The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 15, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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    FRIDAY, NOVEMBER lj, 1907.
Just Arrived
Dew Bloater Dackerel
The finest in this or
any market
Tha Leading Qr-e
Llctmatd to Wtd
County Clerk 3. C. Clinton ytterday
issued a ma rr lags license la favor o(
Mr. Orli F. Olinetead and Ml Lulu Me
Mullen, both of thli county.
Will Karktt Fw
The Armstrong & Leonard pople hv
discontinued, tht cutting of log Id thttr
Deep Jtlver holding, and , aw buy
marketing tht veral million feet of
fiat log now being placed In the water
and boomd.
Onrifth Off-
For th nxt few day tbera will b
flat reduction of 20 per cent on tht
great furnlturt ttock of Charles Hell
born ft Company, tod thlt without
reservation of any tort.
Such In Fame
Van Ducn, mater Ah warden of
Oregon, bat been farming out crawfish
to tbt authorltlM In Nevada. Only lt
August they wer packng aardlnet in
allvtr tint according to report. On of
these daye Nevada will be aportlng a
warden of canned flh In tht mining
tamp. daclflo Flhrman.
Cnt Lou Dead
Thert wat a dearth of dd In the
filing at the county clerk.' office yeater
day, but ont Instrument of thia naturt
appearing on tbt register, tbat of tbt
Merchant' Saving ft Truct Co., to
Luoinda Appal oonwylng lota 10 and 11,
in block 6, of Hallway Addition to Oetan
Crawfish la Xmda
Matter Fiih Warden 11 0. Van Dun
la In receipt of a reply from tha Nevada
, Hah Commission regarding tha (hipmcnt
of crawflth tent them toma time ago.
Tbt eommitaion ba planted tht crusts
cnt In Washoe Lake near Carton City
and wem to bt getting along nicely in
their new abode. Thanka I extended to
Mr. Van Duaen for tha Interest thown
.' and foi tha direction which ha sent
regarding their food and culture.
Overland to Tillamook
Contractor C. L. Houston, of tha firm
of Ferguton ft Houston, baa gbn to
Garibaldi, in Tillamook county, to over
look tha nearly completed life-caving
. ... LI. -...-..I- 1 - ....111 , IL.
iiauou mi people nave num. iur mr
government thert, and wliich it ready
for official Inspection Mr. Houton went
out over the land trail, but will return
by tea, and will be borne in a few dayt.
Bit Sold Hi Inttrttt
Frank Smalley, tha well known
Frankfort logger, baa disposed of hi
Young't River logging interests, and will
devota hlmtelf to tba operation of bit
nortb-thor propertlet for tha futurt.
To Stella on Button
Erall I'alniberg, tbt wll known con
tractor ba gone to Stella to attlat in
the completion of a big contract ba bold
there for tba painting of a group of
building, and will remain thara until
tht work la practically UnUhed.
Twtnty Ctnta Saved
. 'Tht buyer of anything told by Charle
Uellborn ft Company, for toma time to
com, may tavt 20 ctnta on tha dollar
aa tha bouaa It making that reduction,
flat, on all good, in order to lesten tht
ttock. Don't forget it, and don t fail
to un it!
Nonhthori Visitors
Uan l'ctenen, ' th well known can
nerymen of Altoona, wat a business vltl
tor In thlt ct(y yeterday, aa waa Mika
(iurman, of Cathlatuet. ISoth gentlemen
rHrt tiling active on the other abort
and no especial gloom on account of the
hold up holiday. Their own interetlt
are flourishing at all point.
Strioutly HI
Otto Morgan, who ba been employed
In tha Western Union Teh-graph office
for tome time pt, i quit 111 at the
homa of C. W. Lamar. Dr. Fulton, who
1 In attendance on tba young man, may
advise tbat ba bt taken to tba boapital
a symptoms of typhoid fever art ap
parent - Otto ha inada many friend
her who will regret learning of hi
Lull In Criminal Matters
Thara art but three prisoners at pre-
ent In the county jail of Clataopt J. II
Andrew, tba larcenlstj Scott Anderson,
doing four month for assault with a
dangeroua weapon, and Al. Benson, who
hat terved hit term for pointing a gun
at another person, and Will bt releaied
today. Tba criminal dockett of tha city
and county are all light both In num
ber and quality of offenaea charged.
. 'V .
3 Cents Per Pound.
Scholfield Mattson .& Co. 'S8S&
112 and I20 Twelfth St.
Phone 1181 Phone 931
For a
Johnson Phonograph Co,
Parlor Saeond Floor ovar fteholfleld ' A Matt ton Co.
Mayor WIu hat returned from Port
land and feel qulta animated and hopeful
over tbt financial gltuatlon and thetheer
ful view taken of it at tha metropolis
In the course of an Interview yesterday
morning mltk en Astoriaa reporter be
expressed himself In tba following termt,
which art altogether appllcablt to the
existing condition t
"Outside of a few profeulonal dema
gogue, who are never happy unlet they
llr up trouble, tha good judgment of
tba average American baa again come to
tba front and everybody It going about
lila Inialom. r
"It't strange, I it not, when a man it
In need of accommodation, he think the
bank 1 a very good place to go to; but
the minute a bunch of Wall atreet (pecu
lator cry 'panlo,' la order to bring the
price of railroad and other bond down;
to many people become like a flock of
sheep and, forgetting the accommoda
tion and favor of tha pant, run to their
bank and take money from tha vault
to bid in unsafe place, or, perchance,
upend It In foolUh way.
"I met ttvertl prominent buIni peo
pit in Portland and tba general remark
wa 'Wall, your Astoria bank, w hear,
art a solid at a rock, and wa under
stand you Attoria people haven't loat
your bead like people ebiewhcre,' and
I tell you I felt prcAid to know tbat, tak
ing it all in all, wa have about aa cool
headed and anible a population a can
be found anywhere wa may have our
petty little difference, but In an emer
gency, wa got together and act like aane,
reasonable people.
"The Afttoria bank ara aolld and. w
are proud of it.
"Tba Commercial Club dinner wa a
niece, and I with that one of our com
mercial organization would get up a
oemi annual dinner, to which tha Com
mercial Club, of Oregon, and Washing
ton could bt invited, to knit together
the tlrt of friendabip and through an
exchange of idea, learn mora of tha ad
vantagea of tha varlou tection and
imbue them with the Importance of tbi
seaport city."
Grim VUitor Bring Sorrow Into .Two
' Homea.
Mr. Lydia TeUon, who wai taken to
Mary'a Hospital Wednetday afternoon,
lucourabed to a fatal malady at that in
(titutlon early yesterday morning, while
ministering hands were doing all possible
to relieve her suffering. Mr. Kelson,
waa a native of Oregon; 43 year of age,
and Just previous to her death bad been
a resident of Hammond. She ia ur
vlved by several children. Notice of in
terment will be given later.
, Mrs. Amelia KaxeppI, wife of the pro
prietor of the Columbia restaurant, died
at their home yesterday morning from a
stroke of paralysis. , Deceased wat 42
year of age. Interment will be made In
the Greenwood cemetery Saturday morning.
Pearl Button Induatry
A letter from Prof. W. C. Curtis, of
the University of Missouri, ha been
received by H. C. Van Duscn, regarding
the aecuring of any data concerning
specie of fresh water mussels that may
abound in our rivers. Prof, Curtis is
conducting elaborate experiments and
investigation with a view to finding
meant for maintaining fresh water mus
sels artificially. The shell of the mussel
are valuable aa pearl buttons are manu
factured f ram them. Mr. Van Dusen will
make investigation into this mussel in
dustry and it la possible may find we
have been overlooking a valuable manu
facturing proposition in our midst.
Astoria ia Advantaged
There are two particulars in tht new
tariff of tba Astoria & Columbia River
Railroad Company, which will be placed
in effect on the 25th of tha present
month, which are distinct advantages to
Astoria, and have been long desired) One
It that the $2.50 round-trip rate from
here to Portland, is available for use on
the Saturday night train preceding the
Sunday for which they are Issued j and
the other is, that all beach tickets sold
by the company at Portland and other
points up the river, will bear atop-over
privileges at Astoria, both going and
Eighty Cent
The prices on all the huge stock of
furniture at the1 store of Charles Hell
bora & Company, have been reduced to
80 cents on the dollar, throughout. This
will continue for tome time. The stock
must be reduced. ,
Yesterday afternoon an Aatorian re
porter hunted up Mr. Burns, the Port
land foreman of the Pacific State Tele
phone Company, in charge of tbt project
ed tmlce-improvemcntt here, and asked
what tba acope of repair and construc
tion wa. to be, and waa toll tbat It was
the purpose of the company to revamp
the entire equipment in tbia city and to
cable all tbt wires overhead, leaving no
open wires to disfigure or impede the
city nor its department.
There ara now 30 reel of' cablet on
the O. It A X. dock here, which will be
devoted to thlt phase of the work. It
wa originally intended to put tba wire
underground, but thia scheme baa been
abandoned, in part, owing to the fact
of the constant repairing and rebuilding
of the busy streets of the town; yet a
large per cent of the down-town, wires,
notably from the site of the 'present
office of the company aa far south aa
Franklin avenue, will be underground.
or piped and hung on the atringert below
the ttreeK
Plenty o,' new poles will be used in
tba new construction work and there are
several carioada now in the railway
yards hm for that purpose.
Altogether there will be 33,000 feet ot
cables swung overhead, each containing
from 29 to 150 pairs of transmission
wires, which, reduced to appreciable
figure, meant many a mile of new serv
ice equipment in this department
Ten men will arrive here today to join
Mr. Burn in the immediate launching
of the work, and tba plans, covering the
Inst detail of the tak have been pre
pared for use and are on the spot and
Scores of new and up-to-date instru
ments will be installed and the .whole
Astoria system will ba put on a par
with the best modern service in the
Everybody about the city is glad to
see Mr. Burns and his men here on tnis
task, and perkapa the beet satisfied of
them all ia Manager Andy Brunold. of
the local office, himself.
A Credit to Astoria
The beautiful new tonsorial parlor just
opened at 672 Commercial street in this
city by Messrs. J. H. Petersen t Son,
and atyled "The Modern," ia a distinct
credit to the city as a business house.
The establishment is fitted with every
phase of ttandaxd appointment in its
line and meets the but requirement of
the lawa of exquisite cleanliness. It is
done in rosewood and plate glass with
gilt ornamentation and contains six
splendid hydraulic chairs, tbat are the
very acme of comfort. That it will do
its ample share of the trade goea with
out saying, 'since, aside from its dainty
equipment, it is in the . very heart of
the city, and starts with the generous
Petersen cllentelle as sponsor for its
abiding success.
Ordered to Florida
Captain Steele who for the past six
years has been stationed at Fort Stev
ens, and who has made a host of friends
in thia city, has been ordered to Florida
for duty, and will depart in about three
weeks. The captain .will carry with him
the earnest good will of very many As
torians who have been recipients of
abundant courtesies at his hands. Col.
White, commanding at Fort Stevens, waa
in the city yesterday, to meet and greet
his daughter, Mrs. Geo. R. Feeter, the
wife of Lieutenant Feeter, of the Sev
enth U. S. Infantry, who comes out from
Texas to visit her father, and who will
ba followed in a short time by her
husband, the lieutenant.
Twenty Per Cent Off
Everything in the immense stock ear
ried by Charles Heilborn & Company,
will ba aold for soma time to come, at
a clean out of 20 per cent, without re-;
gard to what the article may be.
Morning Astorian, 60 cents per month
delivered by carrier.
Fresh Made Candy
Made right at home
in our own factory.
Also Lowncy's
In any size box.
-' 483 Commercial St
One Piano TlbHet With Each $5 Purchase.
Going to see
A football game?
W have clothes
IV wear to same
. 11
In the game of advertising Public Confidence
We have Quality, Style and Value playing on
the front line, and we score a touch-down every
our kick-off for today,
Sab Coat reduced 15 per cent. A lot of good Overcoats reduced ao per
cent. Mens and Boys' Suitareduced to, 15 and so per cent. $3 Hats
now a.$o
Separata pants reduced 10 to 20 per cent; fancy vests reduced alto.
Try some of our woolen underwear! '
WISE ia tola agent for Hulls' separable umbrella.
WISE ia sole agent for KNOX Hat. '' "
WISE is tola agent for Carhartt work clothe.
ALL claim "to have superior clothing
But you know that - '
Yob can't look FOOLISH in a WISE aulk
The Shop That Makes Astoria Famous,
Swedish Restaurant
Thursday Noon, November 14
At 406 Exchange Street. K
BIMU OCa Breakfast served from 7:30 to 8:30
lilGdlb Z J U. Dinner from 11:30 until 2.
Supper from 5:30 to 7:30.
Blue Hats
Brown Hats
Any Quantity.
We have just received a big shipment of
Blue and Brown Hats. There has been a
shortage but now we are well supplied,
Retriramlng and Remodeling Old
Hats a Specialty.
Ion Tod llmeri
Mrs. Georgia Pennington,
483 Bond Street,