The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 15, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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    TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1907,
Ct " 11 1 (0i 11 11 11 '
h 8
3 ,
1 1 .
Al.f'nilm. 3 ecu nmT
ns nnd IWoiitalM trittxr
Oplum.Morphlne norMtoalJ
1 JbcSmm
k ft.- BMaAf
Worms JConvulswiisjevensB
FicSinale Stjtnamrc of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Alcohol Used Successfully In
Place of Gasoline.
the Aj X.
M m.M I ' M
01 1 w
hf "SB
For Over
Thirty Years
m sis- ninOTfiiioinn
uct Cpy of Wrapper. tt itu . "
Engine Sun Much More Ndiwleisly and
Maximum Power is Greater Hut
Raising to be Great Industry in South
Atlantic and Gulf State,
WASHINGTON'. Oct. 14. From ex-
hatiHtive experiment conducted by of
ficials of the Department of Atnrlcul-
Iture, It ha been finally determined that
denatured alcohol can uccesfully be
ued to run internal combustion engine
and motor designed for gasoline, with
out material change in construction, it
I having been found that alcohol will
J prove a effective a gasoline or kero
I itio. Exhaustive experiment made here
I have demonstrated the , fact that
I automobile or engine operated with
the new ; Ihuild are ran much more
noiselessly and the maximum power -U
much greater. Altogether tne , -poor
farmer whose automobile i ued ,for
transportation, for cutting wood, chop
nintr corn, running the pump and a icore
1 of other thing ought to be happy. '
539 Commercial St., ASTORIA, ORE.
x- The only Turkish Baths, Rts
slan Tub and Shower Baths
First Class and Sanitary Night Accommodations
All Modern conveniences inai axe auuuciu
FRANK F. WARD, Proprietor
Phone Black 2253 Look for the Sign on Sidewalk
The Agricultural Department i watch
inir with interert the growth of nut
1 '
farming in the South Atlantic and Gulf
State. From report received it would
armear that the pecan is the favorite.
and farmer are planting large grove
It I not uncommon for one pecan tree
to bear a high as 200 pounds or nut
in one season, and a they bring all the
way from 00 to 80 cent a pound, it can
readily be seen that the industry t
nrofltable one. The food faddist are
responsible in great measure for the
innitaiift -Donularitv of nuts, and for
1 I 1 -
some time past the demand has far ex
ceeded the supply. The advent of ma
chinery, too. has made the handling of
the nut much easier, and they can be
gotten ready for market in much more
attractive form. Number of agricul
turists are planting, groves of pecan
trees, and before long, it Is believed nut
will be one of the Southwest staples.
(1 1 One of the Important Duties of Physicians and h
ding manutactur yl
:st careful as to J
m, and it is well
Eornia'Figf Syrup , T
is to learn as to the relative standing: and reliability' of the leading manufacture
ers or medicinal agenis, as ine most eminent -puysiciAUii a
f niirttv tt rcrnnAifrd rrPCTihtd 1)' them.
auuWU iv yllj BliaUs nuu iv n cu-uwiuicu gwiwiuu; -a j - t
its product has attained to the high standing "in scientific and commercial circles which
is accorded to successful and reliable houses only, and, therefore, that the name of the
Company has become a guarantee of the excellence of its remedy.
appeal to the Well-Informed in every walk of life and are essential to permanent sue
cess and creditable standing, therefore we wish to call the attention of all who would
: J I tt, tl, ;a tn Ua lint that it invoiws the flUftStlOn of TXttVl
living with all the term implies. With proper knowledge of what is best each hour
01 recreauun, wi cujujhkuii wuu-umwu u - . r
to that end and the use of medicines dispensed with generally, to great advantage, but
as in many instance a simple, wholesome remedy may be invaluable if taken at the
proper time, the California Fig Syrup Co. feels that it is alike important to present
truthfully the subject and to supply the one perfect laxative remedy which has won
the appoval of physicians and the world-wide acceptance of the Well-Informed because
of the excellence of the combination, known to all, and the original method of manufac
ture, which is known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only.
This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known under the name of
Syrup of Figs and has attained to world-wide acceptance as the "most excellent of
family laxatives, and as its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well
known to physicians and the Well-informed of the world to be the best of natural ,
laxatives, we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup o( Figs and Elixir of
Sennaas more fully descriptive of the remedy, but doubtless it will always be
called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Figs and to get its beneficial effects always
note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co.
plainly printed on the front of every package, whether you simply call for Syrup of
Figs or by the full name Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna as Syrup of Figs and
Elixir of Senna is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. and the same heretofore known by the name 'Syrup of Figs which has given
satisfaction to millions. The genuine is for sale by all leading druggists throughout
the United States in original packages of one size only, the regular price of which
is fifty cents per bottle.
Every bottle is sold under the general guarantee of the Company, filed with the
Secretary of Agriculture, at Washington, p. C., that the remedy is not adulterated or
misbranded within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Act, June 30th, 1906.
Louisville, Ky.
San Francisco, Cal.
U S. A.
London, England.
New York, N. Y.
With Secretary Taft away, "Uncle
Joe" Cannon DreservW a silence
dense as to be oppressive, Vice Presi- .
. 11 f A 11.
dent raimanKs peecaics ner iuo wjr
the Methodists handled him and the oth-
mi 1 1 riu 1 1 1 11 1T1 1 mi 77m 1 iMiiim blifflSaffiS
in politic these days. The question of
the hour is what Arthur Vorhys, the
Taft manager, said to the President on
the train in Ohio last week. Did he urge
the Chief Executive to come out openly
for the Secretary of Wart If you can
answer it, you'll set at rest the minds
of many.
I Framed Pictures, t
Decorate your Parlor, Dining Room or Hallway.
0 1
A picture for every place.
See the Window
First National Bank of Astoria, Ore.
It is nossible that President Roose
velt will confine his huntinz trip to
Louisiana and the cane break bear. He
has hoped to upend a few day in Texas,
chasinnir the elusive and savage wild
pig with, the spear-elthough wheather
with the "spear that knows no orotner
is not definitely . known. Official busi
ness is nilinsr un to such an extent that
the Chief Executive probably will have
to hurry back to give it his attention.
There is not much fun to be denvea
I (mm the, nnntemnlfttiotl of Stacks of
papers, all requiring either tne atten
tion of the nation's head of bis sitrna
ture. and the President finds as little
joy in this condition as any one. So
probably the Texas boar will have to
wait for another time while the Louisi
ana bear will be accorded the honor
of being "shot up" by the mighty hunt-
er'a rifle.
n. it. JL B0WLBY, Prsldnt.
0. L PETERSON, Vlo-PrMldt
J. W. GAUMS, AwJatant CmUh.
Astoria - Savings Bank
1 .nil nnAivldad ProflU 180,000 .
TruuHUtaa General Banlilng Bttitoeaa, Interest Paid on Time iiou
m frsrfa. ' ' ' , : , f ASTORIA, CREOON
; C. F. WISE, Prop.
Choica Wines. Llanori Merchants tuncb From
and Qgara 11:30 a. n. to .1:30 f a
Hot Lone at sO Hoani . ' , Ceats
Corner ElTnth and Commercial
His Dear Old Mother.
"Mv dear old mother, who i now 83
veara old. thrive on Electric Bitter,
I writes W. B. Brunson, of Dublin, ua.
"She baa taken them for about two
I year and enjova an excellent appetite,
feela strong and sleep well." inai a xne
war Electric Bitter affect the aired, and
I the name happy results follow in all
oases orfemale weakness and general
debility. Weak, puny children too, are
greatly strengthened by them. Guaran
teed also for stomach, liver and kidney
I troubles, by Charlea Rogers, druggist.
1 1 M i H H t H H 1 1 1 1 1 H 1 ' I 1 1 1 V t a a t a 1 M m 1 1 1 1 1
NEW! YORK. Oct. H.-tAt the annual
meeting of the Great Northern Railway
OSXGOB stockholders in this city today it was
voted to acauire bv direct purchase all
the subsidiary companies e the system
hitherto held through ; stock ownersnip
according to1 the plan announced by
.Tnme .7. Hill some" tinffi fteo. tAU ine
retiring directors were relected.
Fitst-Class Liquors and Cigars
60a Commercial Street. i
4 rr CmnrrM and uth. ' ASTORIA, OREGON
":iK(t nersons that keen the food canal
clean and health v can have appendicitis.
Hollister's Rocky Hountain Tea clean
the 'food canal and protects you trom
rikiis. 315 cents. Tea of Tablets, aoia
'by Frank Hart, Druggist.
I Staves and Ranges
A well-known authority Btates that
there are more cases of kidney trouble
here now than ever before, wnue re
cent reports show that more people suc
cumb each year to some -form 01 kid
ney disease than any other cause.
When there is sickness, examine tne
urine. Rheumatism is only a symptom
of kidney trouble. It is nothing more or
less than excessive unc acid in the blood
which the slucreish. inactive kidneys
have failed to sift out, leaving it to
decompose and settle about the joints
and muscles, causing intense sunering;
frequently resulting in deformity; often
reaching the heart when death ensues.
Pains across the back, frequent, pain
ful and suppressed urination apd other
symptoms of weak bladder are not the
only signs of kidney trouble; many
cases of stomach disease, headache, pain
in the lieart, inactive liver, etc., are out
symptoms; the cause of which can be
traced to feeble, clogged kidneys.
The Dhvsicians for the insurance com-
- -
panics, always canefulljj examine and
report on the condition 01 tne urine, it
is a certain sign of sickness or health of
the human body. ,
A test of the unne should be made by
every man and woman at least once
each year. ; A simple test ia to void
a. small auanitv or urine in a bottle or
glass and "let it stand over night; next
morning, if there is a reddish brick-dust
sediment, or white, ; fleecy substance
present, either consult some reputable
Dhvsician or, take a eood vegetable
treatment. The following prescription
is recommended highly in these cases,
and if desirable the sufferer , can mix
it at home. Any , good prescription
pharmacy has the ingredients, which are
harmless and inexpensive: Compound
Kargon, one ounce; Fluid Extract Dan
delion, one-half ounce; Compound byrup
n L!i,. ii '. - cn..i .11
oarsHpanim, xme ounces. ; ou . wm.
and use in teaspoonful doses after each
meal and at bedtime. Where any of
the symptoms enumerated above are
present, good results are sure to follow
immediately the use of this simple pre
Every one Guaranteed
We Buy them in Car Load Lots
I The Foard & Stokes Hardware Go
Sneetuoii to faul ft CtokM C
; t
Little Care Will Save Many Astoria
Readers Future Trouble.
Watch the kidneys secretions.
See that they have, the amber hue of
The discharges not excessive or infre
Contain, ( no , "brick-dust like" sedi
Doan's Kidney iPills will do this for
They watch the kidneys, and cure
them when they're sick.
Mrs. A. SI. Hobblaueh, of 328 Grant
street. Portland, Oregon", says:
"My Faith in Doan's Kidney Pills
is stronger today than when I gave a
statement for publication a few years
ago in the city papered The years that
have elapsed since I first used Doan's
Kidney Pills with gratifying results
only increased my appreciation of them.
I have found the remedy to be through
ly reliable in every way. I had suffered
from kidney disorder, backache and
severe pains in my. loins. My chief
source of trouble was with my kidneys,
which were very irregular in action.
Doan's Kidney pills promptly relieved
me of all my troubles, banished my
backache, corrected the action of my
kidneys and helped me in every way. I
think just as highly of this remedy tq-
day, as when l gave a puwic statement
some years ago."
"Plenty more proof like this from As
toria people. Call at Charles Rodger's
drug store and ask what customers re
port, - ;
For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cent
Foster-Milburn Co., ' Buffalo, New York,
sole agents for the United States; ' t
Remember the nanie-Doan'a and take
no other. , "
The, IV'Uae
Steamer - Lurline
Night Boater Portland end
Way Landings.
Leaves Astoria daily except Sunday tt
WASHINGTON. Oct.. 14. Army or
ders: Capt. Lawrence J. Fleming trans
ferred from First to Fourteenth cavairy,
and Capt. Herbert J. Brees, calvary, and
assigned to Fifth cavalry. The follow
ing changes are ordered in the Fourth
field ftrtillerv! First Lieut. Lo r.
O'ninn. nlawil on iinasslimed list: Lieut.
, -r J- CT
Wil nam T. Wood, transferred from Bat
tery D. to Battery A;' Leroy P. Collins,
assigned, to Battery D. .
Leave Portland Dally except Sunday.
at j a. m.
Quick Serrlce , . Excellent Keala
Gooa Bertha.
Landing Astoria Flavel Wharf.
Landing Portland Foot Taylor &b
Phone Main y6i. , '
The only Steamboat making a round trip DAILY
zoept Thursday between Portland and Astoria
andway point.
Portland Landing, Alder Street Dock
Astoria Landing, Callender Dock
LeTe Portland 7:00 , m. arrive Astorta,I:
r. m, Leave Astoria 2:30 p. m.: amve roruaaa
;80p. m. .
Leave Portland s a. m.t arrive Astoria lp m.
Leave Astoria v. m.. arrive Portland p. m.
A Criminal Attack
on an inoffensive citizens is frequently
made in that apparently useless tube,
the "appendix." It'a generally the re
sult of protracted constipation, follow
ing liver torpor. Dr. King'B New . Life
Pills retaliate the liver, prevent appendi
citis, and establish regular habits of the
bowels. 25o at Charles Rogers' drug
store. . '. ,
$2.00 Saved by Buying Tid:ts
alTitbrla. Sea G.W. Roberts,
-IgiH, 0. r. & n; Dock: :n
Through tickets for all points in ti
United States and Europe. Quick ttsae
and excellent service.
tr Morning Astorlaa, 0
month, delivered !y carrier.