The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 12, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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Commander J. P. AYerlicb, U. S. X,
commanding ofllcer of the Thirteenth
Lighthouse District, fcrrled in thia city
from Portland yesterday afternoon on
an official tour of inquiry and lnvtiga
tion into condition and need. He came
down on the H;0 express, alighting at
Tongue Point, where the lighthouse ten'
dn Heather waa awaiting him for a
crui to Tatoosh Island in Puget Sound.
. When the Heather reached thia city
from the buoy station at Tongue Point,
Commander Werlich went directly to
the office of the Columbia River Bar
Pilots' Association, for the purpose of
discussing with that group of mariners
tie necessities incident to the establsh
merit of the range lights desired here as
an aid in entering this port, the range
to include Sand Island and FlaveL As
it happened that there were but three
or four of the pilots ashore at the hour
of his call, it was agreed that he shall
meet them again on hie return from
Puget Sound, when more of them might
be at hand to express their opinions as
to the exact requirements of the new
aid. .
Commander Wertich expressed himself
as perfectly twilling to meet the wishes
of the pilots, and people of this port,
in any way at all, so long as there ii
money at his disposal and authority for
its application to the projects most
needed. The question of the new range
lights was gone into quite thoroughly
,by all present and there is no doubt of
their being put into service just as
soon as he can confer conclusively with
the majority of the pilots association.
T After the meeting adjourned that
officer went at once aboard the Heather,
and she sailed for the Sound, where
Commander Werlkh will look fnto a case
of non-service of the whistling buoy near
there, and adjust it so that it may be
heard in all directions instead of just
one aa at present He will return to
this port when he has disposed of this
matter. ...... .
NEW YORK, Not. 11. Beginning to
day the force at the New York Navy
Yard will work night and day in order
to have the battleships now being fitted
out for the Pacifle voyage ready by De
cember 14, and to proceed to Hampton
Roads from which they will sail on De
cember 16. They are the Connecticut,
Flagship of the fleet and the Louisiana,
Ohio, Rhode Island and Alabama,
Rear Admiral C C Sperry, who was
designated a few days ago to command
the fourth division of the fleet, loisted
his flag on the Alabama. Thla assign
meat completed the division and squadr
on commands, the other being Rear
Admirals Thomas ami Emory. AJml
ral Evans, commander in chief of the
fleet, Is in personal command ot the
first division.
PCEW YORK, Nov. 11. In view of the
disturbed financial conditions it is dif
ficult for importers to get currency in
time to nwet their obligations to the
government. Secretary Cortelyou has
doubled- the time permitting for ' the
payment of customs duties. Making it
tffl hours. The law lequirea payment in
gold coin, silver dollars, gold and silver
certificates or treasury notes.
The change in customs conditions was
made at the request of XV. Wickhain
Smith, attorney for George Borgfeldt
and Company, and other importers.
A Hard Debt to Pay.
T owe a debt of gratitude that can
never be paid off.1 writes 0. & Clark, of
WestfleU, Iowa, "for my rescue from
death, by Dr. King's New Discovery.
Both lungs were so- seriously affected
that death seemed imminent, when I
commenced taking New Discovery. The
ominous dry, hacking cough quit before
the first bottle wss used, and two more
bottles made a complete cure." Noth
ing hat ever equaled New Discovery for
coughs, colds and all throat and lung
complain ta. Guaranteed by Charles
Rogers A Son. druggists. 60 cents and
$1.00. Trial bottls free. .
Thia la Worth Remembering.
As no one is immune, every perm
should remember that Foley's Kidney
Cure will cure any case of kidney or
bladder trouble that is not beyond the
reach of medicine. T. T. Laurin, Owi
Drug Store.
The Astoria football eleven defeated
the Bunker Hill team of Portland in a
lively and interesting gams, Sunday by
the close score of 1 1 to 10.
The game was called at 2:43 and was
supposed to be played la two 23-mtnute
halves, with a 10-tumute interval, but
owing to the hard, dry condition of the
field, and the rough, hard playing,
number of players on both sides were
more or less injured and enough time
was taken out to cause the game to last
until 4:20 o'clock.
The Portland boys were outweighed
by the local team, but made up for
light weight ty their clever team work
and speedy plays.
The game waa marked by a number
of unnecessarily rough plays and some
slugging was indulged in.
One Bunker Hill man was carried from
the field in the second half and waa out
of play for the balance of the game.
Upshur went In as right half back in
the second half, and made a grand stand
play by saving ths game at the last
moment by a tackle of Portland's full
back, who waa running toward goal and
had passed all the other Astoria men.
Other star plays were made for Astoria
by Morrison, left tackle; Steblck, full
back, and H. Larsen, left guard.
The boys all worked hard and deserve
great credit. With a little more prac
tice on team work and pausing they will
put up a strong game of ball against all
Chief Gammal acted as referee and his
decisions deflected credit upon himself
and Astoria and were satisfactory to all
concerned. Offiqers Houghton and Oberg
kept the field clear of excited specta
tors and rooters.
The home team will go to Aberdeen
next Saturday night and will play the
Gray's Harbor boys at that place.
All kinds of furniture made new by
Bob Deris, 69 Ninth street. 11-7-tf.
That Hyomel Will Curt All Forms of
Catterhal Diseases.
Testimonials could be printed by the
thousands, many of them from Attorls
and nearby towns, that Hyomel Is an
absolute cure for all catarrhal troubles,
but the best proof of its unusual curative
powers is ths ' guarantee that T, F.
Lawrens give with every outfit that he
sells, "Money back if Hyomel does not
do all that is claimed for it."
Hyomel is not a secret remedy. It
formula is given freely to physicians
who want to know what thsy use
when they prescribe Hyomel. It Is
iruaranteed under the Pure Food and
Drug Law by serial No, 1418.
Bv breathing Hyomel, the healing
medication goes directly to every nook
and corner of the air passscee where
the catarrhal germs may lurk, and dla
infects and heals. To be convinced of
this you have only to give it a trial,
remembering that if it does not cure,
T. F. Lawrens will refund your money.
There Is no dangerous stomach drug
ging -when Hyomel is used. Its healing
medication ts breathed through little
pocket Inhaler a few time dally, and
almost immsdiately a great improve
ment is noticed and quick recovery fol
lows. The complete Hyomel outfit costs but
11.00. and In most cases is sufficient to
cure the disease, making it only a
scientific treatment but one that is
highly sconomlcal Get an outfit today
from T. F. Lawrens If you nave any
symptoms of catarrh, and see how quick
ly the remedy relieves and cures.
He Fought at Gettysburg.
David Parker, of Fayette, N. Y, who
lost a foot at Gettysburg, writes 1 EJeo
tric Bitters have Jon me more good
than any medicine I ever took. For
several years I bad stomach trouble,
and paid out much money for medicine
to little purpose, until I began taking
Electric Bitters. I would not take 1500,
for what they have done for me." Grand
tonic for the aged and for female weak
n esses. Great alternative and body
builder: best of all for lame back and
weak kidneys. Guaranteed by Charles
Rogers & Son, druggists. 50 cents.
The goodness of every
thing else at breakfast de
pends on the coffee.
Yea tracer return year aoaf V ve seal
fee Schiuiof Best: w par bia.
uo not uei liom reel !
We pay a premium of five cents on
on all clearance house checks presented to
us in trade, and sell the best
on the market -
Oar showing of double
lined Wood Heaters is
the best ever shown in As
toria, Most complete assort
ment. . Prices $1.75 and up.
We carry the
Roya! Franklin
Fire Place Heaters.
The most cheerful heater on
the market.
20 different styles of cast lined "Wood Heaters,
The largest selection ever displayed in Astoria
Prices range from $10.00 to $2250-
We are carrying a full line
Hot Blast Heaters
all sizes', and prices to suit
your pocketbook. Prices
range from $8$g.50 up.
'f are sole agents for the celebrated'
80TJHD OAK HEATER, nude in
three sires, the most economical and
lasting Heater on the market
In Astoria
The steamer BrtskwsUr arrived in
from Coos Bay ports yesterday. , ,
The American steamship Maverick ar
rived from San Francisco Sunday.
The steamer . Northland from San
Francisco is due to arrive this morning.
The lighthouse tender Heather left out
ye.ter.Uy afternoon -for Cape Flattery.
The American schooner Alvena for
Redondo, with a cargo of lumber, went
to sea Sumley,
The George Elder arrived yester
day from San Francisco with freight
and passengers.
The four-masted schooner King Cyrus
with a cargo of lumber for Redondo will
leave out this morning. .
The steamer City of Panama arrived
from San Francisco yesterday with
freight and passengers.
The steamer Alllanes'ls du down this
morning from Portland with freight and
passengers for Coos Bay.
The ateamer Borderer in bsllast frim
San Francisco arrived in Saturday and
will load grain for Europe.
The German steamer Nleomedia with
a cargo of cereal and general merchan
dise for flong Kong and way porta.
The schooner Delia, Capt, Jon, ar
rived from Nestuoc yesterday with a
cargo of cheese and country produce.
The Norwegian steamer Aker In bal
last from Redondo yesterday morning
and will load grain for ths United King
dom, The BrftUh steamer Fitipatrick went
to sea yesterday with a cargo of flour
and grain. She Is bound for St. Vincent
for orders.
The three masted schooner Alice Mo
Donald with a cargo of lumber for San
Pedro waa towed down the river yet ten
day afternoon.
The British stecmer Woodford in bal
last from Guaymat, Mex., arrived In
Sunday and will load grain for the
United Kingdom for orders.
The American stesmer Lyra arrived
down the river yesterday and will go
to sea this morning. The Lyra carries
a general cargo for New York.
' The British steamer Auchencrag ar
rived from Shlmoneskl, Japan, yester
day In ballast and will load grain for
the United Kingdom for order.
The British ship St. Jllrren from Aus
tralia arrived in yesterday afternoon
and will load flour and grain for the
United Kingdom. Tire St. IBrnn was
one of the ship that raced with the
Claverdon for this port.
The now steamer being built for Capt.
Uabblilgo will be launched toduy and
will be christened the Julia B. She will
not go into commission until loins time
In December, as the boiler and other fix
ture are not a yet In place.
CIllCAUfl, Nov. 1 l.iOne of the
smallest and moat perfectly formed In
fant of prematura birth ever known to
medical science II contentedly In a
diminutive Incubator In the room of It
mother, Mrs Edna He, wife of Charles
B. He, a civil engineer.
The baby, when bom, (fct 19, weighed
little more than a pound, and measured
but 14 loch tu length. Over Ht per
fectly formed wrlat It mother easily
slipped her wedding ring. During the
three weeks that have elapsed the baby
has gained only a few ounce and now
weigh but a pound and half.
NEW YORK. Nov. ll.-Mra. Mary
Duff Daly, widow of Augutln Daly, the
playwright and theater manager, died
her yesterday. Her death followed an
attack of heart disease from whlob be
Ini.l been suffering a week.
She wss the daughter of John A. Duff,
the linpifisarln, end was born la thle
city in 1M9. She met Daly early in hla
carver a a manager and from the tin
' h-r marriage until his death she w
constantly with him during his tbeat
erica! venture both In London and New
Bouse with bam for rent during the
winter, or longer. Address LUC, cart
Astoria Office, with full particulars,
A boy to carry paper, apply Morning
Astorlan. . , U-Utf.
Christmas Excursions. -If
you sre going to spend ChrUtmae
in the Old Couutry consult the Canadian
Pacifle. Through ticket from Astoria
to all points in Europe. James Flnlay
ton, agent.
At the Palace,
' A ntw Innovation has been introduced
st the Palace Restaurant, which will
surely prove popular. Each erenlng
Spanish or Mexican dish will be prepared
by one who la thoroughly acquainted fas
the Intricacies of these toothsome re
pasts. These dishes, which have bean
In vogue at this popular place, for about
a week, have bit the public taste, and
ehanga the present results.
Is due in a large measurs to abuse of
the bowels, by employing drastio pur
gatives. To avoid all danger, use only
Dr. King's New Life Pills, the safe, gen
tle cleansers and lnvlgorators. Guaran
teed for headache, biliousness, malaria
and Jaunafce. at Charles Rogers & Son's
Drag Store. 8 cent
A Significant Prayer,
"May the Lord help you make Buck-
ten's Arnica Salve known to alL" write
J, G. Jenkins, of Chapel EUL N. Q It
quickly took the pain out. of a felon
for me aud cured it in a wonderfuUy
short time." Best on earth for ores,
burns and wound. 25 cents at Chat.
Rogers & Son's Drug Store.
The Commercial.
The Commercial atlU continue to do
a good businsss. The finest gradse of
different kinds of refresh man t kept st
this well known establishment assures a
continuance of Its popularity, Toe pro
prletor, Otto Sund, le a genial gentle
man, and Is wsll and favorably knows l
this city. Drop into the Commercial
when in the neighborhood. It is on Com
mercial street near Eleventh.
W bars sliver side and steelhsad net
ting, leaded lead lines, cotton twine snJ
rope. Plymouth Manila rope, oil clothing
and rubber boots and everything for
fishermen. F. J. Carney A Co.
ffsw Grocery Stern,
Try our own mixture of coffeethe
J. P. B. Fresh fruit and vegeteblc'
Babollet ft Co. grocers. Phene Main
Columbia and Vlcmr graphopnone
and latest records at 414 Commercial
street A. R. Cyrus. tt.
, The Tyler.
Ths Tyler still keens uo Its reouta-
tlon. Good liquors and polite attention
will always win. snd in nurtuanes of
this idea Clarence Tvler ha made ne
change in" ths quality of his goods, and
nas secured me services or uncle uene
Lent whose genial personality make
htm Donular with the Tvler'a natrons.
Everyone knows where the Tyler la.
sum ana jjona street.
Notice. v
Heating stoves and ranges, the beet
and ths cheapest. Hildrebrand ft Got.
Oliver typewriters vnd tntomatio
stenographers at A. ft. Cyrus, 411
Commercial street tt
RECEIVED TODAY 111,1, rillilE
Sweet Apple Cider - -40c per Gal.
Saeurkraut - - - Be per qt.
Waxen Cooking Apples 65c box.
All kinds of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables. ;
521 Commercial! Street
Phone Main 081