I K Hi0witi PUBLISHES FULL ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORT ' - , . ' i' .' 'f: ' '' COVERSTHE MORNING FIELD ONTHE LOWER COLUMBIA ?S3 : : NO. 237v VOLUME LXIII. ASTORIA, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1907 PRICE FIVE CENTS GREAT NORTHERN MANAGER RETIRES - General Manager Ward Hands In Resignation at Meeting of Directors. tti rod nearly all the anarchists, Several of tlio latter, however, succeeded in es wiping while the flailing was in pro gress. TAKE THREE DESERTERS. OTHER CHANGES IN SIGHT Two Meetings of Klg Railroad 1)1 rectors, lo St. Paul and Stokehold ers lo Hew York Official Roster Contain Announcement of Changes, ST. PAUL, Oct. lo The (lis- patch says today that from a source of unquestionable reliability it is learned that General Manager Ward of the Great Northern today tendered his resignation. It is learned that at a meeting of the board of directors, which is be ing held at the Great Northern headquaitcrs here simultaneously with a stockholders meeting in New York, that other important changes in official roster will be made. No confirmation or denial of the statement of the above could be obtained at the Great Northern of- flice, but the information came in such a manner as to make confirma tiou almost unnecessary. After Being Questioned Are Handed Over to ConsuL TANGIER, Oct. lO.-Three German deserters from the French foreign legation, nt Casa Blanca, have been cap tiirel by Moroccan troop, attached to the command of General Bagdanl. They were taken before Sultan Abdul Aziz, at lUibnt, who Interrogated them and then handed tlu-in over to the German consul. Frightened by threats certain envoys of Mulue llaflg have handed over to the customs authorities at Mazagan, 44 cases of cartridge recently carried away, and which it was the intention to send to Morocco City. DISPATCHES BULL WITH KNIFE. Disgusted With Tameneis of Fight, he Slays Animal, HAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 10. The United States gunboat Yorktown, which was dupatched six months ago to Cen tral American waters, arrived here to day. 8 he brought no news of trouble between the republic. The officers and men on the vessel were well treated at the ports visited, and at Amapala they were guests of honor at a bull fight. The "port wait tame, and one of the sail- org finally rushed into the ring and killed the bull with his knife. ROAD SETTLES TROUBLE. MADE GOLD EAGLES IN PLENTY. Mints' Conage for September Announc ed as 16,904,606. WASHINGTON, Oct. 10. Tho total coinage at the United State mints in September aggregated 20,302,080 piece, valued at $0,1)04,000. Of this amount the largest item was in gold double eagles, cnglcg, half-eagles and quarter-' eagle, which were valued at $3,430,582. The silver clonage consisted of dimes, quarter and half-dollar and was valued at $1,34.1,021. The minor coinage was valued at $120,00.) and was composed principally of 12,000.000 pennies. For the Philippines government, !, 170,000 peso pieces and about 400,000 ccntnvopieces were also minted. HIGH PRICES CAUSE FAILURE. Difficulties Grew Out of Merger With the Pere Marquette. CINCINNATI, Oct. S.-Shareholders of the Cincinnati, Hamilton A. Dayton railroad by unanimous vote today rati fled the several agreements which have been worked out in the settlement of the troubles of the company growing out of the merger with the Pere Marquette and other lines. A total of 78,M7 shares were, voted at the meeting of which J nomas J. alh, secretary of tho com pany, held proxies for 77,340 shares. TAKE HALF OF A MILLION Italian Laborers Make and Im mense Gouge on the Burlington. STEAL RAILROAD'S FREIGHT Three Hundred Discharged For Whole sale Pillaging in Past Year on Bur lington Route Between Denver and Chicago Points. DENVER, Oct. 10. Over $500,000 worth of merchandise has been stolen on the Ilurlington road in transit be tween Chicago and Denver during the past year and 300 Italian laborers who pillaged freight cars have been dis charged, according to a report published in th Denver Times today. It Is said that secret service agents ferretted out a system by which the robberies were constantly committed, but failed to se cure evidence sufficient to convict any of the thieves. machine of which Harry Coe was chauf feur, are: IL M. Swanson, West Se attle, cut about the face and right side bruised j II. Stanley, West Seattle, side bruised and left hip wrenched; C. How- alt, West Seattle, face scratched and body bruied. The occupant of the other machine, driven by J, D. Lundley, escaped without injury. Both nutos were more or less damaged. MORE RIGHT TO THRONE. Holy Men at Fez Have Hammer Out for AbduL TANGIER, Oct. 10. The power of Mulai Haftg, who has been proclaimed Sultan in the South, has been greatly strengthened in that part of Morocco by the declaration of the Ultoraas, or Holy Men, at Fez, that he has more legal and moral right to the throne than Abdul. NO CUT FARES. NEGRO PUG ARRESTED. WILL NOT SEND FLEET. McY racken & Co., Commission Men of Pittsburg, Assign. (PITTSBURG, Oct. lO.-The famous wholesale commission house of McCrack en i Co., the largest in Pittsburg, went down today, being forced lo the wall by high prices of feed products as held tip by the middlemen. The firm made a voluntary assign mcnt in the United States court, show ing liabilities of $245,378.47, and assets of $100,200. A feature of the crash was that within one mile of the firm's place of business there are at least 000 acres of produce rotting, having been held at such high prices that conimis lon men cannot touch them. 1 ANARCHISTS CAUGHT IN TRAP. Odessa Police Raid Meeting and 53 Plot . ters Arrested Two Killed. t ODESSA, Oct. 10. (A strong detach- ment of police, mostly in plain clothes, liad a desperate fight with a large band ; of anarchists last night, resulting in the capture of 53 of the outlaws The police, having obtained informa tion that' the anarchists were holding a meeting in a certain house, surrounded it, and were preparing to break into the building when the anarchists discovered their presence and opened fire, killing the assistant chief of the secret police, "M Delflnsky, and wounding several plain clothes men. The police then made a rush for the building and a fierce hand- o-hand fight followed, during which a woman was killed and two men were mortally wounded, and the officers cnp- No Visit to Atlantic Porta During Ab sence of Battleships. BERLIN, Oct. 10. A semi-official de nial was published by tho Lokal Anzei- ger today of the statement mado in a Washington dispatch to the Ixmdon Daily Mail, to the effect that Germany intended to send a fleet under Admiral Iinee Henry of Prussia to visit the tlnntic ports of the United States when the American battleships sail for the Pacific Coast, as a mark of friendship for America. The rumor is defined by Uhe Lokal Anzeiger as "an invention de signed to cause a liostil feeling against Germany on the part of other interested countries." NO GRAIN CERTIFICATE DRAWN. HAMBURG, Oct. 10. The Interna tionnl European Committee, organized to draw up a grain certificate for American acceptance, today decided to adjourn the meeting of the committee, which had been called for the beginning of Octo ber at Hamburg. This action was taken 011 account of tho unfavorable prospects of the committee's proposition being ac cepted by the American shippers in the present position of the market. A con ference will be held later, either here or in jionuon. Gave Worthless Check About Two Years Ago. , WASHINGTON, Oct. 10,-Arthur Johnuon, the colored pugilist, who re cently defected Bob Fitzsimmons, was today arrested, when just about to board a train for San Francisco, on the charge of obtaining money under false pretencs. The complaintant was Thorn ton Williams of this city, who declared Johnson passed a worthless check on him two years ago. Johnson, when ar raigned declared he did not know the check was worthless. The case went over until tomorrow. ' Railroads Too Busy to Seek More Pas sengers. CHICAGO. Oct. 10.--After a thorough discussion it was the consensus of opin ion of the transportation officers at a meeting here today that it would be use less to put in effect the usual low round trip rate this winter and next spring fares, in an attempt to populate the trans-Mississippi territory. Inadequate facilities to handle the present business is the reason. CONFESSES TO DEATH THREATS Ohio Clerk Author of Attempt ed Dynamite Threats in Colorado. DETECTIVES THROW A DUMMY Package Thrown From Train Where Bigelow Wanted it, But Detectives Were in Hiding and Blackmailer Failed to Appear. COOK KILLS EMPLOYER. Shoots Him For Something Said to His Wife. ' FRESNO, Cal., Oct. 10. D. J. Ellis, manager of the Lacjae winery, near Reedley, was today shot dead by a man named Rollins. Rollins and his wife were cooking at the winery and from Rollin'g incorherent talk it is presumed the murder was the outgrowth of some thing said to the woman. The weapon used was a shotgun.' Rollins surrendered himself. WHEAT AGAIN SOARS. TUCKER MAY ESCAPE. WASHINGTON, Oct. 10.-Inspector- General Garlington, who went to the Philippines to investigate the charge made by Ms. Mary Logan Tucker, against her husband, Colonel W. F. Tucker, returned to Washington last I night. General Garlington spent five weeks in Manila and prepared a report which he left for Secretary to consider upon his arrival there. There is reason to believe that n'o action by the war de partment is recommended. New High Record Mark is Reached in Chicago. 'CHICAGO, Oct. 10. Wheat prices on the local exchange touched a new high record mark today, when May delivery sold up to 1111 and December option to 1088. Cold weather in Argentine was the chief reason for the fresh advance in prices. At the close December option showed a net gain for the day of lc. CLAIMS WIDE POWER. THREE INJURED IN COLLISION. MOB DRIVES OUT HINDUS. SPOKANE, Oct. 10. At Danville, Wash.; last night, an angry mob drove a small party of Hindus across the line into Canada, sending a shower of mis siles after them, A few shots were dis charged at the trespassers, but none was injured, it is believed. The Hindus had found shelter in a cabin at Danville following their escape from Canada. FRENCH SHIP'S CREW SAVED. LONDON, Oct. 10. All the 25 men of the ship Leon XIII, which is a French ship, went on the rocks of Spanish Point, County Clare, Ireland, on Tuesday night in a position that was very dan gerous and difficult for the live savers to reach.. By heroic efforts 13 men were got ashore yesterday and the rest were saved today. . Cars, Speeding Along the West Seattle Beach, Crash Together. SEATTLE, Oct. 10. Two automobiles speeding along the West Seattle beach this afternoon came together in collision at ttlie auto station midway between Alki point and Luna Park, with the re sult that three people were painfully in jured. Those hurt, all occupants of the DENVER, Oct. io Kemp V. Bigelow, who mailed the dynamite packages to Governor Buchtel and other prominent citizens of Denver, confessed today that he was also the author of several other letters mailed on August 29. A dummy package was made up and thrown off the train as directed in one of letters. Detectives were in hiding near the designated spot but no body appeared. Bigelow will be turned over to the federal authori ses and prosecuted on the charge of using the mails to defraud. who believe that he old days when nations sought to enrich themselves by taking away the wealth of others by force ought to pass, and are passing." BANKS GET MORE U. S. CASH. . NEW! YORK, Oct. 10 Some of the New York banks yesterday received ad vice from Washington of further allot mints of public money, while the United States Sub-Treasury, after a lapse of several days, again has resumed the placing of deposits in New York institu tions. This is in addition to those that have been made right along on account of their correspondents In the Interior. The understanding is that about $a 000,000 has been allotted throughout the country this weeTc. VWANT BIG SHIPS Df MERSEY. Dock Board Would Build Floating Stage 3,000 Feet Long at LlverpooL LONDON, Oct. 10,-The Liverpool correspondent of the Evening Newt says that, in order to retain the Cunard steamships and those of other companies that are dissatisfied with the present port accommodations, the Mersey dock board has decided to construct a float ing stage 2000 feet long. Ships will lie in 40 feet of water when. at this stage COLONEL BOYLE DIES. Well Known Newspaperman, Soldier and Lawyer Passes Away. NORTH YAKIMA, Oct. lO.-CoIonel John G. Bovle, soldier, lawyer and journalist, died here today, aged 62 years. Colonel Boyle was born in Ohio and served through the Civil War. After the close of the war he studied law. After being admitted to the bar he became assistant attorney-general of Texas. .He went to Seattle from Texas, becoming one of the editors of the Post. He was afterward editor of a paper, at Taeoma. At the time of his death he was manager of the Daily Republic of this city. ENGINEERS' STRIKE OFFSET. Insist on Europeans Obtaining Order.' From Him. PARIS, Och. 10. Special dispatches received here from Casa Blanca declare that the arrogant attitude and the ridic ulous pretensions o the Spanish com mander at Casa Blanca are again caus ing difficulties. The Spanish officer in sists that no European shall leave the city without ansorder signed by himself. Thig officer, according to the special correspondents, recently broke into the Union Club, at Casa Blanca, excluded the members and installed himself in the buildings. The members protested to the Spanish consul. It is charged also that the Spanish commander does not treat Geneml Drude with the respect due his greater rank. TO PAY MILLIONS FOR DOCKS, Board of Estimates Authorizes $10,000, 000 Stock Issue for Department NEW YORK, Oct. 10. At the meeting of the board of estimate yesterday, an issue of $10,000,000 of corporate stock was authorized for the department of docks and ferries. Most of this money is to be employed in the purchase of property between 28th and 36th streets; and between 57th and 61st streets, Brooklyn. Bird S. Coler, borough president, ob jected on the ground that the city was paying at the rate of $2 a foot, which he thought was too high a piece. The comptroller said that th? city was pay ing only at the Tate of $1.10 a foot. He considered it cheap at that price, as some of the property owners demand more than $2 a foot. PAY HIGH HONORS TO ROOT. Uncle Sam I'm gum swizzledl Tiying to drive this hog keepa me pretty busy. Mexico's Chamber of Deputies Convenes in Special Session. CITY OF MEXICO, Oct 10. Secretary Root was the recipient today, of the highest honors which can be granted to a foreign visitor at the City of Mexi co. He was present at a meeting of the chamber of deputies, convened especially to show the appreciation of, the law makers of this republic for the distingu ished guest of the nation. This evening a ball is in progress at the Jockey Club. The chamber of deputies is the legis lative body which corresponds to the United States house of representatives. The president of the council delivered a 1 speech welcoming Mr. Root In the name of the Legislature of Mexic6. Mr. Root in reply said: "I am doubly sensible of the high honor which you have conferred upon me by this audience to day.' I sincerely hope that my country may forever, in its attitude and con duct toward the people of Mexico, justi, f j.' your kindness. I am one of those Boston Marine Men Get More Pay and Shorter Hours of Labor. J ".'- -;v; BOSTON Mass, Oct. 10. There will be no strike of the Boston branch of the marine engineers, as all the companies, with the exception of the Baltimore and Philadelphia lines, have granted the de mands of the men, and these lines will probably do so as soon as they are reach ed at their home offices in Baltimore and Philadelphia The men -will receive increases in wages of from $10 to 15 a month, ac cording to the positions now hold, and also shorter hours in some cases. ' Americans are indifferent. Only One Company Accepts Terms-for Coaling Pacific Fleet 1 WASHINGTON, Oct. lO.-nOnly " one! American company, the American-Hawaiian Steamship Co., has accepted the Navy Department's offer to transport coal for the Atlantic battleship fleet, at 50 per cent ncrease over the rates offered by firms shipping it in foreign bottoms. This company has the steamer Virg inian of 12,000 tons capacitly and will receive $8 a ton for transporting thiol coal to Magdalena Bay, San Francisco, or Mare Island. GERMANY USES SAFETY RAZOR. Barbor Shop Patronage Falling off, Ac cording to Consul Hurst. WASHINGTON, Oct. 10. The safety razor is invading Germany, according to a refactures by Carl Bailey Hurst, the the American consul at Plauen, Ger many. The appearance of the safety razor, he says, 13 making a slow, but certain change in the habits of many men who have hitherto frequented bar ber shops. ' Young men especially, he reports, have adopted the new invention. INDICT LUMBERMEN. MINNEAPOLIS, Oct.' 10. As a re sult of the investigation of the so-called "Little Black Book," the federal grand jury today returned nineteen Indict ments against well-known lumbermen and officers of the Northwestern Lum bermen's lAssociation, chaging conspir acy to defraud by the use of the mails. The book plan was pursued by the lum bermen and other opponents of mail order houses and provided simply that the victims of the device were to be made to answer futile correspondence and send out innumerable catalogs, all with no result in trade. , ' , CHOLERA OUTBREAK. "v, TOKIO, Oct. 10. The cholera out break is growing to alarming proper-' tionj in Tokio. Nineteen new cases havet been reported yesterday.' , '" ' v rniiiiuiiiif!i'...LiLiijiill 111 nrfJJ "iMii liitrorTllii rrTitfhrrmTlifhtMifr'f'i11"