THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA OREGON. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER ij, ,,,. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. HELP WANTED, WANTED A housework. Hotel GIRL FOR Appljr at GENERAL Ray View UU-dt WASTED BOX TO CARRY PAPERS, Apply Morning Astorian. ,. 11-12-tf. FOR SALE ItXR SALE ONE STEAM WOOD SAW, good running order, $100 one team good work horse, weighing 1400 to 1500 pounds, for $225 three farm wagons and harness, will eell cheap, F. D. Drwser A Oo- Seaside. Or. 1115-7t : PROFESSIONAL CARD. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW JOHN & McCUE, Attorney-At-Lsw. Deputy District Attorney, me V r8 Building, Suit BUSINESS DIRECTORY. HOWARD M. MOWNIll, Attornep-At-Law. Office with Mr. J. A. Rakin, at No. 40 Commercial St Astoria. RESTAURANTS. TOKIO RESTAURANT. 831 Bond Street. Opposite Rota, Biggin & Co. Coffee with Pie or Cake 10 Cta, FIRST-CLASS MEALS. Regular Meali is Cta. and Up. JDK SALE THE FURNITURE OF A krga lodging house; rooms always fsJI; kwjreat. ..Western Realty Co. 471 Osssmeroial - '" . ' FOR SALE SEAL ESTATE. FOR 8ALE-TW0 LOT4 .IN ASTORIA end M fa Warrentoaf will sell obeap. Address "J, Astoriar offiost KABM FOB SALE, t22aO-l ACRES; sis ores cleared, good aoaso ai W Wtn Realty Co. SALE STORE 86x40. AND LOT itfelx Waneatoa, Price, I1900. Pestera RseJty CMM Commercial St FOR RENT. .WANTED HOUSE AND BARN FOB ,mt during the winter, or longer. (Address L & C." car Astoriaa Office, wit fuQ particulars. ? t it -j- SEWING MACHINES FOB RENT AND , repaired by Singer Sewing Machine Os, m Teata street. . 10-W-tt. MISCELLANEOUS. DENTISTS. Dr. VAUGHAN, . , , DENTIST ,w,,. Pythian Building. Astoria, Oregon DR. W. C LOOAJ . DENTIST .s-."- Comtuercsal 8i:.-. Building X OSTEOPATHS, DR. RH0DA & EICK8 08TBOPATB COc Haaseti BlcV, Phono Black INI 171 Ooasnerotal St. Astoria, Ore. U. S. RESTAURANT. 434 Bond Street Coffee with Pie or Cake 10 Cta. First Class Meals is Cents. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Phone 1881 Main. 389 Bond St The Finest se. Meal Serred in Astoria. Game is Season. Your Patronage Solicited. Courteoue Treatment to AIL DR. crowixs C CHIROPODIST , ...and..) MANICURIST Boon 009 i-t Astoria Bank BUg. UNDERTAKERS. J. A. GILBAUGH & CO Undertakers and Embalmen. EAYX YOUR OLD MATTRESS MADE by Bob Dark. 69 Ninth st 7-tL I FINNISH MASSEUSE, Victoria Alrok area rheumatism, chronic, bowel and Brer disorders. Hot Tspor baths will be fires if ths patient's conditions demands neb treatment I will positively euro the most obstnata eose of rheumatism. r V. A. AIROLA. IMO-tf. , m Washington St LAUNDRIES. THOSE PLEATED BOSOM SHIRTS ..The kind known by dressy men in the summer, are difficult artioles to laoader nieely. Unless you know Just bow to Kt it, ths front pleats wont koa down wota, and the shirt front will look bbqmt. Our New Press Ironer Iro them without roiling or stretching. Try It Troy Laaadry, Tenth and Duaae. Phone Main 1WL MASSAGING. HAYING STUDIED THE SCIENCE OF , .massaging under the instruction of Dr. H. Kiljonea, I am now prepared to practice massaging in all ita branches; thorough competency is assured. Mrs. SC. Heyno, 87 West Bond street, Astoria. PROPOSALS. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER . master. Fort Stevens, Or, Not. 2, 1907. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received at this offloe until S o'clock p. at, November 21, 1907, and then pub- KcIt opened, for the construction of eistern for the storage of rain water or use in one double and one single set Of officers' quarters at Fort Stereos, Or. Plans can be seen, specifications obtained and full information furnished at this OiBok. The U. a reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Envelopes con lamina proposals should be marked "Proposals for construction" and ad dressed to the Constructing Quarter snster, Fort Stevens, Or. I Experienced Lady Assistant wnen veaurea. Calls Promptly Attended Day or aiguw Rattan Bdg. 12th and Dome SU ASTORIA, OREGON Phone Main 2111 AMUSEMENTS, PLEASANT HOUR OF V ENTERTAINMENT HOUSE MOVERS. istUiWiuuftjbu jjKoa we f make s specialty of house moving, carpenters, eon tractors, general jobbing: prompt at tention to all orders. Corner Tenth snd Dusne. PLUMBERS. J.1 PLUMBER Keating' Contractor, Tinner AND Sheet Iron Worker ALL WORK GUARANTEED 425 Bond Street VAUDEVILLE AT THE LDUYRE And Vaudeville that really Amuses and Interests you. Weekly Changes of Pro gram and Each Change an Improvement SPECIALTIES THIS WEEK Song and Danes Artist ' J " THELMA BECES Balladist ALMA PIERCE Swedish Nightingale PRINCESS OMEANA The World's Wonder Dont Fall to ADMISSION FREE TIC UNDBECXt Prop. , HOTELS mmm0mmmmmma mmmmmaBjmm NORTHERN HOTEL MRS. J. COLLINS, Prop. Steam Heat Baths, New and Modern, Running water in every room. Rooms 75c, 11-00, $1.50. Suites by the week, $8 TRANSIENT SOLICITED. Eleventh snd Duane Streets. ASTORIA, ORE. Phone Main 3911 ". '. ; MIDICAIm I f M.M' V si N poseoas toes nprcutsnl of TfiX OBXAT CBUntSX DOCTOR Who is kaowa t" throogboat the United Statea oa aesoaat of wwdsrful sores. He gaana nag aad A little pressing Now and then Will make your Clothes looknew Again, That is, if its done by Carl Franscen, The Astoris Tailor 179 Eleventh St. I ' PHONE MAIN 9711 UNION OF REPUBLIC Central American Countries Un der One Flag. ZELAYA WOULD RESIGN 0FFIC Gustemsla, Salvador, Honduras, , Costa Rica and Nlrsfagus to be Amalgamated Into the Central American Republic- Governments Are Communicating. DRESSMAKING. AND I FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING MTIJJNERY MADAME CLARE 78 Third Street BOAT-BUELDINO, FRANK SMITH, BOATBUILDING AND RXPAIRINO A SPECIAL TT Taylor avenue. T.L. Driscoll or tfnue) to our eatwrrs. throai trouble, stontacb, Uver sad kkteay, (amals plaiots and all ohroolo dlosasss. , SUCCESSFUL v BOMB TREATMENT. If you cannot eaQ writ (or syautoss blank sad dreular, taoloatng 4 eeots la staupa , . .,., , THE C GEE WO MEDICINE CO. 1T 1821 First St, Corner Morrisoa, PORTLAND, OREGON. Pleaas BMBtloa the Astoriaa. REAL ESTATE WANTED. sseSjiB,setaeiessa, WANTED TO BUY HOTJBB AND LOT fa Astoris. Address "H. L," ear As torisa offios. Give full particulars. Boatbuilding and Repar- ln a Specialty DRUGGIST. n """ -ir 1 1 -"i -i lnni rtiiiJi..mj1irJi.ii'saTlLisT Columbia Dru Co. Dr. Charle C C Rosenberg (Sueeeesors to Dr. Linton's Drug Co.) Drugs, Medicines -AND- Tollet Articles. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Dr. Rosenberg will rive consultations and examination free. 185 Eleventh Street Telephone Main X171, Astoria, Ore. NEW YOKE. Nor. H.-On the eve of the atubling ot the Central American Peace Coufrrrm-e, Dr. Fernando Sancbvi, niluUtor of Nicaraifua to Mxloo, who in this city, baa made public an otHolal IrommunlraUoit whkh he adilressed to Ignnoio MarUcal, ntluUter of foreign train, of Mexico, on the I'nioa of Cn Ural American republics. Sr Benches not only expretMt the I desire of hie government that these five republics shall be merged into one na I Hon and pUeee ProMnt Zrkya of Mia ragtta, on record ae In favor of it, but goes so fsr a to 'say the UtUr I ready lo resign hie office. The last declaration will surprise everybody conversant with I Central American politic a PrwMent I Zftlaya, who has held hi office a dots years, ha been recanted as the chief trouble maker la Central America from whom only death or revolution could take away his despotio power. Now he 22 nd and Exchange street, lu'8" ,JvmU f FM rVnor Sanches la hi letter aaya: "The government of Nicaragua ha given me intrwtloru to lay before you the firm moire with which it is sal mated to have Central America, by the voluntary and pacific acU of It govern Siwma r .r,t v. v. j "-w wio one nation, is mcAtA. Beat rL i ton. Fwi.imi, cnrrai jioo j .nUi Ze P. A. PETERSON. Prop.1 " M u rftT imn unwavering rwniean 01 mw patrioiKs idxa and one of the most persUtent flahtcr for lit realization, I dUpoed-n he ever hsi been to mlgn with pleasure the office which he occupies In Nicaragua in faror of whatever cltUen may be elected by the people a president of the Central American Republic. 'If your government think well of It, my government would be pleased to nave communications wnt to the govern menu of Guatemala, Salvador, Hon.lurss snd Conta Ries, Informing them of the firm snd patriotic resolution of President Zelaya, so tlt houlj it meet with their approbation they might give ample powers to tbnlr repr-ntative u .t thereon." , WINES, UQURS AND CIGARS. Eagle Concert Hall (320 Astor St) , ; .JAPANESE GOODS, i . SPlwjswslswaeieafces INEXPENSIVE JAPANESE FIXINGS, MADE 0? BAM BOO, LIGHT, STRONG, HAND MADE, TABLES, STANDS, CHAIRS, WHATNOTS, BOOECASES, SHELV cro,ETC " Yokohama Baxaar 828 Oommsreial St. Astoria. TRANSPORTATION. PASSENGERS. The FREIGHT Steamer -Lurlinc Night Boat for Portland and Way Landings. Leave Astoria daily except Sunday at 7p.m. Leaves Portland Daily except at 7 a. m. Xidnty ; and Eliddir Troubles! URINARY DISCHARGE! RELIEVED Uf 24 Hours Earh Cp- i suit b.r,(HIDYJ UuiunwSS j ALL bKI'UOIBTS. THE SNEEZE In Sunday Quick Service , Excellent Good Berths. Meals HOTEL PORTLAND Finest Hotel in the Northwest PORTLAND, ORE. European Plan Only. , H. C. BOWERS, Manager. , : Dancing Proves Fatal. , Many men and women catch cold at dances which terminate in pneumonia and consumption.., After exposure, if Foley's, Honey and Tar is taken it will break up a cold and no serious results need be feared. Refuse any but the genuine in a (yellow package. T. F. Laurin, Owl Drug Store. IRVINGHOTEL Corner Eleventh and Franklin 60 ROOMS :: Steam Heat, Bath and :-: :: Modem Conveniences. : :-( CATER TO LOCAL TRADE .' Accommodations for Commercial Travelers Dining Room run in Connection UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT ALTA F. GILES, Manager Landing Astoria Flavel Wharf. Landing Portland Foot Taylor St G. B. BLESSING, Agent , , Phone Main 3781. Steamerj TELEGRAPH The only Steamboat making a ronnd trip DAILY eseeptThumiay between Portland and Astoria and way point. NO WAY POINTS ON SUNDAY ' Portland Landing, Alder Rtreot Dock E ' Astoria Landing, Cullender Dock Leare Portland 7:00 a, m.j arrive Astoria, 1:30 p. m, Leave Astoria 2:30 p. m.: arrive Portland 5:80 p. m. SUNDAY EXCURSIONS Leave Portland 8 a. m.; arrive Astoria 1 p.m. Leave Astoria S p. m., arrive Portland 9 p. ra. 1;1 MENAHDWOMER. Uhi BIc U fornnnatsral (I!i:htK,lnflnMnitloD,, Irrltutiunt or ulceration, of lniifloua niembrAtiAR. PnlrilAMi, and not attrin. gnt or Doi.onoui. 'y Hold by Drurslal JUFKi, IuIiUt, ! 10 .trictur., Ithc EvansChcm idai. Co. HCiKIIATI.O.?';? I' k. i. M or imt In nlaln wrnnml. wievyn si .. t i.tti,-i n.n. No Stuaenbs, No Cocaine, No Gaa Ws will forfeit 11000 to anv char table institution for any Dentist who can compete with us In crown and y el tirt' bridge work, or teeth without plates, ray no raney iee until you nave con sulted us. Our continued success In our many offices is dus to ths unl form high-grade work don by years of experienced operator. The prices oaoted below are abtolutely the best opportunity to get your money's wonn wnicn ass ever bees offered. Wo use nothing but ths best ms teriala. sesr. awrer ratings ,. 50c Platinum Fillings io Gold fls Platinum Alloy Fillings.tJ5 Gold Fillings M to l5.oo S. S. Whits Layon Crown Gold Crowns, best sak extra heavy ti-oo Bridgework, per tooth, best work.. ,5 Best Rubber Plate, a S. white teeth , go Aluminum-lined Plats Iio to lis A binding guarantee given with all VEGETABLE VAPOR Used only by us for Painless Extrac tion of teeth, 50c Resd What Mrs. Jessie Level Says. I had 12 teeth extracted by the use of Vegetable Vapor, bolutely pain les the most nleaslnor effect n.l highly recommend the method. Your truly. MRS. JESSIE LEVEL Lafayette, Oregon. NERVOUS PEOPLE. And those afflicted with heart weak ness ean have their teeth extracted and filled without the least pain whatever, . . , Chicago Dental Parlors Northwest Cor. Commercial and nth. Phone Main 3001. The hrp-eet tnd best-eoulnned Dn- tal establishment in the Northwest. Seventeen offices in the United State. LADY IN ATTENDANCE. Se that yon are in the right offlne. Part Aae It Played a Very I portant Part In Life. Many odd notions still exist as meeting, snd some persons may board to exclaim "Bless, my soul. oncer "Bless my souL twicer and so on. after each saeete. But la put ages the sneeta really played a very Important part , In andent Greece; the people saluted each other whenever any one present chanced to sneeze. As Xenophoa tu addressing the Greek army la a mo ment of defeat on a historical occa slon a soldier sneeaed. Ths lines of battle were formed at once, for the aneew was deemed a good omen, and the Greeks were successful. Among tne ueorews wnen a person aneesed too bystanders would say, "Toblns challm"-"A long life to you." In India criminals on the rack of tor ture have saved their own lives by sneeslng accidentally. A humorous story about sneezing Is told in that wonderful collection of oddities, "The Arabian Nights." A schoolmaster was particular in teach ing bis pupils the value of politeness. He also told them that whenever ho sneezed they should clap their bands and say, "Long live our noble master." One day master and pupils went out for a stroll. The air was hot and all soon grew very thirsty. Great was their joy at lust to find a well. But the bucket was at the bottom of the well, and so toe schoolmaster went down to bring it, up. The boys seised the rope and tugged for dear life. Just as the schoolmaster reached the top of the well be sneezed. The boys let go the ropo and clapped tbelr hands, shout ing, "Long Ilvo our noble master!" As for the poor schoolmaster, be fell to the bottom of the well, where be may be to this day, for all one knows.- Mllwaukoe Wisconsin. """Mr. Rolrt"Tjr Burke, notarNTY writes 1 Befors I started to use FolsyV Kidney Cure I had to get up from 1 10 m umi a mgcii, ana 1 was all h L d up with tlror-y tnd ) eyesight was to Impaired I could scarcely se one of my family aeross the room. I hsd givta up bop of living, whea a friend reeom. mended Foley's Kidney Our, On sa cent bottl worksd wonders and bsfon 1 nan taasn to taiiu point lb d ropey bad gone, at well as ail other svii torn of Bright UJms.-. T. t. Uurlk Owl Drog Stars, Th Hew Pur Food aad Drog Uw Wo sr pleased to announts that Foley's llone and Tar for eotiffha i t. snd lung troubles Is sot affected by t( Nstional Pur Food and Drug law at It contain 00 opiate or other harr,.i drug, and w reootnmend it m a tat remedy for the children tad adults, f. umnn. ywi ureg Btoro. - STAR THEATRE PROGRAM FOR WEEK OF NOVEMBER 11. W T - Protrsmms Subject lo Changs, Overturs ....U n,,n- Up to Date Song Duo BLACK AND WRITE Illuitraied Song by DICK HUTC1URS Sing, "The Star aad Stripes tad You" Changs Thursday, "Sweet Adeline" The Laughmsker NIXON AND M0RAJT la Tbelr Original Sketch Entitled "The Inventor" , Mlio the Spanish Daver "' PEARL WRITING 1 Prima Donna Soprano . VIOLOIOVI Now w have ths closing set by JEAN WRITING A CO. THE TAILOR'S DREAM (Chang Thursday) THS LATEST COMEDY PICTURE Patron of this theatre wUI tdsaat port say discourtesy to ths taaaagemett aa our aim Is to present to our sud least tt HI times a good, eleaa, moral. Ugh. class performance, aad having made ar rangements for bookings la eonnettioa with tb large Eastern eWU will b a a poeitloa to present to the Astoria public ths beet talent playing the West la advaved vaudeville. MATINEES ADMISSION to esaU 10 AND so etst WMtllMMIIIIIIMMM, : I Pheumatism Diabetes, Kidney Diseases. i: Bladder Troobles, II Liver Complaint, I Indigestion, j Constipation, fand all other disease arising from Kioney and bladder troubles can Iqulckly, permanently and ' ABSOLLSELYi CURFfi Every sufferer from anr of these XJresd disease ihoukl learn at oncel fof the greateit cur known to mod-f fern science. HARHIGTON'S TABLETS j j. . . .. enuomeu oy pnysidana every-' re. They will cure thousands Z they will SURELY CURE YOU. Send 25 cents Today. for liberal box of the tablet. If! they do not oures you w will refundt VAIIw mnn. W Fill I- . .... I , mut ut vuupoas ana tend 11 to nT today. HERINGT0N MEDICINE CO. - Grand Rapids, Mich, s favor," Wor Still. "A visitor to see you, sir.'' ' "I'll bet he wants soma grumbled Senator Greathead. "It's a lady, sir." ' "Ah! That means half a dozen fa vors." Philadelphia Press. Foreign Bern.' , .'f ,f EurIIbIi Girl I boor you've been vis iting the States. Whttt did you think of tlx? native American Englishman I dMn't mpct any. I spent all my j time In Now York. Uarj er's Weekly. Tare wnere. Horington Medicine Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. ; : , i . ' I saelose 28 cents for which nleateX send, postage prepaid, 1 box Herlng-T iMy Nam fM Addre. , IMy DruggUt's Name ... '. l" " .CANADIAN PACtRIO "Impress- Una of tha Atlontlo Low Rates to Europe. .. Join one of our Christmas excursion to Great Britain, Norway, Sweden, Den mark and Germany, leaving .Portland weekly. ; 't , .. , ,t ,.. . ( Excellent ervioe and exceptionally low rate ; by the , Canadian Paciflo "Em. pre," the finest, fastest and largest steamers between St, Lawrenoe port and Europe. Write for ratet and booklett. James Flnlayson, agent, Astoria, Ors. ;