The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 05, 1907, Image 1

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    NO. 242. VOLUME LXIII.
High Financiers . Raise
Strenuous Objections.
price five ce:;t:
Messages and Letters Sent to
Urge Present Roosevelt Not
to Call Congress.
tZt. Harrlmaa Sayai "Ro Kitn Seeeloa
Cm Help tha Existing CoaAiUm"
Seed Monty. East art riuocUri Witt
Eandl Honey Judiciously.
CHICAGO. Nor. WLat the banking
aud turnjr committee o( the hou of
. iprntatlve and tin corretpouJIng
wroroilta of the lulled States Benali
gather at once, listen to the advice of
Ler and laymen from all parti of
tii country and draft a bill that will
provide tha nation with an elaatlo eur
mey," aald Jae. B. Foriaa, president of
the Flm National Hank yesterday,
Mr. Forgan tatd ha did not thing much
of tU plan to catl an extraordinary
. km of Conirre aa that body la to
utiut In regular kmIob four wke Troth
"It itrlkei tne that If those two com
mUlee get together In Waihlngton at
once and consider way and meant of
relieving the money stringency," con
iinued Mr. Forgan, "it will be juat a
good a having Congreie meet In ipeclal
wn. A special eestlon would hardly
get under way before tha data for the
reirular somIoii would be reached. If the
two banking coiumiUeve met In joint
session, Helen to advice aud luggestlont
And prepare a tano and eulble mem-
uie lor Congroea to act upon four weeki
' Vnc, it would appear that a big atep
In the right direction had been taken."
Mr. Forgan aald that the week In
finance now opening blda fair to be a
quiet and satisfactory one.
. JjOUISVILLE, Nov. ".-Colonel J. D.
Power, president of the American Bunk
era Association in reply to many, let
Urn and telegram today, italed that he
declined to join the request to urge
President Roosevelt to call an extra eel
iuu of Congress, because he would not
m! the President to do that which he
would not do if he were the President
liimMlf. -He stated that there wai noth'
ing in the eltuntlon to justify an extra'
'session, The government waa doing all
tliat win necessary to aid anl assist
'oiirageoua, cool-headed financiers to
Allay the agitAtlon and unrest reuniting
from . a period of over-speculation In
fictitious value. He laid that congress
wen were not the bet advisors in times
like these. . - '
It-gUlntion we must go ilo j$ 'far
as present condition art C j, all
that i needed is for ' J to keep
on reassuilng the p tyf9 j
no occasion for 0 jduii. Valuei
are absolutely fU0 v, of course, we
eaiiiu't have money with ' which to do
lmlnei f rde hoard It away. There
Is no danger and the people should un
derstand this."
"No harm will be done by waiting for
tiie regular spmIob, The present dlfll
culty will gradually past away, day
by day. We are already over tha worst
of It. Tlierv'i no longer any stli.g of
panic. As toon aa congres duel meet
It will lie for the President then to pre
ent his views on tha situation to them
and atari them on their work."
Among the congressmen Interviewed
on tha subject, and all of whom ex
pressed opposition to the Idea of calling
a special seuloa to consider the matter,
were i Chas, ST. Fowler, chairman of tha
house committee on Hanking and Cur
rencyi W. p. Hepburn, chairman of the
later State and Foreign Commerce com
ntltUai John Dalxetl Jos. H. Galnee
and W. C. Calderhead.
SPOKANE, Wash., Nov. 4-Adii
patch from lUlhdrum, Idaho, to the
Spokesman Review aaye tha ipeclal
venire called last Tuesday to get a jury
to try Adams, tha alleged murderer of
rred Tyler, wai exhausted today and a
second venire of 20 men ordered return
able tomorrow afternoon. Thirteen
veniremen were examined today and
eight peremptory challenge were exer
cised. The staU haa one peremptory
challenge left and the defense two.
CHATTANOOGA. ' Tenn., Nor. 4
News was received hero last nljrhl of
tha death la Suwanea of Mrs. Edmund
Klrby. Smith, widow of the fornicrfcon
federate general. She was about 70
yean old and had been 111 a week.
Grain Crop in Northwest at
The Trust Companies 'Are
Found Solvent.
or less. The exact distance for these
two races have not been decided upon.
The race for the stock can will possibly
lie 200 to 250 miles.
Jind loop twill be constructed at
both ends of the beach courses so that
the turns can be made in both a fast
aud safe iimiirier.
New York Bankers Determined
to Strengthen Positions to
Fullest Extent.
Balfoor, Gnthria ft Company Enetee
Gold la London at bo Satlafctory Ar
rangements Caa be Made With New
York Baakara.
Treasury Department Should Deposit
Money In Twin City Banks, Instead of
la New York, If They Would Ufa the
Embargo on Grain Shipment!.
NEW YORK. Nov. 4.-FinancIeri of
Kow York held opposing views regard
ing the suggestion that President Itoose
"veil call an extra sesion of congress at
cmeo to provide for currency reforms.
i!'n!f a dozen members of congress, men
prominent in the house, oppose It. The
fnin('leit) who oppose a special session
tf congrest generally favor currency re
form, but they hold that the regular
session of congress is to near that the
subject can be considered then. '
J41Io M. Shaw, president of the Car
inogle Trust company and former aee
.rotary of the treasury, la one of those
!i.a favor Immediate action. He says
if congress had acted last winter the
ifli'inie through which wa are now pass
ling wftuld out have happened.
'"Vi.-e glslfttlon,M he aald, "cannot
be pfvtied too quickly."
B. U. Harrlman. Jaraea Stillman and
.Lsirriinan saidi
"No extra session oaa help- existing
conditions. What we need ii reat and
niet And the opportunity for thlngi to
kaniue iiiiiBial," ' . '
J:mi?s! Btillman, presidont of the Na
tini'iLl City bank, said: "We should
!,uv: mnro currency. Financiers have
GRAND, TOIKS, N. D., Nov. 4.-Sen
ator Ilamtbiough scut the following tele
gram to President Roosevelt todayt
"Full i;O,D00,0tO bitohvls of grain are
now ready to be marketed in the two
Dakotas and Minnesota and there is no
money with which to do It. The neves
iiliej of tha northwest are therefore
mui'h greater than any other section of
the country, demanding the fullest con
siileration at the hands of the treasury
department, t.
"ten million dollars placed in the
Twin City bunks would raise the em
Imrgo niul start the -grain shipments to
Europe. This would relieve the financial
stress of the Kust much quicker than to
deposit treasury fundi in New , York.
Trasuny! relief operations should have
begun here where the congveatloiv Is
greatest. Our people are not losing their
heads. They have no fear of a panio
hut In this crop, now In season, our busl
nosi should have speuiul consideration."
NEW YORK, Nov. . 4.-Alarmed by
frequent reports of tho theft's commit
ted throughout Europe of valuable art
treasures, antiques an archaeological
relies, the Italian minister of publlo
Instruction Baron Fava, haa adopted
stringent measures to prevent future
purloining of like character in Italy.
According to private advices received
in this city from Rome Baron Fava has
Issued a decree calling upon the presi
dents of provincial deputations, prefects
1 : , n ry Clevti are against the idea. Mr. lot police, mayors, pariah executors, rec
tors of churches and other ecclosiastlcal
officials and the administration of mu
seums and opera houses to submit to
tho government . complete ' inventories
of paintings, statuary, and objects of his
toric and antiquarian value now in pub
lic and private possession. The ministry
Is devising a system for the cataloguing
NEW YORK. Nov. , 4.-Tbe stock
market had a brief attack of nervous
neit today but it paised quickly. The
Momentary shock caused deep Inroads
in some priori but tha recovery car
tied price in some Instances into the
gala column.
The buoyancy in the stock market
today reflected the ultimata decision of
large bankers to support the Trust Com
pany: of Ameilca and the Lincoln Trust
Company, which have been subject to
severe runs la the pest two weeks. The
day waa oie of doubt and conflicting
rumors and the fact that it passed with
out adverse development it evidence
that the 'worst of the aituation it pro
bably over. The committee found both
tha Lincoln Trust Company and the
Trust Company of America, solvent, gold
engagements since the beginning of the
present movement now amount to $32,
000,000, which would more than bring
the lose In the surplus reserve last week
That gold it being imported at a lost
is an indication of the determination of
New York bankers to atrengthen the
NEW! YORK, Nov. 4.-It took only a
dozen hours to shift just about all the
plant of the New York States Zeltung
from the old home of the newspaper in
Tryon Row, near tha Manhattan ter
minal ft the Brooklyn Bridge to tha new
home of the paper at William and
Spruce street, near Newspaper Bow.
Herman Ridder, president of tha States
Zeltung Company la positive thla eatab-.
Ilsbea a record for despatch In moving
a metropolitan piper front one place
of publication to another. The paper
ran off Ita last Sunday, edition at two
o'clock la the morning la tha Tryoa Bow
place and thli morning'i editions were
run off at tha William atreet Building,
All of the paperi'i machinery and par
aphernalia except one presi are now in
the new quarters.
Railroads Declare Clear
ing House Wrong,
stances haa a somewhat deterring In
fluence, but more astute political fore
caster expect to find some signs which
will be significant if not determinative.
There are tea general state election.
Tha keenest interest in local contests
are in New York, San Francisco, ClevC'
land and Salt Lake City. In New York
the struggle between Tammany and the
Futtlon ticket la regarded with vast sig
nificance and most of tha wagers, few
and small at best, turn upon the out
come in that contett. Ia Cleveland the
battle between Burton and Johnson ia
attracting attention, and ia San Fran
cico tha recent trend of affair of the
fmlt,Itt Im In ilia !. .,1,1. IW4M
lest to the election. The Mormon que-
Governor Issues Edict Ttis
6T. JOHNS, N. F, Nov. 4-It la fear
ed that many lives are lost in the recent
heavy galea. Threa New Fouadland
fisher schooners am misting and four
French vestelt not reported. Wreckage
ashore on the smitten coast indicates
that the achooner Orion ia lost with 18
TOKIO, Nov. 4 Mr. Kogoro Taka
hira. minister to Italy, minister Uchida
at Vienna, Minister Ilayashi at Fekin
and Mir. Nobuiki Mekino, minister of
education at'Toklo, nave been created
barona by an edict issued by tha Em-
perop today.
Not Compelling the Payment of
Freight Bills for Purpose of
Sending Coin East
rionunen naanvuia nan snot By a
Withdrawals cf SavinjsAcccar.ti
Placed on Oraduatisj UsHi
as Precautisn,
Portland Bankers Uaka Chaq; That
Earrimaa and Aaaodatet Art Doing
All They Caa to Cripple Coaat'i
Money Supply.
PORTLAND, Nov. 4. The rail-
roads deny the charge of the
Portland Clearing-IIouse Attorn-
tion that they are compelling
payment of freight and other
bill ia coin lor the" purpose of
lending the coin to New York.
The railroada aay they are using 4
the coin to pay off in cash thou-,
4 sand of men flocking to Port-
land who have been discharged
. from the various railroad im-
provement. "
NASHVILLE, Tenn, Nov. 4. West
Nashville, a auburb, was thrown into
great excitement yesterday when Dr. P.
McF. Allen, a prominent phyaiciaa was
JlTirlJS'ifrL" 2r,,l,y i iTUAiioai kot as sekj:
trv owa UV mVLWWVUUKf Uj M Q
Bush, a wall kaowa young man of tha
suburb. Alien and Bush, had beta close
friends for a lonv time and th tmmA I . .
w.f. . .c .: ':'ii0hy Fenod WiU be Contianed Until
v.vov vsaiaw aui puiw ut UJOCli UXVat
Busk ia reported to have walked op to I
Alien and said: I hate to do it, but
I am gofeg to kill you."
He then fired the fatal shot Bush
decline to talk and to do the friends I
of Allen.
Gold Shipments Reach Portland Gov
ernor Must ia the Keactime Bant
the Midnight OiL
r-Jk t'K
SALEM, Nov. 6-Bhortlj after
niidnicht Governor Chamberlain
issued another hnlidar nnwtama- A
CAMERON, Texas, Nov. 4.-Fol!owIng tion. makimr Tuesdav. Vovmh.r A
the indictment of the grand jury f or 5, iao7, leiral holiday. 4V
attempted criminal assault,' Alex John
son, a negro, wa taken from jail and
hanged to a tree in the court yard of the
pruwn, ihe mob numbered 500.
position to the fullest extent. The in
crease in the bank of England discount
rate today while unexpected waa not
sulllcicnt to check the gold movement to
this country.
llcports from Washington indicate
that the National institutions through
out the country are sound and efforts
of the comptroller to get notes Into em
ulation is meeting with considerable
suet-ens. tans tor bank circulation are
40 numerous that they are handled with
lleulfly. '
Gold I coming from all parts of the
country and it is believed will aid con
siderably in relieving the local pressure.
United States Steel Corporation has
neeured the controlling interest In the
Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad com
The deal was concluded today and was
raceuble to the conference held at the
home of J. P. Morgan Saturday and
yesterday. It is understood the prioe
WjiH a little above $83 a share. The
sale will do much to relieve the present
iiam-ial atrmgenov ni : large blocks of
Tennessee are held aa collateral for
loan by local banks. . , ,
PORTLAND, Nov. 4. Balfour Guthrie
and company, Grain Operator! and Im'
porter have engaged in London $500,
000 .in gold for shipment to Portland.
One half of this importation was ship
ped on Saturday and the balance will
be shipped Wednesday. It ia known also
that othep shipment of even larger
amounts will be made from London to
Portland in a few days. It has become
necessary to deal with London direct
at no aatisfaetory arrangements can be
made In New York,
Gordee and Miss McLean
Close Quarters.
Prisoner Believei He Will Be Cleared
of Charge of Conspiracy Woman la
In Cheerful Humor Secret Service
Detective! Are Very Busy.
Ormond Beach. Automobile Races Will
Change Program.
NEW YORK, Nov. 4. A radical
change is to be made in the program for
the coming Ormond Beach meet in Flor
ida and the mile op two ml la record
prints will be more ' or lesa subordi
nated to two big racesi, one for the rao
lug ear that were built for the bn-
CHICAGO. Nov. 4,-The tribune today
aye:Unwilling to believe her huaband
under arrest here is guilty of plotting
with Mia Etta UoLean to steal govern
ment information relating to the John
R, Walsh Bank case, Mra Alexander B.
Gordee of Revere SIaas ia ready to leave
for the Wtet to aid him.
She denied yesterday the statement
that Gordee had eloped with Misses Mo-
lean. She insisted that he visited his
home lese than two months ago and at
that time suggested taking the family to
Chicago. He had always, she said, been
a good lather and loving husband. '
His i, wife'a determination to visit
him has encouraged the prisoner to be
lievo he soon will be released from the
county jail. He expect she will be able
to furnish the $5,000 suretv for his re
lease. ' " "
The fact that he had been living with
Mis McLean following hi departure
from Boston with 'her apparently did
not enter into his calculations. Gordee
believes he will be cleared of the charge
of conspiracy to steal records or im
portant letters from the office of Mr.
Sims. Although the- government has
evidence he approached Banker Walsh,
a well aa Mn Walsh' attorney, John
S. Miller, with a view to disposing of
information Miss McLean had been able
to lecture Gordee' plea will be that
neither Mr. Walsh nor Mir.. Miller could;
be interested.
Wpse McLean, like Gordee, was in
cheerful humor, She learned from some
mysterious source that ehe was to be
released ahortly-perhapa today on her
own recognizance. No such encourage,
ment wag held out tonight by District
Attorney Simi, however,
(Despite Gordce'a assertion that he
went to no one but Mr. Miller and Mr.
Walsh, both of whom turned him down,
a has been asserted, the sec rot service
operative have evidence that he inter
viewed three others with the same ob
ject of selliug Information and in time
PORTLAND, Nov. 4.-Harriman's
other band is now clutching the throat
of Oregon and her people. Not satisfied
with the discharge of ' thousands of
workmen employed in railroad construc
tion and stopping of huge payrolls, the
"wizard of Wall atreet" has adopted a
policy of draining every cent he po
sibly can out of the state, shipping it to
eastern money center at fast at ex
press train will carry it
Thia situation wa made tie subject
of drastic resolution by the Clearing1
House Association at a special meeting
held this morning, the full context of
which is given as follows: '
"Whereas, the railroad have hereto
t ... . -.:
tore accepted cnecKS and drafts on
Portland banks "in payment of freight
at local statioi; in Oregon and Wash
mgton, but since Monday, October 28
last, have exacted cash at these points,
thus depicting the towns of Oregon and
Washington of so much cash; and.
"Whereas, they have ceased deposit
ing cash and currency in the Portland
bank as heretofore, but have shipped
all cash east and aouth; therefore be it
"Resolved, That the Cleaiing-IIeuse
of the City of Portland hereby protests
against such action on the part of the
railroad companies, and doe herebv ask
them to continue conducting the coHec
tions of freight and the depositing of
their f umls as heretofore,"
PORTLAND, Nov. 4. 'A elready an-
notinced. Governor Chamberlain declared
today (Monday) to be a legal holidav,
and he will continue to extend the holi
day period from day to day, aa long aa
the present financial stringency make it
prudent to do so. Considerable amuse
ment is being had at the Governor'a ex
pense from the fact that he will be
obliged to sit p each night till after
midnight to renew bis holiday proclama
tions. ; While he baa been ailvtiuxl that.
it is not necessarily illegal to declare
one holiday, while another holiday is
in iorce, on me ground that it is not a
POPULATION Juditial Mt' he does not iesire t0 take
i-uauvra. ; xieinx nis decision tn burn
midnight oil a long as it is necessary
to continue the holidays.
A graduating scale of notice of with-
cording to Decision of Tnd Rice- T i s . peea
.v!.- .-Vt, - " J. . . adopted at some of the local bank, ef.
fective today. The scale is a follows:.
For accounts. of $100 or less, 34 days'
notice niu,t be giveh; for $100 to $200.
64 dars, and for $500 or over, 04 days'
tilUft will )w evacM ULn. u.,.
OLYMPIA, Wash. Nov. 4,-The act of i declared not to 1 iw if :.
the last legislature creating the county an act of orecautinn m
of Grays Harbor is invalid according to an obstruction i.n!iPr ...
the decision of the supreme court. The ious drain on the current .
decision holda that the legislature can- nerve held by the local banks.
not pas a bill creating a county until In a eeneral wav Pnrtiai.j ....
it Has been ascertained that . the pro- do not reirard the situation nnnr an ha-
posed county has an excess of 2000 ing any more serious than it was a
people, and tnat more than 4000 be left week ajro, or even as critical aa then
in the old county. In this case Chehalis They are, however, resorting t '
Act of Legislature is Declared
Chehalis County Will Remain Intact Ac-
Aberdeen and Hoquiam Disgusted Over I
Decision and Will Try Again.
Says That Timber WiU be Exhausted in
Twenty Years.
WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 4-Gifford
Piiichot, government forester, who has
ust returned from a 10,000-mile tour of
inspection today made, the followine
"In 20 years the timber supply in the
United State in government reserves
and private holdings at the present
rate or cutting will be exhausted al
though it is possible that the erowth In
that period might extend the arrival of
this time another live year," '
ttnehot urges that the denser situa
tion cannot be ovee-ftf!mfi tt,a
forestry service will ask more money of
congress to push the work of re-forest-
ing tha denuded timber lands.
Contests fa Thirteen Stat,
Tried Out.
Will be
tions whieh take place in 13
morrow; may develop gome in.fl
to the possible tendencies id the Na
tional compaign next year. The fact
. Elec'
kates to
ication as
4. 'L- . . . .
wan Mj ue uiviaeu to create tne new
county and Governor Mead selected
Judge Rice of the superior court of LeW'
is and Pacific counties to determine the
possible recourse to protect the public,
to maii.tain as large a visible supply of
currency a possible, and to provide a
much cah as possible for the movinsr
validity of the act and an indefinite and of crops, until the east and middle west
uuiuujwr is me opinion tne court nas been relieved,
oca 1 ue oanKS Ke-UDen anil Will
wucago feneration of - Labor After P.n
Local Banks.
viuvaw, ;nov. . cy aimoat nnani- onui Aov. 3. At a m'tinT nt
nvMia ma. 4.1. n-L! -rt it - I L -s . .
iu wo viucago reaeration 01 vieanng xiouse association here this
labor yesterday voted it confidence, and evening at which every bank in the city
that of the trades unions it represents, wa represented, it was dwi.M tr, ..i
iu tae siaDuity ot Chicago banks and w other citie of the Northwest ia
meir capacioyi 10 cope with the present upt ing the use of clearing house cer-
financial difflcnltv. Be t.hA Mink tAf A I tlilP2ltfA ATlrl MaalHi. L
11 r. 3 x. ' " -vr- -s wu payments ex-
the Federation resolved to become' a "ePt in small amounts for mr,TOn
i . . .
vuiy two vote were cast in opposition. on was taken not becaniu,
Ihe expression of confidence aa called weakness amoni? the banks of .-
..... j vk rruuiunon I ""k u wiuer lo Drotwt tha i,
asking that the Federation call the t.jMr- from being withdrawn to other
vcuuuu or toe -1 eaerai autnorities tojaecl'on already
oanKi (hat held checking accounts with certificates,
various local unions and declined to eash IAU banks will open as usu.l tm
checka on the accounts. This waa made I mornimr and busini nii .
"t onenng ot m r "Tiea on by ordinarv mrfui.
amendment asking the Federation to cept for the use of the clearing house
start Insolvency proceedings against 'tificates instead of currency
such banks and demand that they be During the dav a meMin ..,1. v ., u iccmici uimus. ; wna representative
us'ng clearing (house
Portland, Spokane and Tacoma and a
committee of Sem,. . ...
BATTLE CREEK, Mich.. Nov. ' 4- the financial .it,,.,!.., ZT."".
Aliss Rose Johnson, a missionary, who was discussed. Thoe 'T'i
v"iuu, uo-"ii mi ueriime nlttna
dared before the Purity Congress to
day that American girls wero beinsr still-
that the meetiuo'
id.p!,..i a
siuijily fonsulta-