FRIDAY, OCTOBER n, 1907. THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. S mmmmmmmmmmmttmmtm n nn ra "1 A L u r. his Is orced Sale, I mmmmmmmmmm sz 1 nn 1 1 fl in wan f to Oef Info the lame For There's Some Mysterious Magic in the Words SreOAL SAO 4 Some at One-Half Some at One-Third and Some at One-Fourth off Regular Prices. Our Great Annual Summer Clearance Sale commences to-day. The balance of all our stocks of summer: goods has been marked down to good-by prices. You know that our policy has always been to carry no goods over from one season to another. We do this for three reasons. First: It keeps our stock free from old and shopworn goods. Second: It gives us ready cash to buy more goods with. Third: It pleases our customers to get such great bargains as our Annual Clearance Sales always put within their grasp. A pleased customer is a merchant's best advertisement. Do you want some hints as to what to expect when the doors of our establish ment open at 8 o'clock this morning? Here are a few: - Men's Suits A high clisi line in up-to-date Styles and the latest patterns. $25.00 Suits $16.50 J3.5U 11.50 10.00 8.50 8.00 7.50 20.00 17.00 15.00 13.50 12.50 11.00 Men s Pants This sale combines our entire stock bought by us far below cost and sold in the same proportion, as follows: $1.50 Pants $3.35 4.00 Pants . 2.95 3.50 Pants ' 2.55 .3.00 Pants 2.15 2.75 Pants 2.05 2.50 Pants 1.65 2.00 Pants 1.45 Hats 1 No need to pay more than our prices, and the assortments are unmatched. $4.00 Hats . ." $3.00 3.00 Hats.. ...... 2.25 2.50 Hats 1.75 2.00 Hats 1.45 1.75 Hats . 95 Men's Sweaters The kind that keeps you warm. $5.00 Sweaters .'. $3.50 3.00 Sweaters 2.40 2.50 Sweaters 2.00' 2.00 Sweaters 1.50 1.25 Sweaters 75 Special men's heavy Black, Blue and Oxford $2.50 Sweaters 1.35 Cravanette Rain Coats The up-to-date and stylish kind. $20.00 for ... $14.50 15.00 for 11.00 Rubber Boots A big discount in this department. $6.00 Boots for $5.00 4.50 " . ..... 3.75 3.75 " . 3.15 3.50 " .-. 2.75 2.50 " 2.10 Men's Overcoats will Here's an assortment which please you. Just a hint or two. $20.00 Overcoats $14.50 17.50 " 13.00 15.00 " 11.00 12.50 u :. 7.50 10.00 6.50 Men's Underwear $3.00 Suits.........;.::.... ' :...!.:..n.$2.25 2.50 . f ..,.......!..... . 2.00 2.00 " 1.50 1.00 " .75 Men's Sox ' Men's 25c Casimere Sox for 15c per pair, 7 pairs.....; $1.00 Oil Coats $3.00 Coats for.. 2.25 " .. 2.00 .c J. ...$2.35 ........... 2.00 1.75 It Black Oil Coats $2.50 Coats for....... 2.25 ? " ....... $2.10 1.85 lO to 20 PER CENT OFF ON EVERY SHOE IN THE HOUSE THE WORKWOMEN'S Jj Chas. Larson Proprietor. 518 BOND STREET STORE , , Formerly 557 Commercial Street UAAAMM44tmtfff ffTf TTf TTTTTTTTTTT 1 TTT T W wmwwwwwwwwmwmw .................. IT Fisher Bros. Company Sole Agents for Barbour's and Finlayson's Salmon Twine and Netting' I Hardware, Iron, Steel and Ship chand lery. Pipe and Pipe Fittings, Brass Goods, Paints, Oils, Glass & Hardwood A Complete Line of Fishing Gannery Logger and Mill Supplies Fisher Bros. Go. 64450 Bond Street '1 ' Astorlo - - Orgon Sherman Transfer Co. HENRY SHER MAN, Manager Hacks, Carriage Baggage Checked and Transferred Truck mnd Furnitur Wagons Pianoa Moyed, Boxed and Shipped. 433CoaaimiaJ Strwt. 'ZWU ', "I'C. T. , Pioiw us IS NOTABLE SPEECH Delivered by Member on the Irish Question. NO NECESSITY OF SINN FEIN Samuel Young of East Cavan Declares in Place of Disintegration That Ireland Wants Consolidation Too Many Or ganizations. ' DUBLIN, Oct. 10. Considerable at tention is being paid in nationalist cir cles iu Ulster to a speech addressed to his constitutcnts iu Hast Cavan by SSamuol Young, M. 'P. i Mr. Young said they had too many organizations in Ireland. There was no necessity for Sinn Fein. It was impos sible that they should shut themselves out from England. The nationalist party had not been & failure. They had secured the best land laws In the world for tha Irish, tenants. He thought the Irish counsel bill had been offered in good faith and should have been accept ed. Ha did not think Ireland could a suocead by riolonoa In word 01 action. She wm too weak. Ireland va only like a, little dog in the preeenoa of a mastiff. He though! thay ahoxJJ too- oaed beat by ooaciliatlon to tha extant eren of differentiating between the king and those who hitherto had refused their olaims. England waa too powerful o be intimated by bluster, and would not submit to be bullied He thought also that nationalist should welcome assist ance from any quarter. There ehould be a clear definition of what they wanted. There were not a few in England and Ireland! who would! assert that they wanted separation. That was that they wanted their own king, their own army and navy, their own customs and excise. That surely would be madness, and must operate against them, The fact was they wanted a greater union with the people of Great Britain, who had had a long trial at the government of this country; and had sadly failed They wanted a parliament in Ireland with dekgated authority, to manage all pure ly Irish affairs which they had the ability and the disposition to under take. They did not want so much sepa ration as had been granted to Canada or the Australian colonies. They wanted the king of England to be their king, the army and navy to be their army and navy and to contribute their full share of meu to the foives; and they wanted the excise and customs to obtain' alike over, the three kingdoms. They wanted such a division of labor as might relieve the imperial chamber of much work it was now unfit to cope with. In place of disintegration, they wanted consolidation. If these, their de sires, were conceded, . he could see no reason why they should not glory in Uriti.-h arms and in everything that pertained to the greatness of that em pire of which, under happier auspices, they should form a part. BUSINESS DIRECTORY RESTAURANTS. Tokio Restaurant 631 Bond Street, Opposite Ross Higgins & Co Rrst-GIass Meals. CoffM with Pie or Cake 10c Regular Metis 15c, Bp First Class Meal 15c Coffee with Pie, Cake or Dough nutsOcent U. 3. RESTAURANT 434 Bond Street WARD'S WISH BAI H NEVER CLOSE 539 Commercial St., ASTORIA, ORE. The only Turkish Baths, Rus sian Tub and ' Shower Baths First Class and Sanitary Night Accommodations All Modern Conveniences that are Modern FRANK F. WARD, Proprietor Phone Black 2253 Look for the Sign o Sidewalk FINANCIAL. First National Bank of Astoria, Ore ESTABLISHED 1880. Capital $100,000 . ft. A. BOWLBY, President. 'rfRANK PATTQN, CaaUer. a I fSTERSON, Vi-Preldant. I. W. QABNXft, Assistant Astoria Savings Bank Capital Paid In IM0.M9. Barpfas anl Undivided Profit 130,000 Tawiaaan a flTtTrt Fmssraaj laterest Paid on Time UepoaMa ElevtnUi and Dnana atnebh FOUR PIB (SUrr PEB ANNUM ASTORIA, OSfiGGO. Telephone 1681 Main. 399 Bond Street. OPEN DlY AND NIGHT THE ASTORIA RESTAURANT: 1 MANQ HING.Prop. The Finest 25o meal served in Astoria, Yonr Patronage Solscieed. ' Courteous Treatment to All. QAMKINSSASON ASTORIA, : OREGON. ; HMMMt4MIWWIMtHimMIHIIMIMMIIMMI . . . THE !:TRENTONi! First-Class Liquors and Cigars 1 602 Commercial Street. t X Corner Commercial and 14th. . Astoria, Oregon. MMIMMIIHKMntHHMIIIHtMMm ST 'ficT.tnflt 'M had written to Jon- IBowlsbyrmenlrsnJovwbjr tried tor '-jwrawnuea o page