TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15. 1907. THE MORNING ASTORKE7, ASTORIA; OREGON. 1 MwttmmmwMwitmtmmtttw This is Oo Forced laic wan 0 3 til liL! 0 mm For There's Some Aysterious Aat(ic in the Words FECIAL ' MLE, Some at One-Half, Some at One-Third and Some at One-Fourth off Regular Prices. Our' Great Annual Summer Clearance Sale commences to-day. The balance of all our stocks of summer goods has been marked down to good-by prices. You know that our policy has always been to carry nc goods over from one season to another. We do this for three reasons. First: It keeps our stock free from old and shopworn goods. Second: It gives us ready cash to buy more goods with. Third: It pleases our customers to get such great bargains as our Annua! Clearance Sales always put within their grasp. A pleased customer is a merchant's best advertisement. Do you want some hints as to what to expect when the doors of our establish ment open at 8 o'clock this morning? Here are a few: 8 4 Men's Suits A high diss line in up-to-date Styles and the latest patterns. 25.00 Suits,. : $16.50 20.00 13.50 17.00 11.50 15.00 " 10.00 13.50 " 8.50 12.50 " 8.00 11.00 , " 7.50 . Men's Pants This sale combines our entire stock bought by us far below cost and sold in the same proportion, as follows: ; $4.50 Pants............. $3.35 4.00 Pants 2.95 3.50 Pants 2.55 3.00 Pants.. 2.15 2.75 Pants.............. . 2.05 2.50 Pants.... 1.65 2.00 Pants 1.45 Hats , No need to pay more than our prices, and the assortments are unmatched. $4.00 Hats....:.......... $3.00 3.00 Hats... 2.25 2.50 Hats....;. 1.75 2.00 Hats.............. 1.45 1.75 Hats ................... .95 Men's Sweaters The kind that keeps you warm. $5.00 Sweaters.........:....!. $3.50 3.00 Sweaters... : 2.40 2.50 Sweaters. 2.00 2.00 Sweaters 1.50 1.25 Sweaters 75 Special men's heavy Black, Blue ' and Oxford $2.50 Sweaters..., 1.35 Oravanette Rain Coats The up-to-date and stylish kind. $20.00 for.... $14.50 15.00 for 11.00 Rubber Boots A big discount in this department. $6.00 Boots for '. $5.00 4.50 " ; .....3.75 3.75 " 3.15 3.50 " .......;..........;..........;.. 2.75 " ; 2.10 Men's Overcoats Here's an assortment which will please you. Just a hint or two. $20.00 Overcoats ..........$14.50 17.50 " 13.00 15.00 H.00 12.50 a , , 7.50 10,00 - 6.50 Men's Underwear $3.00 Suits .. .$2.25 2.50 2.00 2.oo : ;.; io 1.00 " ; .75 . Men's Sox Men's 25c Casimere Sox for 15c per p2Li)T 7 pair $ $l00 Oil Goats $3.00 Coats for $2.35 2.25 " : 2.00 2.00 : 1.75 Black Oil Coats $2.50 Coats for.... $2.10 2.25 " 1.85 :::: :::: :::: lO to 2JO PER CENT OFF ON EVERY SHOE IN THE HOUSE THE WORIKINOMIRN'R ,TOS Chai. Larson Proprietor. 618 BOND STREET Formerly 557 Commercial Street i ; :f m ittttttl ffltffln 1 1 1 iiliiiiyciliiiiiiiiiiniHfflt HHIMIHUHMim IIMIMlHMIMtMlll 4Y IRVING'S AvM ..Bramly NOTHING FINER TRY IT AMERICAN IMPORTING CO. 589 Commercial Street WHEN YOU WANT PRICES THAT ARE RIGHT Write us, we're here for that purpose The Work We Do I Anything in the electrical Business. Bell's House Phones ilnside wiring and Fixtures installed and kept in repair.! we wiu oe giaa, 10 q,uoi;e you pnecs. OUR PRICES WILL DO THE REST STEEL. & EWART 424 Bond Strert. ' ! ' M ,fi Woa Mtln 3881 , i , H. B. PARKER, v" Proprletot. E. P. PARKER, v.. : Manager. ' PARKER HOUSE ' EUROPEAN PLAIT. FIrit Claw b Every Reipect Dree Coah to the Home. ' Bar and Billiard Room Cood Sample Rooms on Ground Floor fnr Pnmmarelftl Men Astoria uregon 1 ! -I HAVANA CONDITIONS BETTER. I The ifteruoon programme was held in J (he jMacoupin County Courthouse. The Strikebreakers Not at WorkRailways I address of welcome was made by. Major Claim to Hare Enough Help. I J. C. Collins. The Courthouse was -pack- IIAVANA, Oct. 14. The strike situa-1 ed to overflowing and Congressman Cald- tion is still calm. Xone of the strike breakers who arrived here yesterday from New York are working although they will remain in Havana indefinitely. Mr. Orr, manager of the United Rail ways, said today that he had not seen Fitch, the leader of the strikebreakers. and would not do so. : He declared that all trains were running, that he thought the strike was broken, and that it would not be necessary to employ the men from New York.' " The Western Railway is still seriously affected, and very few of its trains are being'run. At a meeting of the labor unionists last night a resolution was adopted to call a general strike if the government does not give justice. The strikers seem to be divided into factions, one favoring trouble-making and the other no disor der and no more strikers. well delivered his address from the stone steps on the second floor. Every boy present wore a "true blue" badge. Local merchants offered various prices for best exhibits of corn, potatoes and other produce raised by the boys. TO INSTALL 'PHONE WIRELESS. poy FARMER BOYS REUNION. CAUUXVILLlUll., Oct, 14. The first rouiiJ-up of furuier boys ever held any where was held in Carlinville Saturday, Over 2000 boys from the farms of Ma coupin, Greene, Montgromery, Sangamon and atldjoining counties were present Of this number 1000 registered their names at the Farmers and Merchants' Bank, where the 'Reception Committee was stationed. .: The plan for the day's festivities originated with Will B. Ot- well, an editor. The speakers were Senator William E. Mason of Chicago, Congressman B. F. Caldwell of Hillsbour, ex-Gov. Richard Yates and "President David Felmely of the State Normal. , The parade was one of the best ever witnessed in Carlinville. It was headed by Richard Yates and William R, Hulse, grand marshal of the day. The speakers, the City Council and the members of the Board of Education followed in carriages. ;'. Two doen of Car- linville's young society women came next as welcomers of the farmer bovs. The most interesting part of the proces sion followed. The hundreds of farmer boys rode two abreast. ,It was the largest number of boys and horses ever combined in any parade. At two dif ferent points the line of march was re- iewed y Mr. Yates and Mr. Hulse. 20. young men on, horseback assisted in the marshaling, and Miss Florence Mo- Clue was marshal for the young women dors.', - Naval Officer Will Equip the Virginia and Connecticut With System. WASHINGTON, Oct. 14 Lieutenant Commander Cleland Davis of the navy has gone to Norfolk to install wireless telephone instruments on the battleships Virginia and Connecticut. It is the in tention of the Navy Department to put wireless telephones on all the vessels of the Atlantic fleet. The instrument to be installed on the Virginia and Connecticut is the inven tion of a Danish engineer. It was the first put on the market. A .feature of the wireless telephone is that it works with a much lower voltage than the wireless telegraph. It is claimed fop the instruments to be tested that the tele phone can be put out and worked with a Morse key like the regular wireless telegraph instrument , The Wireless telephone has been operat ed successfully for a distauce of eight miles. Communication for five miles is comparatively easy. It can be utilized to great advantage by the commanding officer of a fleet to call up the captains of the various' ships and converse with them without leaving his cabin. . Napoleon Bonaparte showed, at the battle of Austerlits. he was the greatest Leader in the world. Ballard's Snow Liniment has shown! the public it is the best liniment in the world. A quick cure for Rheumatism, Sprains, Burns, Cuts, etc, A. C. Pitts. Rodessa. La., says: "I use Ballard's Snow Liniment in my, family and find it unexcelled for sore chest, headache, corns, in fact for anything that can be reached by a liniment Sold by Hart's Drug Store. , Fisher Bros. Coi Sole Agents for Barbour's and Finlayson's Salmon Twine and Netting' a Hardware, Iron; Steel and Ship chand lery. Pipe and Pipe Fittings, Brass Goods, Paints, Oil',, Glass & Hardwood Groceries A Complete Line of Fishing; Gannery , Logger and Mill Supplies . . Bros. Co. 5ii550 Bond Street "" . ' ' Astorlo - Oregon J 1 JOHN" FOX, Pres. F. L. BISHOP, Sec. ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK, Treas. NELSON TROYER. Vice-Pres. and Supt ASTORIA IRON VORKS I DESIGNERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF THE LATEST IMPROVED . . . . Rheumatism in caused by the impiop-1 er working of the kidneys. The urioj acid which should be removed from the j blood, remains, in it. Hollisters Rocky !IUIa, r-.i -1 t" ji.- Mountain Tea removes the cause and I LdlWUlX iTldtUlUtl V. UaililC EfillIC HUU DUIJCii drives it from the system. 35 cents. Tea I ' . ' or Tablets. Sold by Frank Hart, Drug-; - COMPLETE CANNERY OUTFITS FURNISHED. " gist. J Correspondence Solicited. Foot of Fourth Street.