V' f (UtUSHCS rUUL At SOCIATCD PRESS REPORT NO. 246. VOLUME LXIII, 0 Vw, Jill COVERS THE MORNING FIELD ONTHC LOWER COLUMBIA ASTORIA, OREGON. SATURDAY NOVEMBER 9, 1607 PRICE FIVE CENTS MEET DEMAND CURRENCY V Eastern Bankers Refute State ments That They Are Not Trying to Help West COMMERCIAL FAILURES LESS Bra4trtta Say Good Progr Hit Bta Mad la Changing Condition With Returning Coundtac Hoarded Monty It Being Apia Deposited. NEW! TOOK, Xo. t-LMdlag New York bank art ' tutting tbemaalv actively today to meet tit demand of ththr tounlryl correspondent aa4 de positor lor currency. They declare that tbt euBjwuUona made (rota imral WnUtj soureea that they art not mt ItgiUmaU demand for currency from tbt Wttt art tntlrely unfounded and that they art on tht contrary talcing amy praetknl maaaur to aid tht Watt and South. It la admitted cotton whip menta are seriously checked by tht lack of amall bilk and the inability of South- ara banka to handle tbt Immense juofmH at bulm accumulaUng at Southern point. On the other band grain shipment art in better ahape ow ing to tht gold tecured by St. Paul and Minneapolis tnke, and arrangement for paying cash i New York on gnln Wlla, The total engagement of gold now amount to $10,000,000 thla total fcelng materially Increased today by an Muncementa of eemal purrliiuet not line to-fore made public. Thlt gold rill afford a basis for approximately 9200,000.000 and will materially tssist tba New York Unlit In their effort to meet tba pressure for currency through out tht country- The extent of effort made by the New York bankt to meet demand upon them It Indicated by the ahowlng made by the bank tatement, which thowt that nearly $(10,000,000 hat disappeared from New York btnkt Inca lent wcek't atateroent. ,NEW YORK. Nov. 8.-Bradstrt tomorrow will tay that good progr lute been made In accomodating tht country to the changed financial condi tion!, title too with ttriklngly little friction, considering the (canity of currency and the widespread aubetltu tlon of credit . Instrument for actual oath. ; At the tame time the wholesale and Jobbing trade liat quieted down per ceptibly and the disposition In Indus trial Unci I to curtail nrmliwllrm aver potslble. There provailt thlt week a rathe more opUmUtlc tone than latt, tha outgrowth of better feeling In the Eatt.' Large arrival of gold from Kurop and theideal basic condition, both at re gard the purchasing power of the peo ple, and the absence of large tockt, are totter than In some preceding year of tros. NEW YORK, Nov. 8.-J)unn ft Com pany'a weekly review of the trade will aty tomorrow there are fewer commer cial failure In the United State thla week than for two week paat' reflect ing Improved - condition. The Situa tion 1 more encouraging because of the belief that the financial torra la being weather) remarkably well. Immenie Importation of gold hat terved to re lore confidence in bank to a great de gree and With the returning confidence much hoarded money 1 being deposited. tit main line undergoing repair, Tht repair acre completed latt yesterday and order were given the Cotton witch ing craw to ust tht main lin. Tht ordVr were overlooked aud tht crtw took tht let house track, which at it Junction with tht main lin, bad been out out. Tbt men had no warning, lb engln plunged into th ditch, Jolting McGregor and SUuffer from their posi tion. Doth fell to th roadbed and wtrt Instantly killed beneath tht en gln. LOST VALUABLE FOB. Lawytr Hat Pocktt Plcktr Wkllt l Court. CHICAGO, Nov. 8-Robbd In opn oourt of a diamond fob valued at 91,000, Lawytr Edward Senkln discovered hi Iom ytrdjr dirteotly after h had obtained otntlananc for a client from Judge Sedler at tba Harrison atrttt Municipal Court He repmtntad Mm. Ed MoNebb 'who recently eaud th rrt of Mr. Emma Volta, Cbarle MiEwsn, Municipal court tuttedlaa and A. J. Jauueiowskl on a charge of con piracy to obtain money under falat prtteoa.' Mr, MeKabb waa not reedy to pro teed, and tht lawyer bllev that a pickpocket got hi fob whll b waa arguing for delay. DIES FROM WOUNDS, GOLDFIrXD, Nv, Nov. 8.-V. L. Klin who waa fatally (hot Wadnaaday night whll la tbt act of teaHng from tht Amalgamated Nevada Reducing Work, died today without recovering eonsrtouanea. Grlpper now declared nei ther b nor Klina bad anything to do with tba robbery. . GETS FIRST PRIZE. PORTLAND, Nov. 8. ha J, a cheat nut mare belonging to R. fl. Jenkln of Aatorla waa awarded flrt prist at tbt afternoon Mlon of th bona ahow, Th mare wa la Claaa 8 for mare 4 year old and over. SHOT-PARAMOUR Slayer Claims he Mistook Man (or Burglar. - CREW SAVED FROM WRECK But Passenger Who Was Lashed to the Rigging is Drowned. BALANCE TAKEN TO SEATTLE RAILROAD MEN KILLED. Waa Jotted From Running Board of Engine, SAN BERNARDINO, Cal., Nov. 8.-Con-duotor J. C. MoOregor and Breakman J, J, Stauffor, of the Santa Ft Oolton witching crew, lot their live laat night a mile north of Colton by being Jolted from tltie running board on the head end of their engine, which had plunged into the head end of an Ice houae track ued during the past few day while POLICE HAVE OTHER THEORY Many Endearing Letter Found la Ef fect of Dtad Man Which Were Written By Wift of Andrtw Dtttch Who Did tht Killing. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 8.-The hoot ing affair. In which Harry Feme of this city waa killed laat Tuesday night, 1; Andrew J. Detoch at the latter home, where Ferree beared wa Inquired into today by the cornor'i inquest, Detach committed to jail. Ferree wa found ?y ingin tha '.all outnide a bedroom occupied by Detach and hi wife, Detach claimed he mistook Ferret for a burglar aad hot through the door, but among Fer rcc" effect were found .many endear ing letter from Detach' wife. When confronted with these Mrs. Detsch con fessed her relation with Ferret and aid ber hueband learned of them. DcUoh however), maintain he mUtook Ferree for a burglar and did not know of hi wife' relation with Ferree. The police are working on the theory that Detach, who ia a traveling salesman, learned of his wife' conduct, compelled her lure Fence to her room and then (hot him d he wa about to open the dooft ORGANIST GOES WRONG. CHICAGO, Nov. 8. A depateh to the Tribune from Atlanta, Ga says: Dr. J. Lewi Browne, organist of the Sacred Heart Church, wa arrested last night, and charged with attempting to shoot Father Gunn, the priest in charge of the Church.' It 1 stated Dr. Browne had been drinking. Brown conducted the musical festival at Cincinnati last yenr and was one of the organists in the great recital at the St. Louis World's Fair. Burton Ktlly, a Saa Frandaco Boy it Only Om of Eight to Lot Llf-Crw Lived ob BUak Island For Ovu Wttk. With littlt Provision. . SEATTLE, Nov. 8. Tbt aohooner Glen of Saa Francisco, on a voyag with uppllea to th station of tbt Pacific State Trading Company, waa wracked at Ikltak waa on IkiUk Bay, Unlmak bland, September 30. Burton Kelley, aged 19, of 6aa Franciaoo, wa drowned whll kubed to tha acbooner rigging. Tba other tva survivor returned to Seattle on tht ateamef Yuckatan. Tht Glen drovt aebort early ia tba morning in South wet gait. Tbt tight men took to tba rigging and Kelley, who waa paMcnger wa lashed to make him aft, , During tha blacknesa of tbt night and tba confusion of tbt atorm, tht eight men clung on for Ufa and no on knew bow or when Kelly waa killed, al though Captain Bucknam tat he be lieve tba boy wat drowned by tbt Im menat e which drov over th tchoon er. Kelly wa buried in tba Sand of Unlmak Ialand, living Survivor there for a week with littlt food until taken off by a sloop and carried to Unga. The Glen wa a two -matter acbooner owned in San Francisco. She waa built in Maihileld in 1883. V'r by lat jear'a ealthquake, which rose to over 300 feet above the, aea ha al mot dwindled away a a mult of tub marina disturbance. 7bi peak wa dlcovred by olllcer of tbt revenue cutter McCulluch for which it wa named. v ROSENBERG RE-ELECTED. Annual Conference of Fiabermen'i Union End Deliberation. SEATTLE, Nov, 8.Tbe annual con forenc of th FMiermea' Protective Union of Wahington, Oregon, California and Akwka ended her today. Tot Usher' men have decided to aak for a great deal of legislation, most important of which will be a law to givt their dat tha benefit o ftht maritime law. Many laws governing tha location and man agement of flh trap will be aaktd, amour which art tha abolishment of fUh trap wbkh art a menaoa to naviga tion! opening lead of Puget Sound trap so the flih may reach tha rivers during tbt 36-bour cleat period; and a vote in tba granting of permit for new trap. Ed. Rosenberg, of Astoria, waa re elected secretary tod treasurer of the Union. ( PLEAD HOT GUILTY. DURANGO, CaL, Nov. 8 William B, Maaon aad Joseph Vanderweidt, accua ed of murder In the killing of Joaeph Walker, a United State Secret Ser- vlca Agent at the Heaperua mine Sunday, pleaded not guilty when formally ar ralgned today. At tba request of the prosecution no date waa set for the trial. Walker body waa today taken to Denver. On the ame train were a number of government officer. There ara atill in thl city, assistant attorney General Hall of tha United State and a force of Secret Service men. DENIED JURY TRIAL. Iron Moulder' Cat Coma Befor Judge Barnei. CHICAGO, Nov. 8.-Membcr of the Iron Moulder' Union of America were denied a jury trial yesterday by Judge Bame in the superior court. The case la one Involving a long standing con. troversy between the Employer' Asso ciation and tht Union. The association, representing nine local firm, k eeking to have made per' manent an injunction granted in Sep tember, 1000, restoring the member of the Moulders' Union from interfering with tha butines of tha petitioner. The association also asked the court to puuiah 12 officer of th union for contempt of court for alleged picketing. r VIEWING REGATTA. Mr. and Mr. Carnegie Attend Princeton Rowing Contest. SKW YORK, Nov. 8. Mr. and Mr. Andrew Carnegie are In Princeton to attend old Nassau's regatta today. The distinguishea visitor will view the contest from a yacht which will follow the crew along the canal that 1 paral lel to the lake. Mr. Carnegie hat presented' a magnifi cent cup, on which the winning crew will have its class numeral engraved. It waa Mr. Carnegie who made rowing possible at Princeton by providing funds for the construction of an artificial lake. The cost wa but $400,000. FORGER ARRESTED. MISSOULA, Mont., Nov. 8. Otto Virguti, wanted for forgery by Sheriff McNeill, of Proaser, Wash., was arrested here hut night by Deputy Sheriff Beihl upon a description which was sent here several day ago. Vlrguts admit his identity. It i understood that he ha a long' Hat of forgeries attached to hi career. ' MOUNTAIN DISAPPEARS. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 8.-Captain Tillin of the whaler Herman, arriving in this port this morning from the Aro- tio, reports that a terrirlo earthquake occurred at Unalaska about a month ago and that McCulloch Peak, created , YESTERDAY FOOTBALL GAMES. WALLA WALLA. Wah, Nov. S. Whitman won from the University of Washington football team by tb cort LIFE FOR PROPERTY Engineer in Saving Town Meets With Death. SECTION GANG IS DESTROYED Train on Which Wert Explosive Take Fir and Explosion Occur Whll Pass ing a Gang of Mexicans Ran Train Half a Mile From Town. DOUGLAS, Ariz, Nov. 8. The death Ust a the result of the Xecozari ex plosion yesterday is now placed at 14 or 15, all Mexicans besidea John Chi' holm, aged 13, who was riding on the train when the explosion occurred. The train on the narrow guaga railroad to the Pilar mine in some way caught fire. In the train wens two cars of explo sive and the fact that the concentra tor and a good part of the concentra te were saved Is due to the bravery of the Mexican engineer of the train, Jesua Garcia. Garcia after calling to the rest of his crew to jump, ran the train away from the town. ' He had proceeded about half a mile when the explosion occurred and he was blown to atoms. It is reported that another member of the train crew stayed with him and waa killed. The heavy death list is due to the fact that the explosion occurred just as the train was passing a section gang. VICTIMS IRE LITTLE 'Jack the Ripper" Murders Berlin Are Cleared by in Confession. MIND BECAME DISORDERED Patient at Asylum far Infant Make Heartless Statement at to Detail of Shocking Crimea Wa In Saga at Mother and Sitter. BERLIN, Nov. 8. A aerie of crime resembling those of th "Jack tht 2Ip per" murders, only here the victim were little girl, instead of women, baa been cleared np by tba confession of a print era apprentice named Paul Miaow, an epileptic 22 yean old, who recently waa confined in the asylum for tbt In sane at Heraeberg. ' Authorities of the institution wert informed that Minow bad been talking in a rambling manner of murder. Suspecting him of having committed murder tfcey encouraged him to talk with tbt result that he freely related in a heartless manner how ha had been taunted by his mother and rister- with laziness, had gone oat into streets in a rage and vended hi feel ing by stabbing four little girls, one after another. He then rambled about tba city for awhile and eventually re turned home, Hia mind became so dis ordered that ha waa ent to the aaylum a week later. The Police have confirm ed Minow'a confession. CHEWS GUM. MAY FILE PAPERS. SALEM, Or, Nov. 8. Holding that the recording of mortgage deed, etc., is a ministerial and not a judicial act, the attorney-general rendered on opinion to County Clerk F. S. Fiolds,- of Multno mah, informing him that these duties may be performed by the County Clerk during the holidays. Steve Adam Listen to Testimony of Phillip Conple. t SPOKANE, Nov. 8. A special to the Spokesman-Review Rathdnun says: Steve Adam heard like a voice from tha grave today, the evidence of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Phillips giving the de tail of the circumstances surrounding hia movement at the time of the kill ing of Tyler. Unmoved, Adams cat twirling hi lead pencil or chewing gum, bis head against the wall, hi eyea shift ing, but there was no smile on hia lips a during the first'daye of the trial All day Attorneys followed the path nude by Mr. and Mm. Phillips at the first trial Frightened out of .the country by threatening letters and dynamite, Phillip and bis wife refused to return and tell what they knew of the wild experience along Marble Creek Id ISM. Accordin gto the attorney in the case, they are making better progres than at th former trial Tomorrow the state will go back to the finding of Ty ler' body, FORGETS THE PLACE. CHICAGO, Nov. 8.-At a time when she needs money badly1 in her fight fir life, Mr. Don McDonald, charged with the murder of Webster Guerin has for gotten the hiding place of $18,000 worth of bonds given her by her latehus band, Michael C. McDonald. ' This proof of the woman's mental aberration, cited by her "counsel Col. J. Hamilton Lewis, was sufficient to induce Judge Bianteno yesterday to permit her case to go over until the December term of court. "The condition of my client is piti able," said Colonel Lewis. "She cannot talk connectedly of the events connected with or following the shooting. I have tried to talk to her 60 times that I might be ready for trial but I have not been able to get a coherent atory. "What could be more convincing that her insanity ia real than that she is unable to tell me where she has hidden valuable bonds. Her inability to pro duce these bonds ha delayed the set tlement of her husband's estate. She ha spoken to me frequently of those lost 'bonds and I have done everything in mjr power unsuccessfully to bring her back to some remembrance of where she placed them. She doe not know tha exact value of tha bond, but I suppose It I around $18,000. Tha bond ara of tb Lake Street Elevated Road, and other West Side propertiet in which McDonald wa interested." IMMENSE ARMOR PLATES. NEW) YORK, Nor. 8. Much lntereat 1 being taken by crowd of onlooker well by engineer and contractor In tba peed and accuracy with which im mense armor steel plate, weighing 17 ton each are being unloaded and put Is position in tba basement and sub-basement of the Carnegie e deposit torn pny building at Broadway and Cedar street. They will be part of th big gest eteel safe deposit vault in tht world. Tha vault, wltjffc will b ready for use next March, -will weigh 1218 ton. It i a two story structure with special elevator eod stairways between the lower and upper storie. The In ner dimension of the fewer vault, which t many feet below the sidewalk are : Length 19 feet, width 30 feet I inches, hebjnt 8 feet 4 tche. There I an entrance to both vault and an emergency entrance through a plate of the same thickness. The main door weigh 40X00 pound each. Tht joint of tht door art liquid and nan proof. Tht ateel slabs used are con struction of the vault are eimilar to those on the United States battleship. MAKE INVESTIGATION. PORTLAND, Nov. 8. District Attor ney John Manning hae begun an investi gation into the affaire of the upended Title Guarantee k Trust Co. and the method pursued by that institution in the making of loans. w Preferred creditors, such . as State Treasurer George A. Steel and Ladd & Til ton, are not to be protected to the detriment of the general depositors of the defunct Title Guarantee & Trust Co, ; No additional depression hot been felt on account of the failure of the bank. fJIEBT t ..... " Criminals Prosecutions May Re sult from Report CONDITIONS WERE NOT BEST Representative of Comptroller of Cur rency Find Affair Which Lead Them to Make Minute Xeporta on Two Prominent National Banka. NEW YORK, Nov. 8. Reports that criminal prosecutions as the result of conditions disclosed by the present banking situation in this city are immi nent, gained widespread circulation in financial circle today. It was said that representatives of the Comptroller of the Currency who have thoroughly investigated the affair of the two national banks which have ben, prominently mentioned in connection with the present trouble, found condi tions which led them to make unusually minute reports, the precise nature of which cannot be learned. . When United State District Attorney Stimson was asked about the matter, he said no de cision had been as yet reached to prose cute any one in connection with the recent bank trouble. He also said any such decision would be made here and not in Washington. Stimson said; "Any statement that a decision has been arrived at, whether in newspapers or elsewhere, is wholly false." .,, FLOODS FRENCH CITY. MARSEILLES, France. Nov. 8. A hurricane swept over this city tonight causing immense damage to dock and water front property. The gas works were flooded by the terrific downpour that accompanied the stonn and , the city was plunged into darkness. A number of people were killed by col lapsing houses, but in the confusion and darkness it Is impossible to determine the extent of the casualties tonight.