FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1907. THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. f ' ' " " ' : " " ' r I .. . Th Kind Yon Huvo Alway Bought, And which baa boon in ue toe over SO yean, has borne the alirnaturo of H m? And has been made under bia per- CjCJ&fjt-trfr 1 onai fcupervtalcra elnce It Infancy , TJJS CAMi Allow no one to deceive you In tula. All Counterfeit, Imitation and " Jnet-an-good" Are but Experiment that trifle with And endanger the health of Infant And Children Experience Agalntt Experiment. What lo CASTORiA Oaatoria la a harmless substitute for Caator Ml,Par gorlt. Drops And Soothing' Syrup. It Is Pleasant; It eon tain neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotlo subatanee. Its age is its guarantee It destroys Worms And Allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Conatipatlon and Flatulency. It Assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach And Dowels giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's PanaceaThe SIotLcr' Frleud. t i GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAY J.BcarV the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought This is the time of Tear to place Your Order for Blank Books for 1908. Our Faculties are the best and we I 1.' ) ..J. . 9 ; 1 t i In Use" For Over 30 Years. vmi motm mmmmm, rr im atMST, mtm M am t', PORTLAND MARKETS Wholesale Price List as Re ported Dally. Potato In carload loU are moving exrathw-ard, but owing to the weakened aoadHlon of tb Sd Francisco market, prleea ar easier. The tone of tb butter market it mixed. City creamery brand art firmly maintained at tb top prle, bat outstd mmtrj la weak because of tb pm sure to tell oartala brand. With tb dty manufacturer, tb supply la no grtr than necessary. Cnam receipt! are gradually deorotalng a tb eaan progreue, and It la thought tbo pre railing financial oonditlon may oaua a till further decreaaa, oa tb other band, eertaJa of tb country eraameriea are forokg their product on the market without a much regard to price a un- nal. Tba likelihood of Btem butter eomlng Into thla territory la further leeaened by the action of the Eaatern markets which took a sheer Jump of a cent yeeterday. . Egg move fairly well, but tba feeling In the market la blrnier, both a regard Oregon ranch and Butern egg. Only a few eoopa of poultry came in yeeterdny, and price were quoted aa 'The Inoulrr for both fruit and veire SlMm Wttfl linilSltlelllw jstAw.1aw and WW V builneit all around wa better than at any time ilnce the legal holidays were first proclaimed. Betaller for two weeks have been buying csntiouely and providing only for their absolute re quirements, so that any Improvement In tba retail trade now la at once apparent on Front street. tba Tar Sou lineet Grain, Flour, Feed. WheatNew crop prices) Club, 88c j Valley, 87c i bluestem, 90c j red Ruulan, Uo. Flour Hard wheat patent, Si80) straight, iUOj graham, 140(24.78 ( rye, $8 whole-wheat flour, 80 9 W Valley flour, 14.40 j Dakota, ftiA SO. 60, EaaUra rye W-Mj Fillspury. IT; ComlU. 14.08. Grain bag Domestic, 8 7-8j Calcut te Sa. By WU 9 tl-SO par wi Buckwheat $38 per too. Barley Producer' price i Brewing. (2T.S0J feed, IS8 rolled, f28.7S29.00. worn wnoie, 132 j cracked, 33 per If us. ' MIU lead City bras, tlBj country bran, t20.00 city abort, $20.00 1 country snorts, SZ2X0) obop, 1T. can promptly execute all orders. J, Dell inger itr- i"' ' : talU Tropical frulta-fiaoana IdSaalhi Ooata-Frodueara' price, WhIU, $28, mh h 78c$10 Hay-VWley Umothy. $18 9 $17, .7 IaUm Oregon,, $18 $20, clorer. $11, ST" ,,7- .7 an. .if.i. ei. i. v.. eii r ,vva,T',rv "- T" ti i . f juj bos, watermelons, lo per lb.. I grape 75c1.00 crate, eantoloup, WflOLESiXB FCX3. Tha following an' quotation ruling la Portland a reported by Jobber in Cereal foodc-RoUed oats, cream, P0-ft 1 7 vi o. m a Uk' W l W?! oatmeal tjtim frulta-Acplea. eraoorated. 81 eteel cut. 40-T6 sack, $8.80, 91b sacks, I fflafl nound. anrbta. SOn. r- isi, $480 per bale oatmeal (ground) 49-ft 13j0 prum)i IUJkB( 4S5c, sacks, $8 perbbl, sacks, $4i8 per 0r elams, $2il8 per boa. bale, split pa . $4J8 per 100- sacks, French, 8i4c,l flge, OaUfornla bUcka, ItVS 1 h"lt7' U " California whites, 60, Smyrna, ..., , pw h, got, plum, pitted, 6c. l-ery nour. iu-10 saas, ojcu ddl Domeitlo fruits-Apple, $1.001.78 ' , rresh Meat and Fish. ' box, crab. SO50o box, quinces, 76c Oysters Shoal water Bay, per gallon, $Iio. $2.25, per sack, $1.60, Toka Point, 11.801 Vegetable. per 100, Olymplas (120 lbs), $6, Olym- Cabbage-Xb, 1 1-4 e, cauUflower, $1 plat, per gallon, $255. IM dot, celery, 60c1.00 dos, par- rr.n vt-vi, meaium, 40 10 iw ley. 280 dot, hothouse lettuce, 78 box, lbs, 88io, 100 to 180 lbs, 718o: winach. box. $1 8: Brassies snrouta. 150 to 200 lbs. 80o, 200 lbs and over, p b, artichoke, 75c$1.00 do., okra, 8Sc, pork. 8Ib8ioj heavies 78ej 85o ft, toma 25S5o box, 8ummer beef, bulls, 8i4c, cows.5tt.BJo, steers, squash, 1520c dos, Lima beans, 80 lb, 8i8o, muttons, medium size, 7i8c, cucumber. 2025e do, eggplant, $U0 large and coarse. 46c, spring lamb, orn SlfflliS aackt cumDkins. $WB arn, V(SVc im,16 omtei pepper. bt8 th, men u xiiiuuw, 40, dibck 00a, oon x per ewt. , oiaca dm, per pouno, xuej wipea Dass.i Potatoe New, 85c00o per ewt. ice, smeai, io, nernng, 040, flounder, sweet. 8 l-dffl 2lo oound. 8a, catfish, Hoi shrimp, lOo, perch, 6c, , . Produo. strugeon, 121c, sea trout, 18c, torn cod. ' Egg-lUnch, candled, 83(JS4o. 7o, Chinook aalmon, 80, llvrlde 7o, Butter-Country creamery, 809 8B0, sUelbeada, 9a. ; 0nT creamery. 35ci a tore. 20fiE21t buttes Ckms Hardshell, per box, $2.40, ras- November Tide Tabe. High Water. I A. M. Dat. n.m. Frldar .. 1 1:43 Baturda . ... 110:13 BUN DAT .. ... 1111:90 MondT .. ..... 4111:171 Tuesdar SI 0:18 Wednesday ., ,. a 1:00 Thursday .. ... 7 1:48 Friday 8 1:88 Saturday ... 8:11 SUNDAY .. ...10 4:10 Monday .. 11 6:14 Tuesday .. ....13 S:4( Wednesday .. ..181 7:51 Thursday ,. ...14 8:60 Friday .. ......151 9:19 Saturday .. ...1(10:35 SUNDAY .. ...1711:06 Monday 18 11:44 Tuesday r 19 0:81 Wednesday . . ..101 1,12 .Thursday .. ...HI 1:62 Friday ,. ......12 1:10 Murday .. ...18 8:09 UTJNDAT, ......14 8:60 Monday .. .....151 4:ii Tuesday .. ....! 6:18 Wednesday .. ..17 8:08 Thursday .. ...88 7:00 Friday .. 19 7:52 Saturday 10 8:44! p. : ft.fh.m.1 7.6 9:461 8.0 8.1 8.9 8.0 8.0 7.8 7.8 7.4 7.4 7.0 7.1 7.8 7.7 8.1 8.6 8.7 8.9 7.5 7.8 7.1 8.9 6.7 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.7 7.0 7.4 7.8 10:871 11:17 a a 11:18 11:11 1:12 8:11 1:00 8:61 4:64 6:07 7:80 8:50 1:58 10:65 11:45 11:18 11:50 1:18 1:65 1:28 :02 1:42 4:10 6:28 6:40 7:65 9:071 M. ft. NOVEMBER. 1907, 1 . . . . .' l .. ..... 4 f . .... 0 Low Wat sr. Data. Friday .. Saturday SUNDAY Monday Tuesday Wednesday ., .. 1 Thursday .. ... 7 Friday ., 8 Saturday ., ... 9 SUNDAY ...10 Monday 11 Tuexday 12 Wednesday .. ..IS Thursday 14 Friday 15 Saturday 16 SUNDAY .. ...17 Monday 18 Tuesday 19 Wednesday ,, ..10 Thursday .. ...21 Friday .. ......22 Saturday ,. ...IS BUNDAY 14 Monday .. .....16 Tuesday .. .,..26 Wednesday ,, ..17 Thursday ,, ...18 Friday ,..2 Saturday , . ...10 hjn. 8:18 4:00 4:44 8:18 6:12 1:68 7:88 8:18 9:06 10:01 11:11 0:02 1:10 1:15 8:17 4:11 8:01 6:48 6:26 7:00 7:85 8:00 8:40 9:18 10:05 11:00 t 0:12 1:06 1:05 ft 1.6 1.5 1.61 1 1.7 1.9 2.2 1.6 1.8 8.1 8.5 0.0 0.5 0.8 1.1 1.8 1.4 1.8 1.1 8.6 8.0 S.S 8.5 8.7 8.9 4.0 a e 1.8 1.6 1.9 P. M. n.m. 4:00 4:47 6:38 6:10 6:51 7:85 8:20 9:10 10:02 11:00 12:81 1:55 3:10 4:06 5:00 5:47 6:80 7:11 7:49 8:23 8:66 9:80 10:04 10:42 11:24 12:08 1 3:12 8:16 fat, 830. Chees Young America, 18c, Oregon full cream, fiat, 17c Honey Dark, 10Jllo, ambei, Poultry Old roosters, 78cj pound, 13cj fancy white, 1415c hens, ll12c lb, Springs, 10llcj drSi Stock, laila Wsrh&t than ltv Jf-j I ducks, old, 10llc, young, 1212e, tur I'llkey, young, 1718o, old, 18 per ft. 0.9 1 geese, old, 78o, young. 89o, pigeons, ,J;f tlGSUtS per doten, squaba, $1.78$ par ,a( ooaea. ,.,, , (-;-...) 1.0 ... Orooerles, Prorlalon, te. Sugar, sack basis-JX O, $5,871, XX .5;, $5,471, beet. $5,871, Golden C. $4.87 1-2, ... extra 0, $8,071, powdered. $5.8714, cube, $6,821, fruit or berry . augar, 1)4 $5171, boxes, 50c ewt adrano oyer l.t sack basis (less l-o tf paid for In 18 1.0 days). i-::1.,y:. 0.1 vregon, csssjw per IW ids. -o!4 Coffee (Mocha, 2528o, Java, good. -0.5 2024c, Java, ordinary, 1720o, Costa "0.41 Tl.. t , rl . t --A r t 9 -0.1 inncyr, lunsuoj voaia wca, gooo. 0.1 izioc, Arbuckle, $18.50 ewt, lion, 0.4 18 3-4o per lb, Columbia coffee, 14c, 5;J Salvador, lll14o. t!l ' ' ' 8.6 Morning Astorian, 60 cents per month J;! delivered by carrier. UNCIVILIZED amtptca; Tb student, mho read with unmiti gated horror the detail of tb Spanish Inquisition, and who holds this hideout record aa tha example - paramount of human aavagery and cruelty, la Inclined, tnese aaya, to abandon the standard and adopt tb blood-thirstier cult of the Orchard and the Adamses, et. al of tb Western Federation of Miners; and this without derogation of the many good men who have the misfortune to belong to that great organisation. Union labor loses casto by it affilia tion with such monstrous programs as are vouched for by this group of work men and championed by it leaders. Of course, we know these stories are denied and all manner of shrewd excuses and pleas are uttered la mitigation of the chronicles, but the world is weary of these talaa in extenuation of dastardly crime and is becoming restive. The stories are becoming thread'-bare and fail to pass muster with those iwho are even best disposed toward organized labor. The brute and the fool, nor the brag gart, can expect to hold the center of! the stage much longer, and unless th Unions qualify their models and put for ward more acceptable exemnk. than these men who do a mured rous business in the nam of unified labor, there will come a day when the reproach will be too great for the admitted indifference of human society, and will result in such overwhelming reaction a will blight tb spirit and fore of Unionism' for years to come. 0 LINGERING COLD. Withstood Other Treatment But Quickly cured by Chamberlain' Cough Remedy. -' vv; v ' "Last winter I caraht a tew Bam cold which lingered for weeks," aaya J. urqunan, of zephyr, Ontario. "My cough was very dry and harsh. The local dealer recommended Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and guaranteed it, to I gave it a trial. One small bottle of it cured me. I believe Chamberlain' Cough Remedy to be the best I have ever used." This reined v is far s&Ia h 1 TT 1 3 . . I rruuit nart ana leading druggists. It raisciAi. saSMaMakjsaaa0a?0aBK First National Bank of Astoria, Ore ESTABLISHED 1880. Capital $100,000 . Q. A. BOWLBY, President. 0. L PETERSON, Vioe-President "RANK PATTON, Caanter. J. W. GARNER, AsaJstant Caahltr. Astoria Savings Bank Capital Paid in 1100,008. Surplus and DndlTlded i'roflti J80.000 Transacts a General Banking Business, Interest Paid on Time IwpoalU FOUR FEB CENT PER ANNUM Eleventh and Duan street. ASTOEIA, OSXGOK TIME card ;v-W;t';:;t.:t toria & Columbia W R. Co. Effectiv, Uonday, September 9, 1907 Padfle Tim. eon' S.lai 8.85 a.4 8.48 8.48 8.M ass t.18 8.8ft t.80 a.m. so 5 00 1 9.18 pun, t.45 10.18 10.2a am. as 8.60) t.10 TIT 1 so t.S6 6.29 8.89 I n.m S.UU 7.86 7 8.06 8.18 8.84 8.62 8.40 8.401 Ml 7.20) llO.Sol 7.361 Ip.m, a.m 8.00 1.90 8.85I 8 67 lio.osl 10.16 10.&8 10.61 11 461 U.45 M.06I 0. 88.1 46.8 65.8 68.8 ea.8 71.8 78.7 9M 89.8 106.7 TosT 108. 10S.J Lv. Ar. POBTlANDt..: .v GOBLEt.........arr EAlNIERf MATGEB IfUINCY . CLAT8KANI8 JUKCTIOKt.. ww. .....WKSTPORT..... curroN Ar ASTORlAt.. 4Lv ui AOlvniA .... ... ..AT Ar. WABKKNTON ...... Lv Lv......WARRENTONT: Ar. . Is... At.','. 18.061 IM.81 12.40 12.4D P.m 116,7 118.1 119J ILv., Ar.. HAM Ml IN II ...FT. STEVENS . ,.. IT. STEVENS . ... HAMMOND... WAKRENTON , ..Lv .. WARRENTON... .XV ..Ar ..GRARHART ....9KA81DE..,,.. HOLLADAY.... ,.Ar Miles 119.1 78.7 78.8 83.8 69.8 68.8 47.9 40.4 18.8 18.8 18.4 17.8 168 18.4 18.4 8.4 1.0 0.0 a 1 2s 10 6ft 10.401 no.w 10.06 sea, 8 SI 9.16 8.16 7.66 7.4S 7.43 7.41 7.88 7 7.87 667 8.46 a.m Dm. lo.ool S.4 s.jsl 7.68 7. SO 7.40 7.18 7.04 8.10 sen S.86 ajn. 8.08 8-60) 6.00 4.66 p.m e Kg 00 i HI H 1.45 1.881 2t a . o ! 11.00 lie.4 1ST89 10.27 10.09 1.101 1.08 9.001 lia.ioiu.u 111.16 10.68 10.45 10TT .4 10.851 t.M a.m. iajBw Sellable IN OS. an.1 88 rnn from AKfnrl. in fTlofAAM Da..1i vu ni. . v 1 runs from Portland to Astoria and Clatsop Beach direct. No. 24 runs from Portland to Astoria only. No. SO runs from AstorU to dataan 7tuh . 1 No. 81, 25 and 29 run via Ft, Steven. No. 3 runs from Clatsop Beach to I Astoria and Portland AirenL A.l.Utlnn.. 4.nin will V. . , ...-i. j.. .Stevens and return on Sunday, leaving Astoria 11:30 a, m, arrive Ft. Stem ren for several years and lik it verv I r'.M E&Uy.,Co- A t with steamer for San Fr r x, u i. .,! .V.;z!and Tillamook and Dwaco BaUwav ft Navijratlon Co.'. boat and rallwar. For