.4 19.1 19.1 18.4 p.m.ip.m. 13.16 1C 17.1 18 4 a I 23 I 10.56) 10.40 10.15 10 06 9.62 9.31 9.16 t.20 U 7.66 O.OOt M .40 3 7 MM WB ?.&! 7.4S 7.4. T.41 7.88 7.981 7." T!1 T.04i M .l5 K 6.60, J.46II1I 6.861 1.30110.4 t.nn.u 1.OII10.3I 1. e 10 a 12.K 12.20 10. I2.1019.U 18.4 8.4 10 o.e 67 1.(1 tM 6 00! 16 4.66110.861 1. ! 11. AW. 10.63 9. . 10.46 .4 No. 28 and 28 run from Astoria to Clataop Beach via. Ft Stereo. No. B rnna from Portlari to Astoria anil Clataop Beach direct. Na 24 run from Portland to Aetoria only. No. SO ran from Astoria to Clataop Beach direct. No, tl, iS and 29 run via Ft. Stevens. No. 23 rnna from CIaton Beach t Astoria and Portland direct Additional train will b run from Astoria to Ft Stevena and retain on Sun da ye, 1 earing Aitoria 11:30 a. bl, arrira Ft 8trat iz:H p. m. , aetonuog iTa rt staren 8:00 p. nk, arrirea Astoria t:ii p. u. , , Train marked run dailv; f TeleKraph station. OONNECTIONS At Portland, with all trana-eontinental lines. At Gotta. with Northern Pacific Railway Co. At Aitoria with tea mere for San Frandae and Tillamook and Dwaco Railway A Navigation Co.' boat and railway. inroucn ticket sold to and from all point la tb Eaat and uroo. For further partkmlara apply to, R. H. JENKINS, Uen. Ft ft Paaangr. Agt, Astoria, Ok A Mortiltig Astoriati 60c per triotith FOR coughs KING OF CURIES golds THE WONDER WORKER THROAT I DR. v KINC'S I Luncs I FOR COUGHS AMD COLDS PREVENTS PHEULIOIIIA I had tho most debilitating cough a mortal was ever afflicted with, and my friends expected that when I left my bed it would surely be for my grave. Our doctor pronounced my caso incurable, but thanks be to God, four bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery cured me so completely that I am all sound and well MRS. EVA UNCAPHER, Grovertown, Ind. , t ; Price 50c and $1.00 ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED! Trial Bottle Free Z3 SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY g-" CHAS, ROGERS & SONS II Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup; La Grippe, Asthma', Throat . and Lung Troubles. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption F T. Laruin, Owl Drug Store. THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE .... HONEY and TAR in the , . YELLQW PACKAOB