The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 02, 1907, Image 1

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    f Ml
Attempt Jo Steal Govern
ment Information.
oroased export to which the shipper
are looking forward this fall.
Jt In reckoned by the shipper that
there are H!,(KK),oK) brndiel of wheat
available fur export to Europe this your,
There will also be a very heavy expor
Utlon of flour, Jt U the opinion of
steamship rotnpnnli's that (hi. will be
Urn largest factor lit th freight ltua
Him but there tm ilo bwn art lucres-
export of cpi(r.
lauiAAAWM, Nov. l.-JKal Ko
clalUt who received today their copies
of the "ApiH-al to 'leason." Boc-lulUt
paper with larua circulation, i.ubll.hed
TRIED TO SELL LETTERS" iK, K,n mr$ MUmUh,d 10 noU
" WKM '"""U Mlf announcement In larff fvru.
printed on lh first page, a follow
"Till paper li censored by pcial order
I of Charles Ilonanart. attorner-irnral
imponani mumony in waisn of tn united states, criminal proceed
Ing havt been begun against the 'An
peal.' particular next week."
Th particular part of the paper that
la censored waa evidently cartoon by
Kyan talker, aa the stereotype plate
from which the first page la printed has
STENOGRAPHER AND PRINTER P "' ! "routed" entirely
logtucr with half 0t half-eolumn
tory on the attack by the government
on the "Appeal."
Case Wat to Have Been
Woman Admit Having Taken Letter
Prom O(0c of District Attorney Sari
She If ever Conferred With Gordee
Thought Walah People Would Pay.
CIHCAOO. Nov. l.-Government of
ficial believe that the arret of Mh
Etta Mi'Ian, stenographer, and Alex
ander 0. Oordee, printer, they have un
covered a conspiracy to steal the govern-
NEW llOKIfAltA, Turkestan, Nov. 1.-
The flmt rejmrts of the catastrophe at
haratago were greatly exaggerated. In
lend of flf(Wn thousand being kilted
only about two hundred live were lost.
WASHINGTON1. Nov. 1. -Comptroller
lli.It-.-ly announced that tlm Tr....i-
menl' information in the John R. Walsh had issued l,3:i,ii(W of elrvulatlon notei
eaae. aUh waa former pre.Weut of of varlou tmtionnl bank in the country
, t.. ma -. . : . t,i i j I . "
tuv ,uim national nana, unuvr iM-iiojay,
diottuent for alli'tred mUapproprlatlon of
funJa of the bank, llotb priaonere are
arraigned today. Neither waa prepared
to plead. Walah'a attorney laid that
Gordee had offered to ivll blm important
Information but he derlliied the offer
without dftouooing detail
aUCAOO, Nov. l.-taptaln Porter,
of the United Statea fecret tjervlce de
dared to the court that Mi &fulxan
had admitted to him abe had taken let
tare from the oflU of the diatrltt at
torney that aha told him aha had eon
ferred with Gotdea aud they had con-
eluded if the Watnh jieople knew of the
xiitenc of certain lettera they would
be willing to pay well to get them. The Would
woman declared, according to Toiler,
he never knew whether Gordee had
een Walah or any of hie attorueyi.
Northern Pacific Refuses
' Haul Shipments.
Train Strikes Woman and
Falls Twenty-Five Feet to Rocks
Below and Sustains Severe
Younger Girl Wai Throws From Bridge
But Waa Caught on Projecting Timber
and Saved From Serious InjuryMed
ical AatiaUnc Summoned.
Have Placed Embargo Sooner
But Wai Afraid to Jeopardiw Inter
este in Rata Case Not in Retaliation
of Injunction,
Present Management Not Liked by the
NKW YORK, Nov. l.-A flht for
control of the Ijkke (Superior Corpora
ion. a (piu.uw.uw company built lip
after the rulnou collapse of tho Con
eolidated Lake 8tierlor Company in 103
is iminlfewted by a buy gathering of
atookholdcrs' proxies. The adjourned
animal meeting of the board of directors
is to 1 held In Jersey City next Thurs
day Strong Philadelphia Interests rep
resented by J. Tatnall Lea and Frtnu;in
J). Reeves, president of the filrard Na
tional llnnk of that city, are said to he
nt work to oust CJiaihs 11. (rvis and
Francis II. Clargue, both of New York,
who have been on the board since the
reorganisation. The effort of the Thlla
dclplila Interests to overthrow the New
York Interests dates from Just before
the lat meeting of the director. The
meeting broke up In disorder. Dissatis
faction with the proscnt management
of tho company is understood to be
the reason for the opposition. Several
4)1 the plants of the company are In the
Sault, Sto Marie region.
PITTSBURG, Nov. 1. Representa
tives of the principal steol producing
companies of the country are an Id to
have held a aeries of conferences in this
cltyi in the past week looking to the re
establishment of the old billet pool.
that an understanding waa reached by
which the trade ' will he saved from
threatened ruinous competitions.
UMJJNGHAM, Wash No. l.-It de-
velojied toilny that the Northern Pacific
luu estnblihid an embargo on lumber
and shingle shipments to all point East
of Spokane, not in retaliation for the
federal injunction, preventing the en
foreement of the new lumber tariff, but
liecnuxe the rond is unable to handle its
freight traffic. The road, it is alleged
liy ollUlals hero, would have placed an
embargo on lumber October 1, but this
would hnve jeopardised its interests as
a party defendant to the pending luni-
lxrmfn'i suit and they would run the
k of boiiur forced into rccclv
The primary reason for the blockade Is
the bollermaker's strita whi.-i. u nr
lered October I. It is said that a sur
prising nnmber of locomotives have be
eomo "dead" in unexpected and out of
the way places, and strikers are charged
wiin puncturing boilers and doing all
tncy can to hinder the traffic. One
trouble lias led to another until now
transportation on this road is tied
pat all Immediate hope of relief.
Steamship Companies Will
Plenty of Room.
NEW, YORK, Nov. ' 1. Ocean freight
rates to Europe are from 10 to 20 per
eont higher, and they, aie likely to go
still higher before they reach their for
mer level, hut there is no fear of a
scarcity of room In spite of the in-
OLYMPIA, Wnsh., Nov. l.-The an
nual report of the Ilwoeo Railroad com
pany for the year ending June 30, 1907,
show that Its 15.26 miles of road had
a net income of $7,207.67, with percent
age of expenses to earnings of 08.58 per
cent. This corporation is connected with
the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Com
pany and was organised under the laws
of Oregon. It operates between Ilwaco
and Nahcotta,
At Lo Angeles Loa Angeles 1, Port
land 0.
lAt San' Francisco Oakland
Francisco 0.
2, San
v PORTLAND, Nov. 1. W. II. Jenkins
ha been appolned traveling passenger
sgent of the Southern Pacific lines' In
Oregon, vice John Paul Jones, deceased.
VANCOUVER, Wash., Nov. l.-truck
by a train on the Yacolt branch of the
Northern Pacific Railway, Mr. Ziegler.
ho letldi-s near Yacolt, was thrown
from a high trestle last evening and re
celved painful but not very serious in
lines, Tho exact cause of the accident
is not clearly known, as during the night
Mrs. Ziejfli-r did not recover conscious
neiis siillkieiitlv, to give a clear account
her movement. Where the road
ronncs the I.ewi River, five miles south
of Yacolt, there I a long and rather
high trestle, and it was at thia point
that the accident occurred. The track in
ralght and comparatively clear at this
location, and that the injured woman
did not see the train in time to escape,
or was not noticed by the engineer, Is a
At the time Mrs. Ziegler, accompanied
by her two children, one a boy of about
11 years, and the other a girl much
younger, was walking across the trestle.
She had arrived about the center of the
treat) 'when apparently ' she heard the
train and stepped aside onto the end of
the ties to allow the train to pass her.
Having the two children to care for she
was not able to step sufficiently far out
and was struck by the engine. Mrs,
Ziegler fell 23 feet, striking on the rocky
river bank. Her head was badly cut and
several ribs were fractured.
Crouching as far out a possible, the
boy waa caught by the steps of the cars,
but managed to retain his hold of the
tie and was not thrown off. That he
had a narrow escne is evidenced by the
fact that the passing cars tore off part
of liia coat. The younger girl wns thrown
or fell from the trestle, but caught on a
projecting timber and escaped injury.
As soon as possible the boy descended
from the trestle, and finding his mother
unable to move, ran to a neighboring
)gging camp, where he informed the
men of the accident. Thene men imme
diately went to Mrs, Ziegler' assistance,
and she was carried to a house at the
enmp, while medical attendance was
summoned from Yacolt,
d from Liverpool toda with 410,000,
000 in gold. The price of exchange are
lirm during the early part of the day
and did not yield seriouslyi at any time,
Stock Exchange in London and Paris
closed on, account of All Saint Day
will not permit of comparisons. Bal
ances at the clearing house settled down
to normal condition practically. Rea
sonable demand ar being met to re
gular customers of the bank.
Fir at Brooklyn Cause Loss of Over
1X00,000. '
BROOKLYN. Nov. 1Eleven boat-
club and fishing club-house and the big
Hotel, with some other building at
Howard, on the trestle ocros Jamaica
Bay, were dtroyed by fir last night.
1 ne los id to be in excess of 100,
000. The entire group of building, with
one or two exception, was burned down.
The fir being out on the trestle, no
Are apparatus could reach It from
Woodhaven, the nearest land point, and
there was nothing to do after th fire
wa well tarted but to let it burn. For
a time it threatened the Long Island
Railroad trestle, but this was saved by
tne fir Itself. There was a board path
leading from the station on the trestle
back to the building grouped on the
hummock. i
In thl there wai a drawbridge. The
fire burned along this walk to the
bridge, and there burned one end of it
o that the whole of the winging struc
ture fell from it pivot into the water,
making a gap in the tructure which the
fire could not leap.
Ihe origin of the fire i not known.
It is thought possible that mica got at
nmtche and set them off in the Kill
lime House. No one wa about the
building at the time or during the day
Noted Actor Cannot Be
Big Strike at Valdez in Plader
Another Theory Advanced
That Comedian Is
Bella McKenzie Said to Hare Accom
panied Hitchcock Said to Hare Been
Seen on European Steamer Wire
lea Message Sent to Majestic.
NEW YORK, Nov. l.-The Japanese
of New York will celebrate " the 61st
birthday of their Emperor by a mass
meeting at Carnegie Hall. The Emper
's birtllay fall on Sunday The
gathering, it Is laid, will be the first
mass meeting of Japanese ever held in
thia city.
The entertainment will consist of ad
dresse by proininont Japanese res!
dents, Japanese music, a theatrical per
formance by Mme. Hanako and an ex
hibition of wrestling and jiu jitsu.
NEW YORK, Nov. I. The latest po
lice theory regarding the whereabout of
Raymond Hitchcock, the comedian who
disappeared on the evening of hi in
dictment and probable trial on'chargi
made by several young girls, is that
the fugitive has cone to Canada. A rail
road conductor who is sure his train
took Ilitchock and two companies as far
as ortb Adams. Mas., yesterday, fur
nished the clue. It is learned that while
in North Adams the men asked about
the quickest route to Manchester, N.
II, or Rutland, Vt. Late Wednesday
night, according to advice received here,
the men were een in Bennicgton. Vt,
so it is. presumed they were making for
Canada as fast as possible. It is said
that if Hitchcock has fled across the
border he will be safe there from extra
PAY STREAK $3 TO THE PAN r"0" th crim with he
cnarged is not extraditable.
Mrs. Hitchcock, wife of the actor, is
bearing up bravelyi despite the keen an
Miner Return From Head of Sushitnar"'11 .caused b her U8bni' P""
River and Report Bieeear Thin Fr "uu "Ppareni eoanaonment of her.
office that Hitchcock took passage at
10 o'clock Wednesday morning on th
White Star steamer Majestic, bound for
Plymouth, Cherbourg and Southampton.
A prominent New Yorker who knows
Hitchcock well told a central office de
tectiv that he saw the actor board tb
teamer only a few minute before she
left her pier. He sent word to the polk
the moment he learned that Hitchcock
was a fugitive from justice. , ...
A wireless -message was sent from
police headquarter to th Majestic
captain, asking bint to take Hitchcock
into custody, and to turn him over to
the English police when the steamer
reache th other side. Th message in
cluded an accurate description of Hitch
cock. "
(Assistant District Attorney Carvin
state that two of the crime charged
against Hitchcock ore extraditable of
fense. '' .'
Bankers Will Transact
Business Monday.
Statement That Governor Would
Issue Another Proclamation.
sr. PETERSBURG, Nor. l.-Threel
torpedo boot, the Skory, Serdity and
TrevoUhny. instead of Alts WWt iflVAltt. I
red fleg and .helled the port, damaging DEPOSITORS NEEDNT WORRY
at Vladivostok. The crews hoisted the!
red aflg and shelled the port, damaging I
Duiidings and killing soldier and civi
lian. The official report show that a I Prominent Banker of Astoria Say Port
land Situation it Improving More
Holiday May be Declared Bat Only
From Day to Day.
Struck in Alaska Every Creek Pro-
pected is Rich.
VALDEZ, Alaska, Nov. l.-Another
She has taken her place in the "Yankee
Tourist", the play in which Hitchcock
was the star, appearing at every per
formance since her husband disappeared
and going through the part as if noth-
ng had happened. Though she is put-
big atrike of gold in Alaska may be the tm8 00 hrave front and hoping for
medium of adjusting the financial panic !he best' Jt ia 8aid that inwardly- she
I TAflra tho- TTinTiAsv.J. 1 tii.j
v vuivvtt kj la.vui 1 J rri . ...
,. ,. ... r'ue- 1UI 18 aiso saia to be the belief
uig emKe is reported . to 0f a mimhur f f,uj.' v.
i,... k i . x. , "
u.aue BWl iae new piacers are tor. who noint t u r w v.
.,!! i I.. VI i ... . . . . ' r-
"7 w T "'M llmS yet located left home he was In no way prepared
" 'I , ""c " S'" exme- for flight and had but a few dollars, in
inviii. lii-re. us. i.
.... ... .. l'"""".
juuiuna aiereuun, a well Known Cali
fornia miner, arrived this morning from
Valdex Creek, at the head nf "NEW YORK, Nov. 1. The landsmen.
Sushitna river, and savs that a placer t Raymond Hitchcock are given five
strike has been made there by Peter aai'9 which to deliver the comedian
Monolma which is the biggest thing ever t0 the court "here he is charged with
struck in lAJaska. Monohan has 40 feet offense against two young girls. It is
of pay streak in sight, which is running hintei today that Jhe actor is living
trom ?! to ?3 to the pan. Monohan will 4l''iy in this city and will be ready to
arrive here soon with the dust from his face his accusers when the ease is called
leanup, which will run into the five next Wednesday. Bella McKenzie, one
?ures. . of the accusers, is missing. She left her
The news has already caused much ex- pngs ahout the time Hitchcock was
itement and it is predicted that a llldicted- She is said to have met him
stampede of largo proportions will be slnce tne trouble began.
on .within the next 10 days. Meredith
woman on the Skory led the mutiny, the
crew rising at her command, killing the
commander and wounding the other offi
cer. The United State embassy here
ha been informed by, the consulate at
Vladivostok that Harry Nietert. an em;
ploye of the Pacific Commercial Com- SALEM, Nov. l.-It is reported here
Faujr, was me American wounded during today from creditable sources that
own crew after six of the mutineer had Governor Chamberlain will continue to
the bombardment. k. ; fAr- h. Wl hnii.i. ,i.,rin
. .. I r o ' ft
eariy an tne mutinous tailor on the next week, but it is also stated that
&Kory were killed, four aurrivor throw- the holiday will be declared only from
uig memseive into tne sea. The mutiny da to dar.
on tne mvotanny was quelled by, her The action of the Governor is taken
to protect the Portland bankers, who
nave placed before bis Excellency the
undisputable proof that if the holidays
are declared off before they can realize
ion xneir eastern resources they may be
compelled to suspend as the currency
supply on the Coast Is not sufficient
to meet all demands.
been killed.
Hoodlums Fire on Bunkhouses
to Slay Hintloos.
Bingwan Singh, a Laborer. Probably
Fatally Injured as Result of Shooting
Ground in Vicinity of Bunkhonse
Strewn With Shells. '
Eastern Situation Relieved by Currency
NEW; YORK, Nov, I. The Financial
situation is gradually clearing today
without showing any striking features
Run on hank and Trust Companies are
praoticall yover. , Money is flowing into
the stronger banks and currency being
provided In most case where the de
mand is considered legitimate. Furt
her engagement of gold by Boston and
other point brouglifc the total engage
ment abroad under the recent move
ment to $20,550,000. The Luaitania sail-
came out for supplies and will return
with his dog team in a few days to the
new diggings. Every creek prospected
nere is rich. - . ,
MiW YORK, Nov. 1. Dr. F. Sefton,
an alienist of national reputation, say
he has not the slightest doubt that Actor
Raymond Hitchcock is insane. Sefton
has been a friend of the Hitchcock fani-
ilv for ranr, TriiAk.L. i
--, . - i,u, . lBUbaiu a Hi. J horn armo in.
T r . , I - - nairu ooiwui
,n m 0 "Hitchcock's father was insane- said
v, ma lormeny KUSSian Sefton. an Harmnn !. in f
JSSt t 't,.Wa8hin'on; hj form of insanity known as obsession
sistant Captain Giuan and Col. Silman, nMAanM tu t .
w u.u, - 80clety leads to the belief that Hitch-
primonded on oocount of the Vhvdivos- cock is accompanied in his flight by
took mutiny. Silman". re8rimand was , , 0
mort severe and intended to indicate appeared from hr home about a month
KiiBu tuo mutiny was not purely
revolutionary, but based on evere con
ditlona, to a certain extent.
LONDON, Eng., Nor. l.-Notwith-
ago. The McKenzie girl met Hitchcock
in September, 1906, when he waa piny
ing at the Montaug theatre in Brook
lyn. At that time the was living at
home with several younger brothers and
It was several months later, iwhile
standing powerful influence which ore Hitchcock was touring in the fan west,
being brought to bear, the hope of avert- that Bella Ml into the hknds of the
ing the strike of railway employes is Ohildren'. society. She made a conies-
A 1UI1S 11SS m grievances sion m which she accused Hitchcock of
uas Deen presentee, out tho exact one is taking herefrom home.
information which the p,Jice consider
mine has been receive aj the central
the principle of recognition of the union.
About 100,000 men will be affected.
FUK1JLAND, Nov. 1. A murderous
assault was made by an unknown band
of Halloween hoodlums on the h.mlr
house of the Jarl & ' Pagh Bros.' mills,
four miles east of Borinir. nt lrt-fln
clock last night, with the apparently
avowed purpose of assassinating three
Umdus who were asleep within.
Repeated volleys were filed from rifles
and revolvers, a total of about 30 shots
having been poured into the walls of
the house. Only one bullet took effect,
act one probably fatally wounding
Uingwan Singh, crashing clean through
his thigh and coming out in the front
of the pelvic cavity.
The names of the two companions of
the wounded man, who this afternoon
as brought into town on a special
O. W, P. car and taken to the Good
Samaritan hospital by Holman's ambu
lance, were not given. The extent of
his injuries are unknown, but the unfor
tunate victim ia so weak from loss of
oiood that he is unable to speak. His
companion on scarcely make them
selves understood in English, so further
details of the shooting are not available
at this time. I
C. Pagh, of the firm of Jarl & Pagh
area, came into town with the wounded
man and his companions and his story
ot tne affair throws but little light on
the event leading up to the attack or
afford any clew as to the perpetrators of
tie deed. The ground in the vcinityi of
the bunkhouse, according to Mr. Pagh,
ia strewn with empty shells of various
kinds and sizes, while the bunkhouse
walls are riddled. Some of the shells
carried 25-35 rifle balls and Constable
Drew, of Boring, is now conducting an
investigation, while the office of Sheriff
Beatty, of Clackamas county, at Oregon
City, has been notified of the affair.
BELLINGHAM. Wash., Nov. l.-At a
meeting of the local clearing-house as
sociation arrangements were made for
the large pay-rolls of the lumber mills
tomorrow with cash. About $200,000
will be distributed.
Tli foregoing rumor was confirmed
last evening byi a prominent banker of
Astoi-ia, who, when questioned about the
matter, admitted that the Portland
hanks had asked for further extension
of the holidays until such time as the
coin shipments being made from the
Easi Shall arrive, He also stated.
there was no reason for any alarm, as
the banks are perfectly solvent, but at
this time of the year currency supplies
center in the East, and the immense
sums which are being paid out for the
yeai's crops, and that have not re
entered into circulation, are the primary
cause for the present stringency.
At a late hour last evening the
Astoiian was informed that the banks .
here would open for the transaction of
business, in spite of any action that the
Governor might take.
This is good news to our citizens, who'
while they have felt no apprehension as
to the integrity . of our banks, have
nevertheless been inconvenienced by the
Mr. S- S. Gordon of the First National
Bank returned from Portland yesterday
evening and when approached as to what
action the banks here would take in
view of the foregoing rumor, said:
"The banks here will open Monday
morning and resume business. It will
be understood, however, that limited
payments of currency must be the rule
until specie that is in the United States
sub-trea'sury at San Francisco, can reach
Portland, which will be in a few days.
No alarm is felt byi bankers, business
men or depositors in Portland, and busi
ness -is being conducted the same a
usual, except that in, place of. currency,
clearing-house checks are being handled.
Depositors have no cause for alarm. and
in a few days cash to meet all demands
will be here."
PORTLAND, Nov, l.-Anges Albers,
the 16-year-old daughter of Bernard Al
bers, president of the Alber Brothers
Milling company narrowly escaped be
ing made the victim of a fiendish assault
at noon today as she was leaving the
bridge across Sullivan's gulch on East
Twelfth street. The young girl was
grabbed by, a roughly dressed under
sized man just aa she left the bride and
dragged half way down the embank
mer.t under the bridge but escaped with
out injury through the prompt inter
ference of Fred Stuart, a machinist em
ployed by J. A. Roeblings Sons company
on First street.
A subject who gives his name as J
A. Anderson, wae arrested as he was
crossing Hawthorne pork and was taken
to the machine shop for identification h
Stuart. .