The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 27, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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Every Thing Good to Eat
For Thanksgiving
New stoek arriving daily. All varieties
of Nuts, Rabins, Citron, Lemon, and
Orange Peel. Aline of fancy groceries.
Tho Loading Qroaor)
A Kw Boy ,
Tbs wife of CfcMlw 0. Cwa present
id Wm with a 10 pound ton lat Sunday
Plum Pudding let Crsam
, Something new nd rich In brlcki or
bulk delivered your residence) order
bow, lloeflefs.
..... - :
Th Chano ! your-
A glanca at tbt advtriUment of
Chariw Hellborn & Company, In tbl
i..... win indicate to you wbrt and
L. and what it lal
worth to you. . , f
A ftontler Reminder
Tomorrow U Tbkglvtng and In
. amid allowing at the
LI,I vou should have that ault pwwd
to 11 up Main 8711 and tell me whore
to oU for H ami I will bvo It ready
lor you thi evening. ourt truly, can the Astoria Tailor. 179 1 1th
street, opp. War theatre.
Another Lone Deed-
Whatever ! may have readied the
nul.tin record of Clatsop county ye
terday, there Vaa but the uaual eolltary
tMt r conveyance i the ona him yea
tenlav btlmr from Emma Bohnson, et
aL to IdA.M. .Johnson, conveying the
east 1-2 of lot 2. In blk 2, of Inglenook
the consideration being 375.
Jetty Weathers Storm
The eyitrtri adopted by the engineer
ing department of filling In the Jetty
with rodt-plae of irylng to estend
the superstructure U meeting with euo
cea, the heavy torm of tha paat week
baring little effect on the falaa work.
A few pile have gone adrift but the
work of dumping rock will only be de
layed a few day.
Tha Chanca li Youra
A glance at the advertisement of
Cbarlei Wellborn Company, la thi
Uiue, will Indicate to you where, and
what that chanca K and what it I
worth to you.
Temporary Shelter
Contractor J, A. Fastabend win com-
wrk in a few dave on tempo
rary structure to'rpplace the Urn atruck
by Hyhtnfng and burned on ih
mu ll U.t week, i The etructure is a
signed merely a a temporary ahelter
during the winter and next aprlng a new
win ba built In the
place of fe one purneu.
DscV Washed Out
Ktuw.rlntendeiit fimlth of the South
fn hlehrv wired Muster Fleh War
.ten Van Duaen today that tne nan rata
on the Couullle had wehd out during
ih. recent storm. They bare succeeuca
howem In taking over B.OOO.fXX) Chinook
una, and with the rack out many nn
will succeed In reaching the head water
to pawn.
There will be thanksgiving service at
the Firat Lutheran Church, upperwwn
t 10:30 a. m. Tlie pastor will speak on
ilia tlimn. 'The Lord Will Provide." All
art cordial! v Invited to attend. The
Dorea Society give t annual aale and
Notice to the
On and after Dec
1st, 1907, all charge
accounts will be'dis
continued and pur
chases mad'e at this
store will be strictly
on a CASH basis
- ,
v '
!nlerialnmnt In the'parlor of tha Flrt
Lutberan church on Friday evening the
20th lnt.
Another Fuel Fire ...
A etill-alimn wa tout In to the
Oliciiil(!al engliw houao yeaterday after
noon eariy, which wmt that fire macnin
up to 8lxUhtb atreH on the fly, whera
a few minute were devoted to aub-doing
a fluo Are In tl borne of Mr. O'Connor.
So mtIou daniage wa done.
- . ''' ' " ' .
Chang of Office ,
Miool'Kuittrlntcndeut Clark wa the
bunlcet man In the city ball yenWday,
tearing up tlia OTnauienta and packing
Utem nreiiaratory to movinir to hia new
,.ffl.. in ! TkUl Fellow' building. The
chango of oflfce wa neoeitated by the
requirement of tlia city attorney, the
Bity legal buine having outgrown
Mr. AbercrombieV down town office.
Again Cruahfaig Bock
The county rock cruher, which. na
bwn closed down during the recent galea,
rodumed operation yesterday morning.
The- rock la Wing placed on the Olney
road ii font a crufthed and almott a
mile of tha rood baa been completed.
The largest part of the new road irom
the reservoir to WHUaniport ha been
rocked aa far a graded and a force of
men are now at work making the big
Oil nnar that town.
tal stock of the concern waa Increaaed
from 1160,000 to tmm to enablo tbe
company to meet the expanding busi
ness that emt never to cease, The
employee of the mill were paid off In full
to date, tliouglv thi doe not stgniry
anything In the nature of a close-down,
a tbe plant has an abundance of bust-
MS nt band, contracted and otherwise
and will go along just a though there
had been no interruption or "string-
W and things of that rt. It i
the busiest establishments, year inland
year out, that Astoria can boast of,
Committed to Aaylum ,
Mr. Jlilma Peitarl, a comparatively
young woman, living on iwrty-ftigM
trwt. waa taken into custody y ester
day morning, on the complaint of her
husbnd, for Insuuity: tin being tne
second time diieing the unfortunate
woman' rcaiJpnue In thi city. She was
duly examined by Ir. AHid Kinney,
before County Judue Trenchard, witn
County Clerk Clinton in charge of the
record, and duly commuted to the
Asylum for the Insane at Salem. At-
icndsnts will reach tin city thi morning
iiio in coavcv Mr. 1'elUrt there; tni
Iwlng her socotid exunmitment.
Fit urea Dont Lie-
Published fieure, over th name of a
, reliable firm hay a convincing ring and
hold the essence of advantage to whom
ever shall ue them. Not tha atrlng of
nuntstlons In tha Charles Hcilborn A
Company ad, in thi lue.
Aatorla t. Portland ,
A change bai been made In the ar
rangements for the football game to
morrow. Owing to previous enaiement
which cannot be cancelled tbe Ghemawa
Indian cannot coma to Aatorla, The
South Portlands have airreed to take
their place, and a they too are a fat
bunch, the interest will not be leasenea.
Everything tends to a great game and a
large Attendance.
Tbankgiving Window: :
A wcH decorated window for Thank-
alvinff is tlwt of the Palace. A turkey,
iroooe and eucklimr niir play a prominent
part in the decoration and aurround'sd,
s tliev are, by many delioaciea, tne
whole makes a picture that would bring
. hunocr to a. conflrmed dyspeptic. The
B - -
(kcoralkm 1 the work of Lowell llaaon.
tbe popular night man, and it bow bl
familiarity with what i good to eat.
Thanksgiving Specials
MlHCO Mca t, the very best obtainable.
Plum Pudding, fine rich flavor.
Cranberries, Eastern and local:
Nuts, Table Raisins, of the best.
' Navel Oranges, this season's crop.
Table Apples, Hood River and Clatsop
County products.
Grapes, Spanish and California.
i Celery, bleached white.
Pumpkins, Squash, etc
Wa haW apar.d so palna In aeleotlng our Thank.glvlng good, and If you
17 your order with t w. wiU U. to U that It irlll b.
fillea Wlin VOS Try u" 8""-" .
Scho e d Mat son & Co. goods
UU 112 nd 20 Twelfth St.
FhonetlSt i"93'
For a
JotinsonPlionopph Go,
P.rlor eaoand Floor over Soholfleld MatteoH Co.
Electa Deleeate
The Atoria Central Labor Council
held It regular meeting last evening and
transacted routine businesa. Delegate
were also elected to tha Oregon State
Federation of Labor, which will convens
in this eitv on January 6. 1L B. Lund
nd Tonv D. Eli were chosen toiepre
tent the local organization, with Wa,
Olson and J. N. Jorgenscn aa alternates.
A comnUUee wa appoiniea vo mane ar-
rangeroente for a lecture to be given by
Ben Tillet, of England, who i an ac
Mimiilished orator on labor and labor
r - -
(lueations. Tillet was alo A fraternal
delegate to the Scranton convention, and
the committee will endeavor to bring
him here during the meeting of the
Stata Federation.
Thanksgiving Service
The President and Governor have ap
pointed Thursday, November 28, as a
day of public thanksgiving. All those
who are not engaged elsewhere are re
spectfully invited to unite with the con
gregatlona of Holy Innocents' ytiapel ana
Grae Chuivh at the church on Franklin
avenue, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth
street, Thursday morning, at 10
o'clock, where a service of praise and
thanksgiving will be held, and an offer-,
inir cither in kind or money will be
given for the Good Samaritan Hospital,
Portland, the church' house of mercy,
hlch irave last year over 12,000 days'
care to free patient. The hospital sends
no one away, If thene la a bed left,
whether they can pay or not
Increase Ita Capital '
The board of directors of the Clatsop
Mill Company held an important session
yesterday afternoon, at which the oapi-
Satiafie The Expert
C. S. Sherman, the gaa and oil expert
went over to Warrenton yesterday to
.examine the Ifarrlman well, which, from
a depth of 123 feet, exude a atrong flow
of useable aas, and took A picture of
the plant, with the five-foot flame In
full operation. He Is more than pleaaed
with thi practical demonstration ol we
presence of natural gaa hereabout, and
wmsUlera it a plain exemplincatioa oi
his conclusion Announced aometime ago.
It is said that Manager Mcllroy, of the
old Oregon Mill plant at that place, in-
tends to pipe tbe Harrison gaa output
into the oflke o hi cfmpany there, at
once, as it i, in All way adequate lor
the purpose of illumination, being at
most entirely without odor, and burn
iteadily. Such An Application of the
outnut tliere will be a atanding adver-
tiseinent for the protected enterprise
afoot here, under the negia of the Clat
op Fuel Company. '
ut on Eihibiucn.
The hitrh class pressed brick made af
clay from Astoria by the Mamer Broa,
of Campus, 111., ha been put on exhiU-
tion in the window of Wise' Uottiiwg
store. This brick has attracted a great
deal of attention and bow what am
really be made in Astoria and what ri9
be made of local c'lav at some date ot
far djtant. If man cannot look foo
lh in a Wie suit telther can any apeei-
man of the genius homo appear bsindi
ciiJ with auininity or non compM
mentis should he paue Ion a enoush te
view the most perfect brick ever mid
in Oregon.
Its. O. B. Hecrardt, tba well-known
1'ortland Civil Engineer Us written to
tbe Chamber of Coram rce tliut he will,
circumstances permitting, come to As
toria on Friday morning' train to meet
the Promotion OfnmiUee and infor
mally talk over the seawall and fllling
in proposition.
Although the telephone wires were
down between ibis city and Portland
esterday and it was lmnoible to ar
range any further "detaila by telephone
than those already Arranged by letter,
a telegram waa sent to Mr, Hegardt
And the exAct hour ot the meeting with
the Promotion Committee will be fixed
sometime early today. It will most like
ly be held at 2 o'clock in the afternoon
on Friday
Mr. Heirardt i o well known In this
city that Astoria people have full con
fidence In him and be needs not the
tlitrhtest introduction. - .
Tbe Promotion Committee will take
the matter up and try to work !ut a
practical plan and aa Mr. Hegardt be
lieves that the filling in of Astoria ac
cording to the plan be has will be merely
the saving of money to the property
holders and merchant doing business
in the piled district, it seem that there
should be no difficulty in arriving at a
practical working basis.
While there baa been a great deal of
talk and many suggestions ae to how
the filling in of the piled section of As
toria should be done this will be tbe
first time that a practical engineer has
ever taken up the subject with the busi
ness men of Astoria. After a working
plan haa been evolved It will of course
be necessary to submit it to tbe people,
but it is a foregone conclusion that it
this plan is one which will actually
save the people money they will wish
to adopt it. " "
Mr. Hegardt bad eharsre of the build
ing of the Jetties at Fort Steven for
number of Tears and in his office at
tbe present time he baa about all of tbe
blue prints ol the various kiuds of sea
wall construction ever undertaken in
Court Houae Echoea
County Judge Trenchard ami County
Commissioner William Larson, held a
conference yesterday to look over, adl
talk over, the proposals at band for toe
lighting of the building, and tor strafly-
ine the fixture necewsary in thia bahAii;
and for the vault aupplies, and the sa- .
crnl furnishing of the building through
out. Certain bid were submitted ana,
considered, and the matter waa thorough
ly discussed, and the meeting waa a
journed for a few days, wMm ded&ei
will be reached on the meK,r notefe
Contractor HebUck and bi men yeeier-
day placed In position tne two xaarbie
oilastre that flank the east and wee
margins of the main entrance to the tew
court house, And now that tbey are in
position, they look handsome enongh.
but -n the general perspective, appear'
to be odd and somewhat incongruous,
being the only specimens of white orna
mentation in the broad nnge of cream
tiling. There w any amount of rou
tine buslnese awaiting tbe county com
missioners, when tbe holidays cease and
they are permitted to get down to busi
ness, but it will all keep, and be prompt
ly dispensed when the Governor call
off the statutory, "hiatusea". ' ''
To all knowing sufferer of rheuma
tism, whether muscular or of tha joint.
sciatica, lumbago, backache, pain 1
the kidnev or neuralgia pains, to writs
to her for a home treatment which baa
repeatedly eared aQ of these tortsres.
She feels it her duty to tend It te all
sufferers FREE. You cure yourself as
home aa thousands will testify m
change of climate being necessary. ThU
simple discovery banishes nrie add' wsm
the blood loosens the stiffened jointe.
purifies the blood, and brighten ; the
eyes, giving elasticity end tone to the
whole system If the Above interests
you, for proof Address Mrs. M. Summers,
Box R, Notre Dame, Ind.
l)r. Knowfee will be in bis office from jAmerica an(j mtaf blue prints of such
m 10. (Vl Thanksi'lvins I .- r-! l
These Wet Days
knock the shape
s out of your
clothes ,
A good pressing" will
give them back their
trim shape.
Carl Franscen,
The Astoria Tailor,
does good pressing.
no nth St. ' Phone Main 3711
A complete line of Fall And Winter
samples ready for your Inspection. Come
and look them over.
9:00 until 12:00 o'clock Thanksgiving
day. .
Fid J. Johnson returned Monday
evening from a business visit to Portland.'.-.
... :) '' ;
Itr. and Mr. Q. W. Laughlin, of
Cray'a River, were Astoria visitors yes
C. A. Anderson came over from .Deep
River, yesterday, on a business trip and
will return on this morningma boat. ;
S.' Duncan, who has been visiting his
daughter in Bellingham, Wash., for five
n-ecks past, returned to Astoria yester
day evening.
John Eklora. who was formerly on the
Astori police force, has returned from
Raymond, Wash,, where he has been for
the past two months.
J. F. Chapman, of San Francisco, a
prominent stockholder in the Clateop
Mill Company, and a large shipper ot
that city, is visiting Astoria on business
affairs. .
Mossre. Oleen and Bell, the well known
loggers came out from their Gray's River
camps yesterday. AU their wnps are
workins under half-force, but wiu be
doubled as soon as business gets normal
.1. P. Mnifield. of Seaside, was an
Astoria visitor yesterday having arrived
to asnat his son to their home, ine
young man has been critically ill for a
month having undergoue an operation
for appendicits.
O. M. Oilman, tha well known paint
and oil drummer, of Portland, is in the
city, in the interest of his firm and the
decorative virtues of his particular
wares, and while he avers he is not
doing much he seems to keep busy, and
that means much, these days.
Manager A. 8. Walker, of the Wil
lamette PftDer & 'Pulp Company, at Ore
gon City, arrived In the city yesterday
mnmlnir. and left at once for Ms com
pany's camps on Gray's Riveif, where he
will overhaul the business and start w
men to booming what logs are down.
The main camps of the concern are all
shut down for the present, but it
said will resume immediately after- the
holiday season
I". R. 'Stokes, formerly of tms city
and of tbe famous old firm of Foard 4
Stokes, came down from Portland, yes
terdav. on A business trip, and after
disposing of some unfinished affairs, and
eating a Thanksgiving dinner at tne
home of his brother, P. A. Stokes, the
m lrnmrn clothier, will depart for
Portland again. v
construction in England.
. t :
General Manager Nutt of the North
ern Pacific is interested in this work
and it is hoped that his engineer will be
here at the same time -with Mr. Nutt
However, If the railroad engineer can
not be here at that time arrangements
will be made to hare him visit Astoria
at the earliest date possible
It is said that sometime ago orders
were given to the engineer department
of tbe Northern Pacific Railroad to move
their headquarters to Astoria as soon
as the North Bank line has been
finished. Now it has been asserted that
these orders have never been changed
and. that within the next two or three
months the Northern Pacific will be con
structing some important terminals
near the mouth of the Columbia River.
FrcshMade Candy
Made right at home
in onr own factory.
Also Lowncy's
In any size box.
483 CommerciAl St.
Low Sates to Europe,
We are positively selling every
article in our store at or below
We have large selections of Hats
in all colors, red, brown, black and !
'blue' Hats at prices which will
1 astonish you.
$25.00 Hats for $10150
$15.00 Hats for $7.65
$10.00 Hats for $4.35
$6.00 Hats for $2.15
Big line of Black Hats, from $2.50 to $7.00
en ; Ton : GSIIIInerx
483 Bond St.
4 -