THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER fl, 1907.' CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. HELP WANTED. WANTED A GIRL TO WORK IN' A bindery. Apply Astorian ofllc. fiyToTCni eat 17 ) good borne; wages accord ing u work don. Apply "JI. P" ears iitwita office. WantIS-younq man not un- et 18 yar of ag to leara candy ssakiag in nil iU details. Hoefler. 1 10-ia-tf. FOB SALE fVRS A LB-TU E FURNTTLTRJi OF A ' krg lodging house; rooms alway taD; low rent. Western Realty Co, 479 CmbckU1 street FOR SALE 18 HORSE-POWKR EN , gio and 20 hone-power boiler; null Hoefler. - IQ-1S-U. TOS SALEREAL ESTATE. - tXJS SALE-TWO LOTS IX ASTORIA 'aad on la Warren ton; will tell cheap. Add J," ArtorUa office ,'.', TOS SALE STORE 22x4 AM) LOT 25123, Warrenton. Price, 100& WssUra Realty Co.,493 Commercial St EARM FOR SALE. $2250180 ACRES; six som led. good house and Ion. WotUra Realty Co. " ' FOR REST. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING AND singl roons st 077 Exchange street . ..... ,:.,,; . . Il-fllt SEWING MACHINES FOB RENT AND repaired by Singer Sowing Machine Ok ITS Tenth street. 10-27-tf. FOR RENT-FURNISHED HOUSE ' keeping rooms. 371 18th St 10-27-7t XTSCELLAKEOUS. WANTED HOUSE AND BARN FOR rent daring the winter, or longer. Address "L. A C" esre Astorian Office, with, fall particulars. WANTED THREE FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; close in. Address Z, Astoriaa. wantea'tornis ' exchange for ' s 5 room furnished louse in Portland for 3 months, more er less. E. 8. G, esre Astoria. EL Co. WANTED FURNISHED HOU8E- keeping rooms. E. S. G., Astoria Electric Co. WANTED BOARD AND ROOM IN private family. Address A. 0, As farian office. 11-5 4t I FINNISH MASSEUSE, Victoria Alrols inret rheumatism, chronic, bowel and Brer disorders. Hot vspor baths will be gfrra if the patient's conditions demands nek treatment. I will positively cure the most obstnate cose of rheumatism. V. AJAIROLA, JO-19-tf. 152 Washington' St LAUNDRIES. THOSE PLEATED BOSOM SHIRTS ' The kind knows by dressy men in the Su-soer, are difficult articles to launder aieefy. Unless you know just bow to ia it, the front pleats won't iron down smooth, and the shirt front will look assy. Our New Press Ironer irons ibem without rolling or stretching. Try It Troy Laundry, Tenth and Duane. pboue Main 1991. MISCELLANEOUS. PROTECT YOURSELF FOR SI PER month against accident, sickness and into; furnishes doctors, dentistry, med icines and hospital service. Call or write, Katietal Hospital isn., room 3, Page Moek. 9-8-tf. PROPOSALS. OFFICE COXSTRUCTLVG QUARTER master, Fort Stevens, Or, Nov. 2, 1907. -Sealed proposals, ia triplicate, will be leceived at this office until 2 o'clock p. m, November 21, 1907, and then pub licly opened, for the construction of a cistern for the storage of rain water tor use in one double and one single set of officers' quarters at Fort, Stevens, Or. Plana can be seen, specifications obtained and full information furnished at this office. The U. S. reserves the right to leject any or all bids. Envelopes con taining proposals should be marked Proposals for construction" and ad dressed to the Constructing Quarter master, Fort Stevens, Or. HOUSE MOVERS. .FREDRICK SON BR03-We make a specialty of bouse moving, carpenters, (tea tractors, general Jobbing: prompt at tention to all orders. Corner Tenth and Dusne. DRESSMAKING. FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY -MADAME CLARE. 75 Third Street, NOTICE OF SALE OF SCHOOL WAR rants. Notice is hereby given, that School District No. 1, of Clatsop, county. Oregon, will receive sealed bids from the bona fide residents of said school dis trict, at the fUce of the clerk of said district, in the City 1111, st Astoria. Oregon, until 12 o'clock (noon) of Tues day, November 12, 1907, for the pur chae of eight thousand one hundred dollars, par value, of Interest bearing warrants of said district, bearing inter est st the rate of live (S) per cent per annum, payable semi annually, which warrants will be dated November 1st, 1907, and will be payable as follows! 1200000 in two years. $2100.00 in three years, and $4000.00 in five years. Said bids may be for warrant in amounts from fifty (50.00) dollars to eight thou sand one hundred ($3100.00) dollars, and must state the term on which the war rants will be taken, whether at a premium, at par, or at a discount. Each person will be entitled to but one bid, and all bids must be addressed to "A. I Clark. Clerk of School District No. I." Astoria, Oregon, snd must be endorsed proposal for school district warrants. All bids will bo opened at the office of said clerk, on said 12th day of Novem ber, at I o'clock p. m. Dated, at As toria, Oregon, October 31, 1907. A. L CLARK, Ckrk of School District No. 1, Clat sop County, Oregon. llllOt BUSINESS DIRECTORY. RESTAURANTS. TOKIO RESTAURANT. S31 Bond Street Opposite Rosa, Higgins A Co. Coffee with Pie or Cake 10 Cts. - FIRST-CLASS MEALS. Regular Meals 15 Cts. and Up. ' UNDERTAKERS. J. A. GILBAUUI1 & CO., Undertaken and Enihaliuers- Experienced Lady Assistant When Desired. Calls Promptly Attended Day or Sight. Pfttton Bdg. 12th and Datrne 8ts ASTORIA OREGON Phone Main 2111 PLEASANT HOUR ENTERTAINMENT VAUDEVILLE AT THE LOUVRE And Vaudeville that really Amuses and Interests you. Weekly Changes of Pro gram and Each Change an Improvement SPECIALTIES THIS WEEK LITTL8 MISS FRISCO ' Song and Danes Artist THELMA BECKS Balladist ALMA PTERCB Swedish Nightingale PRINCESS OMEANA Tie World's Wonder Dont Fsti to See Her ADMI88ION FREE VIC LINDBECK, Prop. HOTELS NORTHERN HOTEL MRS." J. COLLINS, Prop. Steam Heat, Baths, New and Modern, Running water in every room. Rooms 75c, $1-00, $1.50. Suites by the week, $5 TRANSIENT SOLICITED. Eleventh and Duane Street. ASTORIA, ORE. Phone Main 3911 U. S. RESTAURANT. 434 Bond Street Coffee with Pis or Cakt 10 Cts, First Class Meals 15 Cents. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Phone 1631 Main. 399 Bond St The Finest jc Meal Served la Astoria. Game ia Season. Your Patronage Solicited. Courteous Treatment to All S PROFESSIONAL CARDi. sfSX, , 1 11 1 .i 1 1 1..,!..,,..,. ATTORNSYS-AT-LAW JOHN C. McCTJE, Attoraey-At-Law. Deputy District Attorney. Pag Building, Suit A HOWARD M. BROWNIU, Attorney-At-Law, OfSos with Mr. J. A. lakln, at Ho. , Commercial St, Astoria. DENTISTS. Dr. VAUGHAN, DENTIST Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon. DR. W. C LOGAN DENTIST Commercial 6t Shinahaa BaCdiag OSTEOPATHS. DR. RH0DA C HICKS OSTEOPATB Offlaa Manaefa Bid. Ffton Black Mil 171 Ctxnznerclal 8U Astoria, Ore. Fresh iMadcGandy Made right at home f ij iu our own factory. Also Lowncy's In any size box. ' . AT ' ' TAGG'S PARLORS 4S) Commetclal St. A little pressing Now and then Will make your Clothes look new Again, That is, if its done by Carl Franseen, Tto Astoria Tailor, . 179 Eleventh fit PEONS MATH 3711 BOAT-BUILDING. FRANK SMITH, BOATBUILDING AND REPAIRING A SPECIALTY Taylor avenue. DR. KN0WLES h CO, CHIROPODIST Afid a MANICURIST Room aoa :: Astoria Bank Bldg. - PLUMBERS. ssksaassBatsassBwai MEDICAL. 1 Kzrx L , Unpreeeuented Successes of DEt. G GEE 10 TBI GREAT CHINESE DOCTOR Who is known ..throughout the United "Ldfsj a States oa account of No poisons or drugs used. He guaran tees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung and throat trouble, rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, liver and kidney, femals 10m- : plaints and ail ohronie dieas. ! SUCCESSFUL HOME TREATMENT, j If you cannot call write for symptom blank and circular. Inclosing 4 cents in lamp. THE C. GEE W0 MEDICINE CO. 162 First St, Corner Morrison, PORTLAND, OREGON. Plesse mention the Astorian. kEAL ESTATE WANTED. WANTED TO BUY HOUSE AND LOT ia Astoria. Address "H. I.," care As torisn office. Oive full psrticulsrs. DRUGGIST. Columbia Drug Co. Dr. Charles C C. Rosenberg (Successors to Dr. Linton's Drug Co.) HOTEL PORTLAND Finest Hotel in the Northwest PORTLAND, ORE. STENOGRAPHERS. LENORA E. BENOIT, Public Stenographer. Telephons 3631. 495 Commercial St. Dictation caned lor IRVINGHOTEL Corner Eleventh and Franklin eo ROOMS ;-: Steam Heat, Bath, and :-i :-i Modern Conveniences. :-s CATER TO LOCAL TRADE Accommodations for Commercial Travelers Dining Room run In Connection UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT ALLA F. GILES. Manager Drugs, Medicines AND Toilet Articles. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Dr. Rosenburg will give consultations and examination free. 185 Eleventh Street Telephone Main 1171, Astoria, Ore. WINES, LIQURS AND CIGARS. Eagle Concert Hall (320 Astor St) Rooms for rent by the day, week, or month. Best rates In town. ' P. A. PETERSON, Prop. JAPANESE GOODS. INEXPENSIVE JAPANESE FIXINGS, MADE 07 BAM BOO, LIGHT, STRONG, HAND MADE, TABLES, STANDS, CHAIRS, . WHAT7N0TS, BOOKCASES, SHELV ING, ETC. ; Yohoh&ma Bazaar 828 Commercial St.. Astoria. H . fl. iilUi PLUMBER Heating Contractor, Tinner AND Sheet Iron Worker ALL WORK GUARANTEED 45 Bond Street TRANSPORTATION. PAMKNOERS. FREIGHT. The K"Une Pkrrr Steamer - Lurline Night Boat for Portland and Way Landings. Leaves Astoria daily except Sunday at 7P- m. Leaves Portland Dally except Sunday at j a. m. Quick Service Excellent Meals Good Bertha. Landing Astoria Flavel Wharf. Landing Portland Foot Taylor St G. B. BLESSING, Agent Phone Main S701. Steamer j TELEGRAPH The only Htamhoat maklnR a round trip DAILY except Thursday between I'orHand aua Astoria and war point., NO WAY POINTS ON SUNDAY Portland Landing, Alder Btrmt Dock Astoria Lauding, Caliender Dock Leave Portland 7:00 a, m. arrive Astoria, 1:80 p. m, Leave Astoria 2:30 p. m.i arrive Portland f:80p. m. -, SUNDAY EXCURSIONS Lwve Portland 8 a. m.i arrive Astoria 1 p.m, Leave Aatorla 8 p. m.. arrive Portland S p. m. : CANADIAN PACIRIC EMPRESS" Line of the Atlantlo Third-class ocean rates on "Empresses." $20.75 to Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp. , $28.75 to Liverpool, London, Glasgow, $32.50 to Scandinavian common ports. $35.50 to Hango,' Abo. Hclslngfors. , On regular steamers $1.25 lower. Two snd four-berth rooms reserved."' ' , JAMES FDTLAYSON, Agent, Astoria, Ore. Appendicitis Is due In a large measure to abuse of the bowels, hvi emDlovincr drastic nur. gatives, To avoid all danger, use only ut. King's New Life Pills, the safe, gen tie cleansers and invigorators. Guaran teed for headache, biliousness, malaria and jaundice, at Charles Rogers A Son's Drug otore. 25 cents, UoUf She Cot ATojitton OrlKlnal I Edwnrd Thstrlifr ws sliillon sgnt on Iho Vitloit VMe mllrond nt jiisofl fur out on what thirty yr sgo wow rnlld ,,thi IhIi." Th ouly hoimiMi nt tills stopjilng Mlt for twins worn the utiitlon ami Tlmti hor's jlwoll ln, n fow huttilr-Ht yards away,' Tlmlihor's iliiuijlitor, Molly. sUtwnl old. whs Aiixkm to loiim t'lo niliy. Hot" fwtlior I'mHnmigiul lir. nml n soon tis lio know lior til graplilo loltora ho run a wlro tuulor gnmml from tho stntlon to tht Iomik un.l put lu a Voy for hor to imirtloo oil. At rint ho HHoU tl n-iriilnr koy nt the Million, but Molly's Hue was nil Hoto poutlont om, nud she ws Hnblo to cnll blm nt any tlmo. lu smiimor, buvlng llttlo to do, ho would sit nt ttw stntlon door trying (0 kivp cool. That lie could chat wltli Uta well IwIovshI dnughlvr without Inconvsuloncs be lm provlwd an uxtra key In the floor whore b was nccustomotl to loung. It wasu't nmcli of a key, and Its click was not esMly hoard, but It sufficed. Thatcher would alt In his chair and by a KlUlit prciisoro of bis foot glvo Molly lessou lu UUKraiby till h be came siiUU Iontly esMrt to tnke a po altlou and earn her own living. Then, not being witutlod with her desolate abode, so fsr from comiwntons of bar own age. she prepared to go to Omaha with a view to becoming an orator. . Quo nrUUt Thatcher went from his bouse to the station to attend the pass ing of two trains, the one going east due at MA the other goto! west due at 11:13. After the latter hour there would be no trains till morning, sad bo could pass tho night at bom. The first train passed on tlmo. Then Thatcher settled himself for a dose while waiting for tho ncit one, having nearly two hours to wslt and not car ing to disturb his family, who went to bed early, by going back to the house, lie bad w an-ely settled himself on a bunk he bad In the freight bouse ad Joining and opeulug Into the station when he beard a distant gallop of hormV hoofs not one horse, but sev eral. Passengers did not usually come thst way. Tho agent scented danger. Jumping up, be went t j the telegraph apparatus and called Molly. "Are you upr bo aked. There were a few moments' delay, when the answer came, "Had gone to bed, but hadn't got to sleep." "Stand by the key. Don't call." Molly asked for an explanation, but received none, for st that moment the thud of horses' hoofs was directly without tho station, and one In ad vance gave a rip at tho door. Thatcher opened It, aud a man with a drawn revolver, the musslo pointing lu the agents face, stood In the opeulng. Others wee dismounting and coming up on to the platform. Thero was nothing for Thatcher to do but to do nothing. "Where's yer telegraph outfit r ask ed tho man, "In there In the ticket office," "All right You go In there." And, covered by this time with three re volvers, Thatcher passed Into the freight house, where be was searched for arms nud bound band and foot with a lariat The men after this made themselves coinfortablo and wait ed. "Is the westbound 11:13 train on time?" asked one who appeared to be the leader. "Don't know. I enn find oat for you." "Howr "By asking over the wire." "I don't think you will, Whore's your red Unlit?" "It's somewhere around here In a corner there, I think." The mnn found tho light and Thntchcr knew that they would slirnal the train to stop with a view to hold ing up tho passengers or robbing tho express car of a shipment of money. "There nre some things nbout that train," he said, "you'd ought to know." "Well, what are tbeyr "If you'll let me come In there with you. I'll toll you." The men loosened tho lariat about his legs, and he walked Into the other room. Ono of his captors sat In the chnlr In which he wns accustomed to talk to Molly, and they stood him on the floor a few feet from the telegraph key. He began to tell a plausible story, giving them Just the information they wanted thnt the conductor of tho train was timid and they would have no trouble with him, but the express messenger was a fighter, well armed and with an assistant of tho same kind. Then he gave them the Information (made up) that $40,000 was being ship ped on that very train. By mingling truth with falsehood be won enough of their confidence to Interest them and whllo talking sidled along till be got a foot on tho telegraph key. Then, worming up with his subject to the train robbers to fix tholr attention, h called Molly and told her of the situa tion, i i,; ' i 1 , , "Whnfs that cllcUlnj In tho ticket of fice?" asked the leader sntlilpuly, prick ing up um ears. "Oh, my key clicks vltli,eve:7 dis patch that goes through," aa'.d Thatch er, while be read by sound hU daugh ter's message to the next station east. , This ' satisfied the robbers. At 11 o'clock a man with a red light went out and waited to, signal the train.1 It was twenty minutes late and when it came disobeyed the signal, pushing on to the station, where a dozen men with rifles Jumped off and confronted the robbers. , AJI wecft cactjred, ' 1 - ! ... , ?'f . Moll bail no difficulty lu getting t position with th railroad company, be side being given a thousand dollars. SAIUII BEAM, Biliousness sad Constipation. For years I was troubled with bilious. na and eonitlpatloa, which mads Ufa miserable for in. My appetite failed m. I lost my usual force and vitality. iPsptln preparations sod cathartic only mads matters worse. I do not know where I should have been today had I nut, tried Chamberlain's Stomach an.l l.Uvr Tablets. The tablet relieve the feeling st once, strvngthfa the dig- ve runciion, iteming lit system to Hi sroik naturally.-Mrs. Rosa Polls, niliiulutn. Ala. Thess tablsts ara Int sals by Frank Hart and loading drug- gist. " Dancing Proves Fatal. Many men snd women estch colds at dance which terminal la pneumonia and ronsuitiptlun. Alter exposure, If Foley's Honey snd Tar is taken It will brrak up a cold and no serious mult need be feared. Bsfui any but th genuine la a yellow package, Laurln, Owl Drug Store. This Is Worth Renumbering, As no on Is Immune, every persoa should remember that Foley's Kidney Cur will cur any ess of kidney or bladder trouble that Is not beyond th roach of medietas. T. F, Laurln, Owl Drug Stor. - T, F. Kb It! In.. "All S-t ol modern btnl- nesa and social IU strenuous thinking, worry, Irregn-1 lor niests, late hours overtax Strength and impair health. When you (eel that you are losing j your grip on things, the strain be- I ginning to tell and you have, need lor BEECI!AITS! PILLS , to restore health snd strength to . the overworked body anil brain. The stomach relishes It ioo4, the ' mind regains its poise, liver and bowels set properly, the sleep is refreshing alter a few doses ol this hall-century old remedy. ircciitHm hi Kliprg-ra UV - 1 1 .1.,- ... j general ncaun ana quickly U" Is 9mm IS. s4 II. WHS ten sstrrns No Student, No Cocaine, No Gas. vre Chini 1 ii Ws will forfeit $1000 to sny char iUbl InstltuUon for any Dentist who eaa cotnpst with us In erowa and bridge work, or teeth without plat. Fay no fancy fee until you hsv con sulted us. Our continued success In our msny offli-es is dut to th uni form hlgh-grsd work don by yrs of experienced operators. Th prices quoted below ar sbsolutely the best opportunity to get your money's worth which bss ever been offered. We us nothing but th best ma tsrtala, '; ,' -- '- u Best Silvsr FUUngs -oe FUtlnam FUllngs ixw 'Gold A Platinum Alloy Gold Fillings ta.00 to $5.00 S. S. Whit Layon Crown $50 Gold Crowns, best ssa, extra heavy . ....$3.00 Brldgtwork, per tooth, best work..$j Best Rubber Plata, S. S. whits ' teeth lto Aluminum-lined Plat io to It A binding guarantee given with all work for 10 years. VEGETABLE VAPOR Used only by us for Painless Extrac tion of teth, 50c. Bead What Mrs, Jessie Level Says. I had 12 teeth extracted by th us of Vegetable Vapor, absolutely pain less the most pleating effect -and highly recommend th method. Yours truly. i MRS. JESSTE LEVEL Lafayette, Oregon. NERVOUS PEOPLE. And those afllicted with heart weak ness can have their teeth extracted and filled without th least pain whatever. , (,'" . : Chicago Dental Parlors Northwest Cor. Commercial and nth. 1 - Phons Red 2244, The largest and best-qulppd Den tal establishment in th Northwest, Seventeen offices in the United States: " - LADY IN ATTENDANCE. See that you ar In th right offlo. Open Sunday, 0 to 8. MENMDWOMM. Dm Bit O for aBBstnral dlrlirma,lnatl)mHon, Irrltktloiu or almraltoas of m no out lUMiibru, I Sold tT DranlaU, i lr txprrM, trapald, (f SI.OO, or rlmliUiSaJO. ff H U ttrtlre. m 151 - SIHCIMTl,erT" x'i 1 f. J)'