WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1907, THE MORNING ASTOMAN, ASTORIA. OREGON. 3 1 4& M 4"M- m OUR' TIME i 17 n TVT'TrT Tr Amd This . Stocli- is Doomed, Wltnin 3 , days we must have a force of workmen in our store cleaning out all the old shelves and counters and replacing them with the mast modern and up to date fixtures to be had. But almost as fast as the old goods are' being sold, the new Winter goods that Mr. Morse contracted for some months ago ile in deeper. Goods that went cheap before must be thrown out at a still greater reduction, , The new goods that should bring a fair profit must be thrown out at just what they cost at the great east-1 em factories. These are only a few of the Great Bargains that will be closed out today and tomorrow. Men's $2.00 Wool Sweaters, now.. 98c Men's $1.50 Wool Shirts, now ..'....... $1.18 Men's $1.60 and $1.75 fine wool underwear, now.... $I.I2 Men's $3.00 dress and work shoes, now.. $1.98 Men's $3.50 rubber boots, very best brands...... $2.25 Boy's 75c rubbers will now gt for 49c Boy's $1,50 and $1.75 shoes will now go for.. $1.18 Boys' snd Girls' $2 and $2.25 Rubber Boots $1,25 and $1.50 Children's 65c school umbrellas..,.,,.. ,; .-, 39c Boys' and Girls extra good heavy hose, the 26c Quality will go for m 2c Men's and Boy's 50c canvas leggings.... 29c Ladies 75c rubbers only 59c Men's $1.00 rubbers only. r ; 79c Ladies' $1.50 fur topped house slippers .... $1.18 Children's $1.25 fur top house slippers ; 95c We have also a few Girls' and Ladies Raincoats that were worth 04 to $55 that will go for only $1.00. jj Also a few Duck Ooats for boys' (water proof) worth 01.60, going for 7Gc. It makes no difference what you want, we are almost sure to have it and can save you the price. T w ON 0 Q) 32 Successor to the Morse Dept. Store. mMMMllMtmmtOltHHHMMIMIMMHmmfinmW RESULTS PROMISED Advance in Wireless Telegraphy I Will Lower Cable Rates. 1 HEW WALL STREET PLUNGER m J. Brandt Walker, Picturesque Plunger t of Wall Street, Makes Two Million I: TVilljira In WTnnthNw Ynrlf Rnn U h losins Political Prestige. i'ORK, Oct. 20. AoctiBtomcd n fo to the nmd vagaries of tlie Sew r fork Sun, it is neverthdeas startling to iwltnet tliat curious sheet's iiuKlcn i V 1'fort to convince tho H'ople of A mm lea that a state of war with Japan is at Jisml. It has been a good many jeai ince any reasoning person accepted furiously anything that the Sun had to fay. Notoriously the oityin of the great s Corporate interests, and invariably Hi )nrnian,in its "agin the government" ! Ittitude, the lute Charles A. Dane's $;iHr has long ago conned to challenge ftdmlration, except for the uniijue qunli ty of its "news storios". In that it is . the envy and despair of all editors who Ueek to give a fine literary flavor to, the 1 Recital of the day's happenings. In these Atories it may be sukt however, the Sun doo hot allow itself to be hampered Htyy acts; 'hence the engaging leading ' iii artistic verlfumilitude to what, in ' other journals, becomes a bold and un interesting narration of cold truths. 1 This peeularlty of the Sun's news tlolumn extends to its editorial page. 'There is not the most shadowy cause jor alarm over the prospect of a war 8f'ith Japan. ' We have hail recent and Strong reaasurnnco to that effect, anil pilous influences, commercial ami oui 4i'wle, are contributing toward making ur relations with the Mikado's Empire niore friendly than ever. Yet this ex- aordinary ndwHMper is bending all encrj.'io4 to convincing us that war Imminent; "Making teady to fight apan chief reason for sending Atlantic cet to the Paoifio Coast", is one ex mple out of several that the Sun has sanded in In thfl lwist few tin vs. And f read the text under ; these blood iiilrstyyJimro scareheada would con timid man, who had no other f information, that it was high the little brown fellows onslaught. Formerly the Sun's motto wa "If you see it in the Sun, it so." On Park Row they have changed that famous catch line to read "If you wo it in the Sun. it' 'w ho'." I. f nice tj were girding himself j against An enormous stride in the world's ad vance iwas made in the opening of the tmimuecanio wireless telegraphic service. Tor years tho public and! tho press have been at the mercy of the cable com panies, and have been forced to pay tolls that were o high as to retard com merce, and to contribute as much as any one cause to the isolation and far-offnes Hint the United States has suffered in the European mind. The cheapness of the Marconi service (which will doubtlcHS soon be followed by others, unless the inevitable "mer ger" and "community of interests" in terpoKc themselves) is a practical guar antee of a quickly increased business and a doner relationship between Eu rope and America, which will mean the elimination of many ' of the existent eaiiHes of contention and misunderstand ing. Signor Marconi promises that the present low rate of 10. cents per word for commercial messages and S cents for the pre, may bo reduced at least one half within a jeai J. llrandt Walker, the picturesque plunger of Wall Street, who is known a.s a eoni stent bear, has made close to W.OOO.WK) in the past three months by hi dogged methods of deoling in short sales of stocks. -- The young Westerner has no secrets, apparently but freely tells everybody what hw system is, and shouts out his ordlcrs in his brokers' olliee so all the world may hear. When a deep voice resounds in tho olllce,. "Sell me a thousand of this, or two -thousand of that; sell it quick and at the market," without looking it is known Walker is doing business, Then he is watched. A moment of silence, and the deep voice yells, "Sell one thousand Smelters. That's a dog j it will go to seventy; sell it 'quick. Just follow me and sell the whole market." Incidentally, Walker's Bpectacukr achievement of making nearly two- mil lion dollars a month out of the crooked dealings of Wall Street may yet be made to show the inherunt-unfoirness and basic dishonesty of the whole stock gambling systom, People bcoomo edu cated very quickly these days I They Make Yon Feel Good. The pleasant purgative effect exper ienced by all who use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and the healthy condition of the body and mind which they create makes one feel joy ful. Price, 25 cents. Samples free at Frank Hart and Leading Druggists. CHECK FOR WHEAT Pendleton Farmer Gets $70,000 for Season's Crop. CROP FAILURE NEVER KNOWN Government Reclamation Project Will Add 30,000 Acres Of Fertile Land Towns Spring Out of Dry Plains Several Other Growing Rivals, PORTLAND, Oct. 2D. What is be- 0 lieved to be the largest check ever paid to any one wheat grower in the north west, ha just been received by a Pen dleton farmer for the season's crop rais ed on about 3000 acres of Umatilla wheat land. The cheek was drawn by the Pacific Elevator Company for $70,842.70. (All Eastern Oregon has had a banner crop year, producing 6,000,000 bushels w one per cent of the total wheat crop of the United States. Actual crop fail ure was never knowji in this section, and many who began work there a few years ago with an ox cart are now rill ing in automobiles. Part of the wheat acreage is leased from the Indians of the Umatilla reservation," who derive an income of about $200,000 a year from this source. 'Along tho main line of the Oregon Ralhoad & Navigation Company lies the government's Umatilla reclamation project, which within a year or two, will add 20,000 nerea of fertile land to the productive area of this section. This project already stimulated the ter ritory effected to such an extent as to wholly change its character. The prin cipal town, Hermiston, has sprung out of the" dry plains and now, with a popu lation of COO, has several rapidly grow ing rivals. - Part of the land included in the gov ernment's reclamation project wjll come under cultivation next year, and a larger part of 20,000 acres will be ready for cultivation in 1001). The engineering :work necessary to the transformation of this territory from sage-brush desert to productive farming land is simple, con sisting of a feed canal from river to reservoir and a distributing system that can be completed in a short time. No home is so pleasant, regardless of the comforts that money will buy, as when the entire family is in perfect health. A' bottle of drino Laxative Fruit Syrup costs 50 cents. It will cure every member of the family of constipa tion, sick headache or stomach trouble. T. F. Laurin, Owl Drug Store. ' It is a well known fact that persons living in the Pine forests do not suffer from kidney diseases. One dose of Pine ules at night usually relieves backache. Thirty days' treatment, XX). . Your money refunded if not satisfied. Sold by Frank Hart's Drug Store. STAR THEATRE ASTORIA, OREGON PROGRAM For Week of October ax, 1907. Overture . Ida During First in Line TOMMY FINN Singing Comedian . First appearance of the popular baritone DICK HUTCHINS Beginning Monday, he will sing "In the Golden Autumn Time, Sweet Elaine," Change Thursday, "Good ' Old U.S." ' Now we have the QUBEY BROS. Roman Triangle Gymnasts Retained on His Merits BILLY GUMBY The Funny Fellow from the Sunny South Now a Positive Novelty " . THE TUXEDO QUARTETTE . Supported by Nina Raymond and E. D. Cloud Presenting the Musical Playlet Entitled "In the Heart of the Philippines." The Staroscope Will Present .. COSMOPOLITAN DANCERS and CURFEW SHAfL NOT RING TONIGHT Change Thursday Tobogganing on Mt. St. Monti Patrons of this theatre will please re port any discourtesy to the management, as our aim is to present to our audience at all times a good, clean, moral, high class performance, and having made ar rangements for bookings in connection with the large. Eastern circuits will be in a position to present to the Astoria public the best talent playing the West in advanced vaudeville. v MATINEES " ADMISSION 10 "cents 10 AND 90 cents BATTERIES Astoria Hardware Co., 113 12th St. SCOW BAY IRON & BBASS MK ASTORIA, OREGON IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS5 LAND AND MARINE ENGINEERS TJp-to-Eate Saw Mill alacblnery) Prompt attention given to aU repair work. -18th and Franklin Av. Main 2481. OUR MOTTO 'Perfection in Workmanship Promptness in Execution Satisfaction in Prices. ThatVAU" W. C. LAWvS CO. Plumbers Q Steam Fitters Recognized Agents in Astoria for the, THE AMER ICAN RADIATORJCo! H. B. PARSER, Proprietor. B. P. PARSER, Manager. PARKER HOUSE EUROPEAN PLAN. First Class b Every Respect , Free Coach to the House. Bar and Billiard Room y Good Sample Rooms on Ground Floor for Commercial Men Astoria Oregon i i f . 1 1 t t