The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 23, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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    t SATUfibAY, NOVEMBER ij, 1907.
Wholesale Price List as Re
ported Dally.
rORTfcAND, Nov. 20,-Th holiday
trad It opvnlng up, and while thy do
not pct it to Attain th proportion
it did tail year, It li llkly it will ex
tei that of other former year. '
Tb butter market how Improvement
la torn quarter!, Two of the outalde
crtmiie that maintain city tranche
havi advanced their price from SO to
32 cent. A few day ago at cream
try brand art going at the latter price,
but moat of tha ouMda butter la tail
ing at !7i to SO cent. Tht city cream
trlet report 4 good buying movtmtnt
and with tht tupnly of cream decrea-
Ing, they eonilder tht market on a firm
Oregon ranch j.g art vtry acarct and
thle ha ltd touia of tht jobber to ad
vene their quotatlont to 40 ctnta.
EaaUrn egg hokla tady at tht former
rang, though tha tupply la large.
Poultry rtctlpt wrt vtry light y
terday. Tht market la in good condl-
lion to rtctlva a modcratt aupply of
ehlcktna in the next lew day. There
la aleo a fair demand for duofct and
a-. Uvt turkey art not akd for
Advice from the country indloat there
will b an adequate aupply of turkty
for tht Thanksgiving trad, but tha ex
trtm price of lait year are not llktty
to b repeated.
Navel orange now coming to hand
art beginning to ahow better color ana
tht demand la tleadlly upending. With
Improved condition In Callforna tht
local market also baa a firmer ton. An
other car of Jersey cranbtrrie arrived
yesterday and waa quoted at 911.60 per
barrel. Tb demand for crenberrle
very ttronf. A shipment of Almcrla
vraoea waa received. California grape
ar cleaning up fairly well. Apple an
alto moving bttttr.
Thwt it a good inquiry for wt
potato, celery and all klnda of email
vegetable, of which the preeent tupply
U ample, Cbolct potato art in good
demand in tht southern market and
hlpper are paying 00 to 78 cent pr
uck for quality, but tht poor grade
art neglected and weak. 8om Inferior
Valley atock hi been cold aa low a it
etnt par buhL
Tht following art quotation ruling
la Portland a reported by Jobber In
the varloua Unati
i Oram, Flour. Feed.
Wheat New crop prion: Club, 880 1
Valley, 87oj blueetem, 00c ) red Ruttlan,
Flour Ilard wht patent, 14.80 1
ttralght, WSOj graham, ff4.60.7ttj
ryt, 15; wholt-wbeat flour, 14.50 $ IS
Valley flour, Dakota, IdJU
$4 Mi EaaUrn ly 0.Mi Pillepury, fJ7i
Oorvallla, H05.
Grain bag Domestic 8 7-8 Calcut
U 8c
Ryt 11.28 11.30 per cwt.
Buckwheat 830 per ton.
Barley Producer1 price 1 Brewing.
127 JOi feed, $20 1 rolled. I28.7629.00.
Core Whole, 132 j cracked, 833 per
Mill fetd-Clty bran, $10 country
V bran, 830.00; city ihorta, 820.00 j count7
10rta, 822.50) chop, 117.
f-oaU-Producers' price. White, 828;
pay. 127.
IIay-VUy Umothy, 818 9 817)
EaaUrn Oregon,, 818 820 j clover, 811)
cheat, 8U alfalfa, (13; grain hay, 114
Cereal foodt-ttolled oata, cream, 90-Th
aacki, 88 j lower grade, tC7 oatmeal,
tcl out, 49-lb aack, 88.60) 8-lb aokt,
84 60 par bale) oatmeal (ground) 49-lb
aacka, 88 per bbl) Mb aaoka, 84-28 per
bale) split pm. 8425 per 100 aacki)
25-ft box, 11.25 ) pearl barley, 84 ptr
100 lb 1 28-Tb bosea, 81-25 ptr box)
paatry flour, 10- tb aacka, 88.20 bbl
Frtah Heat and Flan.
!Oyten fihoalwattr Bay, par gallon,
83.20 1 per aack, $i.60 Tok Point, 81-00
per 100) Olympla (120 lb), 88) Olym
pian per gallon, 82-25. ' "
7rah meat Veal, medium, 78 to 100
lba, 88ct 100 to ISO lb. 78c)
180 to 200 lb, 06ic 200 lb and over,
65lo pork, 81b8j6) fceavlee 78oj
beef, bulla, 814cj cow.5Ib8io) ter,
6J0cj mutton, medium (lae, ?l8oi
large and eoam, 4floj apring lamb,
dred, 00o. ' ' '
Flth Halibut, 7oj black cod, 80 1
blaok ba, per pound, 20o atrlped baa,
13c imelt, To; herring, 51oj flounder,
Odi eatfleh, Hot brimp, 10cj perch, 60 1
trugeon, 120t ea trout, 18oj torn ood
7o Chinook aalmon, 801 ailveraldea, 7oj
Iteelhcada, Oo. ,
CUms-iIIardshell, per box, 82.40) raa-
7 y-.f '( "k Fault. : I i r S-' f
Tropical fruita Banana 55ilb
lemon, lUo ft I grape 7Bc$1.60
orate 1 grapefruit, 85-00 orate) lime, 76o
$1.00 per 100) huckleberrk. 07c
lb t neachet. O0c81.00 box) pear, 81-00
1.W box 1 watermelon) , lo per lb.)
irapc 75o1.00 orate j , cantaloupe,
75e$1.2S orat oatabaa, 82 down.
Dried fruit Apple, rporatd, 81
(HO pound) aprloott, 20o) paachu, ISioi
pear, 13Jo prune, Italian, 4ia6oi
or clam, 82.25 per be.
rrenon, 3i0l flg, California black,
8 8-4, California whit, Oo, Smyrna,
20c 1 plum, pitted, 60.
Iwntlo fruit Apple, 81.00Oil.78
box ) crab, 8060q box) quince, 78c
CbbagJb., 1 1-4 ti cauliflower, 81
1.9fl dot 1 oelery, 60c (j 1.00 do) part
ley, 26o dot hothou lettuce, 78o boxj
tplnach, box, 8l.28 Brul prout,
So 76 1 artlohok, 78c 81.00 doa. okra,
30o lb) tomato, 23(3360 box) Summer
finnan, lfl(J20c loi) Lima beam, 89 7b 1
cucumber, 2025e do) (ggplant, 81-80
orn 31 15 ck 1 pumpkin, 81-16
l.76 eratej pepper, 6(J7o tb) grea
($1 per wt.
Potatoet New, 85c90o ptr cwtj
wt, 8 1-4(3 Ho pound.
' Egg Itanoh, wndltd, 83(334c
Butter Country traamtry, 30(9 35c !
city ereamtry, 35cj atore, 20(321 f butter
fat, 83c,
Ch Young America, 18c) Oregon
full rm, flat, 17. 1 v
Booty Dark, 10i(JUo) amber, 12(3
Poultry-Old rootter. 7(38c) pound)
I3c fancy whit, 1418.
hen, ll(J12o tb t Spring. 10(511ci
draHd ttock, l(llt higher than llv)
Juckt, old, 10(3 He 1 young, 12(3 12c 1 tur
key, young, 17(3180) old, 18c per lb 1
ge, old, 7(380, young, 8(g9c) pigeon.
11.25 ptr doutt) tquabt, 81-7S($2 per
Orooerlt, Provialont, f te.
Sugar, aack baalk D. C 85.071) XX
88.471) bMt. 83.371) Oolden C, 847 1-2)
extra C 83.071 1 powdered. 83.07 1-2)
cub, 88.821)' fruit' or berry lugar,
16.571 1 box, 50o wt advanct over
eack btel (! l-4c If paid fcr In 16
Jar). .J
Onion Oregon, I2(t.25 per 100 lb.
Coffe Mochi, 2528c) Java, good,
-0(g24oi Java, ordinary, 17?.0ci Coata
Itlca, fancy, 18l17c) Cota Rica, good.
12(3(150) Arbuckle, 81080 cwt) Lion,
18 3-4 per lb) Columbia joffee, 14c;
Salvador, lll141c
IRTTINGTOS, W. Va, Nov 22.-
(Vanla, lumbering village of 4(X) in
habitant, lumlcd bout fifty- mile
out h of here, w linot entirely- de
toryed by fire lat night which Urted
in the Kcllv Hotel from an unknown
caute, ,
Tlie town ha no fir fighting facllitlc
and the blate tpread rapidly.
The low will exceed 8100.000.
New .York, Nov. 22. With the Unl
ted State trading all other nation In
fire lone every year, New York a the
largeat city in the country naturally
takea flr.t place in thi rrpH In the
metnHilitan lit throughout the wutlil
Every day there are twenty-four fire
here, takinir the averaire, or a total of
800 each year. Throughout the whole
country Indtt'd nrai'lj one-half the build
iiiK erected in the eour of a year go
to replace other,, that have In-en tlratory
ed by flume, according to Matiiitic
which form the baei of a atudy of the
natioiuil In, by fire which I to appear
in the next nuni1xr of Applctnn' Mn;'
mtie, Die compiler of ttic- uimt.ic
iwrU tlmt while no othor nution build
ko much a the United States, no other
burn even a mn.ll fraction of the lame
amount of valuable property. The fig
ure how that in the country at large
83.500,000,01)0 worth of property ha
been dettoryrd by fire in tlie pant
twenty-five year. The coat of lire-
fighting U given a 8.')00.(HH),(K)0 a year
and 8193,(HH),(XK) a year i pui.l oer to
the Inatirance coinpauie for protection
Oonflngrutlon coii-iunio ou the Average
every week six theatre and publio halls,
twelve chuivlie. ten s-liool, eiht public
linttitutloim, nine department atore and
apartment houses, twonty-aix hotel, 140
flat and 1000 Imiivlual lioincs.
Tlilrty-lx thousaml lives are report
ed to be endangered avery day by fire
while aeven thousands lives are sacrific
ed annually to tb aame cause. It I
said that 73 percent of all the damage
done by fire to buildings aside from
those In which It originate I due to
improperly constructed windows. .
Milk at $10 per gallon; pork at $118
per pound, chicken at $35 a pair and
cows at from $300 to $3300 each) these
are not panlo price in Nwi York, but
tha cost figure of th clty'a most expen
sive farm which i now to be discontinu
ed. Surprising a these figures may be
they are those of the cost of various
articles produced by Mr. Wllletta the
owner of this, the mostly costly farm In
the world, which wa run on tolentiflo
and cleanly principle, o iclentlfia and
cleanly indeed that a meal consisting of
a (Ingle dice of bacon and a glass of
milk from thi farm would cost more
than the averago family apenda .on
food In aoveral day. The oowhods were
all constructed of concrete with 110 corn
era and every morning after the cows
were turn out the whole structure was
scrubbed and scalded, At milking times
a corps of milkmen, clad in sterilised
whit duck aults, appeared with teril
Ized milk (tool and sterilized milk palls
1 m
1 Cif3 1
the Mercury
Alaola twtildV-nontla ntide. Wbea
fho buzzard come it will be impotib!o to
comfortably heat the cold room. Then,
and during the month of "between tea
oniN you'll find
Oil Heater
(Equipped wltli Smokeleet Dcvl)
jut what you need to make the mercury
clknb. It b'lthi enough to carry (roes
loom to room and eve direct (denying heat
from every drop of fuel Turn tho wick
high or law, there' no bother no tmoko
na meil - (mokcle device
prevent. Brat oil font hold
4 Quart burning 9 hour. Su
perbly finished in japan and
. nickel. Every hcaterwarrantcd.
R&36 Lamp Srri'E
Haadylignl wadim, aewtsf t taacr work Aotm'l bw lba
Mad of bfMt, afckil plated, wah lata mprored
aeatnl draft bans. Ewry bap wairamed. Wriw our
totrertsfecy for eWriptira cirailw I ow dealer dossal
tarry lb Psrftctioa Oil Hetlsr or Ray Ltatp.
to evtiant puro milk irom row after
4tci ili.iii tlieni by lmt'nititf, an extrt-nicly
exenive irm-eeding reuniting in milk
cintting $10 a gallon to got and will rig
for Go oi-nt In an excluive market. The
ame proei-ss applied to the care of pic
reunited In a rtmt price of pork of $118
per pound, which ia certainly a figure to
make the bevf trust ejiviou. With
chickens, tht mm tender car resulted
in a cost value of $17.00 for each, on
which &! a single drumstick would be
worth about $5. To these, ordinary
methods would add a percenUjre for pro
lit, and the resultant figure are ao
tapering that it i ro wonder that
m-lentifio method, carried to the ex
treme have received a black eye in the
discontinuance of the coetllcat farm in
tha world.
Havl la prerrd aad produced by
MT ... , m ..III ,
prepaiatioa. dalkataly fragrant
Maka tha Aim aMuisttelr ofti
baidiriesaackled tpoauuee ctuaed
ij evcr-drync! reduce the (is of
eiuarged porta, cleanse them, re
duca ufltmmatioa aad spread an trea,
radiant glow dut la wholesome nourish
ment of Un gbmda and Mlmulatioa of
the caplllariM which also reed tha
ikm and tupply bt healthful color.
Aikjver Dnafafiraftummtk
Indigestion, Rheumatism,
Diabetes, Kidney Diseases,
Bladder Troubles, Liver complaints
Ear you healthy kidney f If not, you will toon b attacked with that
terrible Diabetea, Bright' Ditea, Gravel, Dropsy or Rheumatism, and your
health and happiness ruined. W bay the only treatment that 1 a tur core
for the dreaded Bright' Disease, Diabetea, aad all other forma of Kidney aad
madder xrouoiet. 11 your kidney are not healthy, if the bladder la Inflamed
and weakened, urine highly colored or cloudy, tmartlng in patting, pain la
back, neryoua, languid, depreietd, weakened In body and blml bowel oaatt
pated and digestion bad, writ for a box of Hwington'a Tablet aad be cured.
RHEUMATISM I canted by an czcet of uric acid tn th blood. Ask aay
rcputabl phyician, ak your family doctor, and be will tell you that the
Uric Add muit be dissolved and drawn from the tyittm before the diteaa
What Causes Rheumatism
Now w ay that th only medicine known that iwill actually dissolve
thi Urio Acid and carry it out of th body ia Eerington' Tablet. Loeal ap-
pllcation aucb a linlmenta, electricity, managing, etc, will afford temporary
relief only, and la time weated to th injury of th patient, unlet constitu
tional treatment 1 carried on at the tame time. Why f Becaua the malady
1 a disease of th blood, and th blood mutt b freed of tht cauae or ao ear
can follow. "
" WBllZ TODAY Fill In tht coupon printed below and aenl it to w
with 25 cent. W will immediately mall to you a liberal sised box of Bering
ton'a Tablet. If they fail to CURB you we will return your money a will
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t Our remedy will put you on th road to health and bappiaeta. : ;
HERI1SGT0N MEDICINE CO., Cracd Rapids, Mich.
Eerrlngton Mtdidne Co Grand Rapid, SDchigan, , ,
I enclo ii cent, for which pleat (end, pottage prepaid, 1 box Earing
ton' Tablet.
My Name
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Sherman TransterlCb.
Hack, Qurrltgee Baggage Checked andTraaaferred Trucke and runitam
Wagouv-Planoa Mored, Boxed and Shipped.
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