FRIDAY, NOVEMBER i, 1907. THE MORNING ASTOWAN. ASTORIA OREGON. THE BUST FOR EVERY NEED Log Cabin Flour s A flour that goes further and makes light er and whiter bread than the kind you are now using. Try a sack with your next order. ROSS, H1GG1NS & CO. The Leading Qrer SUCCESSFUL LOCAL INDUSTRY ISf HOI 1 11 Iini nd Forfeitures The fines and forfeitures for the month of October, lit the police court amounted to 103. Went to PortUnd- (Sherlff Pom noy "left for Portland last night on legal bulus connected with criminal e, lie will be gone for several At. Sprained en Ankle Jobaa KalcnU, living la Unlontown, fell from en elevated welk at bis real df ore yesterday iimnilng, end badly sprained hi ankk lie will be kid up for several day. Putting 1b New Stringer 'Hi Ant or la KlMrlo Company has forte of men working on Bond street, placing new stringer tinder their road way. The Improvement will eiteod from 0th to 14th sired. Pipen Sent to Salem The Clatsop Fuel Company 1 going ahead with IU organization a fast possible, The pnjirre Incident to the grunting of a charter Lave been for warded to Null-in but owing to the holi day which are In force until the first of next week no action can be taken by the State oihVlul In the mutter. A aoon a the ptfpwr are returned the company will eleet olllcer and proceed to put the ' shares of Uie company on the market. Died Suddenly JIugh M11 nay. who formrrly lived In Astoria, died of heart failure at Valdet, Alaska, a few da; a ago, Ilia death, which wan very Hidden, occurred oa a tcamboat which he wae ojieratlng at the time of hie dmiis. Arm Badly Cut !ut Foreman, who It employed at Hrlgg's logging camp at Deep Uiver, wet with an accident yesterday, lie wae knotting Inge and fell on lie ax, badly cutting bie arm. Dr. ,Foretrom dressed the Injury and Foreman now carries it In a sling. Will Keadvtrtite Warrants. A special meeting of the school board was held on Wednesday evening. The , meeting was held for the purpose of taking action on the warrants unsold in the late bidding. The amount re maining wa (O.IOO, and the board de cided to advertise for proposals for them as prescribed by law. 'A Pretty Serenade Mr. and Mrs. Clarenoe Tyler were the recipients of a very pleasant surprise, Wednesday night. The Tuxedo Quar tette, now filling an engagement at the Star Theatre, serenaded them, after the performance. Two members of tho quar tette are particular friends of Mr. Tyler and the serenade was intended as a com pliment to their friend. Indoor Practice The boys of the Astoria football team are Indulging iu blackboard practice, under tho direction of Mr. Charles Abercrombie. who la coaching tho team. The members of the club stato that they will be in splendid condition for next Sunday's game and that the practice they are now having will be a great benefit to them, , Halloween Frolic The Tachabache Club, tomposed ot shout 23 young gentlemen and ladles of the Presbyterian Church, gave a hl luween party lt night, and, at the conclusion of the party, went on a frolic. White robed forms flitted among the nervous people and enjoyed the con sternation they produced. Pumpkin heads and other (eat urea of the season wte much iu evident, and the young folk spent a very pleasant evening. Seriously Injured Wliile loading ftoal from a bargo at Fort Columbia yeterlay, the team at tached to the wagon into which the coal waa being dumped became, unmanage able and ran away, seriously injuring .lapr l'reaa, a resident of Chinook. piess, aud a nian whose name we were unable to learn, were unloading tho coal fnmi a barge when the homes became frlirbtenwl and started to plunge. Press rati to their heads in an effort to quiet them but he was thrown to the ground and the heavy wagon drawn across his hip. The man who was working with Press and who was on the wagon was thrown otf and sustained a severe gash on his forehead. One of the horses be come entangled in the wreck of the har ness and one of Its forelegs was broken, an ufllren soon aterwards shooting the suffering animal. Dee poni nc tbt Channel Manager Whyte of the Chamber of Commerce la in receipt of an answer to Ida letter, of recent date to Colonel 8. W. Hocuslcr. askinir as to what had been done by the dredger Win. 8. Ladd In the work of deepening the channel. I be letter, as follows, Is self-explanatory! In further reply to sour inquiry of the 2tst lust, I will state that 1 have to day received a .report from Capt. Anders stating that when he began work on tne ihonl below Smith's Point there was 1(1 feet short, and that dredging up to thia time has increased the ueptn over a half foot, giving full 20 feet at the present time or a width of 300 feet. Ho further states that he expects to gain from a foot to ft foot and ft Halt per month.'' This is welcome news to the cummervittl body aud tho maritime In tercuts here as any Improvements In our harbor facilities tend to advance our fiimmerciul importance. BOATBUILDING YARD IS BUSHED WITH WORK-GIVES EMPLOY MENT TO A LARGE FORCE OF BUSY MEN. It. M. Leathers' boat yard Is very lively place, these days, A busy force of men Is engaged In getting out the work now in progress, and will keep at It for some time, Work has been commenced on a launch for the Keating Transfer Co., to be run In conjunction with the pilots In the harbor. The vessel will be 64 feet long, Hi ft. beam and 4 ft. 3 ins. depth of hold. Her planking will be of 2- Inch Port Orford cedar, and the upper works will be 32 feet long. She will be tltted with a 60 horsepower, four- ylindi-r. Tmycr gasoline engine, which a being built by the Astoria Iron Works. A gasoline fishing bout, equip ped with a 6 horsepower engine, Is be ing finished for Peter Camlnctte. An uthcr boat being built, is a 20-foot pleasure boat for Bernard Ilros., of Skainokawa. It will be fitted with an horsepower 2-cylinder gasoline engine f the Cushmau pattern. Mr. Leathers will soon commence work on two boats for the steamer Columbine, of the engi neer department. One will be a 10-foot dinghy, copper fastened, with brass fin ish, and t lie other will be a 20 foot cut ter, which will be built on a whaleboat model. He has jut revaiked and ironed hull for the Pacific Transfer Co., of shoawater Hay, and will launch It In a few days. The bull will be towed to Shoalwater Bay. and will launch it In a and upper works will be added. The Miller Sands Mnlng Co.. will send down . . I - I.I a iMiat, m a lew nays, ig nno u horsepower SS eyliiider Standard gasoline engine installed in it. This Industry (jives employment to a large force of nun, and it is gratifying to know of the great amount of busi ness on hand that will continue to fur nish work for this force. DISTRIBUTION OF PIANOS THREE OF BERMAN WISE'S CUS TOMERS ARE MADE HAPPY-J. C. POPE, S. 0. HENDRICKS0N AND LUDWIG CARLSON, WINNERS. ALL HALLOWEEN IS CELEBRATED ASTORIA NOT BEHIND THE AGE ENJOYS THE LICENSE ACCORD ED AT THIS SEASON -EVERYTHING LIVELY. Shipments Light Railroad freight shipments have been light the past week owing to the un settled conditions arising over the new tariffs which will go into effect today. Tho new lumber tariff, over which con siderable litigation is being held, will not affect our lumber mills to any ex tent as most of our mills handle their product over the adjacent waterways. Bond Street Improvement Tho Bond street improvement, which was delayed on account of the rejection of some piling, will he again started and hustled along. The rejection of the piling was due to the fact that the piles were one-half an inch in diameter less than those specified. The work hat been commenced on tho .west end of tho street, at the car lino terminus. Ice Cream Sherbets Candies Good Advertising . Manager Whyte is in receipt of ( letter from Belfast, Maine, from gen tlemen who wish to organise a Chamber of Commerce at that place. One of the geutlemen recently 'visited the West and became impressed with our methods' Cof doing business, and now writes Mr. Whvte for Information as to tile man ner in whi.i Astoria's commercial body is conducted. Tho letter in full is as follows: , Belfast, Maine, Oct. 25. 1!H)7 Ontlemen: In looking over the New York Tribune-Farmer. I note your ad vertisement and as we are about to or jfimizo a Chamber of Commerce, it oc curred to me that I would appreciate it very much if you would send me copy 01 your uyviaws, aim anjr nn-ia- ture you may have that will explain fully the working of your chamber. On a recent trip extending to the State of Wyoming, I was very favorably nn pressed with the way our Western Brethren do things, and I am anxious to learn just how an up-to-date Chamber of Commerce conducts its business in the great State of Oregon. Thanking you in advance for- any courtesy you may expend, and assuring you that the same will be gladly reciprocated at the earliest possible date, I remain, Sin cerely yours, l(Signed) E. P. HANSWi. One of the most successful social parties, of the year, was what was gen erally known as the "WW party, which was held at Logan's Hall last night. The occasion was the distribution of the three pianos which this enterprising mer chant had offered to hi patrons. From the crowded condition of the hall when the first number on the dance program was called it would appear that many of our citizens, both ladies and gentle men, had Wen having business rela tions with Mr. Wise, An excellent or- liestra had been engaged and dancing was indulged in until about 10:30, when the following judge of the content were selected by those attending: It. T. leffries, Jas. Ilannnford, Olof Anderson, fiis II, Hansen and Louis Erkkson. Karl Holme was selected as the boy who should draw th lucky numbers, and as he appeared, blindfolded, there was ft suspense. Tjie contest was in three divisions, one piano was to go 10 customers re siding outside of Che city. Cduntry ustomers had white tickets, and in the white division, No. 651, held by. J.'C. Pope, of EWe, was drawn out. Division Xo. 2 were city customers residing west of Twelfth street; they held yellow tickets; in this division Xo. 840 came out and Mr. 8. O. Hendrickson, of 410 Taylor avenue, was the lucky holder. The third division comprised all that part of the city situated east of Twelfth trcet. No. 87, held by, Mr. Ludwlg Carl- win, nephew of Otto Carlson, proved the lucky number for the east portion of the city. General good feeling prevailed, and the evident fairness of the contest brought forth pleasant comments on the business methods of the host of the evening. Alter tne aistriuution 01 tne pianos, dancing was resumed until after midnight, and U left for their homes, wishing a continuance of the "Wise" dis fributions. Mr. Wise when seen after the function was in a good humor, reflected, no ooubt, from bis guests, and he stated that commencing this morning another pisno contest wilt be started and the contest will be closed next summer in a like manner. Mr. Wise also suggested that his customers save their sale slips for this distribution which will be on the same plan as the one just concluded. SWEET APPLE CIDER THE KIND YOU LIKE SEND US YOUR ORDER Scholfield "- Hanson & Co. S88& 112 and J20 Twelfth St. Phone 1181 Phone 931 s For a VICTOR OR AN EDISON PHONOGRAPH ' goto JohnsonPhonograph Co. Parlors Seoond Floor over Soholflold A Mftttson Co. Nebraska Visitor Here FIGHT GUGGENHE1MS. VANCOUVER, B. C. Oct. 31. A cor poration of eastern millionaires has been formed with the announced intention of fighting the Guggenheim in the Klon dike. Already the great American min ing corporation has secured a firm toot- hold in the north, and it is an open secret in Dawson that its nominees will be placed in the field for political o(lk. For a year eastenu Canadian moneyed men have been looking with an envious eye on the success of the American con cern in its dredging proieots in the northern rivers. Secretly and with great care a char tcr was issued two weeks ago from the federal ogvernment at Ottawa to a cor poration with a capital stock of $20, 000,000. With this and the money and political influence behind the new corpo ration the operations of the Guggen hcims are to be duplicated and check mated and hindered in every possible way. STRUGGLES WITH BURGLAR. Dr. Weiss Puts Up Fiersco Battle With Negro Armed With Raxor. BROOKLYN. Oct. 81. In a, death struggle in tho dark with ft negro burg- and daughters, Earl, Claude and Ruby Phair, and Mrs. Bartoldus. Mi. Pnatr is one of Nebraska's largest ranchers, and has como to Astoria wttn pros pect of locating here. He will toko in the Nehalem Valley the first of next week, and then return to his homo in York, Neb. Newly Appointed (Howard L. Knight has been appointed to succeed C. A. Coolidge, as superin tendent of- the Astoria Electric Com pany. Mr. Knight has been cashier of the company for tho past six years, and his deserved promotion will bo much appreciated by his manyi friends. WILL VOLUNTEER LABOR. PENDLETON, Oct. 31. In order to provide for on early shipment of over 100 carloads of produce now stored at Pilot Rock the East Orcgonian asked General Manager J. P. O'Brien of the 0. R. & N. to permit the completion of th three and one-half miles of road to Pilot Rock, which work was ordered stopped on account of the money stein gency Volunteep labor will be furnish' ed by Pendleton and Pilot Rock. The track could be completed in two weeks by farmers of the vicinity with 0. R. & N. engineers in charge. If the line is not completed gttat losses will be ex nmVnoptifls tho ffvnin, hay and fruit "-' ' 1 1 mi 1 up 1 tl..Wii.jjj)Muu4tiLjuii, Last night waa Halloween. Many of the readers of the Astorian will not need to bo reminded of this fact by this paper. Missing gates, lgn changed in their locations, vehicles mysteriously wafted to inaccessible places, etc. will bring to the mind of the victims of this innocent t pranks of the present generation the fact that there wai something abroad last night, . ; Earlyi in the evening the youth of the land was in evidence with Jacko'lanterns looking for fields to conquer. The pranks cut up, by the flower of the city were something awful. A few of the things noted by the poor newsgatherer, been to all that it happening, is noted. At Coroner Pohl' undertaking parlors the sign of ft prominent physician ap peared, while vice versa, Pohls sign was placed 'at tho foot of the stairway of tlie building in which the aforesaid physician' office I located. The sign Sheriff' office" which formerly) adorned the entrance to Sheriff Pomeroy'a office was found over tho entrance to the K)!ice station. One of the fortunate ones using ft sign was rranic ward. Some mischievous ones endeavored to re move bis sidewalk aign, but. to use an expression of the street, "there was notbing doing." Frank Parker' automobile may be missing but if no win inquire ot Jonn Fox, he will learn of its whereabouts, maybe. John McCue attended the Herman Wiite piano distribution social, and, on his return to his bschelor quarters, found his resting place occupied. He was non plussed for a short time, and was about to meander to the Occident, when it occurred to Lira that he would investigate as to who the intruder was. "Halloween," waa his ejaculation as he found a dummy, made up by some of his friends. Officer Twombly found a letter, which had been passed under his door, asking him to report for dutyi Chief Gammal was not worried about losing his patrol wagon; it was safely in Prael-Signer's barn. Mayor Wise, who was the shining star at the distribution of pianos, received a letter informing him that the three pianos, offered as gifts, had been stolen. He perused the epistle and turning to the messenger boy said "Letter go as it looks, the winners will receive their pianos anyhow. Tm Wise." Many other pranks were perpetrated but one cannot see it alL PASSED FORGED CHECK. Clever Swindler Wanted Who is Known Here. A Piano Number With Each 00 Vltztizs NEXT Dance and piano contest (next summer,) Save your sale slips beginning November 1st Anniversary Clothing Sale at reiuced prices is still going on. Hermaii Wise ' You can't look foolish in a Wise suit. NEW ARRIVALS We have received our 1908 Dinnerware stock patterns in Johnson Bros. Semi-Porcelain. Mentone, Blue and Clover. Just like the HavHand. IOO PIECE SET $16.00 See Window Display. " A. V. ALUBN. PHONES MAIN 711, MAIN 8871 BRANCH UNIONTOWN PHONE MAIN 71S Sole Agents for Baker's BarringtonHall Steel Cut Coffee Mx. B. W.nir is voting bis son,' Ur.me4 m yj,.. Leopold Weiss, of 278 West 113th street, fought his way from his bedroom to the base ment of his borne early todayi and fell exhausted only after ho had wrested the weapon from the Introducer and used it upon him with telling effect. Dr. Weiss acts as financial agent Mit for an English actor who is his friend. He drew tho actor's money out of tho Knickerbocker Trust Company before that institution closed its doors, and be lieves the negro who, ho say ho recog nized as a former porter, saw him in the line at the bank. Dr. Weiss was awakened by some one at his bureau. He sprang out of bed aud upon the negro. They clinched and went tumbling about the room, out into tho hall and down tho steps. On the first floor they, fought desperately, the negro using tho razor constantly. Then they rolled down another flight into the base ment. ) Weiss then succeeded iu grasping the razor and slashed the burglar. As the struggle stopped ft moment ho turned on the electrlo lights and says he recog nized tho negro. Tho burglar then sprang upon bim, bowling him to tho floor, snatching tho razor from his hand and escaped. f The police found a trial of Wood lead ing to a back fence and a pool of blood in an ndjoining lot. Weiss sustained more than ft dozen serious wouuds, and is in a critical condition from loss of PORTLAND, Oct L-Severbl Port- landers, a citizen or two of Astoria and probably a disgruntled denizen or more of Seattle would like to find one E. A. Morgan, alias Kuntz, who has worked a smooth game along the coast and in the northwest which culminated in his uttering forged checks, one of which was drawn in Rwtland on the Califor nia Wine Association at San Francisco. A warrant for Morgan's arrest has been issued byJudge Cameron and an other complaint will be filed at San Francisco, as 'Morgan is believed to be in that pity. It is not unlikely that the culprit will also have to answer to the charge of impersonating a United States official as he passed as an internal reve nue officer and on account of this decla ration was made tbe guest of Captain Mason of tho steamship Costa Rica and the sheriff of Clatsop county, besides insratiatuur himself in the favor of many other of Portland and Astoria. The Morgan case is ft complicated one. For months the fellow bad been traveling between this cityi, Seattle, As toria and San Francisco. His frequent trips on the Costa Rica, his affable man ners and his apparent knowledge of gov ernment revenue work made Captain Mason and Purser Haywood think that their passenger was a fine fellow, wor thy of their confidence. At Astoria Morgan met the sheriff and was fre quently entertained by him. Investigation has shown that Morgan has been making the rounds of the northwest cities. He was introduced in to sevtnl well-known families and from them borrowed sums of money. He is believed to have been one of ft party of shrewd swindler who have worked the trains and boats coming into Portland and Seattle, using a United States in ternal revenue officer's badge as ft blind to divert suspicion. 1 The specific charge on which Morgan is wanted is passing ft forged check through ft local business house which check was indorsed by ft gentleman whose name for the present will bo with held hxt the authorities. Tho check was deposited with the Portland Savings and Trust Company anl sent to San Fran cisco for collection, it was signed osten sibly by Fercy Moran, president of the California Wine Association. Mr. Percy Morgan has wiredC Uat the check was a forgery and a',thal tho forger be A Hard Debt to Pay. '1 owe a debt of gratitude that can never bo paid off," writes G. S. Clark, of Westfield, Iowa, "for my rescue from death, by Dr. King's New Discovery. Both lungs were so seriously affected that death seemed imminent, when I commenced taking New Discovery. The ominous dry, hacking cough quit before the first bottle was used, and two more bottles made a complete cure.". Noth ing has ever equaled Xew Discovery for coughs, oolds and all throat and luns complaints. Guaranteed by Charlee Rogers & Son, druggists. 50 cent and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Do you know that Pinesalve Carbolii ed acts like la poultice in drawing out inflammation and poison? It is anti septic. For cuts, burns, eczema, cracked hands it la immediate relief. Sold by Frank Hart's Drug Store. We have secured the agency for Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup, the new laxative that makes tho liver lively, purifies tbe breath, cures headache and regulates digestive organs. Cures chronic con stipation. Ask us about it. . T. F. Laurin. Owl Drug Store. Daaeo. Liberty Bell Social Club will glv dance Saturday night, November t, ftt Logan's HalL Ecklund music. 10-29-81 Notice. Gateway Rebekah Lodge No. 77 meets in regular session this evening- at 7:30, Members of the staff will place bis pres ent. Maurice Clinton, secretary. Ice Cream... Made from Pure Sweet Cream, 40c. Quart. Whipped Cream 40 Cents a Quart TAGG'S PARLORS 483 Commercial St. BUYS ANY HAT In Our Window Display 01 Street Hats. Just the correct hat for good school use. Buy a 3.50 hat for 1.50 at the Bon Ton. We have the lowest of prices, and the best of swell material and up-to-date styles. BON TON MILLINERY MRS. GEORGIA PENNINGTON 483 Bond Street, Astoria, Ore.