The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 28, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1907.
Creosote Found to be
cetlent Service.
I ii.-.,,
of Ex
Shingle Problem Subject of Much Stud
on Part of Foreit Service as Timber
.for Their Manufacture It Getting
Scarcer Each Year.
Curlrd and wai'jwd shingle on roofe
o( suburban and country houses are a
common but not a plraslng sight In all
part of te country where bulldlog are
covered with wood. Blilngle warp and
curl UwuiH) after a wetlng and they
got many tno upper- aide drle first.
In a few year the roof leak, decay,
nd must come off. Many year ago
farttwrs made what they railed their
"ever tint!ii4f roof of wMU pine, eedar,
and black walnut shingles, free from sap
rived with a frow, and shaved with a
drawing fnife. Such shingle can not
w U had, for the fine straight grained
timber nwetaary fur thttlr manufacture
ii scare and very enpeasiv.
Konurrly good work was plentiful and
eliingli-e Im, It euti more to replace
bnky roof now, and earnest sean-h
ha been made for way to check the
warping and decay of .ahlngle and
make Ui roof laet longer.
Tlx Forest Service hai studied the
elite since 1003, and that is the very
riMutoit why I can recommend Doan
Kidney I'lIU 10 itrongly, lbl remedy
relieved me at that time of an an
noyliig attack of kidney oomplalnt wbli
had clung to me for quite a while, and
had become aggravated by a eold which
Httled In my back. Toe relief was
speedy and ltlng, and not the alight
et trace of a recurrence kai appeared
during the three yeari that have elapsed.
I am convinoed that this le good proof
of the value of Doan's Kidney FUli.
Withstood Other Treatment But Quickly
Cured by Chamberlain's Cough
"Lt winter I caught ft very severe
oold which lingered for weeks," aaye J.
Urquhart, of Zephyr, OnUrfo. "My
cough was very dry and harsh. The
local dealer recommended Cbamberlaln'i
Cough Remote and guarntd It, e
gave it a tru One email hrttl M
eured me. 1 xdbrti ChAoriaja'i
Louts Bemedy to be tie bm 1 uav
ever used." Tbl remedy le for .! t)
Freak dan and Wedlu, intggieta.
Student Cells
on Friends
Hinuelf. -
Then Kills
shingle problem along with that of the
jrervation of farm timber. It U fouud
thai shlnglKS treated with creueute by a
sveulal process wbirh the 8'rvlce he
Invented, warp but little and decay
slowly hetttuee water 1 kept out of the
tiuuee of the wood. One inch roof will
outlast two or throe left In the natural
siale to curl, spring leeks, and fe.ll to
piece. The creosote lined 1 nothing
more than dead oil of coel tar, but it
keeps water from eutering the poree of
the wood end render it I mm 11 no to de
my for a long time. A roof of that kind
ot a IHtle more at first, but it 1
cheeper In the long run. Vkm1 which
are usually claed aa Inferior, such ae
loblolly pine, Ix'wli, ayvamwe, and others
whkh are quick-decaying, readily teke
the preservative treatment and are given
a largely Increaard value.
The nreeerving ammratu Is neither
expensive nor hard to operate. One such
outfit will nerve severol farmer. The
main Item are an Iron iank (an old en
gine boiler will do) with preservative
fluid in it and a fire under it, and an
other tank of cold preservative. The
shingle of other wood to be treated
are tmmempd for a sufficient time in
the hot creosote, and then in the cold.
Full details of the operation are given
to applicant for Information by the
Forest Service at Washington.
Sldnglce are one of the mot Import
ant lumber product in this country.
Last year nearly twelve billion' were
,made. Even this enormous number was
a heavy felling off from the total of the
year before. It is a significant fact that
the chief source of ehinule supply Is
now the forerte of the far northweit,
from which shingles ere brought even to
New York. The eastern source of sup
ply are not able to meet the eastern de
mand, It l therefore fortunate that
shingles are so easily given a preserva
tive treatment by which their life is
lengthened. ;
Many handoome resiliences In all parts
of the country have their skies a .id
gables covered with shingles, This archi
tectural use often calls for staining or
painting la harmonious color. Suoh col
oring is les frequently seen on roofs,
whom It doe not last long, because rain
washes it off. 1 , ;
The Forest Service has been experi
menting in this field, also, and has found
that stains may be carried Into the shin
gles, along wih the creosote, reaches
every fiber which the creosote touches,
and lasle as long as the creosote lasts
end that is ft long time. Such a stain
doe not easily weather out, wbothor on
walls, gables, or roof. It is expected to
prove much superior to the old way of
staining or painting the surface only.
NEW YORK, Nov. 27,Wm,
Chandler, an art student apparently shot
himself io death yesterday while calling
upon Mr. Wm. Dlssingvr, who had met
the young man In Philadelphia two years
Mis. DiMlnger told the police that she
bad left Chandler for ft few minutes,
when she heard a shot, She called ber
huband end they found the art student
dead on the floor with ft bullet wound
in his heed. A revolver lay near by
Mr. Diseinger said that Chandler had
told her that his fathei who he aald
was an oil-cloth manufacturer In Maine,
'had become angry with hi mode of
living and had threatened to disinherit
him. Mr. DMnger said she betie7ud
that Chandler brooded over his family
Mr. Disslnger, her husband and
woman who gave the name of Violet
Mtindiall and who reside In the Diln
ger apartments, were taken into custody
Some Astoria People Hava Learned How
to Get Rid of Both.
' Bnckach and kidney ache are twin
You cant separate them,
j And you can't get rid of the back
iche until you cure the kidney ache,
i If the kidney are well and strong,
the rest of the system is pretty sure to
be In vlgoroui health. '
j Doan'a Kidney Pill make strong,
healthy kidney. !-, ; V ...
H. J. Young, of 290 1-2 Morrison
street, Portland, Ore., aays: "I have
bad no occasion to use any kidney modi
He Fought at Gettysburg.
David Parker, of Fayette, N. Y- who
lost ft foot at Oettyiburg, write! Elec
tric Bitter have iion oi mora good
than any medicine I ever took. For
several year I had stomach trouble,
and paid out much money for medicine
to little purpose, until I began taking
Electric Bitter. I would not taka $300
for what they bar dona for me." Grand
tonio for the aged and for female weak
neaaest Great, ejtematiri, ftiMj t body
builder j best of ftl) for Urn bask and
weak; kl.biey. Guaranteed by, Charles
twgers poo, oruggwia. . w cents, .
Empress Dowsger - Not - at Point of
NEW YORK, Nov. 27. W. W. Rock-
hill, U. 8. Mlniater. to China, arrived in
New York yesterday from Bremen on
the liner Kron Prim Wilhelm having
traveled overland from Pekln by way of
the Siberian Railroad. lie was accom
panied by hie daughter and ! on a
short vacation trip. Everything i now
quiet in China, said the miuister, In
spite of the reports to the contrary,
"I do uot think any person knows
what will happen when the Dowager
hmprcs die," he said.
"At present the empress is in very good
health and takes a great Interest in all
affair, especially education. She is very
much impressed by American methods
of education, which are being adopted
in the government college. American
trade with Clilnd is improving rapidly."
Minister Rockhill was loud in hi
praise of the excellent work done by
Judgo Wilkey of the American court in
China, against whom there has ' been
some criticism.
W have eeoured the agency for Orino
Laxative Fruit Syrup, the new laxative
that make the liver lively, purine the
breath, cures headache and regulate
digestive organ. Cure chronic con
stipation. Aik us about it. T. F.
Laurltt, Owl Drag Store.
At Newburg, N. Y, the Pattoktli win
be dammed and used to generate 1500
electrical homepowcr. The water rights
have been leoured.
m n
The Kind You Ilare Always Bong:ht, and which haa been
in use ror over 30 yean, hat borne the slsmatore of
and has been mado under bin per
tonal apervMoa lince Its la fancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeit, Imitation and Juat-aa-good"are bat,
Experiment that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience agaiiut Experiment.
Cafltoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor 021 Pare
gforlv Drop and Soothing- Syrup. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age 1 lt guarantee. It destroys Worm
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Trouble, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowel, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Now is the time to subscribe for
the 1908 Magazines.
There is no nicer Xmas present for all ages than a
subscription to one or more of the late magazines.
Come in and look over the clubs and decide
for yourself.
Sears the Signature of
The Kind You Haye Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Former Secretary of Treasury
Give Kit Opinion.
NEW! YORK, Nov. 27.-Former Secre-
retary of the Treasury Leslie M. Shaw,
p trident of the Carnegie Trust Com
fny, returned to Kew York yesterday
from Chicago, where he conferred with
many banker regarding the financial
situation. In disousiUnff condition be
The west has lost confidence In the
Eat. It will cost us here millions ot
dollars before w regain the prestige and
vordial rvJatious of th past. The men
of the Wee say that New Yor is re
Hiwihie fop the financial stringency ;
that when the squeeze came the bank
of New York resorted to clearing house
eertiilcate first and forced the rest of
the country to do the tame. ;
"The banker of Western citiea have
no love now for the banker of Now
York. They had placed their money on
'posit here but when they asked for
it they were refused. They say New
York sought to protect only iteelf and
tied up everything so that all the rest
of the country wa forced to adopt
urgent measure to save itself."
IMPRESS" Line of the Atlantic
Join one of our Christina excursion!
to Great Britain, Norway, Swedes, Den
mark and Cennany, leaving Portland
Excellent sendee and exceptionally low
rate by the Canadian Pacific "Era-
pre," the finest, fastest and largest
steamus between St. Lawrence porta and
Europe, write for rates and booklet.
lamca Finlayaon. agent, Astoria, Ore,
A Significant Prayer.
"May the Lord help you make Buck-
len'a Arnica Salve known to all." write
Q. Jenkins, ot Chapel Hill, N. C It
quickly took the pain out of s felon
for mo aud cured it in a wonderfully
abort time." Best on earth for sores,
burn and wounds. 25 cent at Chaa.
Rogers A Son's Drug Store.
One Deed t Day
The single deed of conveyance, which
becoming a sort of rule at the court
house these days, we filed yesterday, in
the interest of C. Spuzzilo, who has
purchased, for the sum of $275, from
C. Smith and wife, lot 1, in block
19, of the Plana.
Traoc Marks
frtff1V CorvRKurraAe.
Anyone amtflnf s skat and awoiMkm mat
enlcilr aaaanani our opinion fraa wbatbar aa
InT.nlloo HpmeablriNUcMabla. ConmnnHa
I ton. .uletlT eoiuitientiiil. t(AfOfiOOK on Patau
hw, OTitiivwi vmrn, ui u
Faiwita taken '
Indigestion, Rheumatism,
Diabetes, Kidney Diseases,
Bladder Troubles, Liver complaints,
a mi mim in iiib cure
Hav you healthy kidneys? If not, you will won be attacked with that
terrible Diabetes, Bright' Disease, Gravel. Dropsy or Rheumatism, and your
health and happiness ruined. Wa hav tb only treatment that Is a son curt
for the dreaded Bright' Disease, Diabetes, and all other forms of Kidney and
Bladder Troubles. If your kidney are not healthy, If the bladder 1 inflamafl
and weakened, urine highly colored or cloudy, smarting in passing, pains in
back, nervous, languid, depressed, weakened in body and bind, bowels consti
pated and digestion bad, writs for a box of lerington's Tablets and be eared.
RHEUMATISM Is caused by an excess of uric add in the blood. Ask any
reputable physician, ask your family doctor, and he will tell yon that the
uno Acta must be dissolved and drawn from th system before th disease
yields. . , . t.
What Causes Rheumatism
Now ws say that the only medicine known that will actually dissolve
this Uric Add and carry it out of the body b Hsringbm's Tablets. Local ap
plication such ss liniments, electricity, massaging, eta, will afford temporary
relief only, and is time wasted to the Injury of the patient, unless constitu
tional treatment is earned on at the same time. Why! Because the malady
is a disease of the blood, and the blood must be freed of the cause-or so ewr
can follow.
' WHITE TODAY ID! In the coupon printed below and send It to us
with 25 cents. Ws will immediately mail to yon a liberal sised box of Herbg
ton's Tablets. If they fail to CUKE you we will return your money si wi3
ingly wa took K. Our guarantee is, NO CURE, H0 PAY. t
Our remedy will put you oa the road to health and happiness.
BEMNCTON MDICME CC, CrrrJ P?jfd!. ffd.
Eerrington Medicine Co Grand Sapids, Michigan,
I encloee 8 cents, for which please enJ, postage prepaid, 1 box Eerinjp
ton's Tablets.
My Name.....,..,.,
My Druggist's Name.
. . My Addres.
Scientific Jlnerica
A bandsomalr lUnntratwl waaklr. Ijimi m.
enlaUoa ot any aoianuee tnunwL ' forma. 3 a
uuuaat. BuwBjau
rar i four bhwU
telegraphic Hews of the World
In Morning Astorian, 60c a Month
.. . ' . ': t
A Methodist Minister. Recommend
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
We have used Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy in our home for seven years,
and It ha alwaiys proved to be a reliable
remedy. We have found that it would
do more than tba manufacturers ohla
for it It is especially good for enrap
and whooping cough.!
Pasior Milaca, Minn., M. E. Church.
Chamberlain' Cough Remedy is sold
by Frank Hart And leading druggists.
. MaMMMawaBaM4 !
A new, cable line, 1300 miles in length
will connect New York City with Hav
ana, Cuba.
Chapped hands are quickly cured by
applying Chamberlain' Salve. Price, 25
cents, For sale by Frank Hart and
leading druggist.
Pneumonia Follows Cold.
But never follows the use of Foley's
Honey and Tar. It stops the cough,
heals and strengthen the lungs and
prevents pneumonia. . T. F. Laurin, Owl
Drug Store.
' A new wireless Btution ie being install
td at the League Island Navy Yard at
Constipation, or irregularity, is very
often the cause of eick-headaohe. Lane's
Family Medicine ie the great preventive
and cure of headache. Druggists sell it
for 25 cents.
A new electric road will soon be con
structed between Geneva and Dothan,
Alabama, at a cost of half a million dol
lars. ' -.-'..
: It is better to cure the little cough
than to take chances of consumption.
The best cough cure is Kemp's Balsam.
Druggists sell it at 25 cents and 50
cents a botUfc,'-lll, ...
yDlBJtsX 1 .'Uslllfiror1iiiau
f la 1 1. S aiMuargM.innamiaauu
MruK4 f Irritation, or uloaralli
"f t. Milnur. , of m no out ttKnibran
-J rrrata fMtatlra. Plule,, .nit not attr
"tTKttMtlSCHfM'CMPl. ..nt or polponooa.
eiNWStTI.O f' RfW r Draawl'la
!. l1.... --SH or fut m pl.ln wrw
m"V Cireu; ".l out ta
nsiirande lepartmeDf
the name and address of
the man who asserts that a
rd Equitable Policy
would be of no value to
That is the man who
needs to be, seen by, an
enlightening EQUITABLE
sH f
) nnl.