CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. FOS" SALE-TUE STOCK AND Fix tures of gnl store located a few !W from Astoria; very clean stock, ud will ivo$c about $7000. Pr - ticulart at . 1 WESTERN REALTY O0. OSK IIVDRKD-KOOM UUTEL FOR okndid business good wporturdty for a first-class hotel maa. WESTERN REALTY 00. PUK0 FOR SALE, street. APPLY 233 7TH U-M-Tt vp cat ie-JWJ E-QUARTER OR ONE- kOf interest in summer resort fcUi ang a fine business; over 100 rooms wd alwaya ng8l w-v 1e"L WESTERN REALTY 00. TOR SALE THB FUBNTTURB OF A large lodging hoc; rooms always loll, low rent. Western Realty Oft, 478 Ctasaaemial street ,fOa SALE REAL ESTATE. fOB SALE TWO LOTS IN ASTORIA and one in YEavreuton' will 111 cheap. Address "J-. Astoria office. ,.,., . , ,. rRKD RICK SON BROS We make specialty of house moving, carpenters, son tractors, general joowngt proinps tentioa to ail orders, corner au Dusne. ;:':s"' r r v.'"1 REAL ESTATE WANTED. WANTED TO BUY-HOUSE AND LOT ta Astoria. Address "H. L," osra As Mriaa office. Give full psrUeuiara. LAUNDRIES SriafieWi FARM FOR SALE. $2250-l ACRES! tlx acre cleared, good hoaso and Ian. Western Realty CO. . ' KB SALE-STORE 82x40, AND LOT . 85x128. Wamnton. Price. 1600. Vsstara Realty Co.,195 Commercial St NICELY FURNISHED RWilis a private family, with fire; suitable for gentlemen.; Inquire of Mrs. Johaniea, WT fifteenth atreet",. U-21-4t. rCRNISIIED BEDROOM TO' LET oulet neighborhood. Apply 235 Seventh atriet.' - ' 11-19-7t- WANTED HOUSE AND BARN FOR tent during 'the 'winter,, or longer. Address "L. 4 t, eare Astoriaa Office, with full particulars... - ' SEWING MACHINES FOR RENT AND Sinter i Sewing Machine Cs 172 Tenth street. rHQSE PLEATED BOSOM SHIRTS The kind known by dmsy men ia the summer. axa difficult articles to launder aicely. Unless you know just how to io it, the front pleata wont iron oown smooth, and the shirt front wilt look nuiar. Our New Press Ironer Irons them without rolling or stretching. Try it Troy Laondry, Tenth and Duane. PhoneMain 1901. ' , DRESSMAKING. FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING AND V MILLINERY - MADAMS CLARE 75 Third Street RESTAURANTS. TOKIO RESTAURANT. 531 Bond Street s Opposite Ross, Hlggtna & Co. Coffee with Pie or Cake io Cts, -FIRST-CLASS MEALS. Regular Meali ij Cts. and Up TJ. S. RESTAURANT. 43 Bond Street Coffee with Pie or Cake io Cts, First Class Meal 15 Cents. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT, ASTORIA RESTAURANT mawo mm, nop, Phone 1581 Main. SM Bond Bt Th Finest sjc Meal Served ia Astoria Gatue in Season. Your Pstronsge Solicited. 1 Courteous Treatment to All PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW I T0HN C. McCUE, Attorney-At-Law. Deputy District Attorney., Page Building, Suite 4 HOTELS. NORTHERN HOTEL Astoria's newest and Best Hotel Eleventh and Dusne Streets. Rooms, Simile or' en Suite, Stesm Hested, Baths, Running Wster in Every Room. Rstes, 50o to $1.50; Specisl by Week PhoneMain 3911. '- v I MRS. J. COLLINS. Mansger. HOWARD M. bSOWNILl, Attorney-At-Law. . Office with Mr. J. A. Eakin, at Ha. 40 Commercial St, Astoria. 10-27-U. insCELLAKEOUS. FINNISH MASSEUSE, Victoria Alrola ure rheumatism,- chronic, bowel and . Bver disorders. Hot vapor bsths will be given if the patient's conditions demands och treatment I will positively curs the? most obstnate eose of rheumatism. , V. A.ATROLA. 10-19-tf. 152 Washington St MASSAGING. TO Massaging ALL ITS BRANCHES; WARM bsths if necessary ; thorough compe tency is assured. ; MRS. M. HEYNO, 87 W. "Bond Street Astoria. "JAPANESE GOODS. INEXPENSIVE JAPANESE FIXINGS, MADE OF BAM BOO, LIGHT, STRONG, HAND. MADE, TABLES, STANDS, CHAIRS, WHATNOTS, BOOKCASES, SHELV- MG, ETC. " ' Yokohama Bazaar 825 Commercial St. Astoria. HOTEL PORTLAND Finest Hotel ia tne Northwest PORTLAND, ORE. . Enropeaa Plan Only. . H. C BOWERS, Manager. DENTISTS. Dr. VAUGUAN, - DENTIST. . Pythian BuQJing., Astoria, Oregon. . DR. W, C LOGAN DENTIST Commercial St. Shsnahaa Building t-i OSTEOPATHS. DR. RHODA C HICKS 1 - octbopatb " Offlca Uanaeir' Bid. Pbon Black Mi ' 171 Commercfai 8t- Astoria. Or CHIROPODISTS. myiNGHOTEL Corner Eleventh and Franklin eo ROOMS Steam Heat. Bath and :-t Modern Conveniences. : CATER TO LOCAL TRADE Accommodations for Commercial Travelers Dining Room run in Connection UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT ALTA F. .. GILES. Manner DR. KNOWLES & Ca Chiropodists, Manicurists, Positively Painless Methods. Bunions, Ingrow- inz Nails, Corns, Etc. 209 Astoria Savings Bank Building. UNDERTAKERS. J. A. OILBAUGII & CO., Undertakers and Embalniera. Experienced Lady Assistant ;i j When Desired. j WINES, HOURS AND CIGARS. (320 Astor St) Booms for rent by the day, week, or asoath. Best rates ia town. P. A. PETERSON, Prop. Calls Promptly Attended Day or Night. ' Pat ton Bdg. 12th and Dirone Sts ASTORIA, ORE.GON Phone Main 2111 lili PLUMBERS. Lin n . n. PLUMBER Heating Contractor, Tinner ASD Sheet Iron Worker ALL WORK GUARANTEED 415 Bond Street. Steameri TELEGRAPH ! - a..iu.a maVInc ft ronnd trio DAILT : tVinrwlftv between Portland nd AMoris ! sod way points. '" NO WAY POINTS ON SUNDAY Portland Undlnjt, lldef Street Dock ' Astoria Unding, Callender Book ' leave Portland 7:00 a,m.; arrive Atflrtfl.,l:30 .mT Leave Astoria 2:80 p. M.lsrrlTe Portland ! fcUO p. m. SUNDAY EXCURSIONS Tjeave Portland 8 s. m.; arrive Astoria 1 p.m. 1 Uire Astoria 8 p. m.. arrive Portland p. m. AMUSEMENTS. PLEASANT HOUR OF ENTERTAINMENT VAUDEVILLE AT THE LOUVRE And Vaudeville that really Amuses and Interests you. Weekly Changes of Pro gram and Each Change an Improvement Tht : K" Ifoe Sixty-Nine Year Old Pedestrian .Finishes Long Walk. Steamer - Lurlinc MEETS enthusiasm Night Boat for Portland and Way Landings. team Astoria daily txcept Sundsy at Itarei Portlsnd Daily txcept at 1 a. m. Saaday Quick Service ' Excellent Meals Cool Bertha, T angina AatnrU 1r1as1 OTKarS Iandln Portland Foot Taylor St h)ie New Illlimi At"lilc Club, a rvuord i Weston Walked the Ssm Course Forty Years Ago Many Out-Timers Who Turned Out to See Kim Thon Greet Him When he Finishes. anCAGO, Nov. 2u,-Kdwnrd Pay sen WVtton, Ml ;er'old, ' mhaduM to walk Into OhicHiro at 4 p.m. toiUv, or theio iilniutm tit th r'ntu ot live iullts an hour, and compli'to, at the U' of 0. B. PLESSINO, Aceat Pbone Main S761. """" No Students. No Cocaine, No Gas, Hi I. M We will forfeit 11000 to any ehsr- able institution for any Deniit can coihpets with us n erowa and brliljrs work, or troth without plates. rBT no isncr irr uniii yon oy wa- suited us. Our continued suocuss in MEDICAL. 1, Vf Unpreceucnted Successes of ik m i ; THE GREAT CHINESE DOCTOB V Who is knowa throuubont the United LffeS States on aoconnt of yJWs wonderful .nrres. No noisons or draes used. He ffusraa tees to eura catarrh, asthma, lunjr and throat trouble, rheumatism, nervoasneas, stomacb, liver and kidney, femaU torn nlaints and all chronic dleases. STJCCESSFTJL HOME TREATMENT. If you cannot call write for symptom blank and circular, inclosing 4 cents in stamps. ' THE C GEE WO BUUHUflK W. 1021 First St, Corner, ' PORTLAND, OREGON. Please mentioa the Astoriaa. ' DRUGGIST Columbia Drug Co. Dr. Charlea C. C. Bosenbert (Successors to Dr. Linton's Drug Co-) Drug. Medicines ' AND- Toilet Articles. Preserintions Carefully Compounded. " w " Dr. Eosenberir will (five consultatioas and examination free is Eleventh Street Telephone Mala mr, Astoria, Ore. B0AT-BUTLDING. SPECIALTIES THIS WEEK LITTLE MISS FRISCO Song and Dance Artist THELMA BECKS ' J , : i-s Balladisi ALMA PIERCE : ' Swedish Nightingale PRINCESS 0MEANA The World's Wonder Don't Fail to .- See Het ADMI88ION FREE '. VIC LINDBECK, Prof. ? . .. HOTELS FRANK SMITH, BOATBUILDING AND REPAIRING A SPECIALTY Taylor avenue. T. L,. Driscoll; Boatbuilding and Repar- in a Specialty. 22 nd and. Exchange street. our msny oflL'os is due to the urn form hiffh-erede work d of expenenced operator. The prire &c.d bt'low are absolutely ths bent opportunity to get your money's wurth which has em ta offered. We use nothing but the best ma terms, , l ' Best SUm Fillinjs.. 50c PUtlnura FUUttft .............. IijX Gold ft Platinum AUov Filliacs.lMs Gold Filliajs. lso to Is-oo S. S. White Layon Crown ..13.00 Gold Crowns, best sak- extra heavy . ....Ijm Brtdgework. per tooth, best work. .13 Best Rubber Plate, S. S. whits teeth . ..$8.00 Aluminum-lined Plate .....tro to lis A binding guarantee given with all lor iu years VEGETABLE VAPOR Used only by us for Painless Extrac tion of tth. oc Resd What Mrs. Jessis Level Say. I Had 12 term extracted by tne use of Vtirettb'e Vapor, ibnolutaly pain les the most pleating effect and highly recommend the methoj. Yours truly. MBS. JESSIE LEVEL. Lafayette. Oregon, ; KlfRVOUS PEOPIE. And those alllictM with heart weak ness can have their teeth extrscted and filled without the least pain whatever. Chicago Dental Parlors Northwest Cor. Commercial and nth. Phone Main 3901.' TTi tiMMut ant hast-MiilniMa' Den tal tablishment in the Northwest. Seventeen offices ia the United 8tates. LADY IN ATTENDANCE, ' Beo that you are In the right office. f Phenmatism i Diabetes. i Kidney Diseases, I Bladder Troubles, f Liver Complaint, Indigestion, Constipation, Tund all other diseases arlslns from tkldnev and bladder troubles can be T . f Tquickly, perrnanentiyv and ABSOLUSELY, CURED Everv sufferer from any of th AJread diseases should learn at on of the greatest curt known to mod ern science. . . , s HARF1GT0N S i TABLETS ;y- Tare endorsed by physlcisns every where. ' iney win cure moussna thev will SURELY CURE YOU. Send 25 cents Today. for liberal box of these tablets. I tthey do not cures you we will refund Zvonr mnnev. ?' , A 1 1 . 1 I Fill in Coupons and send it to bit T - X HERINGTON WUDKinU KM. T lirana tcapios, wmu. .Llerington Medicine Co., ' Osnd BaDids. Mich. ! I aldose 25 cents for which please! fiend, postage prepaid, 1 box Heriog-T T . . . . . T ton's xaDiets. TMy Name . f Mjy Address JMy Druggist'a Name Urfdkiuit walk of I.23U miles f ruin I'ort liunl, MViine, iKUiiil LKHola-r lifll. ' If WV'toii,ilnli4iic hit Mstk as srrnug I'll iuKl Ui"i' is every rimm titat n win for at two o'eluvk tills morning he ws nM.tiuif L ChMerton, lnd., but 40 miles attfty ,lw will Inuve iln what lie et out to do and beaten tlie rHird astab UiIuhI bv Ulmwlf 40 vi-nrs auo, wlien, ii his prime as a pedenirluit, he was one of the rhamiiion walkers of tlio world His 1 word for the dlittatKe made wlieu hit '!'. .vrats of K 1 xH'Ular ia, for Ws-ston never walks on Sun day. If lie finUhca his rfot'mniioe in Chi. -aim this afternoon, he will hav lxuti'n the reoord of hi young days by Aetiirding t the dUpalt'lies sent out rout t n at which he has touch titling lhi route. Vetwi has 'been j!"1 itijr fiinU'r iithcr than nlowcr, lu hi niomiMutilo fur many dsvs lat. r'or tme tinif b was tronbleil with nettl iliilirittioll, wlil.-li hampi'lTd his ri. )f !ii!i hof(r, he hiu Iwfli in uvwet-t iilivalcu. nmilUini!, and has been rrltnit ur tl.e mile nt the rate of five per hour tth it'.tW aiwni. trmtbl as the averap bnkrr negnnates the ditan( iietvrwn ln liub and tbp nw'tor ear at the euro. ihf. Niw llliuoi Athh'tie Club will have a retention committee In atitomo biles at South Chicago to greet Weston heu he hiu itnt lairt of the route Thrm itki will In' a ili'tai'Uiiient of the firnt Uvgimtrnt,' lu which a guard if honor and a luiule toriM, Not the !at interesting part of the throng that will j;rMt Weston will be tl old timers wiio rhiTrml him when he entered t'hli'atro 40 years an. Thtsre sre UiiMiMHuln of nifn ktill llvint! who were prvwnt. when Urston eame down Mli'iii iin Avenue on Nov &, 1I7, whiiinliiit his muscles to further activity with a holt "swaiiKer stick shch la carried Amoiii; the features of the meotion will be fhi appearance of Alderman Mangier at .Miclituan aventit) and M. (Uiv ilia a "on hoi-Mi slmy" exactly the same vehicle as wu unci n 1H07 by 8. D. .Manure, Mr., wiic 11 he drove to welcome Weston The long hike of We-ton a begun on Oftobt'r 29, when he loft tlie posloffiee at Portlund hearins a letter to be de- livercd at the KwtolIU lu Chirnfro to be postmaster or hit representative Weatons '!iMlule called for1 hi arrlvs here Nov. 87 but he has consistently kept ahead of the gchedule, If he reaches the city this afternoon he will beat the record Of 1807 by nearly 24 hours. Weston has met with a good deal of difficulty on the present trip because of muddy roads, but in spite of that hand leap he has steadily maintained his ad vantajro ovor the demands of his ache dule. The only advaiitaue the pedestrian has in his present attemut In comparison with the walk when be was a vounu man Is that the roads on the average are mucfi better now Wan they were then over the route traversed. Durinir the entire trio Weston nnd met with much enthusiasm along the route, towns turning out en manse to greet him, . . It is itatd that Wston Intends to make a lecture out of his experiences on the present trip, lie has already don a considerable amount of lecture work and is declared to have made s success of it. Wleston is a most enthus iastic believer in the virtues of walking, which he' pronounce a cure-all for the ills of humanity, ... .... Weston's walk of 40 'years niro ended on November 27. the data of denartnre 1 irom J'ortiund being th same as on the present attempt, He reached Chicago in the morning and it was estimated that he was' welcomed by a throng of 50,000 persons, who cheered his pluck and pcrsistonoe to the echo. , The ooca .. .. 1 1 1 . t ... . . . wion mrjjeiy took on me nature or a public holiday, and manv shoos closed no that the employes might take' pari 111 me reception. His arrival in Chicago on that ooca sion was the finals to w walk which had mierettteu aiuioi the entire country. Remarkable Crop Raised On Farm ; 1 Tlinw Arras Nsar Kill thanks. . WKA'H'I.K. Nov. 0.-if the Alaska! Ynkoii-ivlllo' J'txisltlon which will be held In 1WW should ulfvr prlxa for ths Ust plot of ground under euluvatlon In Alasl4:or, Vukun, d tecrhnrdt ot Fairbanks, who lias recently seiit to ths Exposition ' management detail of the crop gathered fiwm his thieo acres, would stand a giant rhanct of w inning iiouoraius meniiott. i Indeed It is dmihtfnl If rndfle Cosl farmers who have the advanlagv of ba lug three thoiiaand miles hoarvr th euuator. could better (lerhardt'a revoid, On hit three acres outside of. Fairbanks last summer he grew tea tons of turnips, (one tons of rutabagas, 8000 heads ot celery, tlvo ions of cabbages ami several down tons of mixed vcgetalw lnelnd lug carrot, beets, iHtut, radishes, to matoes, parley. ii!tihrooms and ciieum bwrs. ,;"' tierliardt lll make some sltf to eight thouaaitd dollars clear off his throe acres, and there are many Akmkan miners who have not done so well the past a son. The Alaka- ukon IVIfio Kxihisi- lion will lctmmlrat thlouvh exhibits from fartiis such as (lerhardt's that gold is not tin1 only wealth that can be gathered nut of the ground of the coun try of the Circle.- u U . '"' . f .1 "1. 1 ', m, .,. :-) . i I)o you know that Pinesalvt Carbolif sd acts Ilk a poultice In drawing out fuflammatlon and poison I It la sou septic. For cuts, burns, eeasina, cracked hands It Is Immediate rellsf. Sold by Frank Hart's Drug Store. AUTHOR DEAD. MAS FH A S OI SCO. Nov. aa.Jt ul. Frank 3, UramUll, author of several iHioks on the Civil War, companion of Admiral i'airnuul in the mrmoiable run pat the forts on , the MisslMtippi, ilied Sunday night at Nir Oaks, mar Sttcramento, After his service with Farragut Col. Drnmhall was active In Went Virginia as a government ufllesr, rapturing and breaking up moonnhiner gangs engaged In the manufacture of licit whisky, llo was a native of Al bany, N. Yh ageii (10 years. ' Mothers with little ehlldm atad m longer fear croup, eolds or whooping cough. Bees Laxatlvs Cough Byrup tastes eood. It works off the cold through the bowels, clears the heal Cluarsnteed. Bold by Frank Hart'a Drug Store. i .,.... . School Shoes BOYS The Billy Buster Steel Bot tom Shoes' The Shots with a Sole that Don't Wear Out Huve you ordered the Mornlnor Astnr gww --OO ------ i I LWWUW4W4 'an dl",VCrCd ftt ur d00rf . in s; A; G1MRE 343 Bond Si. opposite Fisher Bros. rNli 1 miftJLSk V 1 ' -v-J,; ;