A 1 ! S i. V t . .. "J ? hi ! ! 5 I ' ft V 1 i 6. f 4 1 I I I M If ! 3 t f V 1 l I I I i THE MORNING ASTOKIAN. ASTORIA. OREGON. SATURDAY, OCTOBER u, 1907. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. HELP WANTED. IWANTEDA 01) GIRL ABOUT 12 or 14 years of age; will give her a good home. Address Mrs. L. Beneke, Jewell, Oregon. JO- 12-tit. WANTED A TEACHER r'OR SCHOOL .fistriet No. 11, Skamokawa, Wah than county, Wash. term, nine months, salary $50 per month; don't answer this accept prepared to fill position at once. 10-10-7t. MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED A POSITION BY A YOUNG lady of experience as stenographer. Address to Astorian office. 10-9- 12t NOTICE ON ACCOUNT OF SICK ness, Tong Kee, the Ninth street laun dry man, has disposed of his business to Hong Hing. All persons owing Tong Kee are requested to call at the laundry and settle tneir ouis. iiong liing will! not be responsible for any debts con-j traded by his predecessor. 10-9-St. I STRONG TESTIMONY INSANITY 1 (Continued from page 3) (hat he was before (he tremble. PROTECT YOURSELF FOR tl PER I.. .11 " . l,mt ,,ni''K" moutn against accident, sickness and , V ,!. " ' """'""j emieii on him. Tin MISCELLANEOUS.' leatnj furolshee doctors, dentistrv. mod icinei and hospital service. Call or write, auonai Hospital Assn., room 8, Page 0-8-tf, HOUSE MOVERS. ' h1)' llit tune i-hIUI. .,11.1 i,,.,,,:,....! loimiimi, there was m, mmu,..- .1... knocking oil the door. Mix. Overton. ,.l MK I)ovIhiv' reuiioHt. m.o,. i... - 1 it ivt 1 'iu o ii-iiim 1 iu door, i n, Mil' .lilltitit..i ask'Oii in IumI. ' Nh. y.ii 1 ... .1 .r i FDrTMTf1f'AT vtsv- I ... 1 , . 11 1,11 5553 !tuvftoy mtua we make r"i near me hi'd. Another tin.,. i.- ! specialty of house I . ' """". Kru lor .leiinhiirs contractors, wneral iohbinv.. nmmn at. I who w nm i.i " -A RflTE tW WKvisiI. tentlon t all rJ..' 'L " " 'V '"" ' ",,,,,m'" - - - - ' 1 - vviucr ivaiD idiii mi'hh hi ri mill. 11....1I.1.. I Mi". H1I111N IV L1IV, ! . a, ... ... r " ',. ih v iuh. .IrnkiilH. H,tUl.l. ilo iooim-,1 nt the hoiis,. after .leii FOR RENT. FOR RENT ed housekeeping rooms. 077 Exchange : Duane. streer, 10-11-71. WANTED HELP WANTED AT ONCE, tpply Elizabeth Hawks, dressmaker, ! Duane street. llJ-U-3t SITUATION WANTED. BITUATION WANTED IN WARE house, dry goods store or hardware in ffity where willingness to work will make Bp for inexperience: object not wages but desire to gain practical experience; aged 42; married; speaks American, iinn, little Norwegian and Swedish Address, "A. J," 127 Seventh St. 10-7t FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. fOR SALE TWO LOTS IN ASTORIA and one in Warren ton; will sell cheap. Address "J," Astorian office. A BIG BARGAIN 100x100 FEET IN eenter of city an Bond street Apply to Western Realty Co. FARM FOR SALE, $2250160 ACRES; six acres cleared, good house and barn. Western Realty Co. PROPOSALS. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER master, Fort Ste.ens, Or., Oct. 10, 1907. Sealed proposals in triplicate, will be received at this office until 2 o'clock p. m., Nov. 8, 1907, and then pub licly opened, for the construction, plumb ing, heating and electric wiring and fixtures of one artillery barrack build ing for 109 men, at Fort Stevens, Or.j Plans can be seen, specifications obtained and full information furnished at this office. The U. S. reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids or any part thereof. Envelopes containing pro posals should be marked "Proposals for Constructing" and addressed to the Constructing Quartermaster, Fort Stev ens, Or. LOST AND FOUND. LOST STRING OF GREEN BEADS. Leave at this office and obtain reward. NOTICE OF SALE OF SCHOOL WAR rants Notice is hereby given, that School District No. 1, of Clatsop county, Oregon, will receive sealed bids from the bona fide residents of said school dis trict, at the office of the Clerk of said district ,in the City Hall, at Astoria, Oregon, until 12:00 o'clock (noon) of Monday, the 21st day of October, 1907, for the purchase of nineteen thousand aouars, par value, of interest-bearing warrants of said district, bearing in terest at five (5) per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, which warrants will be dated November 1st, 1907, and will be payable as follows: $3000.00 in ne year, $4000.00 in two years, $4000.00 PROPOSALS FOR BEEF AND MUT- ton, Vancouver Barracks. Wash.. Sep tember 16, 1907. Sealed proposals for furnishing and delivering fresh beef and mutton for six months betrinnins? Jan. 1, 1908, will be received here and at offices of commissaries at Fort Stevens. Ore, Boise Barracks, Idaho. Forts Caser. ' 1 Columbia, Lawton, Vancouver, Walla Walla, Ward, Worden and Wright, Washington, until 10 a, m, October 16, 1907, and then opened. EnveloDei eon-! taining proposals should be indorsed. "Proposals for fresh beef and mutton, to be opened Oct. 16, 1907," and addressed to commissary of post to be supplied, or to Lt-Col. George B. Davis, Chief Comp. AMUSEMENTS. PLEASANT HOUR OF ENTERTAINMENT VAUDEVILLE AT THE LOUVRE And Vaudeville that really Amuses and Interests you. Weekly Changes of Pro- gram and Each Change an Improvement ...,.,v smnvn 10 have done. SPECIALTIES THIS WEEK !',0,,1ie,lVal 'i"i ked the d.- tor. that the ...etio being a descrip. "ois ion. Utl ,k..(i ,,.,, , an, his wile. um .Htcnicl to I-. ..u.. ... talk of nothing ,.H,.. KtllVl( , , "ixhts. and hpt hut verv little, an. at uierent liuurs of the niuht " run- was called uu to wait on ,..,.i. -1... hI him Hitting at the front window, '""king out. .rViiniiiif. di.l not. r... the full w,.,k for whi.1. he I.,.,! ,i.i .... 1 - . . I '" inei.,1 num. nd got In thing. ..g mat .HMiuiiigH had ronl.l.. count of a woman. los. llowlnhy Jr. ..ave teatim.u.v lohomtiiiir his siter. Dr. Alfred Kinney was i.law.l a m.. stand a au exix'it witne 11. tn ilitlon of the 111111,1 of a nm. 1 .,!! I. 1.1 S ..w..y . snown to have done Before Taking Beechatrt'a Pllta. th .,,,, . WOllliin wlm I. ,lio,....i,.,i 1... 1. ---- o uiniui mil iy m. JligeHtiou, sluggiHh bowels, l.il-These remedied. After. fu,,i.w.-w VI After Taking dSeechamA jieerham't Pill a tuau or woman fccli like a new person. They quickly dispel acuta at lui lii (if imllueatiiiii. art tint nr. ally on the bowels, regulate the luie, sumuiaie i lie kidneys, re lieve headache and bring re .reading sleep. tjierelsaqulcklmprovementln the k'euernl health Kiii.t n incnUtiiMv devKlnr. ,s,. nerlous affairs, unless promtitlv t nlr .i I.. 1. .. ...f ,i . ,. . f y t,.V. t e nccciiam'g 1 Ilia U'llrn v.iii ..I ... , .. aitton nud you will have no vausc jv t'OUipuill thut You Feel Worn and Old old Cverrwher In Boiaa CHIEF QUARTERIUSTER'S OFFICE, Vancouver Barracks, Wash., Sept. 25, 1907. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received at this office until 11 o'clock a. m., October 24, 1907, and then public ly opened, for furnishing and installing electric light fixtures in new X. C. O. j quarters, railroad station and postoffice at Fort Stevens, Ore. Full information I will be furnished on application to this tio.i of l!..wl-l.tV actions after he had teamnl of his wife's fthle4n,.. ti. !h tor Have it a his opinion that in uch ease there would . A (ron(( po,sJ. bility of insanity, in fact would .,.t- n,n he was inc. The l)i,trict Attorney, . Mii.iiiuiuoii, axked that if "vera! of the simiiOM'J H V Ml !t t'llll at tt'nvil rummaieu. would the balance t . uinue insanity t ihv .loetor clearly ex- r""H," te .liir.T.-llt SMimtom. having weight, and tho.'e not heail'm. to "'.v 'um. lie would .-all the cane "iedan.holi.1." Mr. H'tH a-ked if thin ili-ca,,, a, t iM-trt and U. aiHH.-r i.H that tho .ItH-tfir did not twit insane j..tt i.-nt i.ut said that then, wn,. two foiius 'u.-ntf" and -paive" ailll ll.iun n.i.. Kir....... " iH'i'i oi iij.inioti on that .oint. )r. Hen.er.n, wh.-n nillrd in i tin ol... .1 ... o V AVKUVCII 111 Irtt....w ... .1... a . ..... (Successor, to Dr. Linton'. TW rvi .!.'" T, " M",r""n ""' ' infinity. H- ciive a ll.rn..l, .1 :.. urugs, medicines r;"" ol.inp '""wn syn,,,,,,,,, IH (ll,7 AND I , ,w n '"' in aiiH..r to the TJI "nM"vU -tion. he answered that swuct AlllCICS. '"an acting jM t,. ,..,. as nnuouhtclly mentally i.nlmlan.-ed In arriving at his mncln.iori and in cias.Hiiviiu LITTLB MISS FRISCO Song and Dsnoe Artist , L' THELMABECK3 Balladist ALMA PIERCH Swedish NightingaU PSINCESJ 0MEANA The World's Wonder Dont Fall to See Bet ADMISSION FREE VIC IUTDBECK. Prop. DRUGGIST. Columbia Drug Co. are a natural laxative, a fine tonic, a Diomi jjurilier. Their beneficial effects ore thorough d laming, jiciug purely veg etable their use occasion no reaction. Their message is ncaitn; iiicir use a bk-saiug. Taken whm there is uccd their mission is to make You Feel Fresh a Young iut auu Sao, sot bay moil i Bfiiss rums ASToitiA, oiti:;os B WNO BRASS FOUNDERS' LAND AND MARINE ENGINEERS l-to-I ate haw Mill IlmMneii J I rompt att'euiiou lvn lo al. rr.alr wora '8th and Fr.nk.ln Av m Maln 24Sl. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. the disen-c lie ,M ,., office and at office of Constructing Quar-1 Dr. Rosenburg will give consultations ,,roinCt.t"Trt,l,lt ''v,l,,'tw,!", in three years, $4000.00 n four years, "p" "Vf: VT0n- lhel nd emination free. w,,IlI( ,,, , ;, ,;" " ' t",, . .., oinnn I L- S. reserves the rurht to acceDt or re- i8 Eleventh Strt .. , . .. 1 , ,n"llon'" insanity, with aaio Diaa .. . i-... . -"vr meiaiiciioiia in Hm nati.,,, v.. jcli, aiiv or an u.us or anv Dart tnereot. leieDnone main uu. a.nW. nr. . . . l"" u- r-...i ... ' -.., vm mur, of n. a,. ana $40()0.U0 in five vears, may be for warrants in amounts from fifty ($50.00) dollars to nineteen thou- and ($19,000.00) dollars, and must state the terms on which the warrants will be taken, whether at a premium, at par, or at a discount. Each person will be entitled to but one bid, and all bids must be addressed to "A. L. Clark, Clerk f School District No. 1," Astoria, Ore gon, and must be endorsed "Proposal for school district warrants." AU bids will be opened at the office of said clerk, on said 21st day of October, at 2:00 o'clock p. m., Dated, October 10, 1907, at Astoria, Uregon. 1 A. L. CLARK, Clerk of School District No. 1, Clatsop county, Oregon. 10-ll-10t. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked: "Proposals for electric light . fixtures at rort Steven," and addressed to the Chief Quartermaster, Vancouver! Barracks, Wash. j KOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS Notice is hereby given that a special neeting of .the stockholders of the Portland, ' Oregon, Seacoast Railway Company will be held at the Comnanv'., ffice, 670 WorcesterBuilding, in the ty of Portland and State of Oregon, art 3 o'clock, on Saturday, the 26th day sf October, 1907, for the following pur poses: FIRST. To increase said Company's apital stock, now $500,000, to $1,100, 00, and when such increase of capital ia- approved by said meeting of stock holders to issue not more than 11,000 shares in all of $100 each for the first 100 miles of railway to be built and weed by it, apportioned as said meet ing of stockholders shall direct. SECOND. To ratify, confirm and ap jswe of contracts heretofore made under authority from said Company's Board of Directors for the sale of 100 miles f this Company's first mortgage five er cent bonds, and also of the deed of trust or mortgage securing payment of same to the holders of said bonds. THIRD. To ratify, confirm and ap prove in whole or in part of contracts, or any portion thereof made by said Board of Directors for the construction f this Company's first 100 miles of laKway, commencing at the Lewis and Clarke river, and at ClatsoD station Oregon; westerly therefrom and east ly to the Willamette river near to iiortiand, and FOURTH. To transact and consider whatever other business may be brought Miore saia meeting, of which notice Is hereby given to stockholders of said asawway company. (igd) H. HAWGOOD, of Los An geTea, Cab'fornia, President. UTiHSaas- Reid, of Portland, Oregon, Sec rotary of Portland Oregon Eeacoast - Railway. Company. 3Dat.il at. New. York, September 13, 1907., ASSESSOR'S NOTICE -EQUALIZA tioa of 1907 Assessment. To the Tax payers of Clatsop Countv, Oregon: Notice is hereby given that the Board : of Equalization for Clatsop County, Oregon, will convene at the Clerk's office (at the court house, in Astoria, on the 21st day of October, 1907, the same bein the third Monday in said month and the ' UNDERTAKERS. J. AJ GILBAUGII & CO., Undertakers and Embalmer. Experienced Lady Asuistant When Desired. I i I m 'S h Or tt. ii ,BV i'iiiaiiitaiie airrcfd on ili 'in-um of lU Uing . ..rahl... Emotional insanity .fcr, l0 tll(. ,.,llo,jonH( ,.,, tear, hate, love, 1Ul(J llint jf ,(, cause of the .liTangeiiiMit wa removed it might be cured. BowNl.y wiu the las! iln,,Su ,.( lay, and gave a clear account, to the J"'. ol the annual of l,U ..,.!..:.... I'ow he. had trie, to induce his wife to" sever her rclatioim with Jcnninga, final- y oiuerin her to leave her em,.!,,. ment and return home. In ...tie,i i ... , , 'i i lit auufs there. He told ho- l.e u.m.i.i Jcnninga m his uifc' eonipani. on the l".- oi ins Home, and how the deceased would avoid him. ,. ()ri(. t() Mm nn.ngs, Clm-e's mother, to induce her lo talk to hi wife, only t (lu u,(,.r WHEN YOU WANT PRICES THAT ARE RIGHT Write us, we're here for that purpose The Work We Do Anything in the electrical Business. Hell's Mouse Phones Inside wiring and Fixtures installed and kept in repair. we win oe glad to quote you prices. OUR PRICES WILL DO THE REST STEEL & EWART ' Pnon. Mala 3tli ! 429 Bond Street. No Students, No Cocaine, No Gaa. Chff ill time fixed by law for the meeting of. Calls Promptly AttendedDay said Board of Equalization, which will or Nitrht. ..... , " i1" i in wire, onu- if ( ,,.. conunue its. sessions from day to day, i Patton Bdjr. 12th and DuneSt8 U'ar.I that .he had only at tern, led to exclusive of Rnnrl ara anI larval nMA. nn I i.rvw.vr . , . . ... I in.lii.n .. ..... . . ' until the examination and correction Phone Main 2111 and equalization of the assessment rolls, : for said year shall be completed; which j WINES, LIQURS AND CIGARS, said Board will continue in session for i 2.n"'L'n: - -v-soo, one month from said date, unless the! frflOlfi i ftTC Pft Hall labors thereof are sooner completed. i x Petition. . ! 320 St.) ayyiiKaisiuua iur UIIC ,l epfMit,ioii between l.,,l,..n.l ' endeavoied to iind an other house to ,ove to hut could not secure one other in North liend or Marshfiehl nnd finally induced his wife to come to Astoria . that she wouhl "e away from the woman who were, he thought, helping along the rclatioim be- ,in , .. , . . ween i ii if ucceaseu and Mrs. Ilnu-luhv u , a particular assessment shall j Rooms for rent by the day, wee, or 'His testimony was not finished when be made in writing, verified by the oath ! month. Best rates in town. the court took an adjournment Before or the applicant or his attorney and! P. A. PETERSON, Prop, adjournment Judge McBride Humreste 1 ...vv, ... lllc jjoarj aurng tfle firgt HOTELS evening session, ,,ut Attorney Smith ii, ,,t y aw reqmrea to be in ses sion, and any petition or application not ' JJAnTliPDlI ttATrT so made, verified, and filed shall not be ! N UI 1 iHLHN I1U 1 ,L considered or acted unon bv the VtnrA. 1 MRS. J. COLLINS. Pron. T. S. CORNELIUS, i Steam Heat Baths. Nff and Modern, Assessor for Clatson Countv. Oreon. i unning water in every room. Rooms 10-6-Jf, stated, to the court, that counsel f,. i. defense would like to have tonight, to Iejmre a list ot instructions to the jurv, which thev will ask the Adjournment was then taken until this morning. REAL ESTATE WANTED. WANTED TO BUY HOUSE AND LOT in Astoria, Address "H. L." earn Aa. torian office. Give full particulars. LAUNDRIES. i i 75c, $1.00, $1.50. Suites by the week, $5 XKAASIJSNT SOLICITED. Eleventh and Duane Streets. Phone Main 3911 THOSE PLEATED BOSOM SHIRTS The kind known bv diessv men in the summer, are difficult articles to launder mceiy. Unless vou know inst hnw in do it, the front pleats won't iron down smooth, and the shirt front will look mussy. Our New Prena Trnner them without rolling or stretching. Try ii,. iroy i,aunary, Tenth and Duane, Phone Main 1991. A Most Worthy Article. When an article 'n d... n. I , " uu win ASTORIA, ORE. marke for years and gains friends every I Train ft I- a. . . . ai" can mis medicine a TTArtTnT nnnrnf 7 ne mcn u Ballard's Hore- HOTEL PORTTi A NT) ho"nd.. 8p-14 v cure, couhs I anrt ftll Pn nuinin. J . . I .. ....... j, u.ocuBea. or the oest Known merchants in Mobile, Ala., ays: "For five year, my family J,as not ucCn iroumea with the winter coughs We, owe this to Ballard's Horehound oyrup. x Know it has saved my chil uicu iiuni many BlcK Spells." We will forfeit tlOOO to anv ehar itable institution for anv Dentin who can compete with us in crown and i . . . unuge woik, or teem without plates. Pay no fancy fees ui.til you hive con sulted us. Our continued success in our many ollkes is due to the uni form blgh grsde work done by years of experienced operator. The prices quoted below are absolutely the bet opportunity to get your money's worth which has ever been offered. We use nothing but the best materials. xeit silver Filling! , 50c Platinum Fillinji $tj00 cold & Platinum Alloy FlUlaES.l1.a5 uom finings jj.00 to 13.00 S. S. White Lay on Crown I5.00 Gold Crowns, best aak., extra ti7y IS-oo Bridgework, per tooth, beat work.. $3 Best Rubber Plate, S. S. white teeth 8.oo Aluminum-lined Plate $10 to $13 A binding guarantee given with all wr.rk for 10 years. VEGETABLE VAPOR Used only by us for Painless Extrac tion'of teeth inc. Read What Mrs. Jessie Level Says. i naa iz tecin extracted by the use of Vcffetablfl Vannr. 1. Hnll.TAlv ..in. less the most pleasing effect and uigmy recommend tne method. Youra iruiy. MRS. JESSIE LEVEL. Lafayette, Oregon. NERVOUS PFOPT W And those afflicted with honrt ,ni, ness can have their teeth extracted ana tilled without the least pain whatever. Chicago Dental Parlors Northwest Cor. Commercial and nth. The lareest and hMt.eminni ren tal establishment in the Northwest. Seventeen offices in the United States. htiDY IN ATTENDANCE, See that vou ara tn tha rlirl.f nm Open Sunday, 9 to 2. TRANSPORTATION. The KM Une 111 miiaa fiiaiwimnai 11 til lm itr m Steamer - Lurline Night Boat for Portland and Way Landings. PAMENGER8. FRIIQHT. Leaves Astoria dally except Sunday at , 1 P- j Leaves Portland Daily except Sunday at j a. m. Quick Service Excellent Meals Good Berths. i 0 Landing Astoria Flavel Wharf. j Landing Portland Foot Taylor Si G. B. BLESSING, Agent. Phone Main 27S1. Finest Hotel in the Northwest PORTLAND, ORE. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JAPANESE G00DS. INEXPENSIVE! DENTISTS. pANADIAN PACIF.IC "EMPRESS" Line of the Atlanta $55 up, QUEBEC TO LIVERPnnr.. Strictly first-class in every respect. Lest than four divt at aea. JAMES FMLAYSON. Aoent. a ' . Astoria, Ore. . JAPANESE FIXINGS, MADE OF BAM BOO, LIGHT, STRONG. WAitn. MADE, TABLES, STANDS, CHAIRS, J. D. ROCKEFELLER JR.A JUROR NEW YORK. fW 11 t,.i. tv ti 1 , , ..w, vuouW! ' ... uijiiii u, IVOCKe- WHATPNOTS, BOOKCASES, SHELV- feI,f'r Jr- was sww" today as a member I De. vaughan, DENTIST Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon. TRANSPORTATION. Steamer TELEGRAPH The only Htmmiboat making a round trip DAILY S:?" b""" Portland an7itirti NO WAY POINTS ON SUNDAY Portland Unrfluff, Alder fitrct Dock AU3ria Undlntf, Callwudw Dock Leave Portland 7:00 a, m.: arrlva iun,i. i.m SUNDAY EXCURSIONS Leave Portland 8 a. m.j arrive Antorla 1 n m Leave Astoria 0. m.. arrfve Portland i p?mf PLUMBERS. I. flJify PLUMBER Heating Contractor. Tinner AND iSheet Iron Worker ALL WORK GUARANTEED 425 Bond Street ING, ETC YoRohama Bazaar 825 Commercial St., Astoria. of the ffrand jury of the court nt DR. W. C. LOGAN DENTIST Commercial St. Shanahan OSTEOPATHS. STENOGRAPHERS. DRRH0DA C. HICKS OSTEOPATH It comes put up in a. collapsible tube with a nozzle .easv to nrmU f t, LEN0RA E. BEN0IT, iZ. f?r ftDy tom of . Mt' BUL Black Public Stemwraoher. Mi" " TTT, ucf reiieve Ht.. Astoria, Or. r.i-i. ofloi K... """"'"K-. -wan zan .wuwl. ouommerciarst. rue emedy. price 60 cU crr.t Dictation called! for. "Sold bv Frlr t, " Z .."r1' lur", TO cent - " "vw. mvuiu, ueuverea by e&rrier. p ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW JOHN C. McCUE. Attornby-at-Law. Deputy District Attorney Page Building, Suite 4.. HOWARD M. tlROWNILL, Attorney-at-Law. Office with Jir. j. a. at No. 4ao ' - sm st, Attom-