THE MORNING ASTORIAN. ASTORIA, OREGON. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1907. THE MORNING ASTORIAN Established 1873. : published DaHy Except Monday by XES J. S. BELLINGER COMPANY. SUBSCRIPTION SATES. By null, Mr pir..,.,, ...17.00 By carrier, per month...... 60 WEEKLY ASTORIAN. By nail, per yew, In advance... $160 mim -. winrtidAjia matter J tllT 30,1901. at the portolflc at Astoria. Orj iron, under Ui act of Congress ot Marco t, 1879 , masToaiAKtoeiUMr residence or ptam of 1 4 ...... kA msjU t NMAI MM AT through Isle none. Any Irregularity to de- i mhn,M ha ImraadialelT rvDOTtea M us office ot puMiostkiB. - TELEPHONE HAIH 661. Offlekl mmt of Ckteof Count? and the C of Astoria, WEATHER. Western Oregon and Washing- ton Occasional rains; southwest- 4 erly winds. O 1 Eastern Oregon, Washington, Idaho Rain, followed by clearing an.l pnnlor. THAT DOLLAR PINNER. ... Now is the time to Deposit Money in the Scandinavian-American Savings Bank to Draw Six Months' Interest July h 1908 J. M. ANDERSON, Cashier hcrt of the radical tienition of society and commerce from the plane of exist ence and operation aa now constituted, to other untried, yet, promising ex pedtcntt of philosophy and practical or ganic leu!. ' . PORTLAND TO THE SOUND. On the evening of the 18th inst, the Astoria Chamber of Commerce intends to give a dollar dinner at the Occident, and it behooves every live Astorian to be there. There are to be some of the leaders of the transportation and indus trial world of Oregon present, and things to be said and done and hinted, that will be well worth getting next to. No matter what the dinner may cost, a dollar a plate or ten dollars, it means dollars for this community in the future, and Astoria has a future as bright and large and compensating as any city in the Northwest. There is likely to be a . good deal eid confirmatory of this, at that time and place and we muBt all be in touch with the prophesies and show the prophets we are receptive and amen able in all things. - General Manager Nutt and General Superintendent Forrest, of the P. & S railway, the line that has more to do with our future than any single interest in the country, will be present; as will Col. W. S. Roessler, of the U. S. Engi neer Corps, in charge of the jetty; Hon. Harvey Scott, editor of the Portland Ore gonian, than whom there is no better authority on Oregon affairs, past, and present, in the State, when he speaks by the card, and who knows, and has declared, the future of Astoria, as no. other man ever dared to fathom, and state it, will be there, along with T. B. Wilcox and Tom Richardson, two Portlanders who, knowing much may, in burets of real candor, give us some genuine encouragement, if not as surance, as to the things that art trending our way and rich with good for us and all Oregon. There will be others of note and authority in this big premise and this initial dinner of the Astoria Cham ber should be the open sesame to many a distinct advantage and realization. Let no man forget it who has the good of Astoria at heart I - TROOPS TO NEVADA. No real American likes to read of gov ernment troops being ordered into the States, even upon the plea of necessity for public peace and safety; and the President's mandate sending General Funston and 1000 men to Goldfield, Nevada, will be deplored from one end of the country to the other, upon the general principle that, as Americans, we should be able to govern ourselves 10 as to- obviate such extremities. ' It is but another phase of the ever lasting war between capital and labor. With the former as polished, resourceful, merciless, and vindicative' as the latter is reckless, relentless and brutal, there can be no end to this warfare, and society must forever remain the bruised and battered nether-mill-stone of the conflict, upon the ace of which the high standards and civic graces of the day are being ground to obliteration. One is tempted to forswear the civili zation he was born to and seek the peace and stagnation of the desert in view of the hopelessness of this eternal turbu lence and iwrong; but the living hope that the day and the man and the measure of redemption, intervenes to keep man at his post and to go on trusting to the future just as he has done for countless centuries. Cupidity of the rich, the corporate rich, and the endless struggle of the poor to escape the thraldom of poverty, to gether with the coarse cruelty that characterizes the engagement the wide world over, on both sides, leaves but meagre ground for any possible hope Ju4 as an indication of the exact truth of Astoria's claim that Portland's shipping should be handled from this port, we quote from Friday's Evening Telegram, of Portland, as follows: "One of the first vessels flying the flag of the Dons to enter the Columbia River for years after at Astoria from Valpa raiso this morning. She is the Spanish steamship Minerva, under charter to Kerr, Gifford & Co., to carry a cargo 0! wheat to the United Kingdom. It had been the intention to load her at Port land, but the company has decided to send her to Puget Sound. She will re ceive orders this afternoon to proceed to Tacoma. The change in plans is owing to the congestion in the local harbor, 25 grain carriers now being assembled here. and all that can be bandied conveniently at one time." We are glad to see the Portland fleet growing to such proportions as to con gest her harbor and compel the despatch of foreign carriers elsewhere, for the simple reason that this issue must be forced upon the metropolitan conscience scorer, or later, and the claim of Ore gon's only great harbor be met, and conceded, despite the patent antagonism of the group of English shippers there. It cannot be ignored much longer, nor will it be after James J. Hill has per fected his plans at the mouth of the Columbia. His lead will be followed quickly enough once it is demonstrated, and Portland will wonder at the gross stupidity she has shown for years, when her hand is forced and she takes up tne simpler and lefts costly program of shipping her stuff from here. There is some singular and ulterior motive behind commercial program that sends grain and lumber fleets 112 miles inland in the one case, and 1C7 miles in the other, when the last vessel has to pass, or en ter, the most ample, safe and naturally provident harbor on the route to either of the inland destinations. (Portland's fear of Astoria is a fetich j now, but it will yield to the exorcising spirit of common-sense and the common- rate inside another 12 months. KEEP A-GOIN. If you strike a thorn or rose, Keep a-goin'. ' If it hails or if it snows, , Keep a-goln'. Taint no use to sit an' whine, When the fish aint on the line, Bait your hook an keep a tryln', Keep a-goin'. When the weather ills your crop, Keep a-goin', . When you tumble from the top, S'pose your out 0' every dime, Gittin' broke ain't any crime, Tell the world your pullin fine, Keep a-goin'. When it looks like all is up. Keep a-goin'. Drain the sweetness from the cup, Keep a-goin'. See the wild bird on the wing. Hear the bells that sweetly ring. When you feel like sighin', sing, Keep a-goin'. HAVE GOOD CLASS RECORDS. THE DRY-WAVE. North, East, South, and West, the revulsion against the liquor habit is as serting itself with varying degrees of j expression and success. And it is time; for the United States, in a comparative sense as to population and territorial limits, has long since overtaken England in this, her national curse. The dry wave has -wrought an immense amount of good and will do far more to re balance the nation than can ever be estimated. It is good for the rich and for the poor, without much distinction as to relative benefits, since the wild profligacy of the one U no worse than the sodden indulgences of the other. , From Astoria to New York City is a far cry; but the voice of public con science has carried the length of the route and has debouched north and south on the. way, until whole States and great cities are under the ban and barrier either in whole or in part. May it go farther and stay longer! Football Men at University do Not Neg lect Studies. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eugene, Dec. 8. University of Oregon football men during the season just past have made good records in the class room aa well as on the football field. The record! of the Registrar's office show that of the 20 men composing the regular squad, only half a dozen have received grades as low as "D" in any of their subjects. There have been no failures and their work as a whole compares favorably with that of last year, when in the final examinations in February, the foot ball team ranked slightly better than the average for the whole student body. The records show also that for the twj months just past, football men have cut fewer clashes than any other class of students. Reports of absences of all students are sent to the Registrar's office daily and a careful record is kept. The University works on the theory that students are there first to study, and this means regular attendance at classes. FOOTBALL GAME. SEATTLE, Dec 7.-Seattle Club, 6; Multnomah, 0. Athletic Muscular Pains Cured. "During the summer of 1903 I was troubled with muscular pains in the in step of my foot," says Mr. S. Pedlar, of Toronto, Ont. "At times it was so pain ful I could hardly walk. Chamberlain' Pain Balm was recommended to me, so I tried it and was completely cured by one small bottle. I have since recom mended it to several of my friends, til of whom speak highly of it" For sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists. '. COFFEE ' Three-quarters of coffee is such that we can't touch it; we make five grades of the top quarter. Voqr grocer returns jour money 11 to ooa't -like Schilling Best; we par him. . The Morning Astorian delivered at your door, 60 cents per month. Do Not Read This Without Making up your mind to be come one of my pleased customers. Good work always pleases. Carl E.Fransecn, The Astoria Tailor, 179 nth St. Phone Main 3711, Suits made to order. Hundreds of patterns to select from. , Every one up to date. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF . THE Astori a National Bank at Astoria, In the State of Oregon, at the close of business, December 3, 1007 RESOURCES. lioans and discounts.,.. $428,212.2 Ovvrdrait. secured and tin- . secured 6.501.D0 IT. 8. bonds to secure circula tion , 17,800.00 U. 8. bonds to secure U, S. deposits . 50,000.00 Premium on U. S. bonds.,,. 8,876.00 llotnl. securities, etc.. ........ 02.U7.4S lUmkliiir house, furniture, and numes 1 ,3o.7a Other real estate owned..... . 8,2.13.4 Duo from National Bsuks (not rmorvs agents) 0.157.03 Uiih from State lianki and Hanker 17.226.00 Due from approved reserve nireui , iou.3in.ou Checks aud other oah Items. . 2.M7.82 Clearing houne certificate.... 6,000.00 Notes of otiier .National Hunk 880.00 fractional paper currency. nivKeis, ana cents. .1 issvxi Lawful Motiey Reserve in JJauK. vUi Specie ......I132JW3 Legal-tender notes 17,060 140,649.00 IWempUott fund with U, 8. , treasurer (8 per eeut circu- lation) 878.00 Total 018,609.17 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in 9 60,00000 Surplus fund 60,000.00 ndivided profits, leas ex penses and taxes paid...... 1S.33S.S7 National Bank notes out standing 17.500.00 Due to State Banks -and Bankers L277.42 Due to approved reserve agents WQ-ov Individual deposits subject to check , .f33S.20u.70 Demand certificate of de posit ........ 1.... $ 68.049.73 I'lme cert idea tea of de posit $330,006.34 Certified checks ... 180.00 U. S. deposits.,,., 60,000.00 777,306.70 Total.. ............. 1013,300.17 State of Oregon, County of, Clatsop, s. I, J. E. Hiiseins, Cashier of th above named bank, do solemnly swear that tne above statement is true to tne best of my knowledge and belief. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me hi 6th day of December, 1(107. GEO. C. FULTON. Notary Public. Correct Attest s GEO. H. GEORGE, GEORGE W. WARREN, L. MANSUR. Directors, REPORT OF THE CONDITION OK THE irst Natiooal Bat t Astoria, in the State' of Oregon, at the close of business, December 3, 1907. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts... $373,771 64 Overdraft, secured and un secured " 1.4030J . 8. bonds to secure circula tion 33,000.00 Premiums on U. S. bonds 1.220.00 Bonds, securities, etc 60,030.00 Due from National Banks (not reserve airents 58,111.75 Due from State Bank and banker .. 31,314.00 Due from approved reserve agents lai.nw.i.i Check and other eah items. . 1,600.08 Notes of other National Banks 220.00 Nickels and cents 31556 Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, viz: Specie $102,000 Legal-tender notes 15 102,015.00 Redemption fund wltn u. a. Treasurer (a per cent circu lation) 1,050.00 Total $1,104,744.81 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $100,000.00 Surplus lima is.uw.w ndivicled prolits, less ex- 1 ltenses and taxes paid 28,642.07 National Bank notes out- ' kt.a.mllnir )......... Due to other National Banks.! Individual deposit subject to , mluuitr .805.330.4O Demand certificates of de- nosit 1226.641.18 Certified checks . ... 1.122.63 023,094.21 Holiday Greetings The happy CHRISTMAS tints Is fast spproaohlng and I Uk great pleasure in inviting you to luipect my new and well selscted Una of Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Solid Silvsr and plated ware, Out Glass, Umbnllas, and Gold and Silvsr novelties. I have the largest and finest itook till year to select from that 1 have vep shown In Astoria. P1UC1CS art RIGUTi QUALITY UKSUU PASSED. Corns early and make your selections, I will lay thm way until you want tlisni. J. H. SEYMOUR l'h Store of Qtmlty. 466 Commercial. St Astoria, Or. MMMMMHMO MXMMM I THE TRENTON Fir$tClau Liquors and Cigars 60s CummireUl Strtst Corner Commercial and 14th. ASTORIA, 0KI00I ; I'MMMMMIMMMOIMMMMMMMMM MUM That Dinner, WILL NOT BE COMPLETE WITHOUT SOME 0T OUR SELECT TABLE WINES A PARTIAL LIST TO CHOOSE FROM. SWEEa WINES Sparkling See Dry Fragrant, sffer- Old Port Tawny, rich, light sod t vesoent. color. Old Shany rale, clean, nutty. Angelica Soft, agreeable, fulL Muscat! Very fruity, sweet. WHITE WINES Riesling Medium light table wine. RED WINES - Zlnfandal-Clean. light table wine, Burgundy Medium bodied, bmIIow. . Sparkling Burgundy Brilliant, pleas ant. Graps Jules, Maraschino obsrrles, fruit Sauterne Natural mellow, pronounced and Cognac Brandies, and x full flavor. , Una of Cordials. Chateau Yqum Full bodied Crsms Santernst. '. ' ' , "JPH0NEiMi PROMPT DELIVERY T -- . AMERICAN IMPORTING CO. 589 Commercial Street; '. Q. A BOWLBY, President. fflANK PATTON, Oasalsr, , L PETERSON, Vlos-Prssldsai J. W. GARNER, Ass.sUnt Caaaiet, Astoria Savings Bank Capital raid in 1100,000, iurpiwand OndiviasdJ'roouiaya) Transacts a General BaaklDf Musis. f nterast raid on Ttms UhsIIs FOUR PER CENT FEB ANNUM Btventh and Dnana strseta, ASTORIA, 0UG0L First National Bank of Astoria, Ore ESTABLISHED 18MO. Capital $100,000 Sherman Transler Co. HENRY SHER MAN, Msnsgsr 1 Hacks, Carriage Baggage Checked and Transferred Tracks sad Wagons Piano Moved, Boxed and Shipped. 433Commerdsl Street. KaJa Pfcttw isi 32,850.00 6,157.03 Total $1,104,744.81 State of "Oregon, County of Clatsop, 1. T. fl. fl. Gordon. Caahier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to tne nest of my knowledge and belief. 0, S. GORDON, ' ' ' 1 Cashier iSnbscriW and sworn to before me this 6th day of Decemlier, 1007. ; v. mjr.iJhii.yyt, ; , I . Notary Public. Correct--Attest: JACOB KAMM, G. C. FLAVEL ' w. f. McGregor, . ' Director. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of JOHN FOX, Pres. F. L. BISHOP, See, ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK, Tits wjsusum TBOYER, Vk-Pres. m'J Supt. (ffj;j;: . ASTORIA IRON WORKS DESIGNERS AND MANUFACTURERS s OF THE LATEST IMPROVE . . . . , Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers COMPLETE CAITHERY OUTFITS FURNISHED. Correspondence Solicited. ' Foot of Fourth Strset imWlMIMMMIHIIIHIIHMIIHMtMimiMllj SUBSCRIPTIONS Now is the time to subscribe for the 1908 Magazines. There is no nicer Xmas present for all ages than a subscription to one or more of the late magazines. Come in and look over the clubs and decide for yourself. E. A. HIGGINS CO., MUSIC BOOKS STATIONFItY H- 1