The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 03, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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Established ilyj.
Published Daily Except Monday by
R mail. Mr nu.... 17 .W
V -
By nail, per year, in advance. . .flto
1S.1WS. at the po.m at Aatortaajrj
on, uadtr U aoi of Congress 01 MW
ma aarOBUX to 'IUx IhtH or pM 01
. , . ..te ht iwafti omru or
through tele SOB. Any lnirulr1tjr la As
Uf7 ihou b Unmwiwtely reporwd w th
ono poouo-uoo.
Official paper of Clatsoy County and
tue City or Aatona.
, . .THE. . .
Open "'for Business
Tie Names of Its Officers and Directors
are in Themselves Sufficient
Guarantee of Safety in
the Management of Its Affairs.
Boston Banker Says His Life Has Been
Hopeless for That Length of Time.
Western Oregon and Washing
ton Rain.
Eastern Oregon and Washing
ton Increasing cloudiness.
Northern Idaho Cloudiness.
Southern Idaho Probably fair.
I common people which are known to run
into hundreds of millions of dollars.
Witbut going into the details of ef
ficiency and safety and convenience
which tie submits in extenuation of
his plain championship of the measure,
it is enough to say that it is wholly a
The Postmaster-General of the United
States, in his latent report to the
President, unqualifiedly recommends the
establishment of postal savings banks
throughout the country and urges many
excellent and specific reasons why this
institution should be inaugurated. Chief
among the very tangible consideration
be presents in this behalf is the prime
essential of governmental regulation and
' ... , ,!, I responsibility over the savings of the Ai'iaace. running regularly be
tween Coos Bay points, Astoria and
Portland, left her lower coast port on
Thursday hut with a fair list of people
and plenty of cargo; pounded on the
Coos bar, and later lost one of her pas
uhmm nA nop niililer and nasi.
, . . , .,, . .:,), I popular Wea and has the sanction, and
and has been adrift ever since; with K r ....
1 h n svamnla rf man lAraiitn aitah.
interested port on the northwest coast. .. . . r , . . ' .. ,
, 1 . 1. c : v. doubt, those things he claims for it; and
and to steps taken to find her out and '
... a ,.,; ru.rii f B.w., w B0P th proposition thorough-
a tion. The whole thing stinks 0, thrhed out in the coming Congress
J,. t TAA,r .nA there is no "" uiu-vutu uju
- r-- I 1:. n- .a,. .A ,
...... i -H.1 .
We have three fine tenders lying in
this port in the lighthouse service, with ' '
.ku .nA w? Ulin mani.wiy ana Jargeiy 10 we gooo
v In 1, v. j ' U people who need everything in
away precious hours that might be de- ... J
Toted to this search, and yet are tot for ' " ' 6 "
the want of ORDERS. There is not an
officer nor man among them who would
not be glad to get out on such duty
and do it with all a seaman's eagerness
and thoroughness.
There should be a standing order for
these available vessels, wherever they
Noted Yatchtsmen Invited to Again Sail
For Cop.
XEW YORK, Dec. 2. Sir Thomas
Lipton and other famous foreign yachts
vriBir iui ta nmn BVMrvi 1111 ir 11 1111 uu iu
' ,. , , . , . . " I next year to sail for a cup to be pre
iv! -. v . Isented by certain members of the
this without any intervening buncomb I , , ' ... .
or del.-They long tp th. and 2fS.?
are maintained by the people and their
wrvice-dutyisnotofawrttobehn- ?T" in T f' ?
pered nor disorganized by such an inter- 't wh'dl wa .de'
rnption; and it would be immensely to -J "
the credit of the department they rep-
I ago the Brooklyn Yacht Club appointed
resent, .rut ttieir officer. well, if "" . v
thi. km .n imneraliv. ft.,r. of Prwentin8 CUP for international races
their work. W not blaming thnaa "Mne nealthy" yMhts' nd
in charge out here; it is a matter that at metl! of tbe.fub to he,d Wed;
reaches back over the heads of local ... cUU
mm. if t. A11U i. it tw that thl CUP I" offered- 11 ig unde-
will b rinwKr deman.1 for ew m- that numb" of Pminent yacht
grams from Washington in regard to cIub in i1 e0"1-
these vessels and the range of their I tue nwir cui
duties in such extraordinary and exact-
The sixtieth annual meeting of the
Oregon Dairymen's Association will be
MA under the auspices of the Portland
Commercial Club, a Portland, Oregon, on
December 12 and 13, 1007.
Thursday, December 12, 10 a. m.
"Aildress of Welcome," Tom Richard
son, Portland Commeivial Club.
Response, "Annual Address," President
E. T. Judd. Turner.
"Testing ifilk on the Farm," Dan
Rloui-r, Brooks.
"Winter vs. Summer Dairying." John
Dinwiddie, Woodburn.
"Xecessity for Clean Milk." L B
Ziemer, Tillamook.
Thursday, December 12. 1:30 p. m,
"The Relation the Dairy Industry
Rears to the Commercial Business of the
Country," T. S. Townsend. Portland.
"Care of Cream for Shipment," Airs.
E. T. Judd, Salem.
Discussion Fifteen Minutes.
"Succulent Feed for Winter," William
Schulmerich. Ilillsboro.
Discussion Fifteen Minute.
"Milking by Machine," Mrs. S. A.
Yokum, Marshfleld.
"The Dairy Cow at Home and Abroad,"
Jos. E. Wing, Mechanicsburg, Ohio.
Friday, December 13, 10:00 a. m.
"Advanced Registration for Dairy
Cattle," Prof. F. L. Kent, Corvallia.
"Practical Dairy Suggestions,'' II. L.
Blanchard, Had lock, Washington.
"What and How to Feed the Djiry
Cow Dr. James Withycombe, Oorvallis.
"Future of Dairying in Eastern Ore
gon," A. Bennett, Irrlgon.
Friday. December 13, 1:60 p. m.
Election of Officers.
'Address, J. W. Bailey, State Dairy
and Food Commissioner, Portland.
Address, B. D. White, Dairy Division,
U, S. Department of Agriculture.
Announcement of Premium Awards.
All railroads entering Portland will
U round-trip tickets for this meeting.
on the certificate plan, at one and one-
third fare. Full fare to be paid going.
and a receipt taken therefor, upon which
return ticket will be issued at one-third
F. L. KENT, Secretary.
ing cases.
The report from the convocation of
Oregon business men at Portland on
Sunday last indicates that popular sen
Chemists Find Traces of Large Quantity
in Baker's Organs.
NEW YORK. Dec. 2. Public Prosecu
tor Ernest Koester of Bergen County,
N". J, stated last night that be expected
I i . 1 1 T2AI . . . . T A .
timent it arainst .n mtra aeuion of th 10 0811 OB i18lr, a"orne7 derorae w
Leirislaturo an.l in favor of . ten-17 di8CU88 with him the deth of
sion of the leeal holidays until the new
year dawns. All right. Let it go at eurred 5n N' J' U h Mid that
that. Perhaps by that time the "flurry" the chem,8t who eMn"ned he re
wiU have passed so completely and pub- of lfr' Bake W? found therein a
lie confidence be restored so surely, as lare luntrt7 Pin- Mr. KoesUr
to obviate the necessity of such action ha no direct wfo find
as the legislature might have taken. But !n of Pion 10 the othw than the
aU the same, me believe a mistake has statffien P'"8 tta newspapers,
been made, in advising against the extra He "P"' howeve'' to ha?e the offlcial
sesaion, and that it will be absolutely rePrfc of tbe ntloii tomorrow,
necessary, in January, no matter what A Mr Baker w" taken 111 fter ating
conaions may exist as to the money a meal la Jlw IorK' lae xorK au-
market. There will surely arise a mul- thoritie consulted. It is said
tituile of problems growing out of the that Edward Baker o Boston the dead
. ... ...... mon'a Lrt- k ir nnA Vii. In nrcno 3
use and abuse of the "holidays" thatr ""-v., wj, .
wiU find no solution short of constitn-wlU take V'1 ia the inference.
Carlfton II. HucMhmui, a leading
Imnkor and broker of Boston, with
The regular meeting of the Chamber "ffl(a al 8 Co,,BWM 6inii' h ,,,at
, , lw. ..1.1. . - . I. .
01 Commerce was held In lti rooms last """J mv " "r' ,UU,,M
eventna a fixvlly number of the ium- rlHlm,,nt'
here belnjf present The minutes of the ' the mUlcspreaa dlcuUm over
previous meeting were read and approv- Cooper's new theory and medicines
d after which the report of Manager hat ipread over the country so
Whyte was read followsi rapidly. Mt, Hutciiinsen nas taken tut
"We have received s letter from EdUe f tl"e who say that Cooper'
Roscuberir. secretarv of the Fishermen's theory is correct and his medicine aU
I Dion at follows: that he claims.
"Seattle. Xov. 7, 11)07. Mr. Hutohlnion't emphallo statement
"To the Officers and Membert of the U at followsi "Anyone aUllcted with
Astoria Chamber of Commerce, lehronle til health and a general ; run
Astoria, Oregon. Mown condition caused by stomach
"X.entlemen: On my recent visit to I trouble, who does not try this man
Astoria the report of your committee on t'ooper't medicine, la very foolish
fisherie mat shown uu, the committee I nv titles after a most remarkable ex
in this report recommending that the perienee with the medicine.
Chamber of Commerce favor the stop-1 "I heard of Cooper's tuecea ; first
ping of flshlnjt for salmon in the Coliuu- when he was In Chicago, as I have 1
bia River at tide water. private wire to that elty In connection
"'The United Fishermen of the Pa- with my business. Later, when he
ciilo were orgauised three years ago at came East, I learned wore of blm and
Astoria, Oregon, by delegates from the I hit theory that stomach trouble causes
various local fishermen's unions of the most ill health. I have had no faith
Pacific Coast and Alaska for tbe specific in anything not prescribed by a phy
purpose of getting laws enacted Insuring UWIan for each particular c after
the continuance of the fiherv Industry,
"'As the executive oillwr of theK axaminauon aucceaMuiiy
luited Ushermen of the Pacific it Is I Jmes Donahue, New Britain, Conn,
realty nee.llcs for me to say that the writes t "I tried several kidney remedies.
above mentloued action of the Astoria and was treated bv our best nhvsiclaas
uwnioer 01 commerce it neartuy endors- fUP dialtet, but did not Improve until
cd by our organiiation. It It generally (0ok Foley, Kidney Cure. After the
recogmzeu oy an mose inwrmed aoout wnd bottle I showed Imnrovement
tue saimon nsnmg or tut toiumbia, anl and fly botUea cured me eomnlelelv.
for that matter about the salmon fishing 1 hav( ,M MU.d rBy examination
of this coast, that the salmon must for Ufa insurance." Pul.'. Kl.ln.r f.i
. ...1 .t . ... .1 '
",, Piecuun wuere tney nave no snow innt back ache and all forms of kidner
to escape in their efforts to reach our ml bladder trouble. Sold bv T. F.
aauarnc. ana natural .pawning Uurin. Owl Dm Store.
1 1 v
"fc-very country in fcurope which has The cannery on the Sluslaw baa been
streams Into which salmon ascend; every compelled to close down 00 account of
state in our United States, hat passed h 0f cans. They have packed this
legislation promniiwg or uniiting me season about 12.000 cases and over 128.-
catebmg of aalmon In the upper reaches 000 pounds of salmon In tierces.
of our rivers. Canada draws very strict
lines prohibiting fishing for salmon. For Paint In the back and tide may come
instance, in tne rratcr uiver, a river from the kidneys or liver. Lane's Family
second only in site on this coast to the Medicine, the tonic-laxative, and a treat
rvtii.mi.;. i -i. ; ..1...... 1. .M.....i.ih. , ,1 , .. .
iuiiiii ,v, ,muu 1 nuvnw 1 ik 111 in-y anu liver renicuy, win rtve reiiei.
only for CO miles from the mouth of the
careful diagnosis, but after eight years
of coitotant itifferlng, during wulcb
time I spout 6vcr flSOO with absolutn
ly no relief, I felt that it would at least
Jo no harm to try the aitdlalne which
I was hearing 10 much about.
"During these eight years 1 have been
forced to go without solid food for five
and tlx weeks at a time. I always bad
a sour stommh, was troubled with for
niatinn of gas, and led the usual miser,
able life of the dyspeptic. I wat dull,
tired, not vims and gloomy all tbe time,
and iwat always constipated.
"I have taken Cooper's medicine 4
comparatively short time. For the pat
month I have not had tbe tllghteitf
ln of stomach trouble. I can eat any
thing with no bad effect whatsoever,
( have a Hue appetite, am gaining flub
very rapidly, am cheerful, full of energy,
and my nervousness has disappeared.
My bowls are in perfect condition for
the first time In eight yeart.
"I don't hesitate to say that I would
not take (30,000 and be back where I
was. My relief and thankfulness U
beyond uescrlptlon.1
We sell Cooper's famous preparation
Charles. Itogett 1 hun.
No medicine hat ever done more to
ward warding off grip and pneumonia
and relieving the distressing grip cough,
than Kemp's Retain, the bett cough
Watermelons and tweet corn grown In
Alaska and Yukon nil' be exhibited at
the Alaska Yukon Paclflo Exposlt'on in
1000. It was recently demonstrated
tbat these two product can be grown
to advantage in the Northland.
Millions of bottles of Foley't Honey
and Tar have been sold -without any
person ever having experienced any ot
her than beneficial results from Its use
fop coughs, colds and lung troublu.
Thlt it because the eenulne Folev'a
rtoney and Tar In the yellow package
contains no opiate or other harmful
drug. Guard your health by refusing
any but the genuine. 8okl by T. F.
Laurln, Owl Drug Store.
. 9. A. BOWLBY, President
a L PETERSON. Vlot-Pretldtnt
3. W. QARNER, A-aisUnt Caahlat.
Astoria Savins Bank
Capital raid 10 UOjOOO 2 anrpioa and Cndlvlde rroflu (80,009
ransaeta a Gsaerai Banking Business, Interest Fald oa Time bepoalu
Eleventh and Dun streets.
First National Bank of Astoria, Ore,
Hyomei Doe
It Work
in Curing
tional action and tbe people will be far
better satisfied with some such provision
than with toe ultimate and costly ad
justment to be obtained at the hands of
the courts.
Astoria can afford to wait about as
well at any town .we wot of; her banks
and her business houses are solidly ar
rayed for resumption whenever the rest
of the state, and especially, Portland,
gets ready to resume; and in the mean
time she can get along as well as the
next one, and asks no favors that are
not yielded to all bands from common
We're alright, and don't you forget it!
Don't take cold, but if you do, don't
fail to take Kemp's Balsam to prevent
serious consequences. Nothing else is so
valuable in treating coughs and colds.
Why doesn't your gro
cer moneyback everything?
Can't get the goods or
the money.
Your trocer returns roar moner If fn leal
liks Schilling's Best; we pit blov
Nature' remedy for catarrhal troubles
Is the oils and balsam found in Hyomei.
It is a specific, not a cure all It ha
but one mission, the cure of catarrh.
The natural way of curing a disease is
always the scientific way and the acien
tifio way of curing catarrh is the simple
tray, with Hyomei.
Catarrh is a germ disease and can be
cured only by using Hyomei, the treat
men that reaches and destroys all
catarrhal germ.
Breathed through the neat pocket In
haler that come with every outfit,
Hyomei' medication reaches the most
remote air cell of the nose, thoat and
lungs, going after the disease germs
wherever present, destroying them and
preventing their- growth, thus making
catarrhal troubles impossible.
There is no dangerous stomach dosing
when Hyomei i used. It is solely an
inhalation treatment, prepared specially
to kill the catarrhal germs and is so suc
cessful that, T. F. Laurin sell it under
an actual guarantee to refund the money
if it doe not .give satisfaction.
Begin the use' of Hyomei at once and
see how quickly it gives relief and last
ing cure; complete outfit Is only $1.00.
Capital $100,000
It it predicted that the sun spot
now approaching tbe meridian of their
power will jar the foundations of the
earth. This timely . notice Is being
served to that the responsibility for
the disturbance will not be thrown
upon Wall street.
river, with this proviso; that no station
ary gear, that is, fish traps or fish n heels.
are permitted; that the length and
depth of the gill nets are limited; fur
ther that in the upper 30 miles of the
30 miles permitted to fishing, only actual
-ettlers can fish, aud that while in the
first 20 miles of fishing grounds, there
a weekly 30-hour closing season, in
these upper 30 miles there in a 48-hour
weekly closing season.
It it evident to everybody in the
least familiar with fishery conditions on
the Columbia River that the fishing
from Vancouver and up, fishing carried
on mainly by fish wheels, la rapidly de
stroying the great salmon industry of I
the Columbia.
Efforts made in the past to have the
Legislatures of Oregon and Washington
enact laws in line with law passed In
other states and countries to preserve
the salmon have failed because tbe men
who now have the monopoly of the fish
wheels in the upper Columbia 'somehow'
were able to misrepresent the fact and
gain the support of a tuftk-ient number
of Legislator to prevent the remedy
"'I am fully convinced that the same
old tricks will be played if we attempt
Legislature remedy against the .fish
wheels at the next session of the Legis
lature, but I am also fully Convinced
tbat if we bring this question to the
vote, of the people of Oregon as we
now have tbe right to do under the in
itiative and referendum law there will
be an overwhelming majority in" favor
of saving the fisheries of the Columbia
River, one of the leading, if not the
leading, industry of the State of Oregon. I Hack, Carriages Baggage Checked and Traf erred Trucks
"'The method so far agreed to carry j - Wagons Piano Moved, Boxed and Shipped,
on thi work of preserving our salmon
are a follows: Tbe Columbia River
Salmon Protective Association iwilj be L33rnmmal street
incorporated witn neauquartert ; at 1
Portland, Ore. Mr. O, M. Orton of
the Multnomah Printing Company of
Portland, Oregon, hat been asked to
serve as President, and hat agreed to
do so. Judge McBride ha agreed to
serve on the Board of Directors, The
Astoria Savings Bank has agreed to act
as Treasurer of the Association. Busi
ness - men of standing down state,
have likewise agreed to tcrve on , the
Board of Directors. In fact, after 15
years of failure to enact really protec
tive legislation for the saving of the
salmon industry on the Columbia River,
leading political and business men of
the State of Oregon, working from the
leading city of the state, will now try
Sherman Transfer Co.
and TmUm
Vila Plea isi
NELSON TROYER, Vice-Prts. and Supt . . , . j
(Continued on Pag 8.)
Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers
Correspondence Solicited. Foot of Fourth Street.