The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 19, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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    TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1907,
Pure and Wholesome
"Towles Log Cabin Syrup"
Quarts, half gallon and
gallons canst
Foil Meaiare. Our Price It Right.
f The Leading Qreoere
Twtnty Per Cent OS
Everything in lb tinmtns stock car
ried by Charles llellborn A Company,
will be told for some, tint to com, at
a clean cut of 20 per cent, without r
rd to what tb irtleU may U.
A Wla Hwh
The ladle of tit Catholic Church will
hav a nle and entertainment at St.
Mary' Hall, Wednesday night. If yon
want to go them in fln shape, wear a
WISK uit and overcoat, You can't
look FoolWh In WISE clothes,
Transfer Pupils
Tbt pupil of tb Olney school were
trane'errvd to tin Taylor school build
ing and hereafter will atttnd ther. The
Olney avliool building wn originally ont
of the clty'a fir emjlne house and it li
thought the coum-ll IU again put a
company In that building,
Eighty Cent
Tb prica on. all tb hug atock of
furniture at tb tor of Chart Hell
bora A Company, bur bn reduced to
80 ctnta on tb dollar, throughout, Thl
will contlnu fop om tlm. Tb atock
muit b reduced, '
Banana Spider
Wliile opening a crate of banana tbl
' wotnlng Allrt Johnson, of tbe Acme
Grocery Co, we startled by a large
spider jumping at hit hand. Tb Inwt
was secured and placed in a jar. . It 1
of tb specie Mygal and live on the
banana team 'and tree. It Is, however,
extremely pugnaclou and tb bit U
const Jo red poisonous,
From Far Lnland ,
, Word baa been received from tbe well
known Finnish Attorlan, Mr, Ed. Lin-
quiet, who left this city in September
last for his old bom in Finland, and who
I there now enjoying himself In more
, ways than he can tell about. 'He has
written to friends here, for all the news
of Astoria, and as they cannot write it
In detail, they bar sent him the Morn
ing Aitortun in order that he shall miss
' nothing of intercut that transpires while
h Is gone. ' , ,s
line as can be found In the city. HI
patron all know wher b is and will
continue to patronise him for the sake
of the Invariable "square deal" always
secured at his counters.
Paid On Yesterday- '
The Tongue Point Lumbering Com
pany paid , off Its 203 employe yester
day afternoon) and used ten dollar
checks as the medium for simplifying
tbe currency of the paper handed out.
The men were all glad to get the com
pany' sign-manual and well pas it a
far as it will go in various ways Incident
to prsonal, account. The mill people
have given no lgn as yet of any Inten
tion to close down the plant, deepit the
prltent rumor to that effect) it may
be safely said that If the situation easet
oft at M. ther wilt be no cessation" of
work at this huge plant, which is loaded
with orders from home and abroad.
Badly Hammered
Whiter Chatham, a Jogger from up
Svernwn way, appeared before Jutlce
P J. Coalman and Aitant District
Attorney John McCue, yesterday morn
ing, with a terrible looking far and eye
on him, and swore to a complaint charg
ing one D. 1- Kelley, of that neighbor
hood, with assault and battery, alleging
that Kelly bad kicked him in the face
repeatedly with his logging shoes, and
the wounds on bis face bore out the al
legation, if anything could. Tbe warrant
followed fast on the1 oath filed and
Sheriff Pomeroy went up after the alleg
ed aggressor, who will appear before
Justice Goodman sometime today, for
preliminary bearing in the ease.
Injured Cutting Wood -,
While cutting wood yeaterday after
noon, on the' Lewi and Clark river, Will
Murray, a recent arrival from North
Dakota, serlouily, but not dangerously,
cut bis left foot. He was brought in
shout 0 o'clork and sent to St, Mary's
hospital, where the wound waa dressed.
He will be out in a few days.
Had No Certificate V
Dr. J). M. Klnsey, dentist in the office
of DrVW. C Logan, was arreted yes-
trday for working at his profession
without tbe prescribed certificate called
for lu ihe statute of Oregon. The doc
tor was iimiiPillatalyt rclewned on bail,
ami when the matter comes up for bear
ing will ak the court to go thoroughly
li.ty tbe matter, Dr. Kinney Is a gradu
ate of tbe Ann Arbor school of dcntlitry
and has been a successful dmtal practi
tioner for tbe past 23 years. 11 1 a
recent arrival In the taU and when be
fore tlie Dental Board failed to secure
a llene on account of few minor
technicalities. Dr. Klnsey was assured by
member of the Hoard that he was en
titled to a certificate and with that as-
m ranee came to Astoria and engaged
In practice. It is understood he Is a
thoroughly competent dental practition
er, and his friends, believe that no tech
nicality should be allowed to stand be
tween him and a certificate from this
etate, especially when he Is the holder
of certificates from several other state.
The case will probably be taken to tut
highest court and a text made a to the
constitutionality of the law under which
be wa arrested. ,
A C4m of a Place
Frank Donnerberg, the popular young
.jeweler, baa opened hls new and beauti
ful tore In the Baker building at 87-i
Commercial treet, and domiciled bis
family in the cosy suite of rooms above,
In the same building. He has re inforced
his splendid etock of gem and silver
ware, wetyhc and all the current Items
of bis establishment, and now has as
coomplcte and elegant an offering in bla
t"1."'1 ... -1 .. ,. ! ..
One-Fifth 08-
For tbe next few day there will be a
flat reduction of SO per eent on the
great furniture atock of Charles Hell-
born & Company, and this without
reservation of any sort.
Thirty Busy People
Whit one or two exception tbe men
at work in the Clatsop court bouc, are
all highly trained mechanics, and are
hard at work In tbe various cults they
represent, wood, marble, metal, plaster,
etc., etc. j and Superintendent Jack Heb-
bw-k, the representative of tbe contrac
tors, Messrs:' Hastlt A Doujran, I kept
buy laying out tbe multifarious job
and keeping keen oversight on their
propress and the character of the work
done. The dUtrlct court room is fast
asmiming beautiful proportions and the
wiling is one of the handsomest in the
State. Jr. Heblack has formed a part
nership with Contractor C. A. Palmberg,
of this city, under the fina name and
style of Palmberg A Heblack, and when
he shall finish the court houe in Janu
ary, will join forces with Mr. Palmberg
for a big business. Mr. Heblack says
he felt that having built tbe City Hall,
the Savings Bank building, and the
Court House, he was entitled to rank as
an Astorlan, and knew no better way to
identify himself j a conclusion in which
a multitude of his fellow citizens will
join bltn, willingly.
' SasMaMBsa " 41 '"
Bad Blaie Averted'
Yesterday being Monday, and w-ab
day with the good sister at St. Mary
Hospital, the fires in the annex building
were more than usually numerous and
trongj and at 2:40 o'clock in tbe aft
ernoon, the fire wormed itself through
one of the old chimney where it passes
through the roof, and ran amuck through
tbe rafters, kicking , up a , voluminous
smoke that oon founA its way through
the shingles, and gave forth the signal to
which the fire department answered
swiftly. The boy worked with a will
and plenty of help was at band among
the citisens and several member of the
police force including Chief Gammat, and
the threatening element waa soon ren
dered innocuous. Asise from a bad
scorching and the dittplacement of a few
feet of lumber and shingles, the damage
was nil; though had there been a high
wind blowing, tbe results might have
been severe.
Fine Hood River $1.60 per box
Fine Clatsop County Spitzenbergs........ 1.25 per bx
Good Waxens. Baldwins, etc................... .75 per box
Call and Examine Our Stock.
Scholfield Malison 1 Co. SSS&
, 112 and J20 Twelfth St. .
Phone 1181 Phone 931
For a
. , v t. . ,
olnispn Phonograph Co,,
Parlors Seoond Floor over Beholfield ' A Matt son Co.
Victim of Appendicitis
George Sivcrson, a young man of 21
years, and a resident of Uppertown, died
at St. Mary's Hospital of appendicitis
having been ill only a short time. Tbe
young man, who is a son of T. Siverson,
of, Uppertown, was taken ill several days
ago and Dr. Fulton called to attend him.
Remedies were administered and the
young man became apparently better,
but on Sunday afternoon Dr. Fulton was
again called in and after examination
found an operation noeessand. Siverson
was taken to St. Mary's Hospital where
the operation was performed, but it was
. 11
not iuoccbsiui ana me young man tap
eumbed to the shock. He waa a favorite
among his fellows and his parents are
prostrated over the loss of their son, just
entering the bounds of manhood. No
arrangements have as yet been made for
the interment of the deceased. -
Ed. Donnelly, of the Kamm Una dock,
service, will go to Chinook on tomorrow'
boat for a brief outing and to see some
cherished friends on the North Shore:
but just Vho they are, be will not say.
A little pressing ,
Now and then
Will make your
Clothes look new
That is, if its done by
Carl Franseen,
The Astoria Tailor 170 Eleventh St.
D. VL Stafford was an Astoria visitor
yesterday. He reports buMnes a thriv
ing In ClatdOp City, .
A. B. Levy and wife, of Chlcatro. are
vlnitlug in this city tb truest of Mr.
C. M, Cellar.
B. B. HiKglns and wife of Portland are
visiting In the city this week.
(Jeorge W. Khclly, of Han Francisco,
In the city on business.
F, W. frt-kman, of Seattle, is vli
tor In Atoria tbi week,
Mrs. Caot, AI. Bctts returned from
Portland Sunday evening, havine been
in attendance at; the birthday celebra
tion of ber aister, Mm. Cant, John Betts
and her niece, Mls Jacqueline Betts.
C. F. Lester, of Warrenton. wa a
buninesi visitor yesterday morning.
K. A, Hawkins, of Ilvraco, made As
toria a buslnes visit yesterday.
Y. V. Kendall and wife spent Sunday
at their Seaside 'cottage. They returned
to their home In Portland last evening.
B, L. Boyle, of Spokane, who baa been
visiting down tbe coast, is again in
Astoria looking after business interests.
H. J. Johnsen, of Seattle, was a busi
es vinitor in Antoria yesterday. He f
i guest of the Northern while here.
City Attorney Abercrombie ie taking
advantage of the enforced holidays and
has gone on a huntincr and fiabinff trip
over in the Lewis and Clark country, t
Jas. E. Murray, reprcsentins Hoi-
brook, Merrill A Stetson, of San Fran-
dsco, was doing business with Astoria
plumber ji-sterday.
Clyde Appleby, formerly on tbe tus
damson, has gone to Fort Stevena where
he will take a position in the construc
tion department. . ?
B, E Paleey, formerly a well known
clerk in the old bouse of Foard A Stokes,
but now "on the road" for a dry iroods
concern, wa in the city yesterday, ahak
ing hand with hi old friend and dome
business, as usual. '
Mis Hattie Anderson, of Minneapolis.
is a visitor in Astoria, and much pleased
with the city and country. She went to
Chinook to see aome friends yeaterday
for a few days. ,,'
IL B. Parker, tbe octogenarian travel
sr of this city, ffaa returned from a
week a outing in the metropolis, and re
ports things cheerful up there, with a
tendency to straighten out In cood time
Mr. Parker take an optimistio view of
the money-muddle, and is old enough to
be entitled to any opinion be may form
on thia or amy other lubjeet-
C 6. Bowers, of Warrenton. wa in
the' city yesterday on business and re
ports that snappy town a right np to
the line of progress.
Charles H. Fowler, the popular ex
Astorian, but now of Portland, spejt tbe
day in tin caty yesterday on businesa.
In the November American Magazine
Ida M. Tarbell tells another "He Knew
Lincoln" story.' The man who knew
Lincoln was a druggist in Springfield,
III. Here Is his account of one import
ant event recorded by Misa Tarbell
"Vou remember what the Kansas
Nebraska bill was don't you let Kansas
and Nebraska in as territories and the
same time repealed the Misj.iuri Com
promise keeping slavery out of that part
of the country, let the people have it
or not, just as they wanted. You ain't
no idee how that bill stirred up Mr. Lin
coin. I'll never forgit how he took ita
passin,' , Twas long back in the spring
of M. Lot( of 'em was settin' in here
tellin' storie and Mr. Lincoln was right
in the middle of one when in bounced
Billy Herndon he was Lincoln's law
partner, you knov. His eyes was Marin'
and he calls out, 'They've done it, boys.
They've done it. They've upset the Mis
souri Compromise. The Kansas-Nebraska
bill is oasscd.' '
"For a minute everybody was still as
death everybody but me. . Uoorahl
I calls out, 'you can bet on Little Dug
every time,' for I was a Democrat and,
barrin' George Washington and Thomas
Jefferson, I thought Douglas was biggest
man God ever made. Didn't know no
more what that bill meant than that old
tom-cat in the window.
' w'Hoorah!, I aays' and then I happen
ed to look at Mr. Lincoln.
"He was all in a heap, bis head dropp
ed down on his breast, and there he let
and never spoke, and then after a long
time he got up and went out. Never
finished that story, never said. Good-by,
boya like he always did, never took
notice cf nuthin', just went out, his face
gray and stern, and his eyes not seein'
at all." j , ..
Morning Astorlan, 60 cents per month
delivered by carrier. ,
For Inlaata and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bonglt
One Piano Ticket with Each $5.00 Sale to Wise Customer
The Tale
Edcrheimer, Stein & Co.
Says May to Joe:
"You can't look foolish in a Wise
Suit or. Overcoat." .
&Oio $35
We take checks on Astoria banks. or-HeaHnp-
house certificates in payment of GOODS, BUT
not in exchange for cash; we are not the U. S. mint.
Herman Wise
The Clothier, Who Makes Astoria Famous,
Twenty Cent Saved
The buyer of anything sold by Charles
Heilborn A Company,, for aome time to1
come, may aave 0' cents on tbe dollar,
as the bouse is making tba reduction.,
flat, on all goods, in order to lessen the
stoclc. Don't forget it, and don't fail
to use it! 1
No home i so pleasant, regardless of
the comforts that money will buy, aa
when the entire family ia in perfect
health. A bottle of Orino Laxative
Fruit Syrcp cost 50 cents. It will cure
every member of the family of constipa
tion, aick headache or stomach trouble.
T. F. Laurin, Owl Drug Store.
Morning Astorian, 60 cents per month
delivered by carrier.
FreshMade Candy
Made right at home
in our own factory
Also Lowncy's I
in any size box,
483 Commercial St
Bears the
Signaturo of
Blue Hats
Brown Hats
Any Quantity.
We have just received a big shipment of
Blue and Brown Hats. There has been a
shortage but now we are well supplied,
RetrimminfJ and Remodeling Old
Hats a Specialty
on son
Mrs. Georgia Penningtpn.
483 Bpnd Street,