The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 17, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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.f ' 4.' 'iUlif"i':H;A , "' V;.:.,: ,V V' :
the a
vosrttht, tan. it a. a. Uooior o t
r UJI th btws la thenrchives
n u iuu mw jor punru 01
L sUuistlnn Ultra Is oon mora
heartless, than that which de
crees "that the mArriage of a female
teartier Khali constitute miration,"
In ao east aids school a year or two
ao there was a First render class
(watched over and ruled by a female
teacher, who wa la turo watchitd over
and ruled by a cabinet of three. Those
power behind the throne wore Morris
MoiUewakjr, monitor of the goldfish
bowl; Natha ,HjWerwlt, monitor of
window boios, and Patrick Brennan,
lesdor of the Hue. In years they were
wy young, but la wbrlderaft they
were very ol for the (mm fields of
their childhood were tho swarming
streets and their fairy tales the comer
fwalp of the district Chief In their
Oiuwr assortment of memories was
that of a kindergarten teacher of
transcendent charm who bad married
and faded from their loving ken. They
bad learned the law by that bereave
ment and now when they .found then
lm niMd to such , high, jitscee) by
the pleasure of thetr sovereign they
fcept wttcbM ayes open tier. . Losing
her tber wouJd lose love and power,
sod lore and power were sweet
j Morris was the first to dtooovsr dan
Blts grounds for uneasiness. 42e met
Us cherished Miss Bailey walking
cross Grand street on a rainy morn
ing, and the umbrella which was pro
fscttnl her beloved bead was being
bold by tall Stranger la a long and
baggy coat After circling Incredulous.
aboot this astounding tableau Mor
tis daahed off to , report to bis col
Isagues. Ue round Patrick and Nathan
ta the midst of an etclttng game of
era p, bat bis pattering feet warned
them of danger, ao they pocketed tbelr
dice end turned to bear bis news.
"Say," be panted, "I aeea teacher mlt
i man.". ..,, . ,, ..,..,.
"Nor said ratrlck agbaat
"Ifs a Msr cried Nathan; "If a a
8al k t -A 4f 1 'stf- $
-"Mo, h e no U U Morris, with a
ob half of breatbleasneM and half of
arrow.' "I seen bur for sura. Cud the
man carries umbrellas over bar mlt
loving looks."
"Ah. gVan drawled Patrick;
"jon're craey. l'ou don't know what
you're talktajt aboot"
-Sure do IT cried Morris. "I bad
once a aantl what was loving mlt a
awful stylish, ealesman-rbe'a now floorwalkers-nod
t wen bow ttey makes."
Mary, and ehe married .the milkman,
ao I know too. But umbrellas doesn't
mean much,",
"But the lorlog looks," Morris Insist
ed. "My nuiitle makes such looks on
the anlwyjin-he's Uow floorwalkers
und sooner Mo marries mix uim.-
"Sny, Patrick," suggested Nathan,
Til tell you what to do. ? Yon ask her
If she's goln' to jret married." .
"Naw," tuld Patrick. "Let Morris
ak her. She'd toll him before she'd
toll any of ue. She's been soft on him
over slue Christmas. Say, Morris, do
you IteurT You're got to ask teacher
If abe's going to got married."
"O-0-0I1. I daenentl It ain't polite
how you says!" cried Morris In bis
shocked little voice. "It ain't polite
you asks like that : It's fierce."
"Well, roo've got to do 1t anyway,"
said Patrick darkly, "and you've got
to do It soon, and you've got to let as
hear you." -. .....,
"Ifs fierce," protested Morris, but
be was overruled by the dominant spir
it of Patrick Brennan, that grandson
of the kings of Monster and son of the
policeman on the beat.
Morris' npportunlty found him on the
very next morning. Isadora Wish-
nswaky, the geuttost of gentle children,
csme to school wearing his scenstomed
sir of meftincboly shot across with a
tender, pride. His subdued . "Good
morning" was accompanied with much
strenuous exertion, directed apparent
ly to the removal and exhibition of a
portion of bis spina, After much wrig
gling bo paused long enough to sayt ,
rreacbet,, what you think t , I'm got a
present fcr you," and then recommenc
ed bis seerca in another layer of bis
many flannels. Die efforts being at
length crowned with soccessv be drew
'orth aud. spread before tsacborti ad
miring eyee a Japanese paper napkin. ,
i "My sistef.r.Jie xptalned, "shs gets
It on 1 wetWInge.",.;,!, , , ..
"Ob, Uadorer cried tbe flattered
bMcber. JT.ira.Tat7 Pretty, lent Itr
i m wv-v. f wi juskii, , eUTWi tmm
dora. "Its stylish. loo cooM to look
on bow stands birds oa ft and (lowers.
Mute sister ehe gives It to me, and I
lives It to rou. I don't need It flhe
gives me all times socnethiag the while
she's got tfocb a food ovsr me. Bbe
goes all UnJee on weddlngea. Most all
bet young lady frio&da gsttta' mar
ried, AiJTt K funny T i
"Well, Bm dear," answered taaeber
musingly. "You know, nearly all
yoong ladle do It"
Patrick took. a pla from teacher's
desk and kaeeled to tie bis shoestring.
When be rose the point of tbe pin pro
jected half an Inch beyond the frayed
toe of bis shoe, and be was armed.
Morris was most evidently losing cour
age. He 'as Indeed trying to steal
away when Patrick pressed close be
side him and brtd btm to bis post
"Teacher," said Isadora suddenly as
a dreadful thought struck him, "be yon
s Isdy or be von a gtrtr
And teacher, being of nibemlaa aa
aestry, answered one question with a
other: '..:...,..
"Which 1 0 you think, Isadora r
. "Well,", Isndow answered, "I dont
know be you a for sura isdy or be you
a for sura girt You wears your hair so
tucked up und your dross so long down
like you was a lady, but you luffs and
tells us stories like you was a girl. I
don't know."
CJcarlyj this was Morris' opening.
Patrick pierced his soul with a glance
of acorn and simultaneously burled the
puv fev bis quaking leg. Thus encour
aged, Morris nulled blindly Into the
convgjrmtlen jvltto, ; , 5
; '.Write us, we're here for that purpose
The Work We Do
Anything in the electrical Business. Bell's House Phones
Inside wiring and Fixtures installed and kept in repair.
We will be glad to quote you prices.
421 Bond Street
Phone Mala jMi
Proprietor. ,
( Manager., ,
First Claw In Every Respect
Free Coach to the House,
- Bar and Billiard Room - -
Good Sample Rooms On Ground Floor
for Commercial Men ' ''
Astoria Oregon
iiijiu iv a .mmnwns wu wu m .
S u-rniii
m:mm oem , .
C. F. WiSE. Prop. .
Choice Wines, Liquors Merchants Lunch From
.aaiagati"' ';'' , , sso a.m. to ksso f jn. ',,
Hot Luach at all Hoars ; , si Cents
-I - .j1;;' ' ' . ; Comet Eleventh and Commercial t '',"i"",,V
Firit-ClassLldni.- a&idi Cigars
! ' so Commercial Street
S Comer Commercial and istb.
8sy, (eaiiner,' m Mtiey. 'ue you
goln' to got married?' and then drop
ped limply against her shoulder.
. The queatlon was not quite new to
teacher, and, as she bestowed Morris
more comfortably on her knee, she
pondered once again. She knew thst
for tbe preseut her lines hsd fallen In
very pieaaant places, end she felt no
desire to change , to pastures new.
And yet-and yet Tbe average fe
male life Is long, and a board, bow
aver thoughtful as to salary and pen
sion, Is an impersonal lord and master
Morris wot the flrtt to discover aVtt
, ; grpwws for ansa smew. -
and remote wltbaL 80 abe answered
Quito simply with bar cheek against
tbe boy's: "Well, perhaps so, Morris.
Perhaps I shall some day."
Teacher, no, ma'ao, Mtss Balleyr
walled the monitor of the goldrkb.
"Don't yon go and get married mlt
nobody. Bo you do you cooldnt be
teacher by ni no mora, and you're a
awful nice teacher by little boys. Ton
ain't too big. Und say, we'd feel ter
rible bad tbe while yon goes and gets
married mlt somebody terrible bad.'
. "Should you really nowr asked
teacher, greatly pleased. "Well, dear,
X, too, should be lonely without you."
Mora Isadora Wisbnewsky, who con
sidered this conversation aa his cher
ished own. and saw It being torn from
him, determined to outdo the favored
Morris aa a squire of dames. , v
, Teacher, yiaa, ma'ao." he broke In.
"We'd all foel terrible the while we
ain't got you by teacher. All the boys
and ail tbe girls they says like this
Ifs the word In tbe'yard-we ain't
never bad a teacher smells so nice like
While teacher was In the lenient
mood, resulting from this astounding
tribute, Nathan forged yet another
chain for her securing. J i,t
Teacher," said he, "you wouldn't
never go and get married mlt nobody
oot saying nothing to somebody,
would your.;
5 "Indeed, no, toy dear," Miss Bailey
assured him. ,"Wben I marry, you and
Patrick and Morris shall be ushers
monitors, yon know. Now an you
bappy, yon tunny little chapsr
Teacher, ylu, ma'ao," Morris sigh
ed as the bell rang sharply and the
aloof and formal exercise of the assem
bly room began. V ..--
Borne days later teacher arranged to
go to a reception, and as abe did not
care to rjetnrn to her borne between
work and piny she appeared at school
in rather festive array. , Room IS was
dollghted with Ita transformed ruler,
but to tbe board of monitors this
glory of raiment bronght nothing but
misery. Every twist In the neat coif
fure, every fold of the pretty dress,
every riwtlo of the Invisible silk, ev
ery click of the high heels, meant the
coming abdication of teacher and the
disbanding of her cabinet. Just so
bad Patrick's sister Mary looked on
tho day sho wed the milkman. Just
suh had been the outward aspect of
Morris' nimtlo on tho dny of her union
to tho promising young salesman who
wns fmw a floorwalker and Morris'
Uncle, Ikoy. i :.- 7V, s-.V--V '-''h '
Momcntarl ly , they espocted some
word of farcwoll-perhaps oven an lee
cream partybnfc teacher made no
sign. They decided -that Rlie was re
serving her last; words for their pri
vate ear and'-wero greatly disconcert
ed to find therasolvos turned out with
the common herd at 8 o'clock. With
heavy hearts they followed tho exam
ple of Mary's little lamb nnd waited
patiently about till teacher did appear.
When sho came she waa uaoro wonder
ful than ever In a loiig f.nd billowy boa
and a wide arsd billowy hat, She had
itaemed In a brenthlws hurry wo'le up
room is, liut now sho stood quite
placidly in a gMip or her small aa
horents on the highest, of the school
bouse steps. And tho cabinet, wait
lug gloomily apart, only, muttered,. "I
told ye, so," aud "It must be a awful
kind feeling',".; when, the tall stranger
came swinging upon tlie scene. One
of his hands was, held stiffly in the
pocket of the baggy coat, the other
carried gloves , and a cane, . When
teacher's eyes fell upon him she began
to force her way through her clinging
court, and when he was halfway us
! HMMiMttn iiiimnnc
A fi
HoivtoGetlOO per Gent, dii
i -
Your Money
.Deposit it with the Equitable.
1. "He gives twice who gives quickly,"
2. The Equitable has given quickly t6
beneficiaries under maturing policies
upwards of $330,000,000.
3. Twice three hundred and thirty millions
1 ttUil fcV
495 Commerci
tit- tA ir- 1
,lfl II M
a 1
a v.
m ,
IT .,. ,; l I. , ,
idl iStrcct Abtoritx, Orcrtort
4tklikiktk mi 4 1 s s e4e e-s s u'-"--j
the stops she was nuuway oowu, a
they met be drew, from his pocket the
hand and tbe violets It held, and teach
er was still adjusting the flowers In
her Jacket when she passed, with flush
ed checks and shining eyes, within
touch but without knowledge of ber
lurking stalL ,..,..,., ,,.::
"I didn't expect you at all." she was
saying. "You kuow it was not a realty
definite arrangement, and men bate
receptions." j' ;. ;r- ..;.. '
A big voice replied In a phrase which
Morris Identified aa having been prom
inent in the repertoire of the enamored
salesman now a floorwalker- and
teacher and her companion turned to
cross the street Her heels clicked for
yet a moment, and the deserted cabinet
knew that all was over. . ; j , -
The gloom obscuring Patrick's spirit
on that evening was of so deep a dye
that Mrs. Brennan diagnosed it as the
first stage of "a consumption." She ad--ministered
simple remedies and warm
baths with perseverance, but without
effect But more potent to cure than
bath or bottle was the sight of teacher
on the next morning in her accustomed
clothes and place. ,u, ,
The board of monitors had hardly
recovered from this panic when an
other . alarming symptom appeared.
Miss Bailey began to watch for letters,
and large envelopes began to reward
her watchfulness. Daily was Patrick
sent to the powers that were to de
mand a letter, and dally be carried one
and a sorely heavy heart back to his
(Continued on page 10) '
- .. s, t 589 Commercial Street ' "
A Good Liniment .
When you need a good reliable lini
ment try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It
has no superior for sprains, and swell
ings. A piece of flannel slightly damp
enel with Fain Balm Is superior to a
plaster for lame back or pains in the
side or cheat. ' It also relieves rheums-
tio pains and makes sleep and rest pos-'
sible. For sale by Frank Hart and
leading druggista.
"NEVV YORK, Nov. 18. Mme. Xordica,
who ha been indisposed for a few days,
ling entirely recovered, it la announced,
and will be heard this afternoon in "La
i ittiittitti itttattM 1 1 1 h itittt itijttg4tmtei
' The Best Man . .....Macgrath
The Lions Share ....Octave Thahet
The Lone Star ; Lyle Jr
Santa Fe's Partner. ...Janirer
The Daughter of Anderson Crow........ " -
The Mediator!....; Steiner
See the Window
A Methodist'' Minister Recommends
Chamberlain'a Cough Remedy.
We have used Chamberlain's Cough
Rcmedv In our homo for seven years,
and It has alwaj'a proved to be a reliable
remedy, we founa wat it wouia
do more than the manufacturers claim
for it It is especially good for croup
and whooping cough. ,
John O. Jeans, a day laborer, has been
bequeathed $1,000,000 by an aunt, Anns
T. Jeans, of Philadelphia, l
, Pastor Milaoa. Minn., M- E. Church.
Chamlierkln'n Oouirh Remedy is sold
by Frank Hart and leading druggists,
Morning Astorian, 80 cents per month
delivered by carrier, i ' ;
Channnil hunit sra aulcklv cured or
apply ing Chumlierlaln'a Sah-e.- Price, 2.",
cents. For sale by irans tun nnu
leading druggists. . i; . , i -Hi
A5H eox
; IS
See the bargains in
v our big
stove department
; upstairs..
If your money is in
; . the bank .
give us your check.
i The Foard & Stdkos Hardware Go $
Saccessorg to feast ft Stataa' '..:(;,,,'' ..