iTEST AND TERMS OF OIL LEASES AND TBS ARTICLES OF INCORPORA TION OF ASTORIA FUEL COM PANY PUBLISHED FOR INFORMA TION OF INTERESTED PUBLIC In order that the ntir public inter 1 ested in the oil nd ga project now (afoot here, mav understand the full herm and text of the organic intru 'went covering the ease, the Astorian 'herewith publishes the form of lease used Jand the specific text of the article of i incorporation now on file with the atate land county authorities. There haa been I ft good deal of interest manifested in it bete documents, and in order that there 'may be no misconception in this relation. JDr. J. A. Fulton, chairman of the com Imittee on organization, has furnished the t Astorian with the copies here reproduced upon his suggestion: I Form of Least. i "Affreement. Made and entered into (this the day of A. D. 190. ;ky and between ...... of as party of the first part, and ...... at party of the second part. ,. 'Witneseeth, That, for and in consid ration of the sum , of One Dollar, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. and of the covenants and agreements hereinafter contained to be kept and .'performed by the second party, the first party hereby leases and grants unto the party all of the coal, oil and gas in and under the following described tract of land, together" with the right to enter thereon at all timet, during the continu ance of this lease, for the purpose of 'drilling and operating for said coal, oil and gas and removing same therefrom. and to lay pipelines, erect tanks, build ings and other structures thereon, neces sary for the production and transporta tion of said coal .oil and gas. or for pipe lines for oil or gas produced elsewhere, to-wit: All that certain tract of land situated in the County of Clatsop and &tat of Oregon, bounded and described Ss follows: ; ; containing ......... acres, more or less. "It is agreed that this leae shall con tinue in force for the term of five years from the date hereof, and as much longer thereafter aa coal, oil or gas or either of them is produced therefrom by the said second party its successors or assign, or s long aa actual ivork is being done I ies for all farming and agricultural purposes, except such part as may be actually occupied by the second party for the purpose herein expressed. "No well is to be drilled within 200 feet of any building now on said premise. All covenant and agreements herein thereon in drilling, boring or developing coal, oil or ga therein or thereon, or transporting same in pipe lines there oven'' - ' " "As a, further consideration of this lease, the second party agrees: "First: To pay to first party the full one-tenth of U the money received by second party, for all of the oil sold from the above described leased premises; the oil to be measured on the above deserlb ed premises before being transported therefrom, and the payments to be made the first of each month, at the office of the second party in Astoria, Oregon, or bv check mailed to first party, for all oil, sold during the month preceding. "Second: To VV first party at the rate of $230 per each million cubic feet for all gaa sold by second party from each gas well therein. First party shall have the right to use gaa free of cost for all domestic use. "Third: The second party agrees to pay first party six (6) cents for every ton of coal sold or- removed by it from above described leased premises. Second party agrees to complete a wetl on the above described leased premises within two years from the date hereof, or pay first party the sum of per acre per quarter thereafter until said well is drilled. "Second party shell have sufficient coat, gas, oil and water produced from such land, free of cost, for use tn oper ating thereon, for any and all purposes. Second psrty agrees to bury all pipe lines below plow depth, upon request of first pary, when such pipe lines shall be laid over tillable ground. "Second party shall pay flrt party for all crops destroyed by reason of perating on said premises. "Second part shall hare the right to remove all or any part of the machinery and fixtures placed thereon by second party, including the right to draw and remove pipe and casings. "Second psrty shall have the right at any time on payment of the sum of One Dollar to the first petty, to sur render this lease for cancellation, after which all payments and liabilities there after to accrue under and by virtue of this lease shall cease and- determine. "The first party shall have the right to use said above described leased prem- contained, shall extend to the heirs, exe- T cut or, administrators, assigns, or sue cesser of the parties hereto, and all right and privileges hereby leased or corn-eyed are exclusive in the second party, its successors or assigns. "Witness, Our hands and seals the day and year first above written. "Witnessed by THE , VARSITY? OVERCOAT t a awe1 i (Seal.) (Seal.) Articles. "Articles of incorporation , , . the enterprie business pursuit or occupa tkn is to develop the gas, oil, coal, and miueral resources of Clatsop county par ticularly, and also the territory contig uous and adjacent thereto, including Pa cine and Wahkiakum counties in the State of Washington and such other ter rltory as njay be from time to time determined by iU board of directors, and to sink or bore oil and gas wells snd operate the same and to mine for coal and other mineral, and to conduct and operate the same by such method and in such manner, and at tuch place or places, a may be from time to time determined by it board of director. "Also to own and acquire by purchase lease or otherwise and to grant, bargain, sell and mortgage and lease or other wise acquire ami dispose of all kind of real estate and interest therein and particularly mineral land and land containing gas or oil and leas all sue?) land and right to mine the gas, oil, coal or other minerals therein by working, lease or otherwise, and to deal generally in lands, gas, oil, and mineral, by the fee simple title or -working leases or otherwise. To own and acquire by purchase, lease or otherwise all kinds of machinery and appliances and to operate the tarns as well as lease the same. "To enter into the general contracting business of sinking well or boring wells snd shafts for the purpose of discover ing oil, gaa, coal or other mineral and to operate the same. . ' "To furnish gas or oil, or both, or coal or other mineral fuel for trade and pro fit and to erect, acquire or purchase or lease or otherwise obtain plants and IF you want to see and wear a stylish over coat; one with a lot ;of snap in it; one that you'll take constant pleasure in owning and wearing, just drop in here and look at our Hart, Schaf f- r v II Til -x i it v 'J ' IT m S 'V IX WKN f JTM it . N r I : win 's, wvw m tfl MMM -v --: ' t eier V .. J M . . . : iSjdljjUtJ '$15.00 " ; sS ' $25.00 Copyright 1907 by Hart SchatTner & lylarx Leader in Nobby Clothes I iMIIIM MM t MM I ncr & Marx Varsity Overcoats. V II I Ml W I Ml IIIMIMM IE id n i WE ARB GIVING O -PER CENT OFF On Every Article in the Store. Lack of space and time prevents us from enum- erating what we have to offer. , Thirty Two Years In Astoria factories for the purpose of refining crude mineral oil of all kinds and to market the same and to do and cause to be dons generally any and all thing necessary or convenient to discover oil gaa, coal, or other minerals and to eon duct mining operations thereof for trad and profit. , "Capital stock, fifteen thousand dol lars; number of shares, fifteen thousand j vslue of shsres, one dollar) non NEW TO-DAY. Christmas Excursion. If yon are going to spend Christmas In tbs Old Country consult ths Canadian Pacific. Through tickets from Astoria to all points in Europe. James Flnlsy son, agent. Oliver tjrp writers nd antomati stenographers at A. ft. Cyrus, 414 Commercial street tt Established f J875 IMMMtMtMMMIMIMItlllllHM IIMIIIMMMIlf Notice. We havs illvsr side and steelbssd net ting, leaded lead lines, cotton twins and rope, Plymouth Manila rope, oil clothing and rubber boots and everything for fishermen. F. J. Carney ft Co. We bavs secured the agency for Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup, ths new laxative that makes the liver lively, purifies ths breath, eure headache and regulate digestive orgajM. Cures ehronio eon stipation. Ask u about it. T. F. Laurin, Owl Drag Store. All kinds of furniture mads nsw by Bob Davis, 69 Ninth strset 11-7-tf. AsttarHftSaV' ' A asw Innovation bs beta introdnocJ at ths Palace Beetaaraat, vhieli will surely provs popular. Xsvek tveeing ft Spanish or Usxlcan disk will b prepared by on who is thoroughly aequauted ta ths utrktelss of the toothsom re pests. These disk, which havs beesi ia vogue at tkia popular place, for shout week, have kit the puhlJs taste, ui chsng the present results. JTsw Orooery Iters, Try our ewa mixture of eosTes ' tke J. P. B. Frssk fruit and regeUble. Babollet ft Co. grocers. Pkssss Uaia 1MI Columbia and Vtoeer frapbophooes ' and latest records at 414 Commercial street A. R. Cyrus, tt. Ths Tylst. Ths Tyler still keeps up its reputa tion. Good liquors and polite attention win always win, and la pursuanot of thla Idea Clarence Tyler has mad no enangs in tos quality or His goods, ana has secured ths services of Unci Oens Lent whose genial personality mains him popular with ths Tyler's patrons, Evsryons knowa where ths Tyler is. Sixth and Bond strset. 1 - I notles. Heating stoves and ranges, ths bast snd tbs oheapsst Hlldrtbrand ft Oar. WANTED Off LEWIS ft CULfiZ Hons with ban for rant during tfct winter, or loafer. Address I. ft C etra Astoria Offlcs, with foil psrtleulars, Morning Astorian, 60 Mis Pr month delivered by carrier. ' -TJ just Received-New crop of 1 . Walnuts and Almonds. - Fancy King Apples 1.25 per Box. ACME GROCERY 521 Commercial! Street Phone Main 681