The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 17, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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(Big Fleet off Sea-Goers Flocking
Around the Bar.
Swarm of Foreign Grain Ships Arrive
? in, Wiae Othen Sek the Blue Local
Craft Moving Steadily Season Prom-
J iw HeavilyMotet.
S The American bark Wrestler w
I among the arrivals in orer the Columbia
7. dmt yesteraay.
s The American barkentine Paramita
arrived in this port from San Francisco
, yesterday, and will go up stream today
or tomorrow.
, , The fine steamship Roanoke is due at
1 the Callender dock early tomorrow even
- ing from Los Angeles, San Francisco and
V Eureka.
,' The French barks Martha Roux and
Versailles went on to Portland on the
V hawsers of the 0. R. & X. towing steam
' era, Harvest Queen and Oklahama, yea
j terday morning. .;, ..
. The steam schooner Daisy Freeman ar
rived down from Portland at 9 o'clock
.yesterday morning, and berthed at the
Tongue Point mill dock to Jnish cargo
- for the California coast - :!
The steamer Robert Inman was among
' the early arrivals down the river yes
1 terday morning and she went to sea
without stopping more than a few mo-
Bents at the Callender pier.
" The British steamship British Monarch
came down the river late on Friday
;1 night and went to the lower harbor at
'l once, getting bar despatch at 9:35 yes-
' terday morning. She Ss grain-laden for
j, tht- United Kingdom.
The steamer Homer, the floating vol--cano,
the Teasel that carries practically
all" the explosives used in this great
Xorthweet, came down from Portland
sad up-river points yesterday morning
nd went over the bar California bound,
at 9 o'clock. ; '".
Captain Larkiu had .the Luriine down
in good season yesterday evening and
went np the river on schedule time with
plenty of freight and passenger.
The oil barge Monterey, on the tow
tine of the fine tug Navigator, came
down from Portland late on Friday night
and went to sea and San Francisco, at 10
o'clock yesterday morning.
The French bark Briwau after two
days' detention at the bar, went seaward
resterdav morning a little after 10
o'clock and cleared away for Europe with
her big cargo of grain.
At sundown there was still a fleet of
four square-riggers and one schooner in
the bar offing, and they will all come in
today as fast as the tugs can handle
The fine steamer Hassato is still do
ing business daily at the old 0. R. A
X. stand, and is as popular as ever,
with Apt ain Anderson on the roof, and
Harry Blanchard in the office. 1 - i,
The steamship Cost Rica croaked in !
from San Francisco yesterday at 1:15'
decks through a hatchway, and onto
the saud baliast, partially paralysing
himself, and from the etTects of which
he died the next day, and was duly
buried in the high sea, the fate of many
a good seaman before him. The Waver
tree is open for charter ind is lying
here for order.
It is said the British ship Couio, just
in port, la one of the big carriers o(
this season. She draw 28 feet loaded,
and for a lumber cargo carries (our
and a quarter millions of feetj and
when loaded to her riiinaoll mark, has
8000 dead tons in her hold.
The steamer1 Alliance arrived in yes
terday morning early from Coo Bay
points, and went on to the metropolis at
8 o'clock, with plenty of people and
freight. She returns down early on
Tuesday morning next and will leave
out from the Callender pier at T
o'clock a. m. on her return voyage.
The British steamship Como, from Val
paraiso, in ballast, came In over the bar
early yesterday morning) and will leave
up, for Portland today, to load wheat
for Europe. She Is consigned to Kerr,
Gilford A Co.
The British bark Miltonburn, Captain
Benson, 24 days from Santa Rosalia,
crossed in at 1 o'clock yesterday after
noon, and orders have beenjreceived from
o'clock p. m, with good business in her conMifnees, Kerr, fiiffSrd Co.. at
cabins and hold, and weut on to the. Twinml. ,lnit...liin.r W t. Twn
metropolis after a short stay at the ; wh,re she will load out grain for the
u. k. s -N. piers. fne wiu return down United Kingdom,
on the outward voyage next Wednesday j
morning at an early hour. , 1
The German ship Ostara, Captain
Korff, 56 days out from Santa Rosalia,
entered this port yesterday afternoon,
and is at anchor, awaiting towage to
Portland. She is under charter to carry
grain to Europe. v
Local bay traffic is said to be "full of
holes" nowadays, and owners and mas
ters are growling like a tot of old sea
dogs, as is their right and custom; but
we hope for their sakes and that of the
town generally, things will brighten up
between this and Thanksgiving day. :
" 1
The British ship Wavertree, Captain
Brew, from Tocopilla, Chili, came into
port yesterday. Captain Brew reports
the death of one of his crew, James
Baker, an able seaman, who, shortly
after leaving Tocopilla, to-wK, on the
Notice to Mariners.
Notice is hereby given that th occult
ing electric lights were re-established
November 7, 1907, on San Francisco
Light Vessel No. 70, stationed about 31-4
miles outside the hut, off the entrance
to San Francisco harbor, 10 7-8 miles
SW, 7-8 W. from Fort Point Light
House, and, about 500 feet to the north-
ward of the range line marked by Fort
Point light and Alcatraj light
' (Signed), B. F. LOPEZ,
' Commander, U. a N, Inspector 12th
Lighthouse Dist. .; , .. f'j
. This It Worth Ceaemberlng.
At no on la 1mm one, ersrr person
should remember that Foley's Kidney
Curt will earn any ease of kidney or
bladder trouble that is net btyood th
reach of medicine, T. T. Ltnria, Owl
Drug Start, ,
Morning As tori n, M cents per month
22nd of last month, fell from between-1 delivered by carrier.
. si'1 -l u..,iv.s I'll- . '..,;". -
5 t
F you want to see and
wear a stylish over
coat; one with a lot of
snap in it; one that you'll
take constant pleasure
in owning and wearing,
just drop in here and
look at our HartSchaff
ner & Marx Varsity
Copyright 1907 by Hart Schaffncr fc? Marx
Leader In Nobby Clothes
! .
ia a
On Every Article in the Store.
Lack of space and time prevents us from enum
erating what we have to offer.
1 1
In Astoria
t 1
Tha Popular Btatt.
The traveling public has pronounced
the Canadian Paelfle the most attrac
tive routt across the continent. Tbs
dining and sleeping ear service It ths
i very best and tht totnio attrtctlons art
without a parallel. Through tickets from
Astoria to all points east at lowest
rates. Jamea Flnlayton, agent.
Wt hart slim side and steelhead net
ting, leaded lead lines, cotton twins and
rope, Plymouth Manila rop, oil clothing
sod rubber boots and everything for
flihermen. I. J. Carney & Co.
Wt hatt taoured tht agencr for Orino
Uxstlre Fruit Syrup, tht ntw laxatlre
that makes the Urtr lirely, purifies tht
breath, eurea headache and regulates
dlgestlrt organs. Cure chronlo con
stipation. Ask ns about It. T. F.
Laurln, Owl Drug Store.
All kind of furniture made new by
Bob Davis, 69 Ninth street 11-7-tf.
Oliver typewriters nd automatic
stenographer at A." ft Cyrus, 414
Commercial atrttt tt
At ths Palaoa.
A new Innovation baa been introduced
it tht Palac Btstaunnt, which will
surely prove popular. Each arming a
Spanish or Mexican dish will be prepared
by on who ia thoroughly acquainted ia
tht Intricacies of these toothsome re-
past. These dishes, which hart beta
in rogua at this popular placa, for about
a week, hart hit tha public tastt, and
change tha present result
tTtw Grtetry ttart.
Try our awa sokturt tt soffst tha
J. P. B. Freth trait and vsawUbssa,
BahoUtt 0. grocers. Phaa Mala
lttl ' '
Columbia and Vlosar graphophonta
and Intact raoorda at 414 ComnrctaJ
atrtaL A. It. Cyrua. tt
Tha Tyler atili keep up Ua repot
Uon. O00J liquors and polltt attention
will always win, and purraaaoa cd
this idea Clarence Tyler has made no
change in tht quality of hla good, and
ha secured tht services of Unci Ota
Lent whose genial personality make
him popular with th Tyler's patron.
Everyone knows where th Tyler la.
Sixth and Bond street.
nesting ttovea and, range, th best
and tht ebeapett. Ulldrtbrtnd k Oor.
Bouse with barn for rent during ths)
winter, or longer. Addres L. C, car
Astoria Offlc, with full partlculara.
10 Cent Store
- V "
Best stock of
small goods in
the city.
Next door to Herman Wise
Just Received-New crop of
Walnu ts and Almonds.
Fancyv King Apples
1.25 per Box, ;
521 Commercial Street -Phone
Main 681