The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 27, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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-i' 1 i. jhh
American Ship Active is in a
Tyhpoon off Japan.
Kumantia Arrive! in From Chin and
Japan With Valuable CargoSenator
Gets Away For Bay CitySanta Rita
and Yosemite Arrive Here.
The marine event of the day, yester
day, was the safe arrival' of the fine
American ahip Acme, Captain J. D. Mo
Kay. 2 day from Kobe, Japan, in bel-k-t,
for Portland, and flying the house
flag of the Standard Oil Company. Two
eaya out from Kobe, the Acme ran into
howling typhoon that put her on her
' beam end and kept her there while it
vxuied the very ballast from the weath
er hold onto the deck. For- 50 hour
the dread tempest raged and the officers
and men worked like Trojana to tave
tor, and had almost made their minds
to abandon her, when the gale shitted
and abated, and gave them the chance
to work for their, and her, aalvation;
and work it waa for six long daya and
Bisrbta, (retting the ballast back to it
flace and th ship on an even keel. Her
topgallant-mute bad been cut away at
the height of the storm, and thia prac
tically put her upper-topsails out of
business, and ahe came over under tower
' topsails and fore and main eaiht and
fore-and-aft sails, and did the ' long
stent in 33 daya. She came up to the
W without a hitch yesterday morning
and by high, noon Captain George Wood,
f the bar pilot service waa on board
and she waa heading in. She reached
let anchorage in the lower harbor about
2:30 o'clock and had reported at the
eoetom house by 4 p. m. She is a fast
hip and in the best of order, and in
the hand of a very able master, and it
ia his just and proud boast that the
Acme, after he had gotten her straight
ened out from the wreck and on her
course, covered 14 knots steadily, day
after day, despite her shortened canvas;
r a performance, equalled by very few
abipa nowadays. No live were lost,
for was anyone injured in the stona off
Japan. The Acme will sail, lumber-laden,
when she leaves Portland, but her desti
nation is aa yet unknown.
The F. & S. F. ateamshlp Senator ar
med down from Portland shortly after
V Ui 1
I IfarmlCMhesforMt
Enjoy ThanKsgivirag
TO really enjoy Thanksgiving one
should be correctly dressed, and we
are thankful that we can submit to
the Astoria public the
"Correct Clothes
For Iflef
Everytime we sell a man a Benjamin
Suit or Overcoat we not only make a
profit, but a regular customer ever after
wards for correct clothes.
You should be thankful, too. that the
Brownsville Woolen Mill Store is here,
because, you must remember, "If It's from
Judd's it's good" and. the price is right.
Dependable Furnishings, too. Beit makes of Woolen
Underwear, Shirts, Hats, Hosiery, Neckwear, Gloves, Etc.
Woolen Mills; Store
JUDD BROS., Proprs. 557 Commercial St near 12th
- r- 1 :
Fine Oregon Turkeys
Place Your Order Now
And every thing else that will make your
Thanksgiving dinner a success.
Phones Brhch Uniontown
Main 711. Mnin 1871 Phone Main 71 j ;
Sole agenti for Baker's Barrington Hall Steel Cut Coffee
Midnight yesterday morning, and went
. to the lower harbor yesterday afternoon
at I o'clock, on her way to the Bay
City. She took the following passenger
from this port: First cabin, A. L. Levey
aitd B. Candlan; second cabin, Mr. and
Mrs. Taipalin, J. Mikkelsen and William
Egger. '
The Portland-Asiatic liner Nuraantia,
with a big cargo of silks and teas
valued at half a million dollars, arrived
ia yesterday afternoon, with Captain C.
S. Gunderson, of the pilot service, on her
iridge, 20 day out from China, and waa
ff the city at 4:30 p. m., going on to
the metropolis almost immediately.
Tiniest the bar cot in better condition
than it had been for the past four or
ve davs. yesterday, there waa quite a
fleet of steamers in the lower harbor at
sundown, waiting for easy water on that
' barrier, to-wit: The Alliance, the Wood
ford, the Queen Louise, the Daisy Free
wan, the Nome City, the Washington, the
Slitr, the Mackinaw, and the Senator;
" sine in all, and all eager for despatch,
I iany with passengers and none without
' l?g cargoes. Captain Archie Oann, of
the bar service, attempted to get the
Macinaw to ea during the day, but was
eompelled to abandon the effort, and
tiiu pretty nearly account for the reat
f ttem as on the hither aide of the
1 .; Bar, which wa pounding tremendously
all day, according to reports from the
en who came up on several of the har
bor boats fast evening. The wires to
North Head were down all day long. 1
The oil tank steamer Santa Rita came
in yesterday morning from the Califor
nia coast and it is said she "bumped"
herself in sharp fashion on the big sand
barrier, but, luckily without damage.
She went on to Portland at 11 o'clock.
The ateamer Aurclia is due down from
Portland sometime tomorrow with; a
miscellaneous cargo for San Francisco.
The steamer Breakwater will be down
from the metropolis tomorrow morning,
en route to' 'Goo Bay, with freight and
passengers, and will, sail early from the
0. R. 4 X. docks.
It ia said the steamer Daniel Kern
will enter the tug business on the lower
Columbia, at an early , date; whatever
that may signify. It fan hardly mean
that she is going to do bar work, for
Moncyback means that
the tea is good and well
worth the money.
Can't mean anything:
Tear rrocer returns year aeaer if yet dea't
Ilka Schilling's But; we psy his
while she la an excellent deep-water
boat, ia not fitted with engines to
qualify her for towing to and fro on
the Columbia ban but time will solve
the problem.
The steamship Geo. W. Elder will be
down from Portland, bound for her Cali
fornia ports, early on Friday morning,
and will leave the Callender pier at 0
o'clock sharp.
The steamer Yosemite arrived m from
San Francisco at 11 o'clock and went
directly to the Tongue Point mill docks,
where ahe will load out lumber for San
Captain Larkin, of the Lurline,
brought her to the Fisher dock at 6
o'clock last evening and after docking a
bunch of salmon there went to her own
berth and took on a number of pas
sengers and some freight for Portland,
and left up on time. He says a wreck
ing steamer was standing by the sub
merged steamer F B. Jones, at Mount
Coffin, as he came down, but had made
no attempt to right the vessel.
These are busy days for the customs,
Quarantine and immigration Inspectors
in Astoria, but they are a lively crowd
and are not often stalled with work)
though it does begin to look a If Dr.
Holt might have a bit of help In his
quarantine department.
Midnight Reports from the lower bay
tell of the departure, over the bar, of
the steamers Senator, Washington, Nome
City, Daisy Freeman, Alliance and
WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 20.-W. J.
Bryan was tonight tendered ft banquet
and reception by the United Democrats
of the District of Columbia. Five bun
dred Democrats partook of a three-dollar
dinner and more than double that nurfi
ber participated in the reception and
feast of oratory that followed. Bryan
I waa enthusiastically and repeatedly en
cored during his speech which was on
"Point of View." .
PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure
any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or
Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days or
money refunded. 50c.
(Continued from page 1)
ed any ouU-ry had Wllkina used violent
means to encompass her death. Th0i
body was too far decomposed to deter
mine whether there were any marks of
violence upon it. It had lain in quick
lime for nearly five months but wie
heavv norticrs in which It was drapped
prevented the lln from doing effective
work. The suraeons discovered the
eorpe in the seventh month of pregnancy.
Wilkins ia still in jail and Insists tie
woman committed sukide and that be
buried her body to avoid publicity, In
one statement he say she took strych
nine July 23 but he tells conflicting
stories as regards to the dates. Each
story he tells differ In some detail.
Finally he told the sheriff he did not
know what took place that night. He
says he must have been crazy when he
buried her. The stomach of the woman
will be analysed. The search for Kim
moiw' body will be continued tomorrow.
In a search of many hour today tli
police discovered a jewel box with the
inscription "Mrs. L. L., B22 Washington
i'ark Boulevard, Sheffield, Mo." The
sheriff has communicated with the an
thorities at Sheffield. It ha developed
from the testimony of neighbors that
Wilkins dug a grave while the woman
was vet alive ami that he had the un
fortunate woman, who was spending ber
spare time making baby clothes, in an
ticipation of motherhood, actually assist
him in the work. Discovery of the grave
was brought about through statement
of a neighbor boy to his parents last
summer that he had gone into Wilkins'
woodshed and discovered a "Big black
hole" Memory of this incident 'furnished
required information.
KANSAS CITY, Nov. 2.-Tlie unfor
tunate woman found buried In the shed
of ML A. Wilkin at Oakland is believed
to be Mrs. Vcna Llnderman Carmen,
daughter of Henry P, Llnderman, pro
prietor of the Frain Hotel at 0822 Wash
ington Park Boulevard of this city. Mrs.
Carmen is the wife of Louis Carmen, a
locomotive engineer.. Her' sister ha not
known the, woman's whereabouts since
1900 and her husband. Is out of town
on his run.
PORTLAND, Nov. 2.-The oil tank
steamer Asuncion was libelled today by
the owner of the river steamer F. B.
Jones which collided with the Asuncion
In the Columbia River Sunday night.
The Asuncion wa released on 123,000
bonds' and depart for San Francisco
tomorrow. ,
WASHINGTON, D. C, 'ov. 20-aval
official state there 1 not the slightest
doubt that the battleahip fleet will be
ready December 14. The amount of
work to be done to the big ship was
probably overestimated and it is said
two ilnys each, on tl drydoek is all
that will be required by three of the
battleships. All that work can be done
In ft week.
The Fine Arts, Auditorium and
Machinery buildings at tht Alaska Yu-kon-Pacllio
Exposition will be perman
ent structure. They will be const met
ed of buff brick sod finished la
pott trimming. After tht exposition
is over they will be used by Washington
University, upon part of tb ground
of which th exposition will b held,
for college buildings.
The Morning Aitorlan delivered at
your door, W cents per month.
.. '(
City Surveyor Tee Mt on Saturday
for ft buslnes visit io Seattle and will
remain In the Washington metropolis
several days.
Airship races will be held at the
Alaska-Yukon-Paclflo Exposition. Won
derful progress has been mado In late
years in aerial navigation and It is
expected by 1000, the year of the ex
position, that such improvement will
have been made to injure ucceful
Morning Astorian, 00 cent per month
delivered by carrier.
. For Iafanti and Children.
Tits Kind You Have Always Bought
Bear the
Signature of
Seattle Fish
Seattle Fish
Programme Subject to ChAngt.
Overtur . ... , .Ida Durllng
Retained another week
In their Comedy Sketch Entitled,
"Fooling th Servant."
Our Popular Baritone
Will present thl week, "Mother'
Alway Waiting You at Home, Sweet
Home." Change Thursday, "A Little
Boy Called Taps,"
America' Foremost Juvenile Globe.
Monologulst .
Will present the humorous playlett
" The Fellow That Look ' Like Me."
With an Interesting picture entitled "A
; Slave' Love.", (Change Thursday)
Novelty Motion Picture
10 cent
to and ao cents