The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 01, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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Established 1873.
Published Daily Except Monday by
By mail, par j-aar... ............ 17.00
By earnar. pr montn. .w
By nail, par yr. la advance... fl.W
Vntanut u MWVtnrinlAM mkttOT Jul
at tho imiiiliM At Astoria. Or.
son, under U k of Congress ol March s,
! rt-U-. fe- ,UltMmi of Tern MOBM
m4roaurtoeJthr rsMtx or place of
hi-tn.M Mt ha mada bT DOtUl oud or
through tefethoo. Any brxpiUrtw la d.
oraca ot pownwwB.
Official paper of CUteoy County and
U6 Uty Of Aston.
. THE ...
Open for Business
The Nauies of Its Officers and Directors
are in Themselves Sufficient
Guarantee of Safety in
the Management of Its Affairs.
Western Oregon Fair except
light rain near north coast;
4 southerly winds.
Eastern Orecon Fair.
Eastern Washington and Idaho
Cloudy and threatening with
possibly snow flurries.
to the end. and the consummation ot
the (work that is to put Astoria just
where she belongs.
. 0 "
When the Honorable County Court of
Clatsop meets in January next to con
sider, and fix. the levy on the rolls of
1907. it is hoped that due weight will
be given the exact status of commercial
and financial affairs in this end ot the
state, and that, in providing for the
There cannot be a loyal Republican IpuNfe iwork of the year, it will confine
in the State of Oregon who is indiffer- " provisions 10 sucn passes 01 improve-
ent to the stand taken, and declared, by D,ent onl! r imperatively neees-
the Portland Oregonian in its issue of the public convenience and In-
Fridav, as to the status of that party du, nothinS th can k.v n7 mrSin
and its relation to it, past and present. fety. obviated for the year.
It" is a blow squarely between the eyes This is no plea for an .bated levy, nor
and has the ring of fixed determination for th doin of that will
that means something far bevond re- han5Ir r incommode the court or
preach; the great paper, after half a P0?1' DUl mewlJ "
century of ungrudging, masterful preg- the tres of thinS ' Pwt and as
nant support of the party, through all &t7 re liM7 to tot some Uttl
its battles and perils, withdraws to the """ Puuuc "UUJlulrs mlauu"
side and takes the negative oosition of H and relegaUd to mor PP
ft mere "observer." eoneedinir onlv it tk)ui nd we kaow th ,uca eonce-
avowal to support Mr. Roosevelt if bs to th rigwekt of the people of
shall become a candidate for the CtaUoP wiU profoundly appreciated
and popularly sanctioned.
Its foundation for this radical, and
very grave, step, is the disruption, the
bad faith, the chicane, the cheapening,
the bareaininjt and the raw deals with ASm declare for tfe tr tessMB
the opposition, that iave become the of the Oregon Legislature,
rules of action and dominant spirit of) We believe it to be the duty of the
the party, which, possessing a majority Governor to call it as soon as the law
of thirty-odd thousand votes, yields ev pe' assemblage; If only to devise
. I 3 1 ' . 1 1L.1 Mi at-
erything to a hopeless minority, upon the "ua P"""1 tDa' wl" ver uie
beggarly hypotheses of personal and fae- multitude of ambiguities arising from
tional expediency, revenge and other the Public nd P"t transactions had
flirty and disloyal incentive. ounng me emorcea nouoays.
We believe the Oregonian to be abso- ' Uj,ny tWmJ MTe DMB dm tst w
lutely right in its stand, and trust it to witested, if only for the
will adhere to its new policy, if only ake of takin8 dvantage, while othen
for the tremendous effect it will have in P1116 JMl7 oioru and question
compelling the reorganization and rein- bIe front t08' at tefest, and there
spiration of the party in Oregon. The ewcely a brace of lawyers in the
time is ripe, the predicate kid. and the state that told uniform opinions on the
object immense, and appealing, in all subJect
its bearings; but the work must be be- Aside from aii iportant phase of
gun instantly and carried on unflaeeinz- tDe s't'on. there are other things de
Jy. unless we want to see the end of maniUD8 auenuou. sucn as rne DanKing
toat agency, to which all Oregon, and and 'attachment laws, m all of which
in great part the whole Northwest, owes there " room for amendment and
tbe abounding and permanent progress I""""", ana me sooner is naa,
which has obtained. lBe Dewr 10r lae laM wrg-
Call the extra session without delay.
The people twant itl
The meeting of the Chamber of Com- Governor Hughes, of New York, says
merce on Friday last to greet the weUrhat the mo8t mischievous office-holder
known civil engineer, of Portland, Mr. 031 one mntS Jove 01 Ponal
G. B. Heeardt. and to discu with nim achievement ana individual success.
his plans for a seawall at Astoria, was Wonder wnom lia ln minal
en event of moment to every citizen!
iiere, and large with meaning to this ABOUT DIGESTION.
MOtuer generations. There s no ques- Jt is not the quality for food take
wi m Fuuuo mveresi nere mat nows but the amount digested and assimi
as much eignificence as this, for it liesliat,! that, riven utroncrth and vitalftv
tt the bottom of all possible property to the system. Chamberlain's Stomach
yaiues in we business section of the and liver Tablets invigorate the stomach
City, and is the pivotal base of the de- and liver and enable them in rfonn
Tuojuucut i expansion 01 we city, their functions. The result is a relish
as fweu as tne crux of the reduction of for row food, innrd .trnti. .nA
the burden of all civic charges that ere weight, greater endurance and. , clear
bow uhoh mwierawe. me cost of bead. Price, 25 cents. Samples free,
uiBiawnance 01 sireew, tne rates of In- For sale bv Frank Hart and lfl!nff
eujAurc, Biue 01 tana, me levy 01 1 Druggist.
taxes, ana hu me elements of public
First Methodist.
Kev. W. B, HolUngshead, presiding
elder ot the Portland district, will punch
both morning end evening, A cordial
Invitation Is extoilled t the publlo
to attend. C C, lUriok, pastor.
nna private expense, are involved in
this project, and its safe and sensible
solution is the living necessity of the
ffhe plans submitted by Jlr. Hegardt
provide for a temporary and fairly in
It is a pity that the Kaiser will not
see William H. Taft. . He is as impres
sive as a battleship.
-0 .
Mydederma, a akin disease, is caused
t. .ntf i..ii
expense structure, one that will stand Vn3y 7
for In-nrr TMTI nr until . I "
. for 1ot years or until the city shall
nave grown to a point of affluence that
mil cover the larger and costlier perma
nent wall. They were of a sort to meet
the immediate wants of the people, and
it will be well for the people to get in
and study the situation as they never
have before, and to" formulate some defi
nite procedure that shall bring to pass
this badly needed , advantage. The
Chamber of Commerce has done an ex
cellent bit of work in this case, and it
is the duty of everyone to stand by it
Our name on the: pack
age gives us the' credit,
and puts on us the money
back ; burden it isn't a
Use SchiUln,i Best; wt piy hlat
Following a yearly custom, Astoria
Lodge No. 130. B. P. 0. E, wiU hold it
annual service today and appropriate ex
ercises will be held in memoriam to
those brothers of the order who have
passed into the I'uknwn. Tbe lodge room
and the stairways leading to it, have
been tastily decorated. The committee
on tbe memorial, who have made the
arrangements, are: E. C. Judd, J. II.
O'Conneli, W. F. Gratke. 0. C. Fultoa
E. II. Streunmeyer, Norris Staples and
W. C. Laws.
The following program will b$ pre
Processional, "Ace's Death" Creig
String Quartet
Praise Te the Father". Gounod
Address by Exalted Ruler, J. a McCue
Ritualistic Exercises by Officers of
tbe Lodge ....... ...,.. ,
Opening Ode, Air "Auld Lang Syne"
Great Ruler of the Universe,
All seeing and benign,
Look down upon and bless our work
And be all glory Thine,
Oh, hear our prayers for our hon
ored dead,
The memories graven on each heart,
For Auld Lang Syne.
Invocation ending with chant "Tbe
Lord's Prayer"....... Bro. J. N. Laws
Solo, "Face to Face Johnson
Miss Reba Hobson .
"Sounds from Home" ... Gunge
String Quartet
"A Dream of Paradise". .Hamilton Gray
, Bro. H. T. Butterworth
Part a
Address.. .......Bro. Arthur C. Spencer
Portland Lodge No. 142
"The Radiant Morn Has Passed
Away". .H. II. Woodward
Recitation, "Thanatopsis''.ir. D Johnson
' String Quartet Accompanist
Solo, "One Sweetly Solemn Thought1
Ambrose .Miss Reba Hobson
(a) Andante from Organ Sonata,
Op. 65. . . . . .Mendelssohn-Bartholday
(b) Entreacte from Mignon.. ...,..'
...... ........ ...Ambroise Thomas
Solo, "Rock of Ages"......,....Shpperd
Bro. H. T. Butterworth
"0 Divine Bedeemer"....,.....C. Gounod
Closing Exercises, "Doxology"........
Benediction by the Chaplain'
Conductress..... airs. C. H. Abercrombie
Pianist.,, .Mjs Anna Campbell
Homing worship, 11 o'clock, "The In
fluence of Mind," Sabbath school 12: 15;
Y. P. S. CI Em 0i3O; evenlug worship,
7iS0, "Joseph Bartab." All are in
vited. Win. S. .Gilbert, paator.
First Lutheran,
Sunday school at the church in Upper
town and at the German Lutheran, 0i30
a. iu jut Aiema .N viand and Mrs. A.
Young, superintendents, Morning serv
ice in Swedish at 10:45, theme for morn
ing sermon, "The Mesiah King in His
Kingdom. Eveuing service in English
at 7:30, with holy communion and re
ception of members. A cordial invita
tion is extended to all Gustaf E. Ryd-
quiit, pastor, j
Noprfiias DsnUh M. E,
Divine worship at 11 a. m. and 7:45
m.i Sunday school at 10 a. m. On
Wednesday, December 4th, at 8 p. m.
the Ladies' Aid Society will bs enter
tained at the home of Mrs, L. Jscksoa
AlJerbrook. Prayer meeting ThursdAy
evening at the church. 0. T. Field,
pastor. v
Holy Inaootnts Chapel.
Advent Sunday, December 1st. No
morning service. The missionary hold-
g divine servkt, at Culvary Chapel,
Seaside, Evening service, with sermon.
at 7:30 p. m.t Sunday school at 11:13
a, m. John Warren, associate mis
sionary. Christian-Science.
Services at 634 Grand avenue at 10
a, ni subject, "God. the Only Cause
and Creator." All are invited. Sunday
school 11:15 a. m.
Advent Sunday. Sen ices at 11 a. m
and 4 p. m.
The sermon at the Baptist Church will
take place at 11 a. m. No service in the
evening. Other services at tbe usual
(Continued front page 0)
While it Is ot likely that Congress
will act on tlie matter at the coming
sciin it Is prolmU that a bill will b
InlriKhh-ed u as to bring the subject
More the official attention of the na
(tonal lawmaker.
Notice to Our Customers
We are pleased to announce that
Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs, colds
anl lung trouble is not affected by the
National Pure Food and Drug law as it
contains no opiates or other bsrmful
drugs, and we recommend it as a safe
remedy for children and adults. Sold
by T. F. Laurin. Owl Drug Store.
Big sticks are plentiful enough every
where, perhaps In this sdmlnUlratloii.
sve only that telephone ami telegraph
companies throughout the country are
finding them scarcer every ytar, Kit her
artlllclal cultivation of the timber suit
uble for poles will have to become gen
eral or a substitute for wood must be
found. One of Uncle Sam's consular
ageuts stationed at a German city re
ports that a ctory has Ikh-ii started
there for the manufacture of glass tele
phone poles of the standard sites. These
sr reinforced by a meshwork of wire
threads. If at all practicable, they will
almot certainly be useful In tropical
countries where telephone fonipanlra
complain that swarms of ants fasten
upon the wooden poles and devour them
0 completely that nothing Is left ex
cept the glass insulator hanging over
the space where the Insulator pin used
to be. Whether glass poles are adapt
able for use in this country remains to
be Spen. It Is understood that the ex
perts of the Bell telephone system in
vestigated their merl's some time go.
just as the engineering department of
the same oryaulatlon ha looked into
the subject of concrete poles. The pres
ent opinion, however, appears to be that
so long as wooden poles can be secured
they are, all this being equal, the best
for use in American conditions. That
is why the Amerk-sn Telephone & Tele
graph Company, in co-operation with
the United States Forestry Bureau, has
for several years been carrying on ebb-
ointe experiments for determining the
best mesns of prolonging tbe life of
wooden poles. The two organisations
maintain, In co-operation experiment
stations at Dover, X. J. Thomdals. raM
PWgab, X. If,, and Wilmington, N. C,
ine American Telephone & Telegraph
Co. supplies a flxisl number of poles
each month upon which the experts base
their experiments and observations. It
has already Wen shown thst seasoned
timber in contact with tbe ground will
outlast unseasoned, and dry wood Is
more receptive of preservative fluid than
is green wood. If scientific skill suc
ceeds in greatly lengthening the exist-
ence of the average wooden pole, and If
the methods of ecientlfio forestry which
we rorestry Bureau is trying to Incul
cate become generally adopted, it Is
likely that glass sticks will not be need
ed in this country to carry the vast
network of telephone wires by which
practically every American Is able to
converse with every other.
For lafit&U t&d Children,
S! J W... II II It .
inn u na idu nan a wan
- w - m
Heart me
Seattle Fisl:
Seattle Fish
rinesalve Carbolixed acts like a poul
tice.' draws out inflamation and poison,
Antiseptic healing. For chapped hands.
Hps cuts, burns. .Sold by Frank Hart.
Star Theatre
Programme Subject to Chaste,
Overture . . .. .............. .Ida Durlls
Retained another week
la their Comedy Sketch Entitled,
"Fooling the Servant."
Our Fopular Baritone
Will present this week, "Mother's
Always Waiting You at Home, Swest
Home." Change Thursday, "A Little
Boy Called Taps."
The Marvelous
America's Foremost Juvenile Globe.
Will present the humorous playlette ,
"The Fellow That Looks Like Me.
With an interesting picture entitled A
Slave's Love. (Change Thursday), (
Novelty Motion Picture '
so tad to Mils
Bees Laxative Cough Syrup for coughs,
colds, .croup and; whooping cough grows
in favor daily. Mother should keep it
on hand for children. It is prompt relief
to croup, . It is gently laxative, driving
tbe poison and phlegm from the system.
It gives immediate relief. . Guaranteed
Sold by Frank Hart. , ,,- ,
Talk is on about creating the rank of
"vice-admiral" so that "Fighting Bob'
Evans may be. promoted. Let him get
the big fleet safely into Magdalena Bay
It will be unnecessary to go through
a painful expensive operation for Piles
if you use ManZan, Put up in a collap
sible tube with nozzle, ready to apply.
For any form of Piles, price 50c. Soldi
by Frank Hart,
Women's Black Broadcloth Coats
$35.00 Values for ... . . ,$i:o.5Q
$25.00 Values for . .... .$ 16.50
$15.00 Values for . .... .$10.00
,.. r ),,. r
For Monday we inaugurate a most
sensational sale of Women's Long,
Black Broadcloth Coats, loose and
semi-fitted garments of the very best
styles and quality; all new coats, a
large selection to choose from.
, These coats are all lined throughout and
handsomely trimmed in braid and velvet
coats that have found ready sale at regular
prices. Placed on sale Monday at these excep
tionally low prices. Take advantage
and secure your coat now.
s Coats U Off.
I Simington Dry GoodsCd