THE MORNING ASTORIAN. ASTORIA. OREGON. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER it, 1907. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINGS HELP WANTED. ANTED BOY TO GARRY 'Apply Horning Astorian. PArtRS, , 11-18 tf. BOY TO DO LIGHT WORK. IN THE eaatry) good homj . wage accord iaf t work done. Apply M. P," care lAaeeei&a ffiae- j' ; v j ' ' ,1CASTED-A GIRL FOR GENERAL aecseworkj good wages. Apply 131 flsnrenth street. 11-7-tf. FOR SALS jPB (jT.TS THE FURNITURE OF A ' km lodsiaa house; room always MUt low wt, ' Western Realty Co, 47 OgwmrcUl street V 1 ICUt, SAIEREAL ESTATE. tCB SALE TWO LOTS IN ASTORIA ad M la Warrentonj will tell cheap. AAdm "J-, Astoriaa offio. .JOR RENT. AND ftjBSISHED HOUSEKEEPING room at 677 Exchange itrt U-Mt gEWTNQ MACHINES FOB RENT AND repair by Singer Sewing Maehin Ce, 178 Tenth street 10-87-tf. fOR . RENT FURNISHED HOUSE ' keeping room. 371 ISth St 10-!7-7t mSCELLAHEOUS. HAVE YOUR OLD MATTRESS MADE by Bob Davis. 69 Ninth it 7-tf. WANTED BOUSE AND BARN FOB Mat daring the wiaUr, or longer. Udree "I ft C" ear Astorian Office, with full particulars. , . FINNISH MASSEUSE, Victoria Airola a rheumatism, chronic, bowel tad trw disorders. Hot vpor Uth will be ctm if tlie patient's condition demands at treatment. I will positively ear A mat obstnat cose of rheumatism. f V. A- ATROLA, n-n-U. ' 1 Washington St NOTICE OF SALE OF SCHOOL WAR rant. Notice U hereby given, that School District No. 1, of ClaUop county, Oregon, will receive scaled bids from the bona fide resident of a Id achool dis trict, at the office of the clerk of said district, in the City Hail, at Astoria, Oregon, until 13 o'clock (noon) of Tues day, November 12, 1007, for the pur chase ot eight thousand one hundred dollars, par value, of Interest bearing warrants of said district, bearing inter est at the rate of fir (5) per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, which warrant will be dated November 1st, 190". and will be payable as follows: 12000.00 in two year. $2100.00 In three rears, and (4000.00 in fit Tear. Said bids may be for warrant itr amounts from fifty ($50.00) dollars to eight tbou sand one hundred (ISIOO.OO) dollars, and must stat the terms on which the war rants will b taken.' whether at premium, at par, or at discount. Each person will be entitled to but on bid. and all' bids must b addressed to "A. L. Clark. Clerk of School District No. 1," Astoria, Oregon, and must be endorsed "proposal for school district warrant." All bids will b opened at the offle of said clerk, oa said 18th day of Novem bar. at 2 o'clock p. m. Dated, at As toria, Oregon, October SI, 1007. . s ' i A. L. CLARK, dark of School District No. L CUt os County, Oregon. 11-1-lOt BUSINESS DIRECTORY. RESTAURANTS. TOKIO RESTAURANT. 531 Bond Street. ' Opposite Ron. Higgins ft Co. Coffee with Pie or Cake 10 Cts. FIRST-CLASS MEALS. Regular Meals 15 Cts. and Up. U. S. RESTAURANT. 434 Bond Street Coffee with Pie or Cake 10 Cts, First Class Meals 13 Cents. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Thone 1081 Main. 399 Bond St The Finest 15c Meal Served la Astoria. Gain Ja Season. Your Patronage Solicited. Courteous Treatment to AIL UNDERTAKERS. J. A. GILBAUG1I & CO Undertakers and Embalmer. .Experienced Lady Assistant When Desired. LAUNDRIES. THOSE PLEATED BOSOM. SHTRT8 ! The kind known by dreesy nun in tte nuner, ar difficolt article to launder adsry. Unlet you know jwrt how to it th front pleat wont iron down nth. and the shirt front will took Our New Pre Ironer ire karat without rolling or stretching. Try fcV Troy Laandry, Tenth and Duan. iliaialSSV- MASSAGING. HATING STUDIED THE SCIENCE OF taaaagmg under the instruction of Dr. jH. Kiljonen, I am now prepared to practice massaging in brnehe; thorough competency is assured. Mrs. M. Heyno, 87 West Bond street Astoria. MISCELLANEOUS. fBOTEOT Y0UR3ELF FOB fl PER month against aecident sicknea and isath; furnishes doctors, dentistry, med lemes and hospital service. Call or write. National Hospital Aesn, room 3, Page 9-8-tf. Calls Promptly Attended Day v or Night. Rattan Bdg. 12th and Dovne8ts A8TORIA, OREGON Pbon Main 2111 ;i AMUSEMENTi PROPOSALS. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER taster, Fort Steven, Or, Nor. 2, 1907. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be Kceived at this office until 2 o'clock f. bl, November 21, 1907, and then pub Brij opened, for the construction of a cistern for the storage of rain water br vse in one double and one single set f officers' quarters at Fort Stevens, Or. Plana can be seen, specifications obtained and full information famished at this file. The U. S. reserves the right to teject any or all bid. Envelopes con- taming proposals should be marked rProposals for construction" and ad- (tressed to the Constructing Quarter taster. Fort Stevens, Or. HOUSE MOVERS. 7REDRICRS0N BROS We make a penalty of house moving, carpenters, aaatraetor, general jobbing:' prompt at featioa to all orders. Corner Tenth and Diane. DRESSMAKING. 7ASHI0NABLE DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY MADAME CLARE 75 Third Street. ' It is a well known fact that persons living in the Pine forests do not suffer ften kidney diseases. One dose of Pine ales at night usually relieves backache. Thirty days' . treatment $1.00 Your money refunded if not satisfied. Sold ay Frank Hart's Drug Store. Cured of Bright' Disease. Do you know that Pinesalve Carboliz- itet like a poultice in drawing out fcfiammation and poison t It is anti- ' . L . eplic, 1 or cum, uuiub, eczema, cracnea and it is immediate relief. Sold by frank Hart's Drug Store. PLEASANT IlQUft l 5f. ,J j V ' 6f''' ' ' ENTERTAINMENT YAUOEYILLE AT THE LOUVRE And Vaudeville that really Amuses and Interests yon. Weekly Changes of Pro gram and Each Change an Improvement SPECIALTIES THIS WEEK Jl . "' - j .r-Ri-r LITTLE MISS FRISCO Sons and Dane Artist 1 -r- '-TllI THELMA BECKS Balladist ALMAPTERCS Swedish Nightingal PRINCESS OMEAIfA Th World's Wonder Dont Fail to ADMISSION VREE . TIC LINDBECK, Prop. , HOTELS PROFESSIONAL CARD). ATTORNKYS-AT-LAW JOHN C McCUS, Attrney-At-Law. Deputy District Attorney. Pag Building, Suit 4 Fresh Made Candy " Made right at home in our owu factory. Also Lowncs In any site box. -AT- ' TAGG'S PARLORS 48 j Commercial St - J..L..I.L.-J 4J A little pressing Now and then Will make, your Clothes look new Again, That is, if its done by Carl Fransccn, Tt Astoria Tailor, 179 Eleventh St PE0NI MATH 3711 B0AT-BUTLDIN0. HOWARD M. kROWNIU, Attornty-At-Law. Offiea with Mr. J. A. laUs, at V. , Conusrdal St, Aateria. DENTISTS. Ub, VAUGHAN, . DENTIST Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregca. DR. V. a LOGAN DENTIST St Shtitthta BaOdiag OSTEOPATHS. DR. RHODA C HICXS OSTSOPATB Offle ManMU Bid. Pbast Black Mil 171 Commercial 8U Aatwia, Or. MEDICAL. FRANK SMITH, , B0ATBUTLDIN0 AND REPAIRING A SPECIALTY Taylor a venue. T, Iv. Driscoir BoatboildlOfj and Repar ian a Specialty. 22 nd and Exchange street. DR. KN0WLES CO, 3 Room sog CHIROPODIST "...and... MANICURIST Astoria Bank Bldg. PLUMBERS. Unpreeswantsd Sueoewen of DLtHIlO THE GREAT CHINESE DOCTOR Who is known throogtoat tbe United 'Jhl wonderful ' ors. No poisons or drug used. He guaran tee to cur catarrh, asUuna, lung and thro trouble, rheumatiam, aerroiians, stomach, liver and kidney, femal torn plaint and all chronic diaess!. SUCCESSFUL HOME TREATMENT. If yon cannot call writ for symptom blank and circular, inclosing 4 cent in stamp. THE C. GEE WO MEDICINE CO. 1021 First St, Corner Morrison, PORTLAND, OREGON. Pleas mention th Astorian. , ' II ! II IB PLUMBER Heating Contractor, Tinner "; -and-: Sheet Iron Worker ALL WORK GUARANTEED 415 Bond Street Love the Conqueror. rConyrlaht 1WT, by Itom.r Bprafue.1 Th pay clerk cam to himself wbllo th doctors wr working over him. n looked around, mildly curious, and his eye foil oa Miss Stafford. "You brl Out lay, what's the mnttorf Whpr am IT bo aakwl fo bly. "You'r boa hurt, Mr, nnttdown ou tho keys, too know, You'ro nt Miami now. Don't you rcnimiiltor tho rnllrtwd estcualon aud tho burrtcniior "Oh, ye. Tb others savodV "Not nil. Ilut I won't Ml you any nior now." II closed his eye wearily, bnt hap pily. Tbo mere fact that tbo contract ori daughter bad felt sufficiently In terested to com to him was enough. At Bmt It had iwmed almplo frac ture of th arm. but ns th days passed complications developed. There wr consultations of doctors, aud tho ques tion of an amputation was dtcud. An attempt bad been nnule to keep th from tli shock slowly and steadily. Lov hml wiintuired. FRANK II. BW KET. NATURE'S WARNING. Astoria Popl Mutt Recognita H4 It " and Kidney 111 comi rjulcltly myiterl- Hut nature always arn you. Notice His kidney secretions, ' See If the color l unhealthy ' ' U there are settling and aedlnteut, "age (reiHient, K-anly, pslnful, It's time then (0 use Doan'i Kidney rui. To ward off Bright '1 Dltea or dla- liete. ' "" - ""' " Tan' have "don great work in Atorla. Tlieodor j0eAion, 013 Seventh street, Astoria, Orejron, sayr "About five year aito I used Doan't Kidney rills and derived great benefit I was suffer ing from severe pain aero. my back and my loin and at times so aerer that I waa unnbls to stoop or straight frariiy or nis poamon rrom iiaie, nui " .7: , " " r --- th oulek brain and keen ere of that ' m a grai Touna man Dlerced th fllmay ubte JmI' B wowUon wer generally too it id passing, ai ust uoan Kidney Pills were brought to my attention and I procured a bot at Rogers' drug store. I began using them and my health U now excellent I take a few dose of foge. II divined that be wis in a critical condition. Then on day Mlsa Stafford cam again, Th nun was standing near. "I would Ilk to tee you alone a few momenta," he began. Then, a th Kidney rill now and then, when nun llppd from th room, "Kneel Ming any sign of baekach and thsy down, Miss Stafford, pleas, so that your eye will be ou a level with mln." She knelt wondering. That' right Now look straight at m. I want yon to tail me bow badly hart I am." Tier troubled gas met hts and ws Tared. The doctors do not know yet i accJy," an told him gently, II smiled faintly, but with some thing in his eye that called for a deJntt answer. Oom, Ml Stafford-Kate; if no m dodging. Look at m aud out with it I'm not a schoolgirl Am I going to dlr Der vole waa very brave, bat it hart nor mora to ten th truth than it did htm to hear it "we bop It is not so bad as that Toei have been badly shaken, and there aw Internal compUcaUooa, bat wotwt trouble Is your arm." "Am they going to amputate T "Tee," ,,. wm eye winced, but h held nis rote teadUy. "Tbey'r afraid th xx wfll kill rae-4 that Itr Sn nodded, her throat swelling to an impoaslMUty of word. B my quiet for a Urn, bis fac tamed to th wail. Her wbol heart went out In a surge of paaalooat pity for the man so stricken, strag gang along In the grimmest fight of hi Ufa. Th glri had th laslgbt to re frain from words, but under tho strong lmtwlM ah leaned forward and touch ed his etioek with her Up. never fall to banlih the trouble. Plenty mot proof Ilk this from As toria people. Call at Chas. Roger drug store and ask what bl customer re-. pert. . , .,.,,'... J: For Ml by all dealer. Pno SO. FotUr aUibun Co, Buffalo. New York. sal agent for th United State. Remember th nam Doanl sad tak ao ether. . u : STAR THEATRE PS0GRAM jv' fit 1H It FOR WEEK OF NOVEMBER it, toot. Programme Subject to Chang. Overture ..... ... ... . . ... . .Ida DutIum Up-to-Dat Song Duo ' BLACK AND WHITE IHiwtrated Swig by DICK RUTCBINS OH Sing. "The Star and Stripe and ou" Chang Thursday, "Sweet , Adeline" Th Leughmaker NIXON AND M0RAN In Their Original Sketch Entitled "The Inventor" Mllo th SpnUh Dancer PEARL WHITINO Prima Donna Soprano , t VIOLO LOVE Now we have the closing act by NO JEAN WRITING & CO. TRE TAILOR'S DREAM ((Change Thursday) THE LATEST COMEDY PICTURE Patrons of this theatre will pleas re- Hi, wej port any discourtesy to th management REAL ESTATE WANTED. ' WANTED TO BUY HOUSE AND LOT m Astoria. Addreaa "H. L," ear As torian office. Give full particular. NORTHERN HOTEL MRS. J. COLLINS, Prop. Steam Heat Baths, New and Modern, Running water in every room. Rooms 75c $1.00, $1.50. Suites by the week, $5 TRANSIENT SOLICITED. Eleventh and Duane Streets. ASTORIA, ORE. Phone Main 3911 HOTEL PORTLAND Finest Hotel in the Northwest PORTLAND, ORE. DRUGGIST. STENOGRAPHERS. LENORA E. BEN0IT, Public Stenographer. Telephons 3631. 1 Commercial St , Dictation called for IRVINGHOTEL Corner Eleventh and Franklin 60 ROOMS : Steam Heat, Bath and :: -! Modern Conveniences. :-s CATER TO LOCAL TRADE Accommodations for , Commercial Travelers Dining Room run in Connection UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT ALL A F. GILES, Manager Columbia Drug Co. Dr. Charles C. C Rosenberg (Successors to Dr. Linton's Drug Co.) Drugs, Medicines AND Toilet Articles. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Dr. Rosenbercr will cive consultations and examination free. . 185 Eleventh Street Telephone Main 11 71, , Astoria, Ore. TRANSPORTATION. PAMKNQERB. The FRBIQHT. K"Une , at sftsfc . ft-Sa sjmyigslsHrfl Steamer - Lurline Nlfht Boat for Portland and Way Landings. Leave Astoria daily except Sunday at WINES, LIQURS AND CIGARS. Eagle Concert Hall (320 Astor St.) ,!j Rooms for rent by the day, week, or month. Best rates in town. P. A. PETERSON, Prop. JAPANESE GOODS. INEXPENSSIVB JAPANESE FIXINGS, MADE OF BAM BOO, LIGHT, ; STRONG, HAND MADE, TABLES, STANDS, CHAIRS, WHATNOTS, BOOKCASES, SHELV ING, ETC. : - j Yokohama Bazaar 625 Commercial St., Astoria. 7P.m. . Leaves Portland Daily except at y a. m. Sanday Quick Service . Good Excellent Berth. Meals Landing Astoria FUvel Wharf. . Landing Portland Foot Taylor St G. B. BLESSING, Agent Pbon Main 9761. Steamerj TELEGRAPH The only Hteamboat miking a roond trip DAILY exenpt Thursday between Portland and Aitorls and way point. . , NO WAY POINTS ON SUNDAY Portland Landing, Alder Htrmt Dock Astoria Landing, Callender Dock Leave Portland 7:00 a, m. arrive Astoria, 1:W p. m, Leave Axtorla 2:30 p. m.; arrive Portland 9:80 p. m. SUNDAY EXCURSIONS Leave Portland 8 a. in.: arrlvo Axtorla 1 p.m. Leave Astoria 8 o. m., arrive Portland 9 p. m. CANADIAN PACIRIC EMPRESS" Line of the Atlantic, Third-class ocean rates on "Empresses." $29.75 to Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp. $28.75 to Liverpool, London, Glasgow. $32.50 to Scandinavian common ports. $35.50 to Hango, Abo. 'Hclaingfors. On regular steamer $1.25 lower. Two and four-berth room reserved. ' JAMES FINLAYSON, Agent, Astoria, Ore. hand sought hers, found It and gripped M our lm 10 frwnt to our audioes tt atiMnelv. 1st all time a eood, dean. moraL hlvh Wbo b turned again toward her 'e performanc, and baring mad ar- be waa amawd to Ond In bis eye a raagementa for bookings in oonnectioa abialng triumph. She bad looked fori with th Lug Eastern circuit will b thorn to fly th flag of despair, perhaps, In a position to present to th Astoria or brnv endurance, but certainly not I peblie th beet talent playing th Wet ma. : I in advajwr vaudevllli. If all right dear," be said coo-1 MATINEES tentodly. "I have been too dlffldent- too much of a coward, it may be. But thore wae talk of you and another nun, and-anit I could see that be was more suitable. I am a poor man, with J net my salary, and you and be are wealthy. I never spoke, scarcely dared to look. Yes, I have been a coward. Ia time I might have won, have" "I think you are the bravest man I know," ah Interrupted simply, They were silent for many minutes after that both thinking of what the end nngnt be, the likelihood that be might be going to his death. Of th two be faced tho contingency the more opimly. ; .. ,, "After all, death is not the greatest evil that con befall one," be told her. The tide of her emotions was full. "You know, of course, that I love you, Kate; that I always have loved you. It Is la keeping with my weak ness that I have stood back while oth ers have pressed boldly forward to win you ADMISSION to cents 10 AND o cents TAKE ratfR CHOICE. SMALL RANCH, 45 ACRES, 20 CLEAR- ed; small house and barn: 1 eood mUch cows, sell 10 gallons dallyj 2 good luxm norse, au sueep, 75 clilcksiisj plenty good wood and watert 10 miles She was illeut a moment then, "Yea, from Itv. Si miles from RR, depott for 1 Know yoq lov me," sue gnia. casn or nan down: easr terms for bat. "Almost witliout nope I nave loved, ancej best bargain in this countv. It has been tho weakllug's part I have ' played-desirlng much,- hoping little, CHOICE LOTS 'FOR BUlLDmns. compelling ootning. isn 1 tnat a quo tation?" "I don't know," sho answered softly. "Love is not like other things. It Is not to be compelled. It goes Its own way." ;,?;''""' - His eager eyes shone. "Do you mean" his voice was very wistful. '.,.)'',.? ,:, : Hot gray eyes came up steadily to meet bis. "Always and always." "You mean It Kate? Tbls Is no false klndneos because I am so 111?" For answer her full rich lips kissed his ptillld ones. He drew a long breath. "I shall not die. ;' I have too much to live for now. You will see that I shall come hack from the.', shadowy ."'valley' after nil. Love will conquer death thlft time." ' .". And It did. Against nil the probabll- j Itjei.of science,, ngnlust the predictions. 12 HOUSES AND LOTS, VALUES from $4000 to $1000, or even least all on easy terms. ; TIMBER CLAIMS. ' TIDE LANDS., BAtANCE " LIST CALL AND LOOK over. "1 '; i O. F. MORTON. . ; 430 COMMERCIAL, i m dM..m T.1 1 to e urtv Mmiitl mi W MrhrMn. Prew,U Wiaut(M, thiEVahsCtKiviidalGq! OlHCINNATi.115' V H MENAX0WCME21 tnt Bis V fur unnatural alrharg(,tlinaimnatlcne. IrrlUtlana or ulimrithont ot muoous nminbrftii. Pitliilam, tnd nut utrln. gntu or iHMnnnoui. J Mold by DragsUia, 1 by prni. rrild. ? .iTTTWjVk SI.0O. orlmlt.'SJ.7.