SUNDAY, OCTOBER j, 1507, CTIIE JIOIiNING ASTOMAN. ASTORIA OVZGOll THE BEST FOR EVERY NEED log p iEJUUU 1 lour A flour that goes further and makes light er and whiter bread than the kind you are now using. Try a sack with your next order. ROSS, HIGGINS & CO. . Tho Leading Qrooem TERSE TtLES f IEE O A Good Investment For SaleA fin piece of Improved oity property "bringing good, rent. Ad dress "Marks," Morning Astorlan office. May Return Today Police Commissioner Martin Foard ie expect borne today from Bueoda, where lie ha ben looking after hi lumber in terest. 1 Marrlafe License A marriage license was lnued in the oounty clerk' offlce yesterday to Tab! Oieon tod Helena Anderson, loth of thi dt. . The Commercial Tbe Commercial till continue to do ft good business. Tbe finest grade of different kind of refreshment kept at thia well known establUhment assure a continuant of it popularity. Tbe pro prietor, Otto Sund, la .a genial gentle man, and 1 well and favorably known In til city. Drop Into tbe Commercial Vben In tbe neighborhood. It ia on Com menial itreet near Eleventh. Certified Copy of Will A certified copy 'of the lait will and testament of Robert Catlin, waa filed in the county clerk's office yesterday. The will wa made in Washington, D. C, on Stember 10. 1801, and Mary L. Catlin ie the legatee, and nade executrix, with out bond. Robert Catlin died on De cember 28, 1003. Dog Drowned, M. X. Adams, of the Astor House, mourna tbe low of "Buck," hia well known tog. "Buck" fell overboard and waa drowned and on the recovery of the body It waa given a burial. Mr. Adama feel the loss of hi pet who wa hi constant companion for over 14 yean. At Th Hospital Fred Enguish, who had been ill, for the pant few week, ha recovered and lefftho hospital yesterday. C. J. Stanley i reported a being very low and little hope are entertained for hi recovery. Will Not Come Tb Bunker Hill football team, of Portland, will not come to Astoria, a wa expected. The team fa being reor ganized and I out of practice but hope late to vlar a cam with Die local I -mm - , club, Board of Equalization Adjourn The county board of equalization ad journed yesterday for the year. The work of the asicteor in the waking of the a sessmcnt ha given general satisfaction there having been no objections filed by taxpayers. Rumored Change . The Olney school building will be vacated when tbe room at the Taylor school are completed. It is thought that the building will be remodeled for an engine house to be used by hose No. 1 when compelled to remove fiom the court house. . New Manager Tbe management of the insurance de partment of the Columbia Trust Co., will ater Xoveaber 1 be vested In Mr. X. J. Judah who will give it hi exclu sive attention. Mr. Judah'a popularity and his reputation for probity . and energy assure a successful management. His many friends wish him every man ner of success. Another piece of PIE FOR XI IS E CUSTOMERS Help yourself Piano Contest and Dance next Thursday FREE for WISE customers holding invitations. 2nd CHAPTER -OF If you buy n CLOTiHIJG CHEAPER than before WISE did it 1 Vs 1 1 t Sale WISE'S 21st Anniversary Bargin Ho many of my customers who could not take advantage of my 2 1st An niversary Bargain" Sale, have asked for Anniversary Sale Prices on Cloth::, that I feel it but right to reopen the Sale which is the REAL thing, you bet. letter From Dr. Aug. Kinney In a letter to W. E. McAfee, received yesterday morning from Dr. August Kin ney, the Utter, who la traveling in Europe for his health, write that h la physically In about the aame condition a when he left here, and that Mrs. Kin ney' health is fine. They will remain in London for some time and their re turn is Indefinite. 1 Police Matters Officer Stark yesterday tendered hi resignation as patrolman, as requested. Officer Twombly ha refused to submit hi resignation, to the hoard of police commissioners, and action will be further taken in his case at a meeting that will be held next week. The evidence taken in the recent Investigation I now on file In the city auditor' office and is publio property.. ; i:i :'.'' tliil J 1.1 ! -.-.1. UUliUai.giJ.1!! A Wireless Message The flrt wireless message to be in tercepted in Astoria wa one, that wa picked up by the steamer Roanoke while she waa lying at the Callendcr dock yes terday morning. The message wa be ing sent from the steamer President to the agent at San Francisco and read a follow! "0. D. Dunham, G. P, A. of P. C. 8. S. Co, Frisco steamship Presi dent, 8 a. m., October 28, off Destruc tion Island, foggy." When the Elder, owned by the same company as the Roanoke, I equipped with the wireless apparatus the movements of these( boat will be known at all times, and the Inno vation will be much appreciated by the traveling public. Ice Cream Sherbets - ..r ' ; ': Men's Overcoats, recently 25c Sox 3 for 5Cs Table no. 1, Men's Sulia sold at from '$12 to $15 socSox 2 for 75C worth over $10 to $15 Wisefs Anniversary sale 3- Hats 2.40 Wise's Price G7.C1 pried 50X3 Hats 1X5 7-7-7 " " A Urge variety of hats, Tabli no. 2, I.lta'z Suits Better Overcoats, worth down to onc-hcif p-vr" . all the way from $17.50 to Underwear Reduced "'f 'v J $25. Wise's Anniversary t?, .hJ-huu j,TabUno.3, Mai's A-l Trunks Reduced , Tafe no. 4, i.lm's St, And this is Overcoat season Boy s Suits and Over- a few of a kind, but client right when you need one. coats also reduced. . . valussat filCG All the latest Suits and Overcoats also reduced, not so much as last season's roods ( dui reouceo very maieriauy. HERMAN ASTORIA'S GREATEST CLOTHIER. 4 Hi Son Bom The wife of J. P. Carlson presented him with a fine boy yesterday morning. A son was also born ia this city to the wife of Bernard C Bjornsgard, of Skamokawa. A Chicken Dinner- There will be a chicken dinner served at the Irving Hotel today, Thla popular hotel under the new management, is becoming successful. Go To Seaside Lem ECowe, Earl Sicbert, O. H. Mb Xairy and Charlie Hobson leave for Sea side this morning. These gentlemen are going on a clam Investigating trip and they promise an interesting report of the results of their Investigation. - fense, which she paid. She was warned Olsen-Andenon Candies NOW READY 5 ' T'.-:! r,". "V'"-' ; g - '. yi r('; , ; 1 Our famous home made SAEUR KRAUT. The best intheland. ' Try it. j Scholfield Maltson & Co. odds 112 and 120 Twelfth St. Phone 1181 Phone 931 A Fish Story Neil Crosby is on a Ashing trip to Gray's River. Yesterday he shipped, by the steamer Wanona, a fine batch of sal nion trout to Mrs. Crosby. Cant. Hull said last night that he brought the fish but didn't eat them. Mr. Crosby at tended to that. VICTOR OR AN EDISON PHONOGRAPH go to jfllinsoiiPlionoppli So, Parlor Seoond Floor over Seholfield , A rViattion Co. Death of Old Resident Julius Strauss, who has been a mer chant of Astoria for over 80 years, died last evening at 8 o'clock, of stomach troubles, " alter an illness of: nearly a month.' Mr. Strauss, who waa 02 years of age, was born in Germany and come to this country when a boy. Ho located in Astoria in 1377, and since that time has held the confidence and esteem of Astoria's neople. He leaves a devoted ... vife, a daughter, Mrs. Joe D. Strauss, a sister Mrs. L. H. Lewis,'- of Portland, another sister, Mrs. T. L. Ayres, of San Francisco, and a brother, Jacob Strauss, of San Francisco. Mr. ' Strauss was a member of Seaside Lodge, A. O. U. W., of this city. . His remains will be taken to; Portland, tomorrow evening, for burial in the Jewish cemetery in that city. The many friends of Ma Strauss, in this city, will regret to learn of his demise. , Fined For Vagrancy " ; - In the police court yesterday Sophie Oliver-and Ethel Williams were charged with vagrancy. These young women have been frequenting Astor street and that vicinity and were inmates of a house on Sixth street, near the railroad track. About two week ago Sophie Oliver wasp arrested aid fined $30 forithe same of-; by the- court that if she did. not change her mode of life she was apt to be ar rested at any time. She continued in her ways and was again arrested yesterday. Ethel Williams, her cousin, was also ar rested and tbe pair were given a good lecture by Judge Anderson. Ethel Wil liams, when asked her age, stated that it was 21 years although the judge had his opinions as to that, it being said that she is hut 18. On their promise to leave the city they wero fined $30 or 15 days in jail ami sentence wthheld. Judge An derson admonished them to lead better lives in any city they may go to and they were released. One of the prettiest weddings' of, the week was celebrated at the home of Albert Johnson on Grand avenue, last evening, when Miss Helen Anderson be came the bride of Mr. Paul Olsen. About 25 guests were present, being the Imme diate friends of the happy couple. After the ceremony, which was perormed by Rev. Rariek of the Firtst Methodist Church, a iklivious luncheon was par taken of by the assembled guests. The parlors of the home, were beautifully decorated with clusters of white carna tions, roses and chrysanthemums. The young people will make their home In Astoria. MMMMMm) Want More Literature The Chamber of Commerce ha bees requested by the Northern Pacific anj Great Northern roads to supply then with, additional literature exploiting th resources of Astoria and vicinity. In most cases consumption result from a neglected or Improperly treated! cold. Foley's Honey and Tar cures th most obstinate coughs and preventa ser ious results, it costs you no more than the unknown preparations and youf should insist upon having the genuine in the yellow package. T. F. Laurin, Owl Drus' Store. n C" . " "'" "" immwmmmmmmmm vmmm , , MILLINERY SALE We are AT THE BON TON Everyone selling , knows of every IP : : T ' the swell trimmed ' s styles and , hat in ; big values . our store' j j at the , , at reduced j ! ; BON TON. . . prices. i You must Our . buy your prices will 1 t winter hat so astonish 1 f ?; take this you. I- opportunity Positively j and look . the over our .; .lowest : t line. ;'. ever You can't quoted'' 1 f afford to in , overlook this kCtttia:; : -w ' "-""- .- -w. .'.'-::.. ::::,;:.Big';Sale.;, , T MES. GEORGIA PENNINGTON 483 Bond Street, Astoria, Ore. I