The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 20, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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, Two Ships Drag Their Anchors
in Lower Harbor.
it, will Stand the stress of th tldoi 11
they play at that point. If it holds
alright, it will be lit tad will figure
among the permanent aids to naviga
tion in the harbor at the mouth.
The fine French barks Europe and
Crillon have been shifted from the lower
harbor to convenient pointa off Tongue
Point, and will both leave u for Port
land this morning on the hawser of
the Harreet Quevn and the Oklahoma
which steamer came down late last
night for this purpose.
; Alliance Leaves Out for Coos Bay
!. Jtoenoke Due in Costa Rica Sails
This Honing New Gas Buoy Note
and Comment
1 The schooner James A. Garfield clear
.' ed at the custom house yesterday alter-
I noon, for San Francisco, with a big load
j of lumber.
1 .
.' I The British steamer Mackinaw arriv
f!ed1-from Portland yesterday morning
I i early, and u at anchor off the 0. R. A
. piers, waiting a lull m weather eondi
, twos, to return to Seattle.
Two of the Callender fleet of hurt are
lying-up at the company's dock in this
city, the Vanguard, wHh a lid on her
funnel, and apparently out of commie
sionj and the wenona underjroiiur re
pair and painting. The latter will
shortly resume her Gray's River run
now supplied by the big launch Queen
The steamship Roanoke Is on the list
of expected arrivals at this port, from
California. She should hav been In
last evening but did not show up, and is
expected at the Callender docks this
morning. She is one of the real popular
craft sailing out Of here, and most peo
pie like to keep posted on her move
"The British bark Duchalburn reported
- tone' ship and three barks off the bar
; when she came in port, but nothing came
; ,n from that sphere yesterday, owing to
the adverse weather conditions.
.The steamer Alliance arrived down
from Portland at 8 o'clock yesterday
morning, with plenty of people for the
Coos country. She left out at 8 o'clock,
, .after taking on several passengers at
. uic Kuieuuer uuck.
The steamship Costa Rica arrived
down from Portland last night at mid
sight, and will depart for San Fran
cisco, at 10 o'clock this morning, from
Ibe 0. R. & X. piers.
: JSght men of the crew of the Ameri-
' can ahip Henry Villard were paid off at
the custom house yesterday afternoon.
for the trip from Australia to this port;
the sum involved was in the neighbor
hood of $300.
The new gas buoy which has been
asked for by the men in marine interest
hereabout, at the mouth of the Colum
bia river, will shortly he installed there
near the anchorage of Buoy No. 8, and
. will be kept nnlit until ft is proven that
Notice to Mariners, i
Capt. James Gaudin, agent Marine 4
Fisheries Department, of Canada, re
ports that the fog-alarm on Pachena
Point, Vancouver Island, is in operation
and that the signal consists of a six-
second blast with a silent interval of
90 seconds.
JOHN MfcXULTY, Nautical Expert.
The gale , of yeterdav morning caused
toe French ship Thiers, and the British
ship Wavertree, to drag anchors ; the
former touching with her stern on the
sands to the northward of Beacon No. 8.
in the lower harbor, and the latter going
a bit further and lodging on the shoals
of Sand Island. But both are in easy
positions and will be free without dam
age before many hours have passed.
They are resting easily.
There seems to be a misunderstanding
about the sailing of the steamship
Senator from San Francisco, for this
port and Portland. The Oregonian. of I
yeaterday, had hei leaving the Bay City
at noon on Monday last, but the 0. R.
X. officials here say that it is not yet
known that the ch rater has been conclud
ed, and that if it has she would not leave
San Francisco on the run before the
sailing schedule of the steamship City of
Panama, which is due to have left there
yesterday at high noon. At all event
she will be welcome whenever she get
here. The Panama will go back to the
lower coast fruit trad.
A United States deputy marshal met
; Uie steamship Mackinaw when that vce
iel amved here from Portland vester
I day, and levied process in libel against
her in behalf of the company owning and
operating the Albiua ferry there, for the
destruction of the ferry cable. The mat
ter I likely to be settled earlv today
and the vessel will proceed with her
It is said that the ship that approach
ed the light ship on Saturday last and
megaphoned the message that she bad a
couple of Injured men who had fallen
from aloft and needed the attention of
surgeons, was simply working "her nas
sage over the bar," an old-time trick
with matter eager to get into port
after a long and trying voyage. No
further word has been heard of the in
jured men, nor is it known what ship
filed the report.
Commander P. J. W'erlMi, lighthouse
Inspector of the Thirteenth District, has
posted the following notice to mariner!
Washington Fales landing Light, pa.
3d. No. 152 (List of Lights. Buovs. and
Daymarks, Pacific Coast, 11)07, page CO).
-Located close to the bank on the
easterly side of the Columbia River, and
in the county road at Fales Landing.
November 0 this fixed whit post
lantern light waa moved about 400 feet
Mu by 8. of its former position, with
out other change.'
The following affect the List of
Lights, Buoys and Daymarks. Pacific
Coast, 1007.
San Juan Channel Entrance, page 93.
-Salmon Batik Buov. I. first .M All
iron spar, reported missing November 12.
win oe replaced as soon as practicable.
OregoB-olunibia Rtt Entrance.
page 54.-outh Channel Buoy, PS,
warned C. in black, heretofore re-
ported missing, was temporarily re-
placed by a first-class can buoy Novem
ber 9, without other change. '
Made in New York
THE cut of their Clothes made the
Gibson Girl and the Gibson Man
.' famous. -VYV;
They were New York types, dressed in
New York Clothes.
You can dress
in the same style
cost if you buy Benjamin Clothes from us.
Made tty the greatest tailoring organiza
tion in New York.
Correct Clothes for Mori
Exclusive Agent Haw.
The Brownsville Woolen Mill Co.
Commercial St.
Artoria Ora.
It cornea put to la a eollaiafhU tnU
with a noxtle, easy to apply to the sore
ness and inflammation, for aay form
f Pilaa it soothes and heals, relieve
the pain, Itching and burning. Man
Zaa Pile Remedy. Price 50 cents. Guar
antee. Sold by Frank Hart's Dnt
When Yoa Travel
It costs no more to take advantage
of the fast time and superior service of
the O. H. X. and oounectlons than it
doe to travel on inferior line.
Tickets to all principal pointa in the
United States, Canada and Europe oa
saie at the O. R, ft N. dock. G. W,
Roberts, agent.
It is a well knows fact that persons
uvtng in tie pjne foreeta do not suffer
from kMney diseases. On Joss of Pine-
ale) at night usually relieves backache.
minj oayr treatment. 11.00. Tout
money refunded If not satisfied. Sold
by Frank Hart's Drug store.
plet furniture of three housekeeping
roomsj almost new. Apply to W. Adams
at Troy Laundry, at owe. 11-20-et
Binss Dyspepsia Tablets do the work
Stomach trouble, dyspepsia, ladkaatioa.
bloating, ate, yield quickly. Two days'
treatment free. Ask your druggist for
a free triaL Bold by Frank Hart's
Drag Store.
A Magnificent Instrument
There I now at Fort Stevens, just
ready for tranportatlon, and Infla
tion, at Fort Columbia, a magnificent
searchlight, with a 00-inoh lens. It Is
of the motor variety and Is mounted' on
a truck, the whole welirMno- linn
poundj the power is contained on an
other truck, and' consist of a three
cylinder gasoline engiue and motors, and
weighs in the neighborhood of 4300
pounds. 1 be outfit is one of the finest
of its kind on the coast and will do all
the work it waa built for.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nor. 10.-A cable
from Hong Kong to the Merchants Et
change state that the British iteamei
Breakstone, from Portland, arrived bad
ly dams ?ed by heary weather. Her
rudder and steering gear were also
No home ia so nleaaant. rsnntlua nt
the comfort that money will buy, as
when the entire family Is in perfect
health. A bottle of Orlno Laiatia
Fruit Syrup costs SO cents. It will um
every member of the family of consUpa-
uon, wok beadaca or stomach trouble.
T. F. Leuria, Owl Drug Store.
: .
( i
n 11
Our Sale on all Lines of Furniture
and. Household Goods Still On
Special November Sale
of Lace Curtains
Including Clunys, Bon Femmes,
English Bobbinettes and Batten
berg; also show a large line of
Battenberg Lace Bed Spreadsall
at greatly reduced prices.
$12.00 Values Now .. $7.50
10.50 " , 6.50
woo " " ......... 6.00
-75 " . .6.00
- " 6.50
8.60 - 5.00
12 " " 4JS0
7.00 , . 4,25
6-50 " . . ............... 4.00
4-75 . . 3.00
3-75, .2.50
3-50 ' , 200
2.60 . ......,;,;.;"" UK)
2 00 " 1.25
1-50 . 90
1-25 ....,.... 75
1-00 . .60
Just now wc arc offering our large
stock of Heating Stoves, at
Manufactures Cost.
Following are some of the rare bargain.
Charle W. IMser. asencr suMrvlaor
of the Equitable Life Assurance Society
of the United State, came down on the
noon train yesterday, on an oflkial visit
to the local resident-agent, Mr. Xlinohew,
manager of the Western Realty Co- and
returned to Portland on the evening
Mothers with little children seed bo
Do you know that liaisalve OarboUa.
4 acta like a poultice in drawing out
inflammation and poison? It la anU
aeptlo, For cuts, burns, ecaema. araekad
hand ft i immediate relief. 8old by
Frank Hart's Drug Store,
wnge fear croup, cold or wboonlu
oough. Bee Laxative Cough Syrup
Mat good, it works off the eold
through the bowels, elear the hsad.
Guaranteed. Sold by Frank Uart'i Drug
Win. Greenland, the taxidermist,
leaves tonight for London, England, and
will spend the Yuletide holidays with
the, home folks ia food old Eutllsb.
The Popular Boot.
The traveling public has Droaouncad
u Qsnadiaa Paclfle the mat attraa
Uve route across th continent The
dining and sleeping car servics ia the
very best and the scenlo attractions are
wltnout a parallel. Through tlcketa from
Astoria to all pointa east at lowsat
rates. James Finlayton, agent. .
Columbia an View grapBophoaaa
and Utest records at 414 Commercial
street A. R. Cyraa. tt
$30.00 Coal and W'wod Heaters; Large Site. Now . . ...
27.50 Coal and Wood Heaters; Large Sire. Now ....
25.00 Coal and Wood Heaters; Large Bias. Now ....
22.50 Coal and Wood Heaters; Large Sire. Now
20.00 Wood Heater. Large Size. Now
25.00 Coal Hot Blast Heaters. Now ,
22.50 Coal Hot Blast Heaters. Now
20.00 Coal Hot Blast Heaters. Now
17.50 Coal Hot Blast Heaters. Now ,.
12.50 Coal Hot Blast Heaters. Now. .
15.00 Wood Air Tight Heaters; cast lined. Now ...
14.00 Wood, Air Tight Heaters; cast lined. Now
13.50 Wood, Air Tight Heaters; cast lined. Now ...
12.00 Wood, Air Tight Heaters; out lined. Now ....
7.50 Wood, Air Tight Heatera. Double lined. Now
6.75 Wood, Air Tight Heaters; double lined. Now
6.00 Wlood, Air Tight Heaters; double lined. Now
3.00 Wood, Air Tight Heaters; double lined. Now
3.00 Wood, Air Tight Heaters; double lined. Now
2.50 Wood, Air Tight Heaters; double lined. Now
. 20.00
. 18.00
. 15.00
. 18.00
. 16.00
. 12.60
. 8.75
. 11.00
. 6.75
. 8.75
; 6.50
. 6.00
. 3.75
. 2.25
. 2.00.
.. 1.75
Two .
In Astoria.
We have silver aide and tteelhsad net
ting, leaded lead line, cotton twins and
rope, Plymouth Manila rope, oil clothing
and rubber boot and everything for
fishermen. F. J. Carney ft Co, ,
We have secured the agency for Orlno
Laxative Fruit Syrup, the new laxative
that make the liver lively, purifies the
breath, cures neadacha and regulates
digestive organs. Cures chronio eon-
stipation. Ask us about it T. F.
Laurln. Owl Drag Store.
Oliver typewriters tnd automatic
stenographers at A. R. Cyrua, J!4
Commercial street tf,
Oraoary Star.
Try our awn mixture of soft the
J. P. B. Freak frail tad vegetables,
Babollsi k Co. grocer. Fssm Mala
t Th Tyler.
Th Trier stlU kaana us It mik
Uoa. Good liquors aad polite atteatioa
win always win; and la pursuance of
this Idea Clarence Trier has mU
change ia the quality of hi good, and
oaa securea ms services of Uncle Geaa
Leal whoa genial personality meJcea
htm MDuIar w4th tfca ts-u. .t..
Everyone knows where the Tyler lav
Sixth and Bond etreete, '
At the Palace.
A new innovation has been utrodaorJ
at the Palace Restaurant which will
surely prove popular. Bach evening a
Spanish or Mexican dish will be prepared
by one who la thoroughly acquainted ia
the intricacies of these toothsome re
pasts. These dishes, which have beea
In vogue at this popular place, for about
a week, have hit (ha public taste, and
ohangs the present results.
Heating stoves aad ranoea the best
and ths cheapest Hlklrebraad Gor.
House with barn for rant dnrlaa tfcf
. .
winter, or longer. Address L ft C care
Astoria Office, with fpU particular!.
Morning Astorian, 60 centa per month
delivered by carrier.
10 Cent Store
Best stock of
smaD goods in
the city.
Next door to Herman Wise
Just Received-New crop of
Walnuts and Almonds.
Fancy King Apples
1.25 per Box.
521 Commercial Street
Phone Main 681